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What's behind anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain? Here's a look


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When things is going bad, immigrants who will get the blame. It happens everywhere, they need scapegoat.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Thought Russia would be behind it, gotta keep the, weapons and cash coming into Ukraine.

The violence is unacceptable as is the Muslim violence the last few days and years including terror attacks.

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

Two tier keir

illegal immigration

MSM bias/distrust

grooming gangs

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

It's already too late for the UK. There are still some nice areas, mainly rural localities, but most large towns and cities are unrecognisable as anything remotely "British". There are whole neighborhoods where these people dress like they're in Kabul, can't speak English, push for Sharia Law etc.. Each time I go back, I can't wait to get the hell out. The UK needs a Geert Wilders, but UK politicians are too spineless.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

The current situation was created by Sunak and his Tory government after 14 failed years.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Desperate need for approval, pints of Stella and gammons.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

What's behind anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain? 

Lies and liars.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Britain has been convulsed by violence for the past week as crowds spouting anti-immigrant and Islamophobic slogans clashed with police. 

People are just protesting against their government. That's encouraged in free societies.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

People are just protesting against their government. That's encouraged in free societies.

Protesting against a government that is barely a month old? If that’s their reaction to the new government, where were they for the fourteen years before that? Utterly delusional to blame this on Starmer (and speaking as a “leftie,” I can’t stand the bloke) or the new Labour government.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

What's behind anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain?

That is a very easy question to answer... To many immigrants and bogus asylum seekers many of whom have values that do not fit in with those of the native population. Governments on both sides are spending billions of tax payers money on hotels for those arriving on boats while many in the UK pensioners have to choose between heating and eating. The people are right to be angry. However, the immigration problem will not be solved. Those coming by boat are a small percentage of the immigrants to the UK. The largest number are overseas spouses of UK passport holders of immigrant decent. Mainly South east Asians. Marriages in the Pakistani community of Bradford in the north of England are still over 40% between first cousins. Teresa May introduced legislation to try to reduce this when she was home secretary, forcing those bringing in spouses to have the financial means to do so. It failed the numbers increase every year.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

People are just protesting against their government. That's encouraged in free societies.

If you and your mates want to throw bricks at each others nether regions you should do it on private property.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The thugs doing this are widely reviled. The moment 'protestors' destroy property, steal stuff and target people they are seen as 'unBritish'. And the new government are still popular after a landslide election win.

Every few decades right-wing filth crawl out from under their rocks and do this. Mosley's Pro-Nazi Blackshirts, the National Front and the latest lot. It will take longer to fix as the Tories, supposedly the 'party of law and order', spent 14 years reducing police numbers and resources and failing to construct adequate prisons. Amongst their many other failings.

Politicians and the media have been painting targets on selected migrants for several years. Politicians demonised one small group of migrants to win votes and stayed silent about larger numbers from Ukraine and Hong Kong. TV news and print media wouldn't identify the location of shelters for vulnerable people, but cheerfully named the hotels that were being used to house asylum seekers, including women and children. They now need to apologise for the part they played in generating the hate on display in the riots.

The biggest winners in this have been the police. After a string of high profile prosecutions against serving officers who committed crimes, their reputation hit an all time low. Now they are now getting heaps of public support for protecting communities from violent thugs.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

If you and your mates want to throw bricks at each others nether regions you should do it on private property.

Strong argument against the Summer 2020 protests in the US.

Good on ya!

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Britain, the former great colonial power, ruling over tens of millions of brown people , now says it doesnt like brown people ?

1 ( +9 / -8 )

If you and your mates want to throw bricks at each others nether regions you should do it on private property.

Strong argument against the Summer 2020 protests in the US. 

Good on ya!

Weird. I thought we were talking about the article. You’re out of your depth.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

To a degree it boils down to education, in more than one way.

The instigators behind this - people like Farage, Tommy "my real name is super-posh" Robinson, etc., are educated enough to understand that it's not hard to manipulate people who are criminally stupid through lack of education / unwillingness or inability to think, and who, rather than seek to improve themselves, find it easier just to latch on to whatever they're told to. Heck, there are some on this site.

If critical thinking and the ability to recognise weaponised propaganda were taught during the mandatory education period, then Farage et al. would have more difficulty in goading their army of fat, bald, staggeringly thick Darrens and Bazzas into going and get themselves arrested on behalf of their masters (who are now, apparently, mostly abroad, interestingly enough...)

The world's education systems need a major overhaul to combat the modern phenomena of bot farms, trolls, professional provocateurs, and so on.

Quicker solution would be giving the UK police the power to eliminate the Darrens and Bazzas for good - not as if anyone would miss them - but I can't see that one getting through the legal system.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

These poorly educated, low IQ, drunken thugs, are exactly the same ones who fill the UK pubs and clubs, and then create violence on the streets. The very fact they blamed an immigrant for the stabbing and murder of those poor innocent children is all down to the MSM and social media platforms. They were looking for an excuse to take their thuggery and violence on to the streets, then who shows up, Farage and Robinson, to egg them on with their racist rhetoric, and who is now sunny himself on the beach in Spain to escape arrest, Robinson......wow! what a courageous leader..../s

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Some Dude above..."staggeringly thick Darrens and Bazzas...."

Gold medal for best aside !

Funny, true and sad, all at once.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Looks like this is what filled Enoch Powell with foreboding when he made that Rivers of Blood speech in Birmingham.

He was denounced as a racist but how many 'racists' could speak Urdu and stand up for their Indian army friends who actually faced racism in colonial India.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

He was denounced as a racist but how many 'racists' could speak Urdu and stand up for their Indian army friends who actually faced racism in colonial India.

Here we go. The “So-and-so’s not racist, some of his best friends are black, muslim etc etc” ad nauseam argument. Must be true then. /s

When Powell made that speech, Britain was taking in legal immigrants from its former colonies. Like Kenya, West Indies, Rhodesia(Zimbabwe), and soon more from East Pakistan(Bangladesh). I thought all this trouble was because of illegal immigrants? No? Thought the tattooed fraternity had problems with only illegal immigrants? Am I wrong? Did I misunderstand or misread something on here perhaps? Where are the hordes of second, third and fourth generation British (Indians), (Pakistanis), (Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Antiguans or Barbadians) standing in unison, side-by-side with these “rioters” complaining about illegal immigrants? Is it because they don’t believe? Or is it because they know the knuckle-draggers really do have a problem with anyone non-white? Think we all know the answer to that.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Where are the hordes of second, third and fourth generation British (Indians), (Pakistanis), (Jamaicans, Trinidadians, Antiguans or Barbadians) standing in unison, side-by-side with these “rioters” complaining about illegal immigrants

Maybe they are not standing in unison with the rioters, but if you think that second or third or fourth generation immigrants are okay with the current state of affairs you need a reality check.

I personally know second generation Indians who don't want further immigration from India.

But I don't have any skin in the game. UK had it coming for playing divide and rule in their colonies.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

There is no evidence that immigrants and migrants are responsible for more crime.


No evidence that migration has reduced the training of UK-born workers

No evidence that migration has reduced the quality of healthcare

No evidence that migration has reduced parental choice in schools or the educational attainment of UK-born children

No evidence that migration has any effect on crime rates in England and Wales

No evidence that migration has reduced the average level of subjective well-being in the UK

No evidence that people are less satisfied with their neighbourhoods than in the past

No evidence of higher or lower prosperity being associated with a higher or lower population

No evidence that migrants are more likely to be working under a zero hours contract than the UK born, nor is there evidence that they more likely to switch industries between two given quarters

No evidence of migrants having preferential access to social housing

No doubt that you may have certain immigrant or migrant individuals or groups that commit crime. Of course you do but there's no evidence they have made crime worse or commit crimes at a higher rate than the general population. They just get more exposure. Someone makes a video of a migrant or immigrant being a jerk or committing a crime, it gets posted on social media, and suddenly the usual suspects they represent all immigrants and migrants when they're a small minority. It's mob behavior.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Let us all pray for the 3 innocent young soul that perished, let us also pray for England's well being and prosperity.

May peace prevail on England.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

their army of fat, bald, staggeringly thick Darrens and Bazzas

That's the most accurate description of the rioters I've come across yet.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

There are 800,000 to 1,000,000 illegals migrants seeking political asylum. They are expensive to house and take care of the.

The problem has been created by 14 useless years of the previous government.

The application process needs speeding up so migrants are given asylum or sent back to their countries or a third country.

Many citizens are frustrated over the immigrant problem. Violence on the streets will resolve nothing.

In the end, violence beget violence.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

There are 800,000 to 1,000,000 illegals migrants seeking political asylum. 

Are you talking about the UK? If so, do you have a source for those numbers?

The link below says, "At the end of March 2024, there were 86,460 cases (relating to 118,329 people) awaiting an initial decision [on asylum applications]".


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Who are the UK’s undocumented population?

Published by: Web team

Published: June 2024

There is no definitive figure on the number of undocumented people in the UK. Recent estimates suggest it is between 800,000 and 1.2 million people, a larger proportion of the population than in comparable countries such as France, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal, where there are more routes to regularisation. The most significant region of origin for the UK’s undocumented population is Asia (52%) followed by Sub-Saharan Africa (20%), the Americas and non-EU Europe (16%) and the Middle East / North Africa (11%).  


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Lies and liars.

Pretty much. Much of it thinly veiled racism.

Farage yesterday claimed that the authorities are at fault for not quickly informing people that underground rumours about the Southport attacker being a Muslim or an asylum seeker were incorrect.

This line of thinking is based on a clear fallacy that attacking a mosque or a hotel with asylum seekers would be (even slightly) justified had the Southport attacker been a Muslim or an asylum seeker. Such collective punishment of unconnected people would still be a very serious hate crime. The Southport attacker's religion, skin colour, and immigration status are all irrelevant if you are attacking someone else. It is like punishing all of Yorkshire for the crimes of Jimmy Savile. We are in a very bad place if people cannot recognize what a hate crime is and can be easily encouraged to commit them.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Far-right's 'hit list' ahead of more riots: Thugs set to target immigration centers, refugee shelters, and lawyers' homes in 38 areas of the country.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

MilesTeg, please take the time and research....

Number of people in insecure work reaches record 4.1 million


Migrant workers are employed contractually in there home countries, through "agency labour" on "piece" work short term contracts. pattern hours, zero hours. basically "fake" self employment

The poultry farming packing industry is case in question.

Working in a UK poultry factory: faster, faster, faster


GLAA develops 10-point checklist for poultry workers


The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) has developed a new 10-point checklist for workers in the UK poultry industry to help them understand their rights in the workplace and spot the signs of labour exploitation.

The migrants are fearful of harsh retribution.

UK chicken farming puts workers and food safety at risk


"I asked for a day off to go to the doctor and I was told that I had to inform the agency two months in advance"

The Government has a statutory duty to house undocumented illegal migrants, lengthening the housing waiting lists for social housing to breaking point, the NHS, schools, GP provision.

Local councils budgets have been exhausted, in some cases to bankruptcy. Stalling any hope of social house building provision.

Just the tip of the iceberg

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It's already too late for the UK. There are still some nice areas, mainly rural localities, but most large towns and cities are unrecognisable as anything remotely "British". There are whole neighborhoods where these people dress like they're in Kabul, can't speak English, push for Sharia Law etc.. Each time I go back, I can't wait to get the hell out. The UK needs a Geert Wilders, but UK politicians are too spineless.

I don't enjoy going back either. But visiting is different from living there. Interesting interviews with the descendants of people who were encouraged to come to the UK:


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

How about setting up a fund that those who want immigrants can pay into. The government can use this and not general tax money? Instead of expensive hotels those who want to help can let them stay in their spare room? The rest of us would be spared the burden.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Parliament must act together, forget/drop the party political rhetoric, reach inside communities, call an independent inquiry.

Sectarianism as seen for generations in Northern Ireland divided every sinew of Protestant and Catholic communities. Islam/muslin communities must face up accept the UK is country that communities must integrate and accept differences.

British values on religious tolerance, freedom of speech and expression, law and order, human rights, no segregation in schools, Women rights etc is sacrosanct.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

What's behind anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain? Here's a look

People getting out and about and expressing their right to free speech and protest.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )


What's behind anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain? Here's a look

People getting out and about and expressing their right to free speech and protest.

That is very acceptable by British standards. protesting and demonstrating. What is not acceptable are the riots, attacking and stoning the police, arson, looting of shops, and attacking people.

More than 400 people have been arrested and already are appearing in court.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Had you been out standing on the street recent ly in the UK, then the police may have slapped cuffs on you!

They did it to a 73 year granny…

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The self-pity of far-right thugs who brought chaos to Britain's streets: ANOTHER rioter cries in court and haulier, 58, who punched cop says he's a 'fool' as he's jailed for three years with dozens facing justice today.


5 ( +7 / -2 )

The self-pity of far-right thugs who brought chaos to Britain's streets: ANOTHER rioter cries in court and haulier, 58, who punched cop says he's a 'fool' as he's jailed for three years with dozens facing justice today.

Lovely jubbly! I won’t shed a single tear for them.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The self-pity of far-right thugs who brought chaos to Britain's streets: ANOTHER rioter cries in court and haulier, 58, who punched cop says he's a 'fool' as he's jailed for three years with dozens facing justice today.

The authoritarian government is intent on taking away the rights of the people to protest peacefully.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


The self-pity of far-right thugs who brought chaos to Britain's streets: ANOTHER rioter cries in court and hauler, 58, who punched cop says he's a 'fool' as he's jailed for three years with dozens facing justice today.

The authoritarian government is intent on taking away the rights of the people to protest peacefully.

You have been outspoken about the previous riots in your own country. The riots by the far-right thugs have not been peaceful.

The peaceful protests have been the anti-racism ones.

The government has not stopped any peaceful protest. Read the article.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I'd be no good as a rioter in UK or anywhere, really.

I tire easily and couldnt keep up ,the mob would leave me behind, and I generally dont like crowds at all, especially drunken Englishmen.

Unattended , open fires make me nervous, so I would be constantly anxious at the arson committed.

I would get breathless if I had to shout for any lengthy period, sometimes at Karaoke , I have difficulty with a fast paced song.

And I admire migrants who open restaurants or businesses, they sometimes see opportunities locals dont see.

I suppose I'll just have to accept I'm not some young, dumb, uneducated, far right racist thug who feel powerful in large crowds but are cowardly when alone, in the prison van, going to jail .

Now, if someone suggests a walk along a meadow stream, listening to little birdies, then I AM THAT MAN !!!!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

As the UK ship of state heads for the iceberg in full view of everyone, some of the brainless passengers are rioting against the wait staff, not the owners. Useful idiots all.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Agitators are exploiting long-simmering tensions over immigration and, more recently, the growing number of migrants who have entered the country illegally by crossing the English Channel in inflatable boats.

These protesters have the right to speak out against these illegals.

The government is taking a page from China's playbook in trying to stifle the voices of the UK citizens.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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