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‘Rollerball’ depicted a world in which corporations controlled all information: Is this dystopian vision becoming reality?

By Matthew Jordan

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If the films of Norman Jewison, who died on Jan 22, had a unifying theme, it was how his characters searched for meaning and questioned the rules of their worlds.

We need more works like this , like "Parasite" from South Korea.

In “Rollerball,” Jewison depicts a future in which corporate feudalism has replaced democratic nations, with entire sectors of the economy consolidated under single corporations. Instead of citizens governing themselves, subjects live in cities ruled by corporations that demand unwavering fealty.

Roller ball was exaggerating the characteristics of the dystopia because it is fiction but the reality is from Japan to the USA we have living under corporate neo-feudalism where workers earn a pittance, pay outrageous rents to owners, and have few routes to social mobility.

A half-century ago, Jewison warned that a corporate-owned world would threaten the democratic world.

It was already on the cusp of reality when Jewison crafted his works.

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But it’s necessary in order to prevent U.S. democracy from slipping into plutocracy.

That ship sailed long ago. The country is run by lobbyists and they are paid for by the rich. The people seem to like it that way and offer no dissent or resistance. Despairingly, they will even vote for a plutocrat as president. But still believe they are the greatest democracy in the world.

Democracy or Plutocracy? America’s Existential Question


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People become what they hate.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It was a great movie. It opens with Bach.

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