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The race to win the U.S. Democratic primary: Where does it stand?
By Elodie Cuzin WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Texas A&M Aggie
Among the unhinged democrat socialist contenders, the biggest winners will be those who do not get the nomination. I pity the fool who will ultimately face President Trump in the general election.
(1) Article title: “The race to win the Democratic primary ...”
(2) Article subsection title: “Who are the top contenders?”
”Former Vice President Joe Biden has so far dominated the Democratic field ...”
Joe Biden. Sometimes called just “Joe”. Check.
(3) Article subsection title: “What issues are they running on?”
Though not mentioned as a specific issue or campaign promise in the article, Mr. Biden’s promise to cure cancer - he said it, I didn’t - will come to the fore.
My moderated post:
”Off topic”
Your political analysis is about as cogent as the time stamp of your comment (1982). Actually Mr. T and Trump are both cartoon characters, that is true, who starred in the WWE.
Andrew Crisp
It doesn't matter who the final Democrat Candidate is, the current line up are all running on a similar agenda - higher taxes, wasting the taxpayer dollars, open borders, topped off with trying to turn America into a Socialist state.
It doesn't matter who the final Democrat Candidate is
Yep. Trump doesn't stand a chance against any of 'em!
Good grief. This photo from Getty Images doesn't include a decent shot of any of the Dem candidates, couldn't even get a decent photo of Tulsi, lol. Couldn't do much about Kamala Harris, she always looks like that, lol. By the way, who is that sandwiched between what's his name, Swalwell and Andrew Yang at the bottom left?
Heard an interesting take on the current poll numbers. The theory goes that Trump is doing so badly in the polls because so many people are embarrassed to admit that they will be voting for him. If true, it means that he will actually do much better in the election than the polls would seem to indicate.
Texas A&M Aggie
Three things:
-- polls do not accurately measure public opinion; they are taken to manipulate public opinion. What's more, the polls now being released are over sampled in favor of democrats. Undoubtedly, it is because pollsters call during the day; a time when layabout liberals are home killing time until their monthly welfare check and government cheese is delivered to their doorstep instead of being at work doing a job.
-- it is beyond ludicrous to take any national opinion poll seriously 500 days before the general election; especially when the democrat socialists have not even held their first primary debate.
-- Why would anyone in their right mind take the word of the majority of pollsters who got the 2016 general election so wrong.bass4funk
Ok, a nice attempt at comedy, but now seriously, what do the Dems have to offer besides socialism, robbing Paul to give to Peter or raising taxes what else do the Democrats have to offer? A sincere answer will do, but for some reason liberals can’t give me any.
Trump supporters here are like pull toys with the word ‘socialism’.
They also remind me of high school girls with the word ‘like’.
Poor range of vocabulary. They need to take a lead from the amazing, incredible, unbelievable Trump who has all the best words.
Can’t help it, we have an allergic reaction to the word.
It’s a part of the West Coast dialect.
Maybe ROFL!
If you have an allergy, you should try to cut down on using it. It’s almost like a nervous tic with you these days. It’s a pity his supporters don’t have an allergy to his trash.
I was told by my US coworker that only the poorly educated overuse ‘like’.
Trump likes the poorly educated. He said so but could have been lying.
I most definitely agree with that overall.
Andrew Topolski
It doesn't matter, the unhinged democrats are just extremist socialists coming off the back of Obama, probably the worst President in the last century, and the last 2 years of democrats and their fraud Russia nonsense, compared to the incumbent with one of the best economies ever among other successes, with undoing Obama at the top. Democrats have no chance, it really doesn't matter which of those 23 clowns the democrats put on the ballot.
They have a 2-point platform:
1) Free stuff
2) Orange man baaaad
You might find that laughable, but don´t forget they have the mainstream propaganda media on their side, and there is still a huge audience for the brainwash that produces 24/7. (As you can see here regularly).
You guys won with:
1) Health care evil
2) Black man baaaaaaaad prez
It was a winning strategy! We're just playing your game against you now.
Who needs policies? The Democrats can just campaign on undoing everything Trump did.
Texas A&M Aggie
The upcoming general election is a binary one: The referendum will be Capitalism vs. Socialism/Communism.
The democrats have painted themselves into an interesting corner. If they lose in their bid to "fundamentally change America" next year, it will take them decades -- if ever -- to be trusted enough by American voters to successfully regain the White House again. The world will see which way we go in about 500 days.
That’s the scary thing about the state of the Democrat party today. They openly espouse the very ideology the United States spent nearly half a century and a Cold War to defeat.
There is no way Biden will win the Democrats nomination. First off he is a white man. The Dems have no tolerance for that intersection of demographic attributes. The Marxist notion of intersectionality is too deeply engrained among the base of the party. Once the Socialist candidates get whittled down the one or two that remain will overwhelm Biden’s supporters.
Although I believe in the American constitution and am therefore a conservative I could not in good conscience support Trump in 2016. That will of necessity change if any of the current clown car full of socialists stand any chance at all of being elected president.
Contrary, the scary thing about the Republican party is that you are trying to remove the personal freedoms and rights that the United States spent half a century fighting for.
Heh, another Pub pretending like the the minority extremists in the democratic party have the same influence the majority extremists do in the Republican party.
The theory goes that Trump is doing so badly in the polls because so many people are embarrassed to admit that they will be voting for him
They're not embarrassed to admit they will be voting for him, they want to avoid being attacked and harrassed by angry Trump haters.
There is no way Biden will win the Democrats nomination. First off he is a white man
Well, that eliminates #2 Comrade Bernie too. Looks like Kamala or, no, wait, Buttigieg! There's no way Buttigieg can lose to Trump!