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Bye, bye Bibi: Is the game up for Israel's great survivor Netanyahu?
By Fiachra Gibbon and Benoit Finck JERUSALEM©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
If so why he still in power and untouchable?
Good article....more of a cockroach than a Houdini I think
Lock him up.
Hundreds of thousands calling for him to step down.
Desert Tortoise
The crowds in the street and his deep unpopularity won't bring Benjamin Netanyahu down. What *will*** **bring him down is an Israeli Supreme Court ruling earlier this week requiring the Netanyahu coalition to end subsidies of Yeshiva students and to end their exemption from mandatory military service. This will cause the orthodox members of his governing coalition to leave the coalition, leaving Mr. Netanyahu with a minority in the Israeli Parliament and probably forcing a snap election.
Good point Tortoise....but who will replace the "war cabinet ", post election. ?
the Israeli citizens may elect an even crazier Government.
Scary possibility.
The entire world would be labelled "anti semitic " as Israel drove of a cliff.
Where will they go?
Mr Kipling
Bibi is just a product of a cause that wants a state for one group of people and only that group of people. If this group of people were white, we would call it Nazism but as they are Jewish we call it Zionism and everyone is supposed to be fine with it. Any state founded on the principal of one group being advanced and advantaged above another should be outlawed in the modern age.
Much as I would like to see him go, I would hate to see him replaced by Ben Givr.
Desert Tortoise
Leaving the coalition will leave PM Netanyahu with fewer than a majority of the Israeli Parliament among his remaining coalition partners. At that point the PM could try to cobble together another coalition that comprised a majority of the members of Parliament or, failing that, a new election is called. Once the PM looses a majority he has a fixed time period (30 days ?) in which to form a new government or elections are called. The current members who leave the coalition are still members of Parliament, but their party is no longer part of the governing coalition. They can join the opposition (highly unlikely) or remain outside either group as sort of free agents/spoilers.
Desert Tortoise
Playing fast and loose with your history there bub. Zionism has its roots in the late 19th Century as a response to Polish and Russian pogroms. There was a desire for Jews to abandon Europe for what was then the Ottoman colony of Palestine which was in part the former land of ancient Israel. This immigration accelerated during and immediately after WWI when the Ottomans ceded Palestine to the British. The original concept of the Zionists was highly socialistic with people living and farming cooperatively in communes they called Kibbutz. The Arab population of Palestine was never ok with this however and there were bitter conflicts from the beginning including a large scale Arab uprising in the 1930s before WWII.
It is only since the 1967 war where Israel conquered the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza that a harsh authoritarian streak began to develop in Israel. While the current Israeli government in many ways resembles a fascist government, before the 1967 war Israel had more in common with a communist country with its shared ownership and communal farms than with the capitalist west. I have lived long enough to witness this transformation.
Love this guy.
Greatest leader in the world right now.
Israel is a tiny country that underwent one of the worst terrorist attacks in history, and Netanyahu, who is a war hero, is leading Israel to get back the hostages, eliminate the Hamas terrorists, and make sure that terrorist group does not do this again.
In the face of may countries with an antisemitic slant to their policies directed at Israel, Netanyahu has been unwavering in Israel's self-defense strategy.
Nobel Peace Prize for Netanyahu.
He has handed over the PM position to his coalition partner.
Netanyahu's party in the general election only received 23% of the vote.
Move to Gaza to support your Hamas heroes.
Let's go back to the establishment of Israel, when it was invaded by 5 Arab countries, but Israel managed to defeat them all.
And Judea and Samaria (West Bank) was occupied and annexed by Jordan. No objection to an Arab country occupying that land?
And in 1967 Israel again defeated 5 Arab countries, and took back its land in Judea and Samaria.
And since then Israel has been subject to constant terrorist attacks and war from multiple Arab countries bent on committing genocide.
No wonder Israel has a "harsh authoritarian streak" directed against terrorists. Like every other country in the world.
Thankfully, Netanyahu is an experienced war veteran and commander, and leader, and has a strategy and goal that Israel is close to accomplishing.
He is a demonic monster. A creature with a dark soul that deserves to be in prison for life for his horrific crimes.
Well, that's how millions of us feel about Hamas and what they did to all those innocent people.
Me too, but that bears zero relevance to my comment.
People opposed to the brutal shelling and bombing of Gaza civilian Arabs do not make them Hamas supporters or opposed to the existence of the Jewish nation and Israel.
But some will try to justify every action by the IDF and anyone who questions that is called anti-Semitic.
Many major countries are outraged by the IDF attacks on the aid cars which killed seven people. Biden said he was outraged.
Netanyahu is a zionist in a zionist government who believes there can be no peace solution. No two-state solution. Just more of the same.
Why is Netanyahu so disliked during this period of the Gaza war?
Ricky Kaminski13
The darkness lurks, and plays people like the puppets they have become by it.
Cockroaches now ay? There’s something very familiar to this sort of talk, something out of the deep, dark, depths of history reemerging. The fact that people spit this sort of talk and believe themselves to be a force of good in the world should serve as a poignant warning to all.
Yes folks, we are there again.
so where are we exactly Ricky ?
A place where politicians are sacred ?
It kind of does in a sense, you were talking about Demonic, that is how I feel about Hamas and their jihadist fighters.
Netanyahu declared with his National Law, "Israel is only for the Jews".
Yes, he said that.
Netanyahu is not interested in a democratic country and leaves out the 3 million non-Jews who live in Israel. He believes Israel is all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
But the 3 million non-Jews are not going anywhere.
The estimated number of Palestinians at the end of 2021 was about 7 million: 5.3 million in the State of Palestine (3.2 million in the West Bank and 2.1 million in the Gaza Strip), and 1.7 million in the 1948 territories.
7 million, the same as the Jewish population.
Netanyahu has no real answers or solutions.
US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minster Rishi Sunak will back Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu selling the milltary weaponry it requires.
Political expediency demands it, both are facing re-election.
Congress fully supports a foreign policy that maintains/pivots towards Israel.
There will be consequences, the lack of strong leadership in government, the decision making process will blow back.
US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minster Rishi Sunak are weak, both appease dictators, dithering, its shameful.
Pick and side. And live with it.
It is called known as decision making, taking responsibility.
Yeah, yeah, we know, so what about all the other Muslim that scream for the WESTERN WORLD to do something? Why won’t the MUSLIM nations take the lead or do something? They scream murder, atrocity and injustice all day long and yet, none of these countries are taking in their fellow brethren? Why? They all could take millions in, but they refuse and shove that responsibility to the west, why?
Ricky Kaminski13
WE aren’t anywhere mate.
You own your own words and actions, what you put out is all you.
Stop being demeaning. Not everyone knows.
The are millions of Palestinian refugees in other countries.
Those in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel do not want to leave.
Leaving is not the solution.
We all have Internet or access to it.
So why won’t the other Muslim nations do more, same religion and culture and values, they would definitely fit in more with them than with us.
There are many things in life we don’t want.
Then no one should complain
So what?
He also said, he wanted Israel to include "non-Jews with equal rights".
The law, among other things, describes the color of Israel's flag, the state emblem, the state anthem, the stae's language . . .
No, because they don't advocate for the destruction Israel, and in fact, they are permitted to protest because Israel is a democracy.
What about the civilians in Gaza who protest against Hamas? Wonder why we don't hear from those poor souls.
One wonders wha ....
Total Palestinian Refugees
Very little media allowed in Gaza ....very little anything actually.
But Gazan parents encouraged their kids to study and go to Uni.
Thats all gone now .
The game’s nearly up for him.
The quicker he’s booted out the better.
Israel’s declaration of independence recognizes the equality of all the country’s residents, Arabs included, but equality is not explicitly enshrined in Israel’s Basic Laws, the closest thing it has to a constitution. Some rights groups argue that dozens of laws indirectly or directly discriminate against Arabs.
I disagree
Ok, but that rant doesn’t answer won’t the call, air nations work on a solution and taking in many people as they can, they have the land for it, they have the money for it, they can do it, it’s not impossible, I understand all the excuses that the globalist tried to give us, but I really want to discuss why the other Arab nations will not take these people in , same culture, same religion, they fit in better with their own kind.
Palestinian Arabs are discriminated by laws in Lebanon, and Iraq for starters. Kuwait is among the many Arab nations that expelled Palestinian Arabs---450,000 of them.
And yet, 2.1 million Arabs choose to live in Israel.
What do those rights groups say about woman's, or LGBTQ's rights in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Gaza?
Israel should not be seen as the gold standard for handling terrorism. Israel terrorises Palestine. It was Israeli terrorism that created Fatah and Hamas as a reaction against terrorism.
I would like to ask if Jews who demonstrate against Israeli genocide are guilty of anti-semitism or are they anti-Zionist? There are many of them. It seems that Zionists love to confuse anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. Let's be clear about it. Being anti-Zionist does not make one anti-semitic.
Was Marek Edelman, one of the last survivors and leaders of the Warsaw uprising, anti-semitic or anti-Zionist when he expressed solidarity with other resistance fighters including Palestinians?
Then they don’t leave
I absolutely do have a solution, and I told you, and you would not give me any answer, just excuses or deflections.
When Netanyahu falls, Israel’s democracy will need new political realignments
I really want to discuss why Texas will not take in more Central Americans. Same culture, same religion, they fit in better with their own kind.
Your solution is unworkable. You want the Arabs to leave and go and live in other Arab countries.
And then gets massively attacked and he gets re-elected.
If they come in legally, and follow the process, why would we not?
They speak English in Latin America. I mean, I get the Christian component, but language..
BS! It is very workable.
If they don’t want to live side by side Israel peacefully in the Jewish nation then that might be the better solution for everyone.
Not all Arab cultures are the same and their practice of Islam is not all the same.
What need do you have for firearms if you are ready to docily accept what the powers that be decide for you?
Mr Kipling
The history is not the subject. The subject is a nation built on the concept of one group being privileged above others due to their race or heritage. Imagine the outcry if a country started building towns for whites and whites only? Roads that only whites could use? But because of something bad happened in history we give them a free pass?