Penny-pinching, rude and terrible at foreign languages: French people are the world's worst tourists according to a study of the global hotel industry released on Thursday.
Carried out last month by TNS Infratest, the study asked 40,000 hotels worldwide to rank tourists from 27 countries based on nine criteria, from their politeness to their willingness to tip.
Clean and tidy, polite, quiet and uncomplaining, Japanese tourists came top of the crop for the third year running.
At the other end of the spectrum, French holidaymakers and business travelers were the least generous or ready to tip, and ranked next-to-last for their overall behavior and politeness.
Pushy French travelers made amends on elegance -- classed third -- as well as for their discretion and cleanliness.
But the French were the least ready to try a new language, unlike U.S. tourists who were most likely to swallow their pride and order a pizza, baguette or a paella in the local lingo.
U.S. tourists also got top marks for generosity -- as the biggest spenders and tippers -- but fell short on other counts as the least tidy, the loudest, the worst complainers, and the most badly dressed.
Despite cliches about beer-guzzling hordes descending on Mediterranean resorts each summer, Britons came a surprise second for their overall behavior, politeness, quietness and even elegance -- second for dress sense only to the Italians.
But the model Japanese were followed by Canadians as the least likely to whinge when a trip goes wrong.
France's rivals for the "worst tourist" tag, Spaniards and Greeks came near the bottom of the pack in almost every category.
© Wire reports
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don't understand this- the French can speak pretty good English if they can be bothered to. Did they not confuse the Japanese with the French here?
Where are the Chinese? Not the best tourists as far as I am concerned.
i can believe this japanese have great rep in the world for being polite (not counting those special vacations to thailand........)
good luck bothering a french :) (french speaking here)
Surely the Chinese are worse than the French?
the chinese get "don't spit" training what do the french get? no "snob" training?
japanese usually go on an organized trip, that's why they are comfortable.. and complaints are minimal. most of them may not directly slap someone else's face but they can be verbally rude once u understood what they're talkign about. the funniest tourists are the russian! boracay island, in the philippines, is experiencing a huge influx of russian tourists and my friends there told me that they're the funniest and craziest foreign tourists ever! however, in most of my foreign travels, i find the chinese to be the most annyoing, but i guess it's bcoz i couldnt understand what they're talking about, and they can be really loud!!
Whilst eating my freedom fries i agree the Freanch are the worst. I won't even talk to them, they have no manners or backbone.
I don't have too much troublde with Japanese, but i think of a better study was mad Americans with their friendliness and good humor would top the poll by far.
I don't think the sub-heading summarises the story. In any case, cultural stereotyping, like tipping, on question banks invariably leads to skewed results. Isn't this a German company? Surprise, surprise!
i think TNS is UK company, used to be anyway
A UK company? Surprise, surprise!
really? you surprise me? are they the worst complainers on JT too? nooo, surely not.
What fantastic news this is. All you empty-headed, deluded birds who still believe the french self-publicity about how charming and romantic they are, take not.
TNS Infratest. a German company
I've had to tell off rude French tourists in Japan more than once, and I have a long fuse.
Yah, that sounds like Americans. You gotta take the bad with the good, though.
The more I think about this, it HAS to be Chinese tourists.
They're loud like the Americans, rude and pushy like the French, as well as untidy, unhygenic, stingy hagglers.
Ce n'est pas vrais mon ami!
I am almost embarrassed to admit it but I have travelled with large groups of Japanese and I do appreciate their "raikyaku bunka". Basically, when they go abroad they act as if they are visiting a relative or a friends house. They are quiet and keep their manners on at all times. They also dress to impress. I have learned a lot about travelling from our Japanese brothers and sisters.
On the other hand, we Americans like to show that we are American. I am sure that many of you know what that means. We don't penny pinch and we insist on tipping everywhere we go. We are obsessed with getting our money's worth. Americans love a good show or story. Entertain an American abroad and you have a "real" friend for life.
maybe China was not included in the list of 27 countries ?? hmm..
the Freanch are the worst. I won't even talk to them Nice generalisation, whole races can be crammed into one stereotype. There are no exceptions. I am being heavily sarcastic.
The willingness to tip depends on one's culture at home. We don't do it in Spain as a rule, only in small bars if someone brings you the drinks to your table, but NEVER in a chain restaurant like Pizzahut. I got bad looks from a cashier at Pizzahut in the US because I paid just what was written on the menu, but I swear i just FORGOT because I am not used to that. The study did not take this into account, I guess.
French people from Paris and people from Southern France act totally different --- from my limited experience... hmm.
This is a silly survey anyways...
American tourists stick out like a boner in sweatpants, but they're generally a friendly bunch.
Always the odd few who whine that things aren't the same as in America though, and they tend to be oversensitive to good-natured ribbing of their country.
Without a doubt it is the Chinese who are the worst. They have no idea about personal space. They will stop at an exit when there is a crowd of people behind them. They are noisy and spit. I have never had a bad experience with a French person and I have come across a couple of people who were full of themselves, but they were O.K.
French-speaking Chinese are the worst.
Where is the original survey? I can't seem to find it. Either by searching the global site Or
This is clearly a joke and someone has been fooled here. Britons overall behaviour ? Quietness ? Elegance ! And I'm British.
A widespread joke perhaps I'm British, incredulous and have written to TNS Infratest and Expedia, who funded the survey, to ask for the results.
I'm glad to see that the Brits aren't just judged by the yob minority. Any Brits I've met on holidays in Japan or back home in Ireland have been really friendly and polite
People ask about the Chinese - but what about the Russians? They seem to be taking over South East Asia and try getting near the buffet if there are Russian teenagers in the room - worse than American teenagers if you can believe that.
I often find the French the worst at trying to us language even though like most countries they learn English for 6 years at school you would not believe it!!
Are there are a lot of vacationing Russian teens where you are? I live just outside of Tokyo, and the only Russians I see are females, and not teen aged.
For all those saying the Chinese are the worst ... One of the most 'ignorant' perhaps, in terms of a lack of knowledge about the other culture but not in terms of intentionally fight/complaining, etc. What's more, compared to the quieter Japanese people (in general), of COURSE someone who speaks more loudly will be deemed as 'louder', but that shouldn't be a character judgement unless it's accompanied by boisterousness.
I agree the Japanese deserve top rank, or very near it. I do, however, feel that they are quite ignorant of other countries, as are the Chinese. They travel almost exclusively in guided tours, get around on expensive buses even in third world countries, stay in $200/night hotels when you can get one for $5 down the street, and even refer to the native people of a country as 'foreigners' when recounting the trip after getting home. Hell, I talked to a guy this morning who went to England and said he tried to use English with as many foreigners as possible!!
Again, though, as to complaining, being cheapskates (they sometimes don't know how to or forget to leave a tip), dressing well and behaving, etc. the Japanese are some of the best tourists around.
I don't know about the French, but I agree that SOME Americans fit the bill described above to a T. And there's NO WAY Germans can escape the worst position for style... no way!
Who outside of the tourism industry really cares? Personally I avoid the big tourist spots like the plague.
pffft...the chinese are the worst, be a mile...the japanese are usually ok but not the top in my opinion...they do spend money though, so they're welcome everywhere
40 000 or just 4500?
Personally I find Americans are the worst tourist. Totally unable to look after themselves. You have to baby sit them on even the simplest task.
I never had a problem with the French and as tipping is a typically cultural thing as are most of the questioned highlighted in the survey this is just a nonsense.
Stupid "study", real bullshit. Doing some statistics which would look like something scientific would require huge data collection. How many countries were surveyed? How many regions per country? What class of hotels? And I'm not even discussing the criteria (which would have to be relatively culture-independent as already mentioned)...
"Basically, when they go abroad they act as if they are visiting a relative or a friends house. They are quiet and keep their manners on at all times."
Yep. If I were in the tourism industry, I would always smile at seeing busloads of Japanese drive up. They spend. They don't even hardly look at prices. They buy kitsch by the suitcase-ful. They are not going to bother other guests at hotels or steal the towels. They will not try to immigrate, and they will not have passport or other problems. They don't pass funny money. They don't even have kids anymore. Other people who have travelled with Japanese know what I am talking about. They get the best service wherever they go because the locals know that if word of DANGER or POOR SERVICE gets back to JTB or kuchikomi in Japan, the gravy train will stop somewhere else.
Which is as it should be.
To rank tourist to be good or bad from the practical point of view of some major hotel chain, is pretty limited and ignorant. Come on: how much they tip (yeah, we love money), how clean they are (yeah, we dont like to clean the room)? Even if they are valid criteria, it tests a certain category of tourist, during a certain activity. I cannot see how would it be representative to the Britons in Mallorca fornicating with drunk wales.
flatearther -- I live just outside of Tokyo, and the only Russians I see are females, and not teen aged.
Well, that is because most middle class Russians cannot afford to travel abroad.. even when they have the money, they are not allowed to travel around without a visa and a sponser in the country where they are visiting. Those female Russians you see in your neighborhood or/and Tokyo area hold work visa or spouse visa.. Since very few Russian men are married to Japanese women while more Russian women married to J-men, it makes 100% sense that you see only Russian women and not teen aged.
I wonder what the flip side of this survey would show??? How is Japan rated as a tourist destination in comparison to all other countries of interest.
And some of them are 'English' teachers!
Never believe these surveys. Comparison is an old trick to lure more customers.
In general, Chinese tourists are as bad as ugly Americans - loud, complaining and ignorant.
Japanese don't complain!? Yes they do not straight to the hotel but they rip of their Japanese leader for years to come. I hate to work with Japanese tourists and I've done on several occasions.
That's not fair for the following reasons: -French don't tip because tip is included in the bill in France -Americans tip because tip is not included. So; we always add 15% or more. -Americans are not the worst complainers. It is just that standards are lower in Europe and elsewhere, and we will give you piece of our mind whenever necessary. Overall, I agree: Japanese are "Le Top" as we say in France. And Japanese girls can eat crackers in my bed. Ganbare Nihon.
In my backpacking days I remember that Israelis were frequently identified as somewhat disagreeable tourists, amongst the backpacker set at least.
I think French people that studied in China, lived in Japan and have many American friends are the worst tourists.
Yeah, I would have to agree that the Chinese are the worst also. Lack of hygene, no manners (no concept of order in a queue), obnoxious, etc...
Ha ha...i was sure about that!!! Proud to be Greek! (although, i would consider myself as a "kind" and "quiet" Greek tourist).
yah, Canadians will put up with just about anything with a smile but I'm surprised the Americans scored so well.
Several years ago I happened to share an elevator with a white lady who looked in her forties in a hotel in Bangkok. As I was standing near the floor button panel, I asked her in English "What floor?". Then she looked somewhat annoyed and just said "Deux". She seemed to think it beneath her dignity to speak English even in an Asian city though it's geographically near Cambodia and Vietnam. But I felt her attitude not to speak English somehow kitsch though brusque. I didn't get to dislike her or the French people for that. Japanese may think themselves as visitors from an out-of-the-way place while the French themselves as visitors from the center of the world perhaps.
Here in Switzerland japanese tourist have a good reputation, maybe it's because we are kind of same ;) ... When it come to the other side, there were clearly the russian, southkorean, indien and chinese folks, who leave a negative taste. But that could be, because of their natural born habbits...
Hah! Been talking (and laughing) about this nonsense all day.
Hubby used to work as a tour guide for Japanese tourists in Paris. He has no time for Japanese tourists (even though technically he IS one whenever he leaves Japan,) and claims the reason they never complain is because of the language barrier and they complain non-stop to the tour guide if they have one. The reason they're good tippers (chippers even) is because they've read or been told that they're supposed to and they don't want to be rude or annoy the staff. They're quiet because no-one around them except their companions speak Japanese. This is also quite a good description of British tourists, the main exception being that they only speak English instead of Japanese. That's probably why we came second in this ridiculous study.
Don't believe it's nonsense? Did you know that Brits came second in elegance? After Italians and before French? How ridiculous can they get!
The Chinese must not have been included in this survey, otherwise they would have easily outdistanced the French. On recent trips to Saipan, South Korea, the US (California and Hawaii), I have never witnesses such deplorable behavior. They are completely oblivious to those around them, see nothing wrong with ignoring in-flight and taxiing regulations, and when one of the little buggers started pushing me in the back as we were waiting to disembark from the plane in San Francisco, I just had to push back on him and let him know (in no uncertain terms) that we were on my turf and to stop acting like a jackass. Whether he understood or not, he backed off. Don't get me started on the Israelis....
Actually it was done for expedia. Here's more info, including who to contact for more info
"order a pizza... in the local lingo"
Pizza Hut staff: Pizza Hut de gozaimasu"
Me: Hi, I'd like to order a pizza.
Pizza Hut staff: Odenwabango oshieteitadakimasendeshouka.
Me: 03-12345678
Pizza Hut staff: 5-6-21 Semai Haitsu no Sarge san deshouka?
Me: Yeah, that's me.
Pizza Hut staff: Gochumon dozo.
Me: One large Deluxe pan crust pizza. And I have a 1000 yen off coupon.
Pizza Hut staff: L-saizu delakkusu pan kurastto, senen off kupon de, nisenhappyaku yen desu. Yonjupun kakarimasunode.
Me: Thanks!
Mission accomplished!
Right on Sarge------soooooo true
I remember when I thought I would try ordering a pie one night using the local lingo and the girl just said, "Engrish prease." But I was persistent and she repeated herself, so screw it I use the international lingo. And I live in a pretty rural area.
Funny, I have a couple of German friends that always say the Germans are the worst in Europe but it's a toss up between the US and Germany when you talk about the whiole world. I tend to agree as Germans and Americans typically want wherever they're going to be just like home.
I missed that: US most badly dressed, I almost peed myself, damn skippy. So if you fly into any airport in asia and there are only a handful of westerners how do you know which one is the American? Easy, it's the 400 pound lady in the moo moo chugging down the concourse screaming "hold the plane" at the top of her lungs.
Elbuda Mexicano
French or Chinese? In Mexico we have few Chinese now, so we can not really get angry with them yet, but most Mexicans know that the French are arrogant, cheap and stingy so we do not bother giving them the time of day. In Mexico tipping is very, very important, the French will never understand this so we just ignore them, while the gringos, the USA tourists are usually very good at not only tipping but also at just spending money like water! Viva la USA!
I doubt that he used the word "gaikokujin" instead of "igirisu-jin".
And as for Chinese, pleez. The behavior of Chinese tourists were so bad that the Chinese government had to step in and implement an etiquette education.
Where do the Aussies rank? Everywhere I've gone I've had a good time with the Australians I've met. Must be the common bond of liquor.
I don't really see how being dressed poorly has anything to do with being a good or bad tourist. Next they'll be holding it against us for being the most "obese" tourists.
Funny, the last couple of groups of really lost looking tourists that I've approached and asked if they needed help, only to be looked upon with utter disgust and distain, and then subsequently ignored, were Europeans. Spaniards and Italians (not necessarily in that order) as I recall. I was surprised at their reaction but just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I suppose they were thinking "How could YOU possibly help US, foreign girl!?!" Of course it make sense to ask the natives for help when in a foreign country, so I can kind of see why they refused my help. I find that American tourists visiting Tokyo are usually friendly and not afraid to ask a fellow non-Japanese person for help.
My favorite French Tourist story. I was in Amsterdam transiting back to the states. I'm in line at the gate for the exist interview when the customs agent comes up to me:
"You, you're American right?" "Yeah." "It's your lucky day, come to the front of the line." "Alright." "We've got a huge french tour group, they refuse to speak anything but french. We only have one agent that speaks french. They should know better. When you travel you speak English."
So, here I am, in a Amsterdam, with an customs agent that isn't a native English speaker (though speaks it very well) telling how all travelers should speak English. Outstanding.
nigelboy: "I doubt that he used the word "gaikokujin" instead of "igirisu-jin""
You cherry-picked from my comment without the context. Anyway, he didn't use either. He used 'foreigner', as I said (we were speaking in English), to refer to the English in England. I usually let this slide, but after the third time I pointed out that they are probably not foreigners there, whereas he would be. He chuckled and said, in a good enough voice, that I was right and he simply wasn't thinking. He's a good guy, but unfortunately I think a whole lot of people, good or bad, don't 'think' under such descriptions of their travel from Japan to foreign countries.
As for the Chinese, again, I never said they WEREN'T bad, I just wanted to point out that they are not DELIBERATELY trying to be offensive or vulgar, or what have you, they are just, as has been pointed out, in many cases oblivious. They need some sensitivity training, the likes of which you pointed out, but don't forget that the Japanese get it too (just more willingly), particularly in terms of 'tipping'. And by sensitivity training of course I mean a crash course manual from their local JTB guidebook on where they're going.
Anyway, I still say Germans... at least the men... get the worst-dressed award. A generalization, I know, but I see it everywhere I go.
Oh yeah. I forgot about the part where you don't speak the language. So let me get this straight. He talked about his STAY in U.K. and yet he went out out of his way to use the word "foreigner" instead of "guy/lady", "person/people", "man/woman", or "they/them"?? Hmm. If it was in Japanese as I mistakenly claimed, you may have fooled some posters here but you have successfully alienated them as well with the corrected version.
Moderator: Back on topic please.
tourists from third world countries are the best tippers, they usually have a lot of money in order to travel.
Raja Kumar
I think this survey is bias, I have met many very fine tourists from france.
They exist too. It is very bias to categorise france people like these. There is also a big majority of fine tourists from france.
One day i was riding in the local train line I live on, narry a foreigner do I see. But one day there was a group of brightly dressed, talkative French people carrying on like they were in Paris. The Japanese sitting quietly and French buzzing right along. At first I was deligthed. Then after 5 minutes I wish they'd tone it down. Everything in balance as they say.
The Chinese are the worst tourists I have encountered in Japan. Just the other day, I took visiting family to Disneyland and knew the Chinese behind us would cut in line once the gate opened. They performed as predicted. And at the hotel, a group that was broken up into separate rooms (I assume) kept the doors open half the night going back and forth between rooms and chatting in the hall in front of my door. The Chinese do as they want and don't care at all what others think about it.
And tipping is an archaic behaviour, offensive to the dignity of whoever expects it or asks for it.
In France we have abolished it more than 40 years ago, when "service compris" became the law. We do tip, rarely, rather discreetely and only when we feel that we have some special consideration for a person who has treated us in a non-standard way.
Not so different from life in Japan, after all !
But where it becomes different is when French people travel : they do not know that tip is sometimes an institution (the US) or that people have corrupt minds (SE Asia for instance) ; they aggravate people in not tipping, but on the other hand they reaffirm a principle in which they believe.
The Japanese, on the other hand, tip liberally because the poor chaps have been taught into doing it ; but by so doing they corrupt, and they create undesirable expectations in countries which would never be tip-minded if it was not for misguided J- and US tourists.
LOL France.....
i was discussing this survey with a student yesterday, and i'm not surprised to find japan at the top of the list. HOWEVER, we need to bear in mind that most japanese tourists keep quite a distance from the locals, probably don't speak enough of another language to complain or get into any quarrels. this certainly avoids conflict, but makes me think that pretty much zero cultural exchange takes place when japanese travel abroad. japanese don't learn much about the people they encounter, and people abroad learn little about the japanese.
i've experienced the same thing. the explanation is that "foreigner" is the english word mostly commonly used to translate gaijin/gaikokujin. it might be better translated as outsider, or non-japanese. thus, it's perhaps not fair to criticise him for his word choice, but by using a translation of "gaijin" does go to expose the rather dichotomous way in which many japanese see the world...
Re: trying to help other foreigners in Japan, this came to my mind. I was at Yurakucho, when 2 American women asked me where the International center is. I pointed where it is and explained where they have to go. They started whining really unpolitely that I pointed towards a building. Well, I did, as the int. center was right behind that building. Some American man came to the same spot and the women immediately turned to him, asking the same, and then thanking him with all smiles etc. without giving even a look at me or thanking me. I swore this was the last time I try to help American b-tches with no manners nonesoever. Any Japanese woman in a similar situation would have looked at everybody and thanked everybody who tried to help.
Give them the wrong directions next time! ;p
I find the French working at CDG Airport in Paris to be very rude. The Japoanese abroad may be the worlds best tourists, but here at home, in Tokyo especially, they are surely extremely rude. Japanese politeness has all but disappeared.
Americans worst dressed - what a surprise!?
I appreciate the way Japanese tourists bow and apologize for being in the way when I drive by on a vespa and snatch their bags.
Nigelboy, i know you like nitpicking and flaming anything that offends your adopted country, but you can be a bit full of it sometimes mate. I have had conversations in Japanese in my home country with Japanese people where they referred to the locals as Gaijin, including me, even to my face. I did politely remind them, that there, they are the Gaijin, and after a stunned-mullet face lasting 20 seconds they clicked and understood. Its important to keep in mind that we are the visitors when we are abroad and that we reflect on our compatriots that follow us. A little research into customs of wherever you are going makes sense, but so many people just buy tickets, sunscreen, and pack theier bags as a sum total of thier preparation. Or buy pre-packaged tour group deals. I really admire the Japanese friends I have made abroad that buck this stereotype and go out to experience real life, not the sanitized, safe, Japanese bubble version. Nigey boy, you don't have to jump on every criticism of Japan/japanese so vehemently, sometimes its just true, because they are not perfect, even if you are a fanboy. Just because you don't see something does not discount its existence. All in all most of us like Japan etc but are comfortable with constructive criticism or honest frustration with unpleasant realities. Dont put the disgruntled ALTs in the same bag as all of us, thanks.
2009 World's Best Tourists :
1/ Japan 2/ Britain 3/ Canada 4/ Germany 5/ Switzerland 6/ Holland 7/ Australia 8/ Sweden 9/ USA 10/Denmark
By the way, I would like to raise a point. It would be interesting to learn about the impact of the multiculturism in these countries on the behavior of their population as tourists abroad. Look, if we take Japan's example, japanese tourists are ethnically homogeneous. Homogeneity applies as well to a large number of Asian countries and I would add even a large number of countries of the East and Far East and even of Central Europe.
well in that case Canada is hardly homogeneous
Americans most willing to speak a foreign language? What planet are they on? If "most willing to speak a foreign language" means "most willing to shout louder and louder, and slower and slower and complain and demand everything be like it is in the US" then they're spot on I guess.
As for MakusuSun's comment about "standards being lower in Europe", get a clue.
'U.S. tourists also got top marks for generosity—as the biggest spenders and tippers'
No surprise ! Americans have led the world in charitable donations and charity events for dozens of years.
'but fell short on other counts as the least tidy' -Hey we're on vacation ! Laeve the laundry and tableware for the staff to take care of !
'the worst complainers'
Easy to explain, life in America is first rate. The standard of living is top notch, the quality and quantity of food outstanding, and prices for consumer goods are dirt cheap. One really wonders why Americans would bother to travel outside their own borders. When Americans experience inferior conditions they feel free to tell you so. My advice, instead of whinning about it, listen up and make the necessary changes... after all the customer is god !
and the most badly dressed.
Chotto, Chotto !!!
'Americans most willing to speak a foreign language? What planet are they on?'
No, what planet are you on ? One that obviously doesn't recognize that the USA is made up of immigrants with over 50 million current American residents being born in another country... yeh, thats right, they probably speak a different language other than English at home. My oh my where do you all come from ?
Well, this is confusing. Last night I heard a radio talk-in about another survey that put us Brits at the bottom of the pile.
So true, I enjoy watching my fellow Americans and having a good laugh. I actually heard one complaining that the Japanese do not speak "American". The guy was so mad and so bloody amusing......LOL
There are quite a fews surveys that would disagree with this one. There are some that acutally rank the Japanese as the worst not because they are impolite but because of the obessessive photo taking. The Japanese tourits have been reported to be quite pushy when it comes to getting a good photo. I was also with a tour group once when the guide announced several times that photos would not be allowed and that cameras should be put away. Guess which group sneaked a few photos? However I would not judge other Japanese tourists by the actions of this one group. We were on a boat and I was afraid to take pictures because we were touring a naval base. I bought postcards. By the way, I do not put much faith in surveys.
Jeff Huffman
DenDon at 09:53 AM JST - 10th July TNS Infratest. a German company
LOL. Not having traveled to Europe but knowing people who have, they pretty much concur that the Germans are worse than Americans. The Japanese really aren't far behind precisely because too many insist on traveling in large groups.
Jeff Huffman
griff at 07:16 PM JST - 12th July . . . , but by using a translation of "gaijin" does go to expose the rather dichotomous way in which many japanese see the world...
Yep. I caught a friend out with this who was staying with us in the States. I gave her no end or grief for referring to Americans as gaijin.
I know nothing about Chinese culture, but knowing how they think of themselves and their culture historically, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't view the world in more-or-less the same way.
Jeff Huffman
torsoaho at 04:17 PM JST - 15th July No, what planet are you on ? One that obviously doesn't recognize that the USA is made up of immigrants with over 50 million current American residents being born in another country... yeh, thats right, they probably speak a different language other than English at home.
That's the problem with being a "American" - it's a political as well as cultural designation.
Of the 50 million immigrant "Americans" you speak of, the majority are Spanish speakers from Mexico and Central American. How "American-ized" they are, even after two generations, is open to debate. Many more of your 50 million are economic and political exiles. It can be argued that a good portion of these people (particularly the Chinese, S Korean, SE Asians, S Asians, and Africans) would probably return home tomorrow if the political and/or economic situations changed. Categorizing all these people as "Americans" to win an argument on the Internet(s) about foreign language proficiency in the U.S. is disingenuous at best.
Moderator: Back on topic please.
For a business, long as they spend money and you are respectful and don't break the law, it really doesn't matter.
I think Japanese tourist tend to be somewhat low maintenance/easy going. I haven't had contact with many French tourists, but from my experience a lot of them have been pretty friendly while others can seem 'standoff-ish.' But all in all they actually don't seem that bad IMO.
ALL tourists are annoying.
I'm not surprised about the language bit for Americans. Nothing to do with immigrants, people from the US are terrible with foreign languages because most never need to deal with it. However, I have never known someone to travel who didn't buy phrase books and do a little with it. I'd say Americans are more willing to try (and often fail miserably) at foreign languages, while many other countries like Japan have schooling in them from early age.
But we do really enjoy complaining, lol.
I'm not so surprised about the result for French, my experiences have generally been pretty unpleasant dealing with French travelers. Many I've met understood and spoke English, but did so tersely and disdainfully.
I've also been told that Japanese are a bit troublesome as tourists, or at least incredibly unfriendly as they stay in their group and are just a nightmare if separated from the guide. Thats from my friends in the US who worked in hotels. I can imagine it, I suppose.
the chinese believe that they are in fact descended from homo-erectus, not homo-sapiens like the rest of us. look it up
A British company that incenses Anglo-Americans, unlike the French, is not new, this study did not take into account the behavior of British drunken alcohol and drugs, very often aggressive and brawler, impatient and rude , insulting stupid stereotypes towards the natives.
Tips in France do not exist, waiters have a living wage, that's why the French do not give and also because they do not know or are used to give in another country.