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U.S. Navy drones: Coming to a carrier near China?
By Eric Talmadge YOKOSUKA©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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These drones will probably fly at an extremely high altitude and China won't be able to do anything except get extremely pissed off.
"“Chinese military modernization is the major long-term threat that the U.S. must prepare for in the Asia-Pacific region,"
Then have a long chat with the corporate world and tell them to quit spending so much money to empower China. If China becomes a major threat to the region and to the US later, the only people to blame are the greedy corporate people who have ignored the obvious risks in favor of profits.
Wealth and progress in China funded by the west should have been tied to democratic reforms and not simply profit taking. We are allowing the creation of our own monster here.
The only thing I believe about China is that they are not on the offensive. But they want to see Americans waste even more money.
The new drones design ideas seemed to already give what they are taking about, fly faster, higher, and a little stealthier, I would think that all comes together to make it more survivable. Add a jet engine, increase payload speed and range and keep most thing the same as the current predator/reaper, except for a redesigned wing surface to take advantage of the new engine. Just make them cost less than a SAM and no matter what you'll come out ahead. This is the future of air warfare for U.S. military.
ihavegreatlegs. You should read quotations from the mid 1930's when people made similar statements about the rise of German militarism. Many people including the corporate world just did not want to see the danger.
I don't think China has any dreams of global domination. But I do think that China has clearly demonstrated a willingness to threaten and bully neighboring states in Asia. With a military on par with the US there will be no deterent to their doing so more agressively.
It is naive to think that a totalitarian state with a powerful first level military will not be an issue to work about. We are talking about a state that represses religious views, imprisons people do dissent from the government's policies, and who actively supports the repression of the media.
I don't know about you, but these things make me nervous. Greed is creating a monster here, something that should be addressed by linking economic support and investment to reforms.
who have the Chinese been threatening and bulling exactly? Oh yeh, they invaded a few middle eastern countries a while back didn't they?! Oh wait, that wasn't China!!!!11111
we've created a monster here havent we? I for one am really scared of China's assault on freedom. I mean, what are they up to? They reassess some of their crazy communist ideals in 2004 and start playing the capitalism game - completely they way we want them to - and now it turns out they're quite good at it! seriously how dare they! better send some drones in to remind them about freedom.
This might be a good idea all over the world. Then we would not need any militaries as wars are all caused by religion.
Citizen. Before you try to paint me as some pro-American, don't waste your time. I am equally critical of US militarism.
As for capitalism. Congratulations, you have bought the corporate party line on China. Now spend some time learning about what is really going on by looking at rural China and the conditions there. You will not find the veneer of capitalism there. Nor will you find it when you talk to disidents who want such things as a political voice or free media. They will be in jail, where they are kept from speaking, assembling or working for greater liberties in China.
Now take a train to Kashgar and talk to the Uyghur communties, places that are supposed to be areas of cultural self determination. You will find a people wrongly accused of terrorism, subjected to discrimination and jailed when they have the audacity to complain about it.
Next we can visit scenic Tibet and the occupied peoples of that country.
And when we are done we talk to the dozens of other ethnic minorities who have suffered under the continued brutality of China's "enlightened new regime.
Next we can use the internet to see what is going on around the world, no wait, we can't do that due to substantial government censorship. But we can worship and practice our faith that things are ok abroad. But wait, only if we do so in a prescribed manner that does not wind us up in jail like Falon Gong.
You would do well to remember that the Soviets were State Capitalist, not communists. Just ask any economist or political scientist in academia if you don't believe me. China is capitalist, but far from free. Only a tiny percentage own the wealth of capitalism while the rest of the nation is still laboring under the restrictive rule of Chinese Communism.
I am tired of China apologists. Study the country, her current political affairs and the plight of her minorities, political activists, religions, working class people and poor before you try to sell this nonsense about how great China's capitalism is.
goddog. "This might be a good idea all over the world. Then we would not need any militaries as wars are all caused by religion."
I am not religious, but I fully support the rights of people to practice religion if they want to. Repression of religion, by you or China, is a moral wrong. Not from a religious position, but from a human rights standpoint. You accomplish only injustice by forcing such policies on people. And that, in my mind, is as bad as any war caused by religion.
Tibet, the Uyghur people, their own people. The U.S. pokes it's nose in all over the world, but at least they have human rights in their country. Unlike China.
Anyone can fly one of these drones. It is time for Japan to take responsibility for its own defense. USA builds them, trains the Japanese to fly them, then goes home. It is Japan's time to defend itself.
tkoind2 said this -
"But I do think that China has clearly demonstrated a willingness to threaten and bully neighboring states in Asia."**
MrDog said this -
"Tibet, the Uyghur people, their own people. "**
My question remains unanswered. Yes the US does poke its nose all over the world, and you just bought the corporate party line on why... "at least they have human rights in their country."**
Does this give the USA a right to threaten and bully other nations? China isnt allowed because there's no facebook in China? Hmmmm...
only a matter of time before these drones extend extrajudicial killings to china...
China is not fully capitalist. It's just that the rich there like staying rich and keeping the poor poor.
Why does China need a "carrier killer" missile?
If you seriously think that the drones will be used to attack China, you're crazy.
I'm not towing any party line, because I have the choice not to, unlike the people of China.
Yes, it has, if you mean:
tkoind2 already pwned you in his answer to that. I suggest you re-read his post.
Talk about conspiracy theorists; this is unhooked ! With all the problems China has, I don't believe a word that they are considering any kind of offense to anybody.
Upgrading drones technology investment is more of a economic adjustment in military spending. If this works, it means more big bangs for the bucks with less cost, less manpower and less F-22's. Facts are this will be the reality for immediate future transition without losing effectiveness of firepower. This is a cheap way to contain China.
When did I say China was fully capitalist? Ehhh... that's right, I didnt. I suggest you read posts more accurately in the future.
Nowhere during tkoind2's supposed pwning(!) of me does he tell me what other Asian states China is threatening and bullying.
Please read this post, your reply post and all other information SEVERAL TIMES before you press the submit button.
Like I said in the start. I am not a fan of US policy either. But just because the US does bad things does not give license to China to do terrible things. Your logic is upside down mate.
Now to answer your question, as if I didn't already.
Japan: Territorial disputes e.g. recent riots over the violations by the fishing boat as well as increased military activiting in disputed territories. This would be worst if not for the powerful US presence to assure it doesn't become so.
Taiwan: How many missiles and military units are stacked ready to take on Taiwan should they exercise their local autonomy to the fullest? Despite China's demands that Taiwan is their's, it clearly isn't and China should not be allowed to bully their political autonomy.
Tibet: You have to be living underground on another planet not to know about this. Tibet does not belong to China!
Uyghurs: Again this is the result of Chinese expansionism. It is supposed to be a fully autonomous zone, and clearly is not as the recent spate of issues demonstrated.
Mongolia: China frequently bullies Mongolia both economically and politically to assure compliance with their regional policies.
Do your really need me to go on?
I have no problem reading posts. You seem to have a problem with politics.
You said:
"and start playing the capitalism game", a country must officially be either communist or capitalist, because it only has ONE government.
@tkoind2 Chine is sovereignty country. You told on many forums that Japan need defence from USA, but also you instigator peoples for meddle in business of China. Also you are wake up fear inside peoples. You are create basis of bad relationship between Japan and China. China is real economic problem of World, but no more.
All world give credits to USA, but USA buy only Chinese product and spend to smart military toys.
Olrik at 01:47 PM JST - 20th May. China is supposed to be developing a longer range version of their anti-ship ballistic missile. To knock-out the ASBMs at their mobile launchers (good luck finding them) you would have to do a first strike before the carrier got in range of the ASBMs. I just don't think it would work as China is developing several new types of fighter aircraft in parallel (something the US hasn't been able to do in decades) including the stealth J-20. These American flying wing drones are subsonic and taking on China with them will be much more difficult than bombing the Taliban in Pakistan with Predators.
China has other problems and are they willing to risk over 30 years of economic development and prosperity of their own people with a conflict of war with U.S. or neighboring countries? I doubt they want to escalate any war in the region. China understands very well the consequences of the war and there are no winners. Reality is China spends fraction of what U.S. spends on defense. Maybe 1/6th or 15 percent of U.S.? The whole China fear is overblown.