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Do you feel pressured to go out drinking with co-workers?


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not at all.

simple I am not going.no alcohol drinker.

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No...I look forward to it

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Yes, especially during the first few weeks. Since I probably look like a rough and ready dude, they automatically assume that I'm a heavy drinker when in fact I'm incredibly allergic to alcohol. And despite that, they still persisted. After months of being pressured to drink, they eventually gave up and never invited me again. Some people just can't respect your choices.

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Not really. I declined going to the bonenkai and no one said anything about it. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm really wanted at the bonenkai...

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No. They feel pressured to go out drinking with me!

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No, you are asking me to give up quality time with my family on top of the 38 hour plus any overtime I do at drop of hat. No I am going home to my family and never ask such a stupid question of me again. No I don,t feel pressured because if you did hire me you know that at the interview that I don,t get involved in work social. That why if it is ask of me, it is a stupid question.

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The bonenkai is dead thanks to the pandemic. I don't think anyone will miss them to be honest.

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