GaijinPot in partnership with Japan Airlines is offering one lucky traveler a chance to visit Japan.
Experience the 24-hour noise and neon of Tokyo, eat okonomiyaki in the street food capital of Osaka, discover history in the cosmopolitan port city of Nagasaki and sun yourself in the tropical paradise of Amami-Oshima.
The winner will spend 14 days in Japan and travel to Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki and Amami-Oshima with the JAL Explorer Pass while documenting his/her adventures for GaijinPot.
Hotels, transport and sightseeing costs will all be covered and there will be a GaijinPot Travel Ambassador on hand to provide support throughout the trip.
Apply here
© Japan Today
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Matthew Harding
I already live in Japan (^.^) I think I might just drop on by and get some Okinomiyaki later.
Abubakir Hamad Hussein
nice chance
That's easy. Read the air. It's a hyper-quick process of elimination. People not already set up and completely tech savvy need not apply. Remember the Aichi ninja competition? Given that they will likely be flooded with applicants world wide, for this "FREE" junket, it's a mini screen test. In a 10 hour day GaijinPot & JAL can eliminate anyone too old or too ugly for their promotional purposes in seconds at very little cost to themselves. Much cheaper than hiring an ad agency to promote the JAL Explorer Pass.
Jason Santana
"Be able to obtain a Japanese Visa" perhaps this for the people in countries that require it for travel to Japan otherwise it makes no sense being mentioned if it's not specified.
What is this youtube thing and hashtag thing they require just to enter?
Sabrina Gottschalk
I can go along with the conditions until the travel date. This works unfortunately absolutely not for me. (>.<) Good luck for those who can participate.
The conditions to win this are pretty demanding! But I guess that's good for those who are really motivated.
Maître Lynda