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Osaka has taken the lead in Japan's social population growth for the second consecutive year, with foreign residents making up more than half of the city's newcomers, according to government statistics. Why do you think this is?
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Some cities know how to handle foreigners, while smaller one still try to figure out how they should handle foreigners. Want a better services for foreigners, just go to bigger cities.
Osaka is more laid-back and rowdier, catering to more foreigners. From what I noticed from fellow foreigners, Tokyo is a gateway to Japan, with others moving to smaller and more laid-back cities. Osaka is a major city but not as stiff, confusing and stifling as Tokyo. In short, Osaka is more livable for us foreigners.
I would look at a breakdown of who the "foreign residents" are before jumping to any conclusions.
Is it mostly factory workers and the like from other Asian countries?
Way to go Osaka. Having experienced both it's Kansai Kanto for me for a good number of reasons.
Kansai over Kanto, greater than sign seems to have an issue
We have lived in Kansai, but not Osaka, for 23 years and enjoy the Kansai people in our many relationships.
Some numbers would be helpful? Is it because Osaka is popular among foreigners or unpopular among Japanese from other places?
I moved from Tokyo to Osaka back in the 1980s, and I found it a much better place to live. But I've met a number of Japanese from Kanto who hold the opposite view.
Osaka and it’s environs are industrial which leads me to the conclusion that it’s a place for jobs.