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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Roswell UFO was Russian craft: new book
ROSWELL, New Mexico©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Now, at last, a credible theory: NOT. Sounds like a combination of "The Boys From Brazil" and "The Outer Limits". Good imagination, though.
I believe in aliens.
I have read about that book on another site/forum.
From the linked review:
Might get the Book just for curiosity sake.
A conspiracy theorist's wet dream. This woman knows how to make a buck.
anything is more plausible than aliens but a Soviet aircraft that was used at Roswell and never heard about again until now...hmm, no.
A shred of truth amongst the conjecture? Given that the jets developed by both the Soviet Union and the United States immediately post war were based on German technology (it's no coincidence that the F-86 and MiG-15 look so similar) it's a fair bet that whatever prototype went down there "involved German technology".
Another Book review based on an Interview with the Author:
h t t p : / / w w w / 2011 / 05 / 17 / 136356848 / area-51-uncensored-was-it-ufos-or-the-ussr
Do your usual magic on that link.
...Really? REALLY?
More plausible is that it was piloted by Amelia Earhart who escaped death and returned to the Land of the Lost via the Sleestacks' time portal. At least she knew how to fly.
Noripinhead-- I like your theory.
I am really torn by this stuff. Part of me feels sorry for people who believe, even the slightest little bit, this really really stupid nonsense.
Then the other half tells me that if I don't find some way to take their money, somebody else will very soon. It seems like such a waste that this "investigative journalist" should walk away from the table a little bit richer based on such a lame attempt. Seriously. We really need to raise the bar on conspiracy theories. If gullible people are going to fall for silly stories, they might as well be stories that lead to something sensible.
OK. Now I put on my debunking hat:
Why would Mengele do that? He was so busy with other things that he would not have bothered mass producing midgets. And if Stalin knew where Mengele was, he could have extorted more out of him, or just turned him over to the Isrealis for ... favors. Such as nuclear secrets.
Why would the USSR do that? Show off its best technology, have it shot down, and then do nothing with such great technology... ever? The country that produced a stealth fighter/bomber in the late forties had trouble dealing with U-2's? Really?
How could the USSR do that? They were killing cosmonauts in space decades later... how would they have made such an early leap and then have such setbacks in the 60s and 70s?
I will also call attention to the egregious name dropping. Stalin, Mengele. Yeah right. Not minor party functionaries and nameless, faceless, X-file people, but major historical figures.
I find aliens from another planet to be a more believable explanation than that.
check out these fruitcakes! what a toaster
From Russia to New Mexico? In a non-stop flight in a small craft, in the 1950s? Isn't it a bit too much? I do believe in aliens, but this is really a stretch.
I believe that their is a logical and straight forward way to ensure that the truth of Roswell will emerge. An Executive Order declassifying any information regarding the existence of UFO's or extraterrestrial intelligence. Because this is a unique issue of universal concern such an action would be appropriate and warranted. This would cost nothing, offend no one, and be applauded by all. If as officially claimed, no information on Roswell, UFO's or extraterrestrial intelligence is being withheld, a declassification order would be a mere formality, as there would be nothing for anyone to disclose and what legitimate concern could there be about declassiying nonexistent information. However, whether information is being suppressed or whether it is not, the effect of an Executive Order declassifying would be positive. If nothing is being withheld, the result of such an Order would be to set the record straight once and for all. Years of controversy and suspicion would be ended, both in the eyes of the United States own citizens' and of the world. If, on the other hand, the Roswell witnesses are telling the truth and information on extraterrestrial intelligence does exist, it is something to which a priviledged few in the United States government should have exclusive rights. It is knowledge of profound importance to which all people througout the world should have inalienable right. Its release would unquestionably be universally acknowledged as an historic act of honesty and goodwell.
This makes much more sense than aliens crashing in New Mexico. I still believe in aliens since there are trillions of galixies with trillions of stars in each one and we can't be the only planet with intellegent life. I just don't believe that they have been visiting Earth.
"I still believe in aliens since there are trillions of galixies with trillions of stars in each one and we can't be the only planet with intellegent life. I just don't believe that they have been visiting Earth."
Or that they would even want to!
The author of this book gives an interview on NPR's Fresh Air program. Check it out. I was riveted at the possibilities.
Throughout our history, the most intelligent beings on Earth have expanded their domain across the Earth and now in to the cosmos. As we have traveled, we have discovered other species of varying levels of intelligence and communicative sophistication - and without exception sampled them as a source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Why would alien visitors be any different? Any species advanced enough to travel light years across space to visit is likely to view us the way we view squid - or if we're lucky, dolphins. Either way, we'd no longer be top of the food chain. This is one reason why I reckon the SETI project is a damned foolish idea.
It would certainly offend the Christians...
i think that most if not all of us posting on JT are aliens... :)
The strangest part is how this absolutely ridiculous book even makes a headline on JT...
Saying that is was a spaceship with pilots from Andromeda is a way more credible and plausible explanation... This Annie Jacobsen sound like being high on some kind of drug...
As fourteen or fifteen is the age where youngsters know more than their parents, this book should do very well among high school sophomores.
Is the word "Gullible" still in the Oxford Dictionary?
I had to read this several times to make sure I got it right: "The world famous Roswell “incident” was no UFO but rather a Russian spacecraft with 'grotesque, child-size aviators' developed in human experiments by Nazi doctor and war criminal Josef Mengele..."
It is 1947, two years after the war, the Soviet Union is a wreck and yet they somehow have managed to build a spaceship. It is ten years before the primitive Sputnik was put into orbit with a primitive rocket and in 1947 they have a spaceship. Why is they did not use an advanced version when they sent Yuri Gagarin into space? Okay, it is 1947 and somehow Joseph Mengle has not only bred but train dwarf aviators to fly this highly advanced (even in this day and age) spaceship. These dwarf aviators would have to to be less than two years old, unless they were bred for Hitler, and if so, why didn't Hitler use them. The whole reason for all of this rapid development is designed to spread terror in the US. So Stalin decides to terrorize Roswell. Then the U.S. covers up the truth for no really good reason as the anti-Communist hysteria is starting up big time.
The author seems like an intelligent person, a journalist too, who you would think would know better. Yet: "'But I absolutely believe the veracity of my source, and I believe it was important that I put his information out there because it is the tip of a very big iceberg,' Jacobsen said.
Forget space aliens. Forget dwarf aviators. I want to know how this idiotic story got started and how anyone can possibly take it seriously, particularly its primary perpetrator.
And it is late. I am going to bed. All the typos in this posting were caused by space aliens and dwarf aviators who want to terrorize Japan Today.
Formation in the USA not the best. To be pleasant to people the sensations, new impressions. This idiotic propagation will find своbх admirers. Results of experiments of fascists has received not only the USSR, but the USA too. It can experiments of the USA, and all fault want to fall down to the USSR?:D
What a remarkably stupid theory. Has it occured to anyone that if the Nazis had technology anywhere near the kind attributed to "UFOS" and "Aliens" at the end of WWII, just what kind of technology the USA and USSR would have had since 1945?
I bought the book and so far haven't come to the chapter with the odd-ball theory. It's mostly a history of the CIA's spy plane development and U.S. nuclear testing during the Cold War. It is a level-headed and well written account of what people already know, but the way she re-caps it is engrossing. Most of it is fact-based and she has done her research, which is based on recently declassified documents and interviews.
John Constantine
Weather you believe it was an Alien or a Russian Craft is irrelevant. All you need to know is that when the "Aliens" do come..."They'll eat the fat ones first".
I don't believe Russians would want to send UFO 10,000 miles away in the late 40's to stir conflict with U.S. The Roswell incident was probably a top U.S. military experimental plane that crashed.
What the author is leading to, and this is even before I've read the conclusion, is that if it is a known fact that the U.S. sent on numerous occasions their own "UFOs" (which were in fact high speed, high altitude spy planes decades ahead of their time technologically) thousands of miles from the homeland on overflies of the Soviet Union that politically embarrassed the Communists, why would it be unbelievable for the Soviets to have done the same thing over American soil? Tit for tat. Of course they wanted to stir conflict with the U.S. That was the whole point: they wanted to get back at them.
I finished reading the book. Nice try. While the author is clearly an extremely savvy writer and has done her research, the "revelation" that comes at the end doesn't make much sense. The 300-plus pages that come before it are intended as a set-up for the rationale behind the dirty secret that the government can't reveal. It is revealed that during the Vietnam War the engineers at Area 51 managed to get their hands on a captured Soviet MiG through a deal with Israel in order to "reverse engineer" it, thereby finding its weaknesses and giving the U.S. a clear military advantage. Using this fact as a basis for her argument, the author suggests that the "flying saucer" that crashed at Roswell was Russian in design and the American engineers did the same thing with it - reverse engineer it. But why on earth would the Soviets intentionally send their most advanced aircraft on a suicide mission into the American desert to "freak out" the American public into a mass alien attack panic, and in the process allow the American "militarists" to gain access to their most advanced aerospace technology? Stalin was no doubt evil but he wasn't stupid. Jacobsen is a talented writer but in the end she shoots herself in the foot. You end up thinking, "maybe it was from outer space after all."
Noripinhead at 10:19 AM JST - 2nd June. It is revealed that during the Vietnam War the engineers at Area 51 managed to get their hands on a captured Soviet MiG through a deal with Israel in order to "reverse engineer" it, thereby finding its weaknesses and giving the U.S. a clear military advantage. Using this fact as a basis for her argument,
What MIG was this? It also happened in Hokaiddo in 1976. A Soviet Air Force pilot lands his MIG 25 fighter jet in Japan and asks for asylum in the U.S. When the Soviets first put the MIG-25 in the 1960s, the new plane, they claimed, was the fastest, most advanced, and most destructive interceptor jet ever built. Its debut, they argued, meant that the U.S. was falling dangerously behind in the race to control the skies. The MIG-25 landed it at Hakodate in Hokkaido. Experts from the U.S. arrived on the scene to get a firsthand look at the aircraft. For the Soviets, the MIG-25 incident was a major diplomatic and military embarrassment. To have one of their most advanced planes delivered into the hands of their enemy was mortifying and was viewed as a serious setback to the Soviet weapons program. After a thorough check of the MIG-25, the Americans experts came away less than impressed.
The MiG in question was one from the early 60s, probably a MiG-21F. It had the jet intake on the nose. The one that landed in Hokkaido was a later model. In the early days of the Vietnam War, according to the author, the North Vietnamese had a superior fighter kill ratio to the Americans, but that changed after the experts at Area 51 took apart the early MiG and found its weaknesses. She claims that the kill ratio reversed overwhelmingly in the Americans' favor after they did this.
The Roswell UFO's was a Russian aircraft? What a bunch of bullsh!t! We don't even have the propulsion technology (Yet)! Also, I'm pretty sure the Russians don't look like Zeta Reticulans. (Zeta Reticulans are the most commonly seen extraterrestrials during abductions. They are mainly responsible for those abductions.)
Don't know what a Zeta Reticulan is? Look them up. You'll always find some information on these buggers.