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Relocation of U.S. troops will test Hatoyama


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How much finacially does the presence of US troops in Okinawa contribute to the economy of the Okinawan people. Instead of infighting for political gains,why not hold a referendam on the subject.If the US troops are relocated to Guam the benifit will be for those living on Guam.So how much will the Okinawan economy suffer? Instead of waving the big stick, both the US and Japan,why not sit down and compromise for the benifit of all the Okinawan people.Surely there is a solution.

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Moving the mostly goonish GIs off the island will be a huge benefit to the island. Just like Cebu took off once the US military was kicked out for good. Who wants to go on a vacation to an island and see knuckleheads loitering around, smoking, drinking beer and starting fights? 1/3 of the GIs are criminals of some sort according to the Pentagon.

If Guam wants the bad boys, let them have them. Guam has nothing to lose and Okinawa has much to gain.

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Hatoyama has said he wants Japan’s relationship with the U.S.—a key trade partner and the Asian power’s strongest ally—to be more equal

Easily done. Ship a battalion of Japanese soldiers over to the states.

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What it really comes down to is that we have overstayed our welcome and we should ALL come home. As I have said many times before -"Japan is breeding a scab on it's nose and someone is going to knock it off and we should keep our skirts clean." Frankly, Okinawa has more clout with the people of Asia, than Japan.

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Isn't it interesting how neither sides of the US bases issue seem to vie for the proxy of the Okinawan people and their interests. Then again, the Okinawan people were so powerless that the Americans could put their bases on their Island in the first place.

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When the soldiers move out it will become hotel property. More resort areas. About Futenma I used to work there long time ago. It's perfect for an International Airport. More volumes a traffic for taiwain and hong kong and chinese businessmen. Don't worry Okinawaians will never see this money. it will all go to the hotel corporations. Okinawa could be another HAWAII if they do it right.

America is not finacially strong anymore, downsizing it's bases. It's very sad. I love okinawa. I had great times there.

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Hotel Property in the coming future !!! Maybe a future Hilton !!! But than again N. Korea will probably lob a couple of dummy missles off the coast. Then the okinawa people will likely say, " Wow !!! I miss the olden days ! "

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Hotel Property in the coming future !!! Maybe a future Hilton !!! But than again N. Korea will probably lob a couple of dummy missles off the coast. Then the okinawa people will likely say, " Wow !!! I miss the olden days ! "

Yes by all means, we DO NOT want the North Koreans to attacks [cough]

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I think the Okinawa people have suffered sufficiently -maybe it would be ok! for them to have their island back.

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minello7.. it contributes less than 5% to the Okinawan economy, but this isn't the reason for the military existence anywhere.. so isn't an issue.

Okinawan people have been the victim of the US and the "stepchild" status of Japan... and it's time it changes... this is truely Hatoyama's huge test, like healthcare is to Obama.


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Marion, you seem to keep changing your mind about whether bases should remain on Okinawa. When you feel patriotic, you want them to remain when you remember you are married to an Okinawan and want to feel "local" then you want the bases to be downsized.

Also, I think the "US overstayed it's welcome" when it killed (in collateral damage) 30% of Okinawas civilian population during the 82 day bombing campaign.


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Alphawolf I wrote a explanation, but it disappeared, but just remember I am nigh onto ninety years old and I fought with Corp in WWII and Vietnam and yes, I feel it is time for all of us to go home, but I will travel back to be part of my family and I suggest you read my book when it is published - It is called :The Angry American. Masahide Ota, the former governor and I have a lot of fishing to catch up with..............

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I will be looking for your book... and I like Masahide Ota's book: "Essay on Okinawa Problems" thanks


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Relocate the Marines to one of those dying empty business cities in Japan. Start with Iwate perfecture, there's nothing there but rice fields and farmers 80 years old and up. The Marines can even drop bombs and have artillary practice, no one is there to here it.

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