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White House is in the hands of a sociopathic megalomaniac, says Noam Chomsky
By Laura BONILLA NEW YORK©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Trump summarised in one truthful sentence.
I know it seems much longer, but check your calendar, it's only been four years.
Tell us something we don't know. The whole family needs to be thrown in jail, including the in-laws.
BINGO! And that's why the shattered economy, highest ever unemployment rate, and soon to be over 100K deaths lie directly at his feet...
Trump was given a pandemic response team, as well as a manual on what to do with a pandemic, training on how to deal with it in the changeover, and warnings that a pandemic could happen.
"No one knew" he claimed when it happened.
No Trumpy boy. Competent people knew. Competent people prepared you for it. You ignored it, because you're ignorant.
The leading cause of death in America right now is Donald J. Trump.
More dead than Vietnam and Korea combined.
Tokyo TT
The American hate parade is never ending
Tokyo TT, maybe that is the only fact that america have as property because they are poor minded people.
Chomsky is the very last person to call anyone crazy. Lol
This article is perfectly correct.
I didn’t know this guy was still around.
I can see he’s a brilliant man with whom I don’t agree on many things.
Then again, I’m not a partisan.
Noam Chomsky is American.
Some say that about the President.
I don’t agree with him on anything.
That has nothing to do with anything.
And some of them even actually even believe it when they say it! Which goes to show that we are definitely living in the nadir of modern civilization.
Noam Chomsky is a philosopher, linguist, historian and cognitive scientist. He holds the titles of Institute Professor at MIT and Laureate Professor at the university of Arizona. He wrote over 100 books, is one of the founders of cognitive science and influenced countless other intellectuals in all academic fields.
Donald Trump hosted The Apprentice.
I rest my case.
Not only Trump, take your pick.
Yaaawn, perhaps if you’re into the guy, sure I guess.
But he made a ton of money, properties all over the world, hit wife, private jet in a private helicopter as well as a presidency.
I rest my case
Admiring crooked businessmen over intellectuals (and actually voting for them!) is exactly the reason why there will be 100k deaths frim Covid-19 in America in the next few days.
Nadir of civilization indeed.
Only crazed partisans would describe Trump as ‘brilliant’. He’s sharp with a put-down and knows how to work a crowd, but clearly isn’t a ‘brilliant’ man. Many of his own supporters admit he can’t string two coherent sentences together, has zero grasp of detail and has the vocabulary of a child.
The point I’m making is non-partisans can accept that someone is brilliant without agreeing with them. I am sure I’d disagree with your still unnamed non-partisan historians who described the Bush 2 years as a success, but I’d need to read them first before knowing exactly what I’m disagreeing with.
How much of Chomsky have you read and on what points do you disagree with him?
Sociopathic megalomaniac, to say the least.
Duh......and water is wet!
Another But What About, well thanks for agreeing with it...
Another agreement....
You know, like Jeffry Epstein...
And thanks, I didn't know he hit his wife...poor Melania...
Smart idea...
I don’t admired foolish whacked Anarchists.
Or Trump hating liberals as not.
I read 4 of his books and there are just too many to talk about.
No one agreed.
No, but if you like the guy, great.
The United States of America has been under an undeclared state of emergency since November 8, 2016 (Another date that will live in infamy).
The damage done to the country, and to the world at large, will take decades to undo, if ever.
This sociopathic megalomaniac is a complete fraud.
Which ones? Are you sure you read 4 books by a person you dismiss as crazy? When did you realize he was crazy?
Don't worry Trump fans, Chomsky is so smart his criticisms will fly right over Trump's head so he won't be hurt a bit.
When someone says in public his father was born in Germany when the rest of the world knows he was born in USA is either a blatant liar, delusional, crazy, suffering from dementia or on drugs.
Andrew Franz
Are you quoting Chomsky or the parrot?
After reading the first book.
The funny thing is Trump doesn’t have to care one iota of Chomsky or what he thinks. Lol
Which one? So you concluded he was crazy after the first book and then read 3 more from this crazy person?
Please, do tell us what 4 books you "read" and what made you conclude Noam Chomsky was crazy after reading them.
Requiem for the American dream
And what exactly made you think he was crazy after reading that book? I thought his historical analysis was perfectly accurate (unless you have points to retort?) and the conclusions he draws from this analysis extremely insightful. Do you really love neoliberalism and enriching the 1% that much?
My personal opinion on how he shapes his political world views.
There are others that I respect more when it comes to intellect.
No, but I have my personal opinions and worldview, sorry, but Chomsky is just not for everyone. If you like and respect him, great, I don’t.
That's very vague. Please be more specific if you call someone "crazy". What exactly makes his worldview "crazy" in that book? And the other 3 you "read"?
For you, but that’s ok.
I have a fundamental problem with Anarchists
No, not "for me". Your answers are extremely vague when I'm asking you for very specific things. You call a man "crazy" and claim to have read his books. Prove it by explaining the thought process that made you believe that. Otherwise you have no credibility. Have you really read 4 of his books?
Noam Chomsky isn't really an anarchist, except in the eyes of the right-wing media that never read anything he's written. What exactly in "Requiem for the American dream" did he make you think he was an anarchist?
Seems like the daily lives of liberals.
That’s why Orange County is a jewel.
Which needs to be stomped out.
That’s ok if you think so.
Yup and yes, I have.
I disagree.
From reading his other books.
Then you must hate all those armed, violent, pro-Trump mobs terrorizing city halls and ordinary citizens...
Good for you...
No, they’re not even in the same low class as Antifa and BLM
No, they don’t, not one of them does.
Don't worry when one day a Democrat in 2024 or beyond gets the WH, the ND will triple, so hold on to your hats kids.
Chomsky has a way of exposing the horifying truth about the insidious role US governments have played with their military might propping up vicious dictators and sacrificing millions of "unworthy" lives in order to further America's hegemonic ambitions and selfish interests which batten on the systemic corruptions of global capitalism that must understandably make many people feel very uncomfortable. Since the benighted supporters of the orange penguin don't read serious books like those that Chomsky has written, his stature as a great American patriot who loves his country will forever elude them. Chomsky's legacy will have to stand for future generations of Americans. That's just the way of the world: you can't fix stupid.
Described as leftist but critical of China. That must do some people's heads in.
I'm a leftist and critical of China.
And America.
China is aggressive as hell. But America has killed WAY more people around the world in modern times.
Me too. I was thinking of other folk's heads. Mine is fine. Yours too, it seems.
America has killed WAY more people around the world in modern times.
A lot of those people were people you wouldn't want to invite to dinner, Strangerland.
Being as how America is by far the world's biggest aid donor, I'd say it has saved way more people around the world.
Iraqi civilians? Iraqis are some of the friendliest people I've ever met. Have you never talked to any, or are you basing this opinion purely on the sterotype of the Muslim infidel you have built up in your head?
In doing so would create anarchy, by the anarchist socialists.
they don’t have to, they advocate for assaulting a police officers and the people that do the attacks, you don’t know what they have.
Of course it would, because Democrats are the party of entitlements, always have an always will be in for the programs and regulations that they want and insist, of course they were triple that, that’s stupid to think otherwise.
And yet the two only presidents of the past 30 years that have successfully reduced USA's deficit are both Democrats. Clinton even managed to get it to a surplus. Isn't that fascinating?
I was asked a question and I answered, truthfully.
You would have no way of knowing that, none..
Covid? Off topic....
But I can say that and I did, that’s my personal opinion from reading his books and nothing will change that.
Yes and Americans do travel.
Just wait until the next Democrat gets into office and watch the value of Gold hit sky high.
No, it is not, but trying to abolish it is.
Thanks to China.
30 million is not exactly change change, that’s a lot! Lol
Taking it away is not supporting the people, which protected us from tyranny of a corrupted government.
And also increased entitlements, regulations, taxes and shrinking the private sector.
As well as other things....ahem...
30 million is a lot, you'd get props if it were 30,000, but 30 million, no cigar.
About to serve year 2.
And will reach the sun once a Democrat gets into the WH.
None of it don’t matter as we will be underwater in 100 years...
Its always nice to hear what Chomsk has to say on an issue. Its like everyone has their opinion, the news hosts, the politicians, the hacks, the celebs, etc. But when Chomsk gives his 2 cents, THAT is what people should listen to.