Japan Today

SAS to offer Internet onboard both short- and long-haul routes


Scandinavian Airlines will become the first airlines in the world to offer in-flight connectivity, such as internet and mobile services, on both short-haul and long-haul routes. The service will be offered free of charge to Business class and Economy Extra customers, and as a fee-based option in Economy.

Broadband services aboard SAS flights will include full internet access, online shopping, movies and other video content, games, destination information and bookable services at the destination city (eg, taxicab service or hotel reservations), and real-time flight information.

“We are currently negotiating with a number of service providers and aim to offer our premium customers free internet onboard our flights, starting already in April next year. We are always looking for innovative ways to improve the travel experience for our customers. This in-flight broadband system allows us to customize a suite of Wi-Fi services for our customers – from movies and other entertainment for our leisure travelers to communication tools for our business travelers,” says Robin Kamark, Chief Commercial Officer, SAS.

SAS’ Boeing 737s will be the first to have in-flight connectivity installed, and initially offered on Norwegian domestic routes, and from Oslo and Stockholm to London, Frankfurt and Paris. In the first phase, nine B737s will offer the service, followed by short-haul and long-haul aircraft.

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As usual, JAL/ANA will get onboard far too late.

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Thought the latest trend was to remove all WiFi from planes due to theoretical risk of setting off bombs in he cargo hold?

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@wanderlust: Latest trend? Because someone from the TSA/DHS made a comment or statement about it, that makes it a trend? Not even one carrier has done it or even talked about it and it is a trend? I must have forgotten the meaning of the word "trend."

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"Scandinavian Airlines will become the first airlines in the world to offer in-flight connectivity..."

No they won't. I used in flight Internet on my ANA flight to NY over 4 years ago.

Connexion by Boeing scrapped that program later that year.

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Afaik, we need that like fish need bicycles.

Instead of installing ever more gadgets, how about scrapping all of that, including the pantry with its microwaves, and simply everybody a bit more legroom?

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the first to have in-flight connectivity installed

So what are the differences between Connexion by Boeing or Aircell or Row 44 and this?

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Broadband services aboard SAS flights will include full internet access

About times

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