As Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex) announced last week that he was running for president, his Virginia audience cheered. He dropped applause line after applause line on some 10,000 students at Liberty University, which bills itself as the largest Christian university in the world.
Cruz riffed, unimaginatively, on an "imagine" theme, asking the young audience to "imagine a president" who would repeal Obamacare and perform other feats. There was applause throughout. But one line prompted the students to erupt into a roaring, 30-second, standing ovation:
"Instead of a president who boycotts Prime Minister Netanyahu, imagine a president who stands unapologetically with the nation of Israel."
It brought down the house.
There can be little doubt. Evangelical Christian voters, a key component of the Republican Party base, are wild about Israel. They are also furious about what they see as President Barack Obama's rough treatment of the current custodian of the Holy Land, Netanyahu. This fervent evangelical support for Israel could help a GOP candidate seize the Republican Party's presidential nomination - and then capture the White House.
Among conservative Republicans, according to a July 2014 Pew Research poll, 77 percent back Israel, while only 4 percent favor the Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Among all Republicans and voters who lean Republican, 78 percent of white evangelical Protestants sympathize with Israel, compared again to just 4 percent who side with the Palestinians.
Evangelicals have a clear passion for Israel - a passion that may even exceed that of American Jews.
Consider: Forty-six percent of white evangelicals believe that Washington is not supportive enough of Israel, according to an October 2013 Pew Research poll. Only 31 percent of America's Jews feel the same way.
The animating force behind Christian passion for Israel can be found in the Bible. Eighty-two percent of white evangelicals believe Israel was given to the Jews by God. Among Jews, only 40 percent find a divine hand behind a Jewish Israel.
Many evangelicals firmly believe biblical prophecy that Israel's existence is necessary to set the stage for the return of Jesus Christ.
Evangelicals might also view Israel as a reliable steward of the Holy Land. Israel has maintained many Christian sites and keeps the areas accessible to visitors. Should Islamic extremists - such as Islamic State, which is busy destroying historical artifacts - ever seize control of a Palestinian state, results for sacred Christian sites could be catastrophic.
But support on the American right for Israel may also have to do with an attitude toward Islam informed by national security concerns. Pew found in a June 2014 survey that 72 percent of those describing themselves as "steadfast conservatives" believe the Islamic religion is "more likely than others to encourage violence," compared to just 13 percent of liberals.
Traditionally, backing for Israel has been viewed as a lure for Jewish votes. That will still be true during the 2016 presidential cycle, particularly in the general election. This has long bolstered the Democratic Party, however. With Republican candidates advocating strong support for Israel, they could cause many Jewish voters to defect to the GOP, and undermine the Democratic nominee.
Jewish voters in Florida, which Obama won in 2012, counted for 5 percent of the state's vote. Given the extreme tightness of the presidential contests there, a shift of Jewish voters to the Republican camp could turn the state from blue to red - and possibly deliver its Electoral College votes, too.
Jewish voters in swing states like Virginia, Pennsylvania, and to a lesser extent, Ohio could also have an impact. But more than half of all Jews in the United States live in New York, California and New Jersey, states that are solidly in the Democratic camp. The importance of the Jewish vote is lower than it used to be when those states were in play for Republicans.
Jewish donors are another matter. In a 2009 survey, the Pew Research Center found that 46 percent of Jews earn more than $100,000 a year, the highest of any religious group. When you see Republicans embracing Israel with both arms, it could in part be a form of outreach for contributions. Prospective Republican candidates are already vying for the support of one particularly wealthy and generous Jewish donor in what has become known as "The Sheldon Adelson Primary."
But money is only important in politics if it helps turn out voters. And with nearly half of Republicans describing themselves as "highly religious" - compared to only 19 percent of Democrats - GOP presidential primary candidates must pass the hat for votes in the pews.
Turning out the base remains critical to the general election. As Obama proved in both his presidential races.
Obama confounded the conventional wisdom, particularly in 2012, by running an unabashedly liberal campaign instead of making the supposedly mandatory tack to the middle. He did this by "community organizing" on a massive scale, running a relentless political machine that identified Democratic base voters and drew them in flocks to the polls.
To replicate this in the 2016 general election, Republicans will need to motivate their conservative Christian base. And an extremely effective way to do this will be to talk up support for Israel.
If relations with Israel continue to deteriorate and Obama moves to "re-assess" Washington's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian question, the importance of Israel as an election issue to those with an emotional attachment to the nation will only grow.
And a Republican could ride that wave of emotion straight to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.
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All aboard the crazy train! First stop! Israel!
Second stop, the bank, for those campaign funds. With all the money we give Israel, something like a million a day, I wonder how much of it goes back to the US in campaign funds?
Third stop, the Pentagon.
Bingo. The Evangelical's support for Israel is rooted in ignorence and bigotry. Even Jews in America are not as worried about the U.S. relationship with Israel as these "social consevatives" are. Probably because they get "news" from talking heads to just keep beating up the whole Islamic religion because it gets ratings -- I mean how many times in an hour can you say "Islamic terrorism". But, then again, these are the same folks who believed Iraq was connected to 9/11.
And I have one more "imagine" for Ted Cruz: "Imagine a country where someone could win the Republican nomination by not stirring up fear and anger in the base and appeal to the best of what we are as a country, not simply attempt to divide us."
American Evangelical Christians simply want to use Israel to fulfill what they view Biblical prophecy. They have no fondness for Jews themselves. Google "can Jews enter heaven" for some very frightening confirmation of this.
So now you speak for the entire Jewish community? Many Far-left liberal Jews might think like that, but the majority DO have a serious concern.
No, if the radical Islamists wouldn't go around doing what they are doing, they wouldn't make headlines for themselves or are you saying the media should just ignore it because we just don't want to offend the Muslim community, but let's bag on the religious Evangelical's because even though they are not burning down the ME and beheading people and raping Children and crucifying people, they pose a greater threat. LMAO You guys....
Really??? Ok, how many times libs can invoke RACE, BUSH, CHENEY, WMD? Yes, how many times in an hour can you libs say these three words? You guys just can't help being politically partisan, it's in you blood.
For a few religious Westboro Church moonbeams, Yes. But the majority of normal Christians, No. If that were true, Israel REALLY wouldn't have ANY friends.
bass -- no, I am simply re-stating what was in the article. Or maybe you missed that part, or did not comprehend it:
Classic right-wing nonsense -- everything is either black or white. No, the media should not ignore the horrendous deeds of a small minority of Islamists, but, neither should it use it without any balance. Just like it would be wrong to blame every Christian in the U.S. when some hate-monger does something equally heinous. And, yes, there should be some concern about "offending the Muslim community". In case you missed it, there are estimated to be 2.2 billion Christians worldwise, and 1.6 billion Muslims. Don't you think it is better to find some common ground with these folks, rather than simply demonize them all? That makes me LMAO.
Okay, to be fair, one was an acronym.
That doesn't mean by a long shot that Either conservative or liberal Americans are Evangelicals and feel like that. How about the Catholics or Protestants and so on? This poll is a bit more one-sided on this particular issue.
True, compared to Left ideologue Indecisiveness, confused an waffling.
No, the media should not ignore the horrendous deeds of a small minority of Islamists, but, neither should it use it without any balance. Just like it would be wrong to blame every Christian in the U.S. when some hate-monger does something equally heinous.
True! And Everyone is blaming the Radical Islamists, so what's the problem with that?
But it's ok to insult the Christian or Jewish community, right?
That's a lot on both sides.
That's all in the left's delusional cerebral cortex. America and the world does NOT have a problem with moderate and mainstream Muslims, that was never the issue. We were always talking about radical Islam and the crazy Islamists. Stop twisting the issue. But I do hope you speak out against Christian hatred as well.
Considering they pretty much ruined the world, as many times as necessary. "Lest we forget".
And I'm doing the same thing and in 588 more days, you can expect to hear more anger brewing of what this Charlatan in the White House put us all through and yes, the same applies: "Lest we forget."
It is odd how conservatives in the US traditionally used to be associated with nationalism and national pride, and now they are tripping all over themselves to outsource their nation's interests to a foreign country - and furthermore, condemn those who are wary of doing so!
Israel is an authoritarian apartheid state.
Evangelicals see Jews in Israel as their first line of defense
Well the Dems have always led and played the role model for that.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
They're hoping to jumpstart the Second Coming by touching off a big war in that area. That's what this is all about. The sooner we get Armageddon, the sooner we get Jesus back to burn those liberals in the fiery lake. Same general motivation behind it as their loony counterparts in the IS. They should all just fight each other inside a concrete dome and leave the rest of the world to the rational people.
But if you read the Bible carefully, after Jesus "Israel" is not used to refer to a physical or politically-drawn place, but it means "all believers," and a new Jerusalem exists in Heaven.
Fighting over a physical place through political/military means is not how St. Paul talks about Israel. i wish more Christians knew that.
'Evangelicals have a clear passion for Israel expressed as a mad desire for religious war. The importance of Israel as an election issue to those with irrational emotional issues defines the GOP-Tea's complete lack of humanity and compassion.' - edited
The GOP-Tea treats the Palestinian as a third class citizen. For the religiously deranged, the people of Palestinian heritage are an enemy; men, women, children, all human beings, all enemies, because of their religion in their own land. And this is the Evangelical GOP-Tea's promise to the State if Israel, to serve her as they pretend to serve Americans.
This is the party that wants a religiously based government and religiously defined rights. The reader need only consider the GOP-Tea's Indiana Governor's legalization of discrimination to understand where the Evangelical GOP-Tea plans to place their bible boot and on who's neck.
For most of these voters, and nearly all in the GOP-Tea, the Palestinian isn't human. The Palestinian is a non-entity, a non-person. The Evangelical laps up every word of their Messiah Teddy Cruz, cheers for the camera on cue and hasn't the slightest care for the children of the Palestinian. The Neo-Con has adopted the Evangelical and given them another War to crave.
The Evangelical prays Messiah Teddy will bring them war in Jerusalem. The Evangelical prays the children of the Palestinian will be slaughtered in a religious war that will bring a scorched earth and a glass crater to the Temple Mount.
This is the Evangelical's political power, fueled with hatred for the Palestinian. This Evangelical's pray for this in their "church". This is Evangelical's desire for America's foreign policy and the expenditure of billions on foreign wars. There is little doubt of this since they chant this mantra into the halls of Congress at the request of the GOP-Tea loudly and often.
These are the wise men of the GOP-Tea following their stars to Jerusalem and slaughtering as they go. Oblivion is the legacy they long for and will drag America into that hell, again.
bass -- you really do make me laugh. Especially when all you chicken-hawks, who refused to "step forward" (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc.) all want to be so "decisive", because it is not your blood you are talking about spilling. Lot's of saber rattling -- being decisive -- but no real taste for the actual dirty part.
Where is your evidence of this?
So what about when the Palestinians hurl Qassam rockets, send in suicide bombers, will NOT recognize the Israeli Jewish state, Hamas vowing to destroy Israel and using Islam as a means to justify their actions towards the Jews. Are they not as well deranged? So you are saying that Israel should pack up and leave just because it's the radical Islamic thing to do?
Where is your proof of that?
Where is your proof that they verbally said that and have these sentiments?
They all feel like that, so where is your proof?
So now you are totally gone off the range with that ludicrous comment.
Hatred for TERRORISM, exactly, YES!
We need verifiable proof.
Once you can prove that every Evangelical or Christian believe that, you might have a point, if not, you are just bloviating and just showing us your own personal dissatisfaction with the GOP.
So what about the blood Obama spilled in Afghanistan? What about in Benghazi or when the Kurds and the Yazidis asked for our help and Obama refused to pretty much do anything about it. Aren't you not as equally outraged? Or do you want to be partisan because we're talking about his majesty?
"The animating force behind Christian passion for Israel can be found in the Bible." article proof
The Evangelical's man in the sky tells them some fantastic tale about a real estate transaction and they are ready to kill Palestinians as their proof of deed. So much for proof. So much for religion.
Another proof:
"What Pew did was dishonestly compare a highly religious group with biblical literalism to a group that had nothing in common except ethnicity."
Of course, the reader must find his own proofs. The Evangelical is stuck believing whatever supports their fear mongering and collection plate rattling. No one blames them. Evangelicals love money as much as the next believer in creation tales. And, apparently, they are ready to slaughter as many Palestinians as necessary to make Israel happy. Oddly, some openly cheer that prospect here.
To each his own, but, the American voter isn't interested in man in the sky slaughter houses and deeds to land issued by the invisible. And that's all the Evangelicals have to offer. Comical.
Black Sabbath
Well, if it means anything, Jews in Israel and in America think Christian ZIonists are dangerous idiots.
"The animating force behind Christian passion for Israel can be found in the Bible." article proof
First of all, NO one is killing the Palestinians unless they are trying to kill the Israelis first. If they leave them alone, you wouldn't hear anything about them being killed. Also there are NO Christian flying over in droves killing the Palestinians.
Another proof:
"What Pew did was dishonestly compare a highly religious group with biblical literalism to a group that had nothing in common except ethnicity."
Again, where is a proof that is indeed what every Evangelical wants the demise of every Palestinian. Come on...LOL.
Well, NO. I think your generalizing. I know many Evangelicals, many and I have NEVER heard of such a thing. I hear more about how many of them are afraid of this president and can't wait until his term comes to an end and that is the real concern and threat to Evangelicals from what I heard.
"I know many Evangelicals, . . . I hear more about how many of them are afraid of this president" - comments
Another proof: The GOP-Tea has picked their magic carpet ride to the White House; People frightened of the black man and throw in frightened bible thumpers. Terrified, Racist, Islamophobes; It's like Christmas for the GOP-Tea!
Too bad there's no money left for the GOP-Tea's perpetual War. Many are heart broken there won't be missile strikes on Christmas Day. The charitable Evangelicals are taking up a serious collection to make it possible next year.
So give me names. Who was throwing their bible in the air? Who EXACTLY is the RACIST that opposes Obama and hate him because he is Black? Don't just bomb throw and hurl ad hominem and empty insults, give some names.
You can thank Bush for that and you can thank Obama as well and more so with a whopping $18 Trillion that he accumulated within the last 6 years.
Still waiting for your proof that Obama called the GOP congress terrorists.
...of course we both know that said proof won't be coming, because said president didn't say said things, but that didn't stop you from claiming he did. And now you're questioning others' claims?
Strange, we're talking about Evangelicals, kc generalized and all I said, was exactly who, where, what church affiliation. Not going to address it, it's not what I said from myself, it's what I read in the NY Times, CNN, WSJ that's where I got it. But I'm not surprised he would think that. Now if you want to call everyone a liar, go ahead. But coming from the president that is one thing I do believe he does think.
Then it would stand to reason that said comments would be somewhere on the internet... and yet you can't show proof of it anywhere.
I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just pointing out the fact that what you claimed isn't the truth.
"Many are heart broken there won't be missile strikes on Christmas Day. The charitable Evangelicals are taking up a serious collection to make it possible next year."
Names??? - comments
Letters? - RNC, TEA, GOP
"Consider: Forty-six percent of white evangelicals believe that Washington is not supportive enough of Israel" - article
Here the reader can see the hyper aggressive Evangelicals claiming the three billion Congress sends to Israel isn't enough American tax dollars.
Does the ordinary American agree? For the Evangelical, the three billion Israel receives isn't nearly enough. The Evangelical wants billions more for Israel, a War with Iran and Religious Doctrine as Law in the States.
It's an admirable agenda clearly represented here by those commenting who stand up and cheer another war in a foreign land paid for by the American tax payer to please the Evangelicals' man in the sky theory. According to them, that's what real Americans do. Spend other people's money for man in the sky promises. At leaste GOP-Tea Americans do.
Ok, so you said, these groups are wishing for this, but my question is, who or which politician(s) said that specifically.
That could very well be to a point, but that is still No proof or factual reason that is what Evangelicals want, meaning: war. I know and work with quite a few Evangelicals and I have never heard of such a thing. Now maybe for the out there Pat Robertson, Westboro types, Yeah, I might believe that, but that most Evangelicals feel like that, sorry, I find that very, very hard to believe. Most conservatives don't want any war as much as Dems seems to have this crazy delusional notion that conservatives wake up in the morning drink a cup of coffee and sit in their basements longing to get into action salivating to get into a war at any given chance. Lol
Again, not even close to the truth.
This is the reason why Dems are losing and favorability is going down, their grand delusions of what they think about demonizing conservatives, lack of transparency, lies and constant empty rhetoric rather than thinking of viable solutions for the country is their ultimate downfall, but all you have to do is look at Hilary's poll to see the results.
"Ted Cruz peppered his speech with references to freedom. The irony is that the people who were listening to him didn’t have the freedom to decide whether they wanted to be at his speech." - source cited, Farmboy - 08:46AM
This is probably the most telling aspect of the Evangelicals'. They are afraid to know even what their own followers believe. People like Cruz, and institutions like Liberty University, are crafting a false reality. And that reality is supposed to end with a War to Save Jerusalem, at taxpayer cost, of course. This is what the GOP-Tea is selling into the White House.
Noting the article referenced: the irony they point out is the reality, Ted Cruz's Holy War is as uninteresting and unprovoked as the last GOP-Tea Wars.
The GOP-Tea is batting zero on wars of choice and marching around like the second coming is around the bend. The only thing around the bend is the dictatorship thinly veiled by Teddy Cruz's forced march to the Liberty University thought cage.
The most important element of the Evangelicals' gambit is urgency.
Selling their not too bright followers and forcing the conscience of their more thoughtful is a form of coercion. Teddy, Liberty University and the poor victims of Ted's hostage taking announcement paint a reliable picture. It shows the GOP-Tea march to Israel for what it is. Cheap huckster urgency sold as biblical nobility.
One thing for certain, ideologues who rely on coercion are easily dismissed. Ted's march on Israel via Washington is such a coercion. The evidence is already well documented for more than a decade. Teddy better look out for his shadow, that's a long and sordid tale following after him he can't out run.
I will buy that and I appreciate you said SOME. Yes, there are indeed some that think like that and those people that do are indeed loons, but I just hate when people try to lump all Evangelicals or even Christians as believing that verbatim.
Obama was saying a few weeks ago, he suggested that voting should be mandatory, but what if people don't want to vote or even vote Democrat?
Obama's warped ideology was also crafted in false reality. But that's ok?
If you are so enraged at what the tax payers have to pay, why do you not get angry at Obama's soaring and climbing $18 Trillion debt? That should make you steam!
How about Obama's war in Afghanistan and with now ISIS? Oh, my bad....the WH isn't interested at all. But it's ok to hang out our allies and make deals with our enemies that will definitely threaten our allies. But yes, libs aren't in the slightest interested.
You mean there are a few, let's not generalize. I won't generalize that all Democrats are misguided incompetent imbeciles.
It's just a joy to watch Israel's creepy game of ripping off American taxpayers and sending US soldiers off to die fighting its enemies exposed to the entire planet. I have to give Obama credit for this. There are a long two years left for Israel and its nutjob president to completely destroy relations between Israel and the US. Let's hope he keeps ruining them. Israel is one friend no one (except for greedy politicians seeking campaign funds) needs. This mutually enabling relationship is toxic to all parties.
"imagine a president who stands unapologetically with the nation of Israel." - Teddy Cruz
Imagine a religious zealot so entranced with his self image he can no longer see anything but his imagined golden legacy as gods on their thrones welcome him to his rightful place among the deity. Ladies and Gentlemen, Teddy Cruz, Savior, Deity, Taunter of three year olds.
Teddy better look out for his shadow, that's a long and sordid tale following after him he can't out run. Like most rats. Said before. Teddy just stepped on landmine number one in political end runs. An unretractable, irrational endorsement of anything Israel does, ever and since 1948.
Teddy just made Americans subservient to Israel in the first sixty seconds of his lunge for the dictatorship he envisions. Teddy challenges his coerced audience to cheer anything Israel, now, before, who cares, It's Israel for Teddy, Israel without examination or critique. Teddy just loves his Israel. And who can blame him?
Teddy's going to find American Jews aren't as bedazzled with Israel as Teddy's coerced slaves at Liberty University. (Apparently that means the 'Liberty' to think exactly as Mr. Cruz thinks.) With Armageddon within His grasp, Mr. Cruz will find his isn't as popular with the general public since electricity has been widely available for some years now.