The last few months have been a whirlwind for adult video starlet Saori Hara. Just prior to getting busted in January for an “indecent” appearance in the photo book "Tokyo 20XX," the 22-year-old actress released her memoir, "My Real Name is Mai Kato: Why I became an AV Girl." But certainly most memorable was her crowning last month as Best Actress at the Sky PerfecTV! Adult Broadcasting Awards.
“I am so surprised to have received this wonderful award,” beamed Hara during the ceremony at a theater in the love hotel area of Shibuya.
Now in its sixth year, the somewhat tongue-in-cheek Adult Broadcasting Awards featured many of the hottest stars on programming carried by satellite broadcaster Sky PerfecTV!
Hara, who along with erotic photographer Kishin Shinoyama was served papers for participating in nude photo shoots outdoors, was not exactly a surprise choice. The March 25 issue of tabloid Shukan Shincho reported that the second printing of "My Real Name," which pulls few punches in detailing just what is going through an AV gal’s mind during filming, sold 10,000 copies following the incident.
Representing channel Midnight Blue, Hara was not the only heavy-hitting talent on hand. Risa Tsukino (Enta! 371) received a media prize supported by tabloid Nikkan Gendai. Maria Ozawa (Queen Bee), one of Japan’s most recognizable AV stars, claimed another media award sponsored by web portal Livedoor.
“I was not at all expecting this,” said the 24-year-old Ozawa, who has appeared in such films as "Obscene Nymphomaniac 5" and "Let’s Do It at School." “I look forward to receiving further support from my fans down the road.”
The winners of the transparent trophies — which were seductively licked and gripped for the benefit of photographers and spectators throughout the evening — were determined by a mix of online fan voting and an industry committee, which considered approximately 10,000 programs broadcast over the provider’s 31 channels during 2009.
In this reporter’s experience spanning four ceremonies, this year’s event was easily the most emotional. The winner of Best New Actress, Shelly Fujii (Rainbow Channel), broke down in tears after receiving her prize from Haruka Ito, who claimed the award last year.
“I want to thank all my fans,” blubbered the newcomer. “Please don’t take any photos now because my face is a wreck. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much.”
Equally moving was the speech by Yuzuka Kinoshita (Channel Ruby). The actress, also a rookie, claimed the Best Program prize for her role as a large-breasted angel who descends from heaven.
“While this is considered my piece of work, it was a true team effort,” she said.
Paradise TV, known for its mix of wacky and provocative programming, won Best Production in HD for an effort that featured an assembly of 10 women engaging in copious debauchery.
“I have now been reassured that people enjoy works featuring mature women,” said Riri Koda, 36, representing the lascivious ladies. “I hope that we were able to convey the fun we had while shooting the film.”
Perhaps the biggest upset was pulled off by kimono-clad Natsumi Horiguchi (Perfect Choice), who at age 29 managed to snatch Best Mature Actress from a field that included substantially older nominees, with Koda among them.
Wrapping up the evening’s proceedings was a special stage show that featured erotic games and displays. In honor of recent technological advances in 3D film, audience members were provided polarized glasses as three actresses competitively shook their chests and thrust their rear ends at the camera. The video output was projected on the screen above the stage.
Yet this was truly Hara’s night. Just prior to the announcement of the Best Actress prize, last year’s champion, Kirara Asuka, was on hand to offer a taste of what lies ahead for Japan’s newest AV queen.
“I won the award through the support of everyone,” said Asuka, fitted in a conservative but tight brown dress. “And after winning, I was able to grow throughout the year as a result of my many experiences.”
The festivities closed with the traditional panty-toss to the audience.
This story originally appeared in Metropolis magazine (
© Japan Today
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What else was moving?
I think I need to go do some "research" on this issue before I am prepared to do any further commenting
Wow! Thanks for the pic JT!
When they said props to her they weren't kidding.
You don't have to be so modent when you've taken one for the team. More than one.
J porn is absoluetly the best porn in the world that i have seen. The gils look like girls next door or any woman you might see on the train every day. Not like the "women" you see in American porn....yuck! Still am a little disappointed you can't see everything but I am getting used to that...A little porn is a nice break from reality. Don't drink, don't do I watch porn ever so often....a nice break. I also have seen some of Saori Hara's "work" and I must say I am truly impressed. She ios a gorgeous woman! Many Japanese AV women are absolutely gorgeous!!! Much better than the "talents" you see on TV. Wish i would have been there....JT please let us know when it will happen next year!
and one more "moral" people out there please spare us your hypocritical statements about the immorality of porn...
Thanks for the mammaries, Brett!!!
appears to be a dude who is quite sensitive about his fantasy world, and theirs.
Oh, the drama!
maybe she got an STD from a one night stand in Roppongi and now she wants to do a kindness to her audience in Japan. yasashii ne!
Japanese porn is indeed great. However, I can't help but feel a little guilty watching it sometimes when I remember that pretty much the only way for girls in Japan to make good money is to work for a snack bar/hostess club/AV company; i.e. sell themselves in a sexual way. And yeah, I agree with the above poster. Japanese porn stars are indeed way more gorgeous and 'girl next door-like' than American porn stars.
There might be more squeaking in Japanese porn than a mice-infested barn, but at least it's not throaty growls, grunts, attitude and all kinds of swearing- Like in your typical American production :) Western porn was at it's best during the 70s, especially that Swedish stuff that really didn't take itself seriously and had a fair bit of innocence about it.
an award giving body!, good recognition for the porn stars in jp, you cant find that anywhere else!i agre, jp av is more "refined" compared to their western counterparts.
I wonder what the parents think?
my2sense...u seem far out numbered here in this discussion...maybe time to leave?
by the way I am sure Hara-san's parents think she is beautiful and all parents should feel about their children....why should being an AV star make any parent less proud???
oh...sorry luvulongtime... I agree with you. J Porn is wonderful, the world's best, and I am sure her folks are stoked, count me in dude....
I am happy to see you have finally seen the light
no worries, I read up on your posts buddy, very interesting..... you sure are in 7th heaven mate... Thanks for informing me on finally seeing the light...
glad I could be of and let live honey
I would just love to have been there at this event. It is fun to see people making a fool of themselves :)
Check older posts, lol.... Looks like the US Air Force stuck someone here and fell in love.... Reminds me of drunken sailors in Roppongi. Quite scary as some posts are simply borderline pedophile and sure seems to be quite obsessive, immature, defensive and extremely infatuated with "J girls". Sure bloody sees Japanese females as only sexual objects. Guess that makes me a guy ; ) Appreciate strong desires in moderation (to others). Cheers.
ahhh Japan where AV is just a normal thing.
Ahhh AV, where would millions of guys be without you?
pornstars in a sense but they still project the innocence, the weakness, and the submissiveness of jp woman. makes av idols hotter!
I never got the concept of porno... I find watching other people have sex about as enjoyable as watching other people eat.
But if there is a market for this -- as long as it is between consenting adults, no skin off my nose. Let her enjoy her "best pornist" award.
I am interested in what her book says about the industry and her own thoughts. Too bad that there is not an english edition (I'm assuming)! It could be very educational.
There is nothing immoral about porn. Its the worlds oldest profession. where would millions of married men be without porn? cheating, thats where! I agree that J chicks are beautiful in porn and look like everyday girls but the dudes in porn need some serious lessons and steroids, but who the hell is watching the dudes anyways? Half the time their faces are blurred. They can blur the dudes out completely as far as I am concerned.
Much better picture in Metropolis magazine
Kaptn Kichigai:
In Japan? With a whole industry catering to them? Frankly, that´s pathetic.
I think this article could really have done with a picture of 24 year old Maria Ozawa.
Maybe one day we will learn to lay aside the jokes and the fear mongering as we have learned to lay aside the nonsense about sex and porn being somehow "immoral" and damaging? Sex is a wonderful thing! I only lament that so many have sex lives so bleak and dull that these AV stars have a niche. The women of the world should strive to correct this. Meanwhile the men should hold their tongues and their judgements and let them! Both men and women are responsible for the need for porn in there own way. Reality is much better than porn.
There are a few very sensitive posters here who are showing some glaring insecurities. Not one sentence that I can see has said sex or even porn is immoral. However, going out of your way to inform others of your discernible tastes in porn is not only creepy, its just plain greasy
Indeed. That sentiment seems to have been, thankfully, laid aside, just as I pointed out in my post. Needless to say though, the whackos who think porn is destroying us are still out there, and we need to clarify our arguments to talk sense in to them.
Pornography and Prostitution has been proven to reduce rape incidents
Damn! I missed it!
In Japan porn is just a product, there's no overweening morality to weigh it down: people want it, people get it, the same thing with eating whales or dolphins. The Japanese are not burdened down by religious morality: a spade is a spade, porn is porn. It's only Westerners who "wail" over this.
i like boobs
And a pixel is a pixel.
Holy Moly the headlights are on highbeam!
That dress makes her look chubby.
Actually, prostitution is "the world's oldest profession". Porn has only been around since illustrations came into being.
I'm not sure it's the dress. She looks pregnant to me.
The women of the world should strive to correct this.
I don't think that it's all on the women. We women enjoy sex very much, as long as we have a good partner! It's finding faithful, sweet guys that is the problem.
I happen to think porn is a great industry. What is wrong with selling one's body for money? You can sell your face (modeling), voice (voice acting), skills, and even your name. So why not your body too?
Me either. Try reading my post again. Men's mouths and culture of shaming women is a big factor that makes women bottle up their sexuality. Men use the S word one minute, throw around the word "easy" the next, then the next minute they complain that they can't get laid and they go buy some porn. Go figure. Women won't free until men let them.
Western cultures have WAY too hangups about sex. I enjoy how the Japanese treat sex as fun. It is also a wonderful thing shared between 2 people but there should bo no shame involved in sex!
yes my queen bee, you have all my support!
Sorry, but Japanese AV is not 'acting' any more than the person you are sleeping with may or may not be 'acting' (hopefully not, but there you go). For the most part it's all amateur stuff with no story whatsoever, and even when there is a story it's really not a story at all, just different cos-play scenes.
errr..... so I'm told.
JT always pleases the gaijin crowd with the typical and stereotypical articles about porn, models, and manga.
@horsefella.... Thank You mate....! Thank you for seeing what this kid really is!! LOL. I thought I was the only one who realized he is an infatuated, sex obsessed and grossly defensive. My Japanese wife thinks he's sick, literally. Cheers.
Maria Ozawa can have all the support she needs from me!
Why will I dream about balloons tonight?
"That dress makes her look chubby"
She is not chubby. She is not skinny.
Elbuda Mexicano
Come on, she is chubby, but just chubby in the 2 right places I like the best!
Saori Hara is not chubby. Watch her videos.
"Traditional panty toss"?????
LOL... Some traditions are just made to last I guess...
AS THE YOUNG PEOPLE SAY, this article is "full of win":
I see what you did there!
Miss Koda will be pleased with that remark, and is 36 really "substantially" older?
James Cameron must be weeping in L.A. right now.
PHWOAR! as the Brits say.
I know I'll regret this, but were those panties new, or...?
The first toss of many, eh Blunderbuss?
I used to watch a little JAV until I met my girlfriend. As my love for her grew it eclipsed anything that cheating or porning may have to offer. Porn is people shagging for a few minutes. Making love with the right woman is epic.
Marks out of two? I'd give her one.