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Young people turned out to protest in U.S. Now, will they vote?
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Unsurprisingly, this one-dimensional article doesn't even consider that some young people vote for parties that aren't the Democrats. For shame! There are plenty of young people of all backgrounds who see the Dems for what they are - a bunch of old fools led around by the nose by a bunch of young fools who are more interested in destructive identify politics than sound economic and social policies.
Not that the Republicans are a lot better, but at least they're not deliberately trying to bankrupt the country and socially tear it apart.
What the country needs is a party that actually shrinks government and keeps its sticky nose out of people's business instead of trying to be all things to all people. It's impossible. The Repubs pay lip service to smaller government, but never follow through...
Aly Rustom
Agree with reckless
Andrew Crisp
Just because young people turn out to vote doesn't mean they will vote for the Democrats and their socially divisive policies.
With the break down in law and order in some parts of America it wouldn't surprise me that the silent majority vote Donald Trump into a second term.
I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Peter Neil
If the silent or any type of majority vote for a Trump second term, a lot of people will be surprised.
What values do people have to vote for a pathetic tax dodging, draft dodging, pathological liar?
How dim witted are the radical right wing nutters who waive America flags as if Trump embodies the values of the US and the values their children they should aspire to emulate - a psychopathic narcissist? What a depressing thought.
There's no shortage of dim witted voters, young and old, but I'm optimistic that they aren't a majority . . . yet.
I voted for Johnson in 2016, President Trump may be rough around the edges but he has proven himself and earned my 2020 vote. I doubt dimwitted folks are the voters of President Trump, the dimwitted are the rioters who burnt down their own neighborhoods.
It's good that they have finally noted that something is wrong here. Maybe it'll make them quit watching reality TV and rehashed vampire crap and take a look around. We have an irresponsible fascist dictator who is destroying America and its democratic principals.
We need a change, NOW.
Hopefully the young Americans will show up and vote, but Black lives Matters and the Antifa looters and vilonet rioters can't vote any way as 90 percent of them are criminals.