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Harris and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on top issues in presidential race


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Only a crazy President would put another crazy person in charge of American's health.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Americans ought be in charge of their health, not some government clown

They are in charge of their own health.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If Trump wins, a dedicated anti-vaxxer and Covid skeptic, RFK Jr., will be in put in charge of US health policy

Absolute crackpot. You may as well put moron whisperer Alex Berenson in that position. Has RFK got rid of the brain worms yet?


(i.e., they will always vote for the democratic candidate, whether it’s Kamala or a chimpanzee) and because the anti–Trump rhetoric has only gotten worse over the last eight years… )

Oh wait! I think everyone knows tribalism exists on both sides. Trump is heading a cult at the moment.

But will he? Can he? He has been making some big promises. Questionable ones at that too

I think the walls closed in long ago on the idea of Trump keeping key promises. Building a wall, getting rid of the debt, great healthcare at a fraction of the cost…He has form scamming people. Has a lifetime doing it.

Still, all very close according to the polls. Saw footage of Trump looking very unsteady trying to get into the truck.

Not in good shape mentally or physically.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

(aka deep state)

You’ve gone all-in on this, eh?

Give us some WEF and elites.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

fxgaiToday  08:07 pm JST

crazy person in charge of American's health.

Americans ought be in charge of their health, not some government clown.

So I think you are starting from the wrong place there.

And you seem to be under the impression that every American has a medical degree.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Absolute crackpot. You may as well put moron whisperer Alex Berenson in that position. Has RFK got rid of the brain worms yet? 


How so? Harris has zero accomplishments of creating or implementing any laws or regulations where Americans can objectively say, that this woman knows what she is doing or that she is a competent leader and problem solver, that has never happened, quite the opposite, the woman is below average, cannot articulate herself particularly without a teleprompter. Now that's not just sad, it's pathetic.

Oh wait! I think everyone knows tribalism exists on both sides. Trump is heading a cult at the moment. 


I think the walls closed in long ago on the idea of Trump keeping key promises. Building a wall, getting rid of the debt, great healthcare at a fraction of the cost…He has form scamming people. Has a lifetime doing it. 

Far from it and it shows how once again liberals from across the pond have zero insights or know anything about our politics or this man. Trump couldn't keep many of his promises because he had to deal with a hostile House that wouldn't give him any funding, the wall is the biggest example. Healthcare was very hard to do for the Republicans because they are not the party of big government and entitlements, but Trump did get rid of that dreaded mandate, so if anything that was one of his best achievements in that regard. The debt was a hard issue as well and it couldn't have been done in one term to clean Obama's mess, you need two terms and something Trump could have started to take on, but COVID hit, we had an election, irregularities happened and we got Biden surprisingly.

Still, all very close according to the polls. Saw footage of Trump looking very unsteady trying to get into the truck. 

From someone who has a family member who is a truck driver, it is very difficult to get into a truck like that if you are not used to it, so even Trump mentioned how hard it is, so he had to be careful, I get it.

Not in good shape mentally or physically.

45 days with barely any sleep, running hands over fist where his own team can keep up with his schedule, neither Kamala nor Joe could ever sit and do three hours with Rogen, both lack the discipline to sit and just answer questions without their handlers waving don't ask this or that.


Biden for sure and Kamala, a walking gaffe machine that never ceases to amaze anyone, even her fellow liberals.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Harris and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on top issues in presidential race

I'm going to call out that title. There are significant differences on abortion, support for Ukraine and tariffs for example.

But Harris still is determined to tack to the 'center', showing deference to the neo-liberal consensus on the economy and even neo-cons on foreign policy.

If she loses, it will be because she made similar mistakes to Clinton in 2016.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Clinton failed to campaign in the battleground states and still received more votes than Trump.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

But Harris still is determined to tack to the 'center',

She hasn't done it before over the last 4 years, why would she do it now? Why? The woman is so full of BS.

showing deference to the neo-liberal consensus on the economy and even neo-cons on foreign policy. 

Well, that is where she completely loses, over 85% of Americans give Trump the edge when it comes to the economy.

Despite the weird formatting it is clear Harris has neo-liberal policies. That is why there is disatisfacation with the economy, for good reason.

Trump is worse, his trickle down benefited from the Obama economy and that was it.


Memories are short.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Like Biden, she wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and the corporate minimum tax to 21%. The current corporate rate is 21% and the corporate minimum, raised under the Inflation Reduction Act, is at 15% for companies making more than $1 billion a year. But Harris would not increase the capital gains tax as much as Biden had proposed on investors with more than $1 million in income.

We have had 4 long painful years of this. It is not working!

When Trump asks. Am I better off than what I was 4 years ago? Or even 2?

The answer is no. And I am not getting to take days off. I am in sales.

I have to work twice as hard and twice as smart to hit my objectives.

Interest rates are still way too high for those looking to buy a new car.

Inflation and the cost of living, food prices are still way to high.

Affordable childcare is nonexistent.

Trump will win. Becuase he is saying he will put more money back in our pockets.

But will he? Can he? He has been making some big promises. Questionable ones at that too.

He got my vote. But nervously.

Its always about the money.

If the cost of living goes down. Americans will buy houses and new cars and spend.

Overseas or back home.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yes, feebly tried to throw people out the backdoor of the system but they failed at that as usual.

And still Obamacare is a nightmare overall.

The debt was increasing under Dump even before Covid.

All Presidents accumulate debt, and yes, he spent a lot on the military since Obama allowed it to fall apart.

No bending the curve whatsoever. Tax cuts don't decrease the debt and that is the only button MAGAs will have.

And Biden as well, even worse, the new jobs report is another win for Trump.


They are also not dumb enough to do such a thing.

What do interviews??? So I guess they don't care about winning. Yeah, she does horribly with them

Let's see Dump complete a 60 minutes interview first.

He did one better, he did 3 hours with Rogen

0 ( +1 / -1 )

bass4funkToday 02:25 am JST

Yes, feebly tried to throw people out the backdoor of the system but they failed at that as usual.

And still Obamacare is a nightmare overall.

Yeah, such a nightmare everyone has it and will be coming for anyone trying to take it away from them.

The debt was increasing under Dump even before Covid.

All Presidents accumulate debt,

Yes, because they are not kings, including Dump V2.

and yes, he spent a lot on the military since Obama allowed it to fall apart.

Said no one ever. The only thing that impacted the military was sequestration because that is the ONLY way MAGAs will cut anything.

No bending the curve whatsoever. Tax cuts don't decrease the debt and that is the only button MAGAs will have.

And Biden as well, even worse, the new jobs report is another win for Trump.


So one month of a "win" of the jobs growth being down on top of years of success. Also clearly due to the hurricanes and strikes.

They are also not dumb enough to do such a thing.

What do interviews??? So I guess they don't care about winning. Yeah, she does horribly with them

Smart politicians know the press is not on their side. Dumb politicians spill all to Bob Woodward because he smiled at them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Harris and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on top issues in presidential race “—in the event of a Kamala win, the world would be on the brink of WWIII, with millions of people in the US (and the rest of the Western world) being negatively affected by socially destructive ideologies, rampant crime and a bad economy; Trump wants to give the US and the world security, normality and prosperity—it couldn’t be more different, I agree.

If she loses, it will be because she made similar mistakes to Clinton in 2016.

It was always going to be extremely difficult for Hillary to win that election because of who she is and what she represents; Donald Trump running against Hillary Clinton was (and still is) the perfect storm in American politics and Hillary still can’t get out of that storm

(whatever the outcome of the election, Hillary will "lose" and feel like a loser—she will hate to see Trump elected again, and would also be enveloped by negative feelings if she had to see Kamala (someone much less competent than her) become the first female President).

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

[ bass4funkToday  11:25 am JST

But Harris still is determined to tack to the 'center',

She hasn't done it before over the last 4 years, why would she do it now? Why? The woman is so full of BS.

showing deference to the neo-liberal consensus on the economy and even neo-cons on foreign policy. 

Well, that is where she completely loses, over 85% of Americans give Trump the edge when it comes to the economy.

If she loses, it will be because she made similar mistakes to Clinton in 2016.

Yes, which she is doing now, actually it is far worse. ]


( which brings me to an important detail I didn’t mention in my previous post—someone like Kamala (people always forget that no one voted for her) shouldn’t even be running for President, let alone be so close to Trump—the reason why she still has a chance to become president is because Democrats blindly follow their party (i.e., they will always vote for the democratic candidate, whether it’s Kamala or a chimpanzee) and because the anti–Trump rhetoric has only gotten worse over the last eight years… )

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

bass4funkToday 12:22 am JST

Healthcare was very hard to do for the Republicans because they are not the party of big government and entitlements, but Trump did get rid of that dreaded mandate, so if anything that was one of his best achievements in that regard.

Yes, feebly tried to throw people out the backdoor of the system but they failed at that as usual.

The debt was a hard issue as well and it couldn't have been done in one term to clean Obama's mess, you need two terms and something Trump could have started to take on, but COVID hit, we had an election, irregularities happened and we got Biden surprisingly.

The debt was increasing under Dump even before Covid. No bending the curve whatsoever. Tax cuts don't decrease the debt and that is the only button MAGAs will have.

neither Kamala nor Joe could ever sit and do three hours with Rogen, both lack the discipline to sit and just answer questions without their handlers waving don't ask this or that.

They are also not dumb enough to do such a thing. Let's see Dump complete a 60 minutes interview first.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Despite the weird formatting it is clear Harris has neo-liberal policies. That is why there is disatisfacation with the economy, for good reason. 


Trump is worse, his trickle down benefited from the Obama economy and that was it.

You are joking right? Obama created only government jobs, jobs for taxpayers, he didn’t create private sector jobs, jobs that spurn entrepreneurial growth.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

One common theme of Maga followers is that if you confront them with statements made by Trump, their responses are “ he never said that. “. As a group, they only get their news from right wing media. These gatekeepers have only one motive, and that is greed. Yes, greed conquers all

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Sorry, are these the top issues?!!!


I wish we foreign observers could get unbiased reporting….

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Forgot the second sentence: She could not think of anything.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The candidates have spelled out their ideas in speeches, advertisements and other venues.

Err really? Advertisements and speeches are usully pretty low in actual content on both sides, but what I have seen in interviews is that Trump has actually presented political stances, while all Harris seems to have is "I am middle class" and "Trump is bad". Where are the ideas?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Harris was asked if she can think of anything she would have done differently from the last three years of Biden (aka deep state) policies. So in the case that she gets the job, expect only of the same.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

But Harris still is determined to tack to the 'center',

She hasn't done it before over the last 4 years, why would she do it now? Why? The woman is so full of BS.

showing deference to the neo-liberal consensus on the economy and even neo-cons on foreign policy. 

Well, that is where she completely loses, over 85% of Americans give Trump the edge when it comes to the economy.

If she loses, it will be because she made similar mistakes to Clinton in 2016.

Yes, which she is doing now, actually it is far worse.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Clinton failed to campaign in the battleground states and still received more votes than Trump.

And still didn't win the EC, thank God for that!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

crazy person in charge of American's health.

Americans ought be in charge of their health, not some government clown.

So I think you are starting from the wrong place there.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Harris has neo-liberal policies

Price controls and taxes on unrealized capital gains aren’t very neoliberal and you can take it from me as I actually like that stuff.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

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