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A bill that would require public bathhouses to distinguish between men and women based on their physical characteristics has been drawn up by a conservative group within the Liberal Democratic Party. What are your thoughts on this?
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What do they do if the top is one and the bottom is the other?
What physical characteristics? Height, weight, Adam's apple, hand and foot size, genitalia? Who judges?
Perhaps the term 'physical characteristics' in the question is simply a euphemism for genitals. If so, come on Japan Today. We're all adults here.
(If not, my apologies)
Typical of laws to put all the onus on small business. Simply defend their right to distinguish gender for themselves, so that they are not forced to allow men into the women's changing room. If a few choose to allow anyone anywhere, their customers will let them know if they don't like it.
Onsen have always been mixed and only since the USA took control after the war this changed. Like other changes that did not mar with USA social norms. The USA said to Japanese for now on Onsen will be segregated into male and female because mix Onsens are against Christian values. My through on onsen is it is a place to relax where your status is left out side. Where the elite and the lower class can relax together without the burden of knowing the status of the person you are share the onsen with. Once naked one position in life can not be on display. Hence the reason why those with tattoos will advise to all of their status ( Yakuza ) and therefore are barred for entering. So if you have male indicators and enter the female onsen you are displaying your status in a place your status is to be left outside.
John san above above....what if your "status " has shrunk with old age ?
So what personal inspections before being allowed in?
Or just won't stop growing, dammit. This is getting ridiculous.
Dunno about that. Anyway, you'd have to have women's consent to desegregate them in 2025. This is highly unlikely. The genderless toilet built in that Kabukicho building was a huge failure, it had to be rebuilt twice within a year, and drew anger from many women who felt its creation showed a lack of consultation with them.
The mixed onsen I've been in, in Gunma and in Beppu, have had women in towels. It might be different in Tohoku, but that's only one part of the country. I'd rather be au naturel with men only than fumble about with modesty-related etiquette with towels or pants. I only ever go to the onsen when I'm knackered and want to relax.
There is an onsen in my condo...segregated.
I never use it.
The thought of bathing with old men ,their skin defoliating into the water....nah
The open air, tidal, mixed outside onsen in Yakushima with young women....I can dig it.
I assume public bathhouses means sento and not onsen. It should be simple - if you've got a willy, you go the men's side. (An exception for little boys who are being taken by their mums.)
If this bill is a genuine measure proposal to aid/protect women's young boys and girls save spaces I would fully endorse support the bills introduction.
Another incomplete article, lacking all possible details....
How about reducing the age where the little girls and boys can bath on the opposite sex? I feel uncomfortable everytime I see a father with a 10 years old naked daughter walking through the sea of naked men, here in Hokkaido.In my opinion, the maximum age should be 5, maximum 6 years old, if not even less.
Also, how about the rampant discrimination for people having even the smallest tattoo? It's unbelievable that this is widely accepted in this time and year.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Look down. What you had the first time you ever saw it is what you are: govern yourself appropriately.
Intersex people can chop and change.
Sounds like a reasonable idea.
Also, I am pretty sure women will speak up if a man is on their side of the "Sento".
Also, women would probably rather not bathe on the men's side of the "Sento."