One of the best things about Japan's music scene is chancing upon singers or groups who don't get much media coverage, but really know how to belt out a tune. One of those is Nobis (Emi Kashiwara & Elekiteru).
Where do you guys perform and what’s your genre?
Emi: Everywhere in Kanto. On Oct 11, we’ll be singing at Diesel XXX at Makuhari Messe; Release Party on Oct 17 at Module in Shibuya and Surf Jam at Chiba Kujyukuri Hama on Oct 25. We are also releasing our songs online.
Elekiteru: Our genre is eletronica, dance music.
Have you performed overseas?
Emi: This year we played in Paris at the Diesel U Music event as the Japan rep. We got to play with Keziah Jones and lots of cool artists. We played in a restaurant which had a beautiful garden -- lots of champagne and a great view.
What are your backgrounds?
Elekiteru: I started jamming on music instruments when I was 3 after listening to Down Town Boogie Woogie Band. I’m from Gunma, but lived in Australia for a while, playing gigs at festivals.
Emi: I was born in Mie and lived in Hong Kong from the age of 6 until I was 15. I started singing when I started playing piano at age 5.
How did you get together?
Emi: We met through our mutual friend (a lawyer ) actually... I used to teach him English and he was Elekiteru’s best friend. We started jamming one day, and decided to form a band in 2006.
Which language do you sing in?
Emi: English … because we are aiming for a Grammy. English is more rhythmic, flexible and easier to form melodies in.
If you were stuck on the Yamonote line forever and could only have three songs to listen to on your iPod, which would they be?
Emi: “UFO” ( by Pink Lady), the newest song we are working on (I always keep at least two new songs we are working on in my iPod, so I can work on anytime of the day); and “Call me up” by Chromeo.
For more info on Nobis, visit
© Japan Today
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They sound like they might be worth checking out.
May be , but the market is competetive and therefor money talks .