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Do you think Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa is a liability for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama?


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In political world it is difficult to distinguish between the Liabity and Asset !

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Yes, he is, but for some reason, Hatoyama seems unable to realize it and jettison Ozawa.

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Yes. But he is the puppet-master.

If you cut the strings, what have you got? ;)

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So, what I have heard is true.

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He's a liability for whichever party he associates himself with.

My hairdresser doesn't usually talk about politics, but yesterday she was quite voluble about Ozawa representing everything that was bad with the bad old LDP and what the h3ll was he doing in the DPJ. He drags the stench of his connections with Tanaka Kakuei and Kanemaru Shin with him wherever he goes. The DPJ need to axe him as soon as possible.

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He is a liability to Japan.

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I would imagine he would scare the crap out of those entrenched in the status quo.

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Peas in the same pod. Both have fund scandals!

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Politics and scandal go hand-in-hand in this country. Furthermore, this current case has some hallmarks of a political witch-hunt. The Prosecutors Office was set on Ozawa when the LDP were still in power. Interestingly, however, some of the other names that popped up in the course of this investigation were buried (certain LDP politicians including at least one former minister). As such, while I am inclined to believe that Ozawa is guilty (possibly of a whole lot more than is being discussed), I also believe that there is a certain sense of this whole case being a bit of political payback, with many of the less-talented manipulators of the LDP (those who did not ditch the party when Ozawa did many years ago) now lining up to put in the boot.

As an aside, it might also be beneficial to consider this whole scandal in terms of the establishment (the LDP and the bureaucracy) settling scores with the forces of reform (if indeed there are any such forces in this country).

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No, he is not a liability here in Japan because the public really doesn't expect anything more from it's politicians. This is why Ozawa is not resigning despite his aides being arrested. And this is why Hatoyama apparently doesn't care enough to ask him to resign, despite the nearly 24 hour news coverage this fiasco is garnering. Anywhere else, of course, he would be a liability and would have already resigned.

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everyone knows that hatoyama is just a puppet prime minister for ozawa. the recent scandal and hatoyama's refusal to distance himself from ozawa reinforces this. unless hatoyama comes up with some policies or anything other than dancing to the tune of ozawa's fiddle, hatoyama is just a liability to himself.

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With both Hatoyama and Ozawa, we should rename this place the Land of Scum.

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I think they are all a bunch of crooks. They are all for themselves and not for the people. They just act like they care about the people when in reality, all they care about is themselves and how much money they can get from what they are doing without anyone knowing.

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Sec Gen Ozawa is exceptional in his abilities - surprising he would be vulnerable to a fund scandal.

I read a strange issue that the statute of limitations on this scandal was in March 2010 - can anyone confirm this and why did it occur almost at the same time as when PM Hatoyama had the problem w/ questionable funds from his mother? Odd, very odd.

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I think they are all a bunch of crooks. They are all for themselves and not for the people...

I would say that this is the daffynition of "politician" the world over. But Ozawa is a liability. The amount of corruption around him is now too large to hide even if the statute of limitations has run out.

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Ozawa Is the voice of those peaceful people that cling to Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and he will always be hasseled by those who live in the glory of yesteryear-- Otherwise Japanese politicianss are a sorry mess who care not a whit for the peaceful loving people

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HELL, yeah. Ozawa's a drag. Let the prosecutors have him.

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Is the sun hot?

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Does a bear crap in the woods? Does the water ripple when a duck farts? Of course he's a liability, but it does focus the attention away from Hatoyama saying he had no idea his mom gave him all that money.

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With a 99% conviction rate, SecGen Ozawa is "guilty, until proven guilty".

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Both Hatoyama and Ozawa have rapport with the peace loving PEOPLE and I will never speak ill of those who truly people-oriented. Too bad I can't say the same for the remainder of the Diet

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Um, YES.

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Obviously, even Hatoyama thinks he's a liability. The only question is whether he'll stay or go. Captain Obvious away!

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Both Ozawa Ichiro and Hatoyama are idiots! Is Ozawa a liability to PM Yukio Hatoyama? Yes, but since both are doing shady transactions for many years, Mr. Hatoyama can not afford to turn in Mr. Ozawa, because Mr. Ozawa must also know many evil sectrets about Mr. Hatoyama!!

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