When asked about their favorite travel destinations in Japan, my work colleagues often rank Hokkaido high up on their lists. After all, the island prefecture is packed full of breathtaking secrets and scenic spots that will take even the most well-traveled visitors by surprise.
One example is Kushiro, a region located on the eastern side of Hokkaido. Filled with large swathes of nature thanks to a number of meandering rivers, tranquil lakes, and grand mountains, visitors will find great pleasure in exploring this hidden corner of Japan.
▼ An 8K high-definition promotional video offers a glimpse of its gorgeous landscapes.
▼ Paddle down a river in the Kushiro Marsh…
▼ …or ride the Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko Train to view stunning scenery of the Kushiro Wetlands, which is inaccessible by car.
A bustling harbor regularly supplies the city with fresh seafood that makes its way to a local fish market and Ganpeki Robata, a seasonal open-tent restaurant.
▼ There, customers get to grill their choice of tasty morsels by themselves.
▼ You can also sample some charcoal barbecued seafood at a local robatayaki.
▼ What’s more, there’s plenty in store for everyone regardless of season.
Japanese netizens and Kushiro residents were delighted by the impressive videos:
“I’m already used to living here, but this video made me realize again what a great place it is. Kushiro is really breezy in summer, too. When it’s so hot you feel like melting, please come and visit Kushiro!”
“I moved to Kushiro this summer and I’ve seen some really beautiful places and met fantastic people here. The city can be a little quiet at times, but nature is always just around the corner. Thanks for the video.”
“I’m a high school student in Kushiro. There are festivals in both summer and winter, with a fireworks display on 20th October, too! I look forward to everyone visiting my city!”
Kushiro is a hidden gem of a wonderland often overlooked by tourists, which is surprising considering that it even has its own domestic airport. Now is the perfect time to visit as the entire landscape will be painted in astounding yellows and oranges of autumn, making it a great holiday destination to drink in the extraordinary scenery.
All that will fade when winter rolls around, but Hokkaido offers so many fascinating things to do — staying in an ice hotel for example! — that even if travelers are done exploring Kushiro, they won’t run out of destinations any time soon.
Source, images: YouTube/Kushiro Hokkaido Japan
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Mahmood Hassan
and lovely food.