Beloved by Western politicians, diplomats, thinks tanks and the media, these heroic fighters for freedom and democracy battled Vlad Putin and his communists in the Great Patriotic War.
For managing to keep geo-political balance, by acting as go-betweens, maybe Erdogan or Xi.
Xi hasn't done anything for peace: their Ukraine plan is an inanity and the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran isn't based on anything solid and will fall apart.
No one has deserved it directly, but considering all the violent conflicts around, maybe Azerbaijan, for honoring the very rare example of peacefully pushing people out of Nagorny-Karabakh. They could also easily solve it with bloodbath but haven't.
Also Greenpeace should be recognized for their part in stopping the importation of LPG from Russia into Germany. This has changed Germany future plans of a LPG transport fleet to A hydrogen transport fleet. This alone has save future lives and the environment deterioration.
No one has deserved it directly, but considering all the violent conflicts around, maybe Azerbaijan, for honoring the very rare example of peacefully pushing people out of Nagorny-Karabakh. They could also easily solve it with bloodbath but haven't.
You honestly believe that hundreds of thousands of Armenians just left because it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time?
Taiwan: Do your research and look at the servicing of this area. You will realise they left because of the coming winter and the blockading the servicing of the area meant stay to freeze and stave or leave to survive. Yes Sven is correct and you are a person who dose not have a glue and only know the BS feed to you by Big Media. Wake up and do your research.
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Israel should get it hands down, 2023 is least Palestinian killed by Israel defending the occupied lands since the 1946 takeover of Palistain.
Mr Kipling
I think you need to add the sarcasm emoji. Some people may think you are being serious.
Alfie Noakes
The 14th Waffen SS-Volunteer Division Galicia.
Beloved by Western politicians, diplomats, thinks tanks and the media, these heroic fighters for freedom and democracy battled Vlad Putin and his communists in the Great Patriotic War.
Ukraine. No sarcasm emoji needed.
Algernon LaCroix
Just been racking my brain but I cannot think of anyone or any organization.
For managing to keep geo-political balance, by acting as go-betweens, maybe Erdogan or Xi.
Peter Neil
Maybe no one. Peace is not breaking out around the world.
Xi hasn't done anything for peace: their Ukraine plan is an inanity and the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran isn't based on anything solid and will fall apart.
Sven Asai
No one has deserved it directly, but considering all the violent conflicts around, maybe Azerbaijan, for honoring the very rare example of peacefully pushing people out of Nagorny-Karabakh. They could also easily solve it with bloodbath but haven't.
Also Greenpeace should be recognized for their part in stopping the importation of LPG from Russia into Germany. This has changed Germany future plans of a LPG transport fleet to A hydrogen transport fleet. This alone has save future lives and the environment deterioration.
You honestly believe that hundreds of thousands of Armenians just left because it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time?
Taiwan: Do your research and look at the servicing of this area. You will realise they left because of the coming winter and the blockading the servicing of the area meant stay to freeze and stave or leave to survive. Yes Sven is correct and you are a person who dose not have a glue and only know the BS feed to you by Big Media. Wake up and do your research.
I would have thought Trump would be a front-runner for his publicly declared innovative plan to end the Ukrainian / Russian war in 24 hours.
No details to date that I know of, but must be beyond the realms of other peace-seekers plans.
So basically a war crime.
Lord Dartmouth
The Free Speech Union in the UK.