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Anticipating Trump, Palestinian Authority eager to crush militants

By Hossam Ezzedine

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Well it makes sense an ineffective and authoritarian government would seek the approval of their like in the White House.

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Nobody from the Palestinian Authority is quoted as being the source of any of these viewpoints.

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The PA eager to further collaborate with the Israeli occupiers?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Something they should have started years ago.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Well it makes sense an ineffective and authoritarian government 

It's either ineffective or authoritarian. Pick one - you can't have both.

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commanteerToday 11:53 am JST

Well it makes sense an ineffective and authoritarian government 

It's either ineffective or authoritarian. Pick one - you can't have both.

No, it can be extremely weak and also the only game in town, like Assad's forces before he fell.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The PA is not Hamas, but they are not willing to accept the existance of Israel either; so basically the same thing in different clothes. And the thread of a Hamas take-over like in Gaza is always there. The only way the situation could be conceivably solved is if the West Bank would be handed back to Jordan, so a real nation state is in control. Unsurprisingly, Jordan is not interested in that.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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