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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.'Star Wars' films to be rereleased in 3D
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I just don't get the draw to 3D movies. If there's a choice, I'll choose 2D every time.
But I dig star wars, so I'll likely see at least a couple of these.
I fail to see the greatness of 3D too.
But, more than that, how many times is Lucas going to RE-RELEASE Star Wars?!?!?!?
Hasn't he milked the cash-cow dry yet?
I bet he'll re-do all of them, releasing them individually, then re-release them as a boxed set with a "Making of the 3D Experience" bonus DVD, and then the next year re-release them again with slightly different sound or something.
I wonder what "new" edits he'll make to this re-re-release? He ruined the original 3, then there was the Jar Jar debacle, and the awful Hayden Christensen. Just keep making the animated clone wars.
Why?! Oh well. Probably won't be seeing it, but maybe it'll look amazing?
I would suggest they announce making Starwars part 7 to 9 in 3D. That way, like what Disney did with Toy Story 1 and 2 before releasing 3, they could verify all that extra work!
Episodes 1 - 3?
They might look amazing when done in 3D, but if the movie is bad then it will still be bad in 3D.
It's like sticking a cocktail umbrella in a dog turd.
If they show it a cinemas I bet there will be a lot of people with bruises on the backs of their head from people trying to punch the 3D Jar-Jar. Can you imagine how annoying he'd be in 3D??
If the movie was originally filmed with a "2D" mindset, then I think converting it to 3D is rather superfluous.
Please, no. Episodes 1 to 3 were painful enough. All CG, no plot, terrible acting ...
I was a die-hard sci-fi fan when Star Wars first came out and I was a 13-year-old who stayed up until midnight to watch it at the theater on opening night. Apart from the then-cool spaceship sfx, I thought it was sot of dumb, and afflicted with a kind of dated, broad-brush character stereotyping typical of the American 1950s and Disney movies. The sequels were progressively stupider...I wish I could write "culminating with the ridiculous Ewoks", but that was not the culmination. Sequels keep dripping out the back door like Olestra.
And just when I thought it was all done and could go away forever, here it comes again. Soon it will be as bad as the Michael Jackson stuff. Please. It was awful enough the first time through. Will it ever stop coming back again, year after year, over and over, the same old tripe?
Watch this space in about 2 years for my similar post about Superman and Batman movies. And any other movie from vapid comics that couldn't even hold my attention for one issue when I was 10.
I agree with bicultural.
Please, no 3D Ewoks!
Heck, please, no 3D C3P0!
And please, please, no 3D Princess Leia! Except for the gold bikini scene...
Death Star attacks and Battle of Hoth I think might work well in 3D with a bit of changes as for the rest = meh.
I thought I remember reading that the original films will be redone in CG like the current Clone Wars TV series. Either I misunderstood or they changed their minds.
"Star Wars" was always meant for the big screen. I once was awed by seeing a brief shot of a star destroyer moving across Tatooine on an IMAX screen. That was amazing, like being in space.
There are two kinds of 3D movies you don't want to confuse. There is a real 3D movie uses 2 stereo cameras to from the get go like "Avatar" and then there is also the fake computer manipulated 3D movie that merely positions paper thin cutout 2D character placed on different layers just to advertise the movie as being 3D. Watch out.
When is 4D holographic virtual immersion coming out? I might just skip the whole 3D movement and wait for 4D.
I'm sure plenty of people will still go and see Star Wars re-mastered in 3D.
Everyone's forgetting one of the best (hint of sarcasm) 3-D movies ever made - Jaws 3-D - great film!!
Actually the reason for the push to 3D is from the movie companies as 3D is more difficult to pirate. For now atleast.
George Lucas please stop VHS to dvd, re-making, re-mastering, added CG effects, blah blah blah !!!! Please no more !!! Star Wars was cool !!! But keep remastering and showing it in the theaters
3D movies are scarse, Since the 1980's I probably think there is about less than 100 DVD's that are in 3D. So, obviously buying a 3D television is an idiotic idea. Because there are not many great & fantastic 3D movies.
"I might just skip the whole 3D movement and wait for 4D"
Heck, I'm holding out for 5D.
What's next? Superstring movies/TV?
George Lucas is a tool. I have been milked enough. G'bye George
Just what we need --- 3D Jar Jar Binks ><
"Jar Jar Binks"
I don't know which character is worse, Jar Jar or C3PO. They're both irritating in the extreme.
Opening shot of Ep IV,Death start attacks in 3d = good, Same for Battle of Hoth,speeder bike chase and Leia in Gold-Bikini.
JaBBa the Hut, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks = BAAAD
Rest of movie 3D is wasted.
Man, this is old news! I already saw Star Wars in 3D on my trusty Fisher Price View Master way back when I was a kid. :D
It is well-known George Lucas is a jerk who hates SW fans. Don't give this tool one more dime !
He doesn't hate SW fans. Why do you say such things.
Again? Eps 4 - 6 were re-released in 1997 for the 20th anniversary. Why not wait till the 50th anniversary George? Why not focus on producing episodes 7 - 9 which is what we WANT to see for you.
Also, please don't bother with the Phantom Menace. It's on my list as one of the worst movies ever produced.