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Authoritarian regimes are challenging regional stability in various parts of the world. What's your view on this?


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In fact, the 2021 Global State of Democracy Report states: "The world is becoming more authoritarian as non-democratic regimes become even more brazen in their repression and many democratic governments suffer from backsliding by adopting their tactics of restricting free speech and weakening the rule of law, exacerbated by what threatens to become a ‘new normal’ of Covid-19 restrictions. For the fifth consecutive year, the number of countries moving in an authoritarian direction exceeds the number of countries moving in a democratic direction. In fact, the number moving in the direction of authoritarianism is three times the number moving towards democracy."

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It's going to get much worse, I am afraid. Authoritarians have technology at their disposal like never before to enable complete repression of the people. And too few people see the danger for what it is - many are even welcoming it. Once locked in, it's hard to see how people can escape these days.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

As always, it will not end well and also bring much suffering to millions of people.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I think this is a case of hard times creating strong men, albeit despotic strong men. I also think this is also a case of not letting a good disaster go to waste kind of thinking, here's my point: (https://www.americanprogress.org/article/authoritarian-regimes-seek-take-advantage-coronavirus-pandemic/). What I fear is that these strong men don't have the best intentions for its people and rather, are just drunk on power and want it to stay that way. I hope everyone resists this, I'd rather be free but a bit poorer than to be more stable but live under the thumb of someone else.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

commanteerToday  08:30 am JST

It's going to get much worse, I am afraid. Authoritarians have technology at their disposal like never before to enable complete repression of the people. And too few people see the danger for what it is - many are even welcoming it. Once locked in, it's hard to see how people can escape these days.


That's why it's important to resist now through acts like non-compliance and peaceful resistance against bad rules/laws such as lockdowns and enforced medication, refusal to pay fines thereby clogging up the court system with so many cases that the authorities just give up, stockpiling alternative means of payment as a hedge against the CBDCs that will be on the way unless we through a spanner in the works.

The last three years or so have shown the lengths governments and their friends will go to to justify and entrench their power. And worse is the extent to which a big chunk of the populace will go along to get along or even help them to enforce it. But the rot has been going on long before covid came along, it just became even more obvious than usual. To many people mistakenly believe that the worst excesses of abuse of power only happens in distant backward countries or in the past, but that's naive. The same kinds of psychopaths and sociopaths exist in every civilisation and will continue to do so. For quite some time the checks and balances we've had in the Western democracies have kept these people somewhat restricted int he damage they do, but that framework is unraveling and it will take a fight to rebuild it and put these crooks where they belong.

Will you fight for what's right, or fold? Or worse, sell out your family, friends and neighbours for a sugar hit from the crumbs the psychos throw you for your loyalty until they're done with you?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

All nation states are would-be authoritarian regimes. They would all be run on behalf of a small minority (be it the rich, big business, a socialist vanguard, a managerial bureaucracy or whatever) and they would all disseminate, through the media and education systems, a justification of their rule and policy (otherwise known as an ideology, of which some species of patriotism/nationalism is the most alluring and persuasive). The better nation states are a bit more concerned about citizens than the others. For the worst, the citizens are just there to serve the nation state and the interests of those in charge. These tend to make the most use of overt nationalism or xenophobia. It's all pretty stupid in the end. It's pretty easy to see through it all, except for those who can't.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Authoritarian regimes? And only them? No, all the biggest and some other big global players are at ‘work’ here. It’s not even new, they’re trying to redesign the atlas maps into their favor for centuries and decades already. One would normally think that the bigger they are they should feel having enough now, but no, it’s the contrary, the more they already have the more aggressive they become. (Of course, only on average and Canada somehow being a more peaceful outlier.)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If you don't want to live under an authoritarian regime/government, then you'd better be prepared to make a stand and fight back.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

What authoritarian regimes are you talking about?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

New authoritarian regimes from the WEST are emerging or, rather would say, are not hiding anymore their agenda since their technology can control the narrative and are now oppressing their populations that is the new paradigm.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"Authoritarian regimes are challenging regional stability in various parts of the world. What's your view on this?"

ABSOLUTELY TRUE! The U.S. has been destabilizing the leadership of 'disobedient' countries and installing compliant military dictatorships all over the planet for over a hundred and fifty years and is the most used of their worn out foreign policy choices. Starting only in 1952 with the democratic government of Iran up to 2014 and the installation of the extreme rightwing azov regime in Ukraine and ongoing in numerous parts of the world under the guise of propaganda, where direct invasion (preferred choice) is not feasible, so-called 'economic sanctions' seek to crush the people's spirit and livelihoods on hopes of provoking among the more ignorant that exist in all polities an 'anti-government' movement led by local Judas goats funded by the CIA. THAT is their main job. China is short-circuiting that psychopathic foreign policy with a Win-Win policy that completely baffles the U.S. State Department and shows the U.S. hegemony may be finally crumbling under its own cruelty. "Authoritarian Regines" Я U.S.!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The new Patriot Act before the US Congress will curtail Freedom of Information requests for citizens and criminalize VPN. Citizens could go to prison for using a VPN.

Fascism comes wrapped in a flag.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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