Niseko, a renowned winter destination of Hokkaido, transforms into a playground of outdoor adventures during the summer months. One of the most exciting activities to experience in Niseko is river rafting. As the snow melts, the Shiribetsu River comes alive, offering a thrilling rafting experience for adventure enthusiasts of all ages.
Shiribetsu River
The 126 km long Shiribetsu River is a prime location for enjoying rafting tours. It features a mix of intense whitewater rapids and serene stretches ideal for families and solo travelers alike. The Shiribetsu River in Japan is famous for its clear waters. It’s a great place for a thrilling rafting adventure with its stunning surroundings.
Niseko boasts a team of highly experienced outdoor adventure guides who cater to a wide range of rafting packages for school groups, families, and individuals seeking adrenaline-pumping experiences. Whether you’re a first-time rafter or a seasoned enthusiast, there’s a rafting tour suited to your skill level and preference.
Rafting in Niseko
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