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Sixty years after the assassination of U.S. President John F Kennedy, debate still continues over whether or not there was a conspiracy to kill him. What are your views on the subject?
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Aly Rustom
CIA did it alongside the mafia. Those 2 groups had a very close relationship throughout the years and both had a bone to pick with the Kennedys
Oswald acted alone. As a Marine, he received the best rifle training in the world. When CBS re-enacted the shooting shortly afterward by another guy with Oswald’s marksmanship skill and same type of rifle used, he scored hits at around the same rate as Oswald.
As usual @JeffLee the only so far sensible comment - so he gets downvoted. Odd old website this one.
As an American, if Cuba was actually behind it, there would have been a s-storm 100x worse than 9/11. Perhaps it is better we do not know if that was the case.
I'll go with CIA and mafia together then. It's acceptable.
Parts of the files are still top-secret so many decades after the fact. That in itself is damning.
Wow! This didn't turn into a lively discussion full of humour and thought-provoking ideas. It had so much potential.
Ask the Dulles and Cabell brothers. Thses four knew more about the spookery of the 50s and 60s than anyone else.
Let the subject fade away. Who cares anymore?
The deep state got him.
The CIA and the MIC were involved, as were the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover, a known racist, cooked up evidence to pin it on Oswald.
JFK wanted to end US involvement in Vietnam which was not agreeable to the military industrial complex. That and the civil rights movement.
The funny thing is that the deep state, which was in bed with the right during the early days of the Cold War, is now solidly behind the left.
There are a host of parallels between how much the Establishment wanted JFK gone,and how much the Establishment wants another former US President out of the way.
Peter Neil
JeffLeeToday 08:09 am JST
Completely and utterly false. You just made that up. That was not what CBS, or anyone else reported, or was able to recreate.
Oswald was just barely a sharpshooter by two points with his best rating of 212 with better rifles and
Here is the scale:
Expert: a score of 220 to 250.
Sharpshooter: 210 to 219.
Marksman: 190 to 209.
Expert military shooters in multiple complete reenactment conditions were able to take 3 shots under 6 seconds, but never achieved more than one hit using better, more accurate rifles.
They were never able to fire 3 shots in time with the actual rifle used by Oswald and never hit the target once because it was so inaccurate and had bolt mechanism problems.
Seven doctors in the ER at the time all said the larynx wound was an entrance wound from the front, and most believed the head wound was from the front also. After the first press conference, they were threatened within minutes by men either CIA or FBI to never say it again if they valued their lives.
Thousands of pages of documents remain classified, but were supposed to all be released long ago by law.
There was and is no way the government will allow the public to know that their own agency or agencies were involved. JFK said he wanted to blow up the CIA into a million pieces after the disastrous Bay of Pigs fiasco they cooked up.
Documents do show that the Soviet Union thought Oswald was a nut case and wanted nothing to do with him. They also show that Jack Ruby was being investigated and followed by the FBI just weeks before the assassination.
It was Gerald Ford who came up with the magic bullet theory that the Warren Commission went with.
As only anecdotal information, I was living in Washington DC in 1963 (I was 11 years old). For years afterward, I never heard any adult talking about the assassination and the Warren Commission report say anything but it was a fabrication and not one believed it. It was a running joke how preposterous it was and how it was foisted on the public with a straight face.
My take is the CIA killed JFK and is using the mafia as a smoke screen to make the information that is out there now and the advanced technology that can be use to today less obtainable and acceptable to solve the case. Case in point, as investigative and forensic technology got better the US government came out with a statement saying that the JFK files would be locked an additional 20 years. It doesn't take an idiot to figure the reason why they decided to lock the files. We all know that 20 years onward would mean all the key players would be dead and public interest would not care!
Sounds like a lot of conspiracies linking together everything you don't like.
@Peter Neil
LOL, here it is, Peter:
CBS News: Rifle tests preview
The conclusion of the report is cut off, but the conclusion was that Oswald was capable hitting his target.
Well since it is a conspiracy theory, and all conspiracy theories must be rejected outright without second thought, then it was, as JeffLee said, obviously Oswald who assassinated Kennedy. Why would any be so arrogant as to contradict the government? They of course know better than anyone ever could. Anyone who would mention the CIA or the mafia are clearly just libelous and racist persons who wish to slander hard-working government officials and Italian-Americans…
The CIA did it.
The fact that the government has kept everything classified speaks volumes.
And the fact that the CIA continues to deny it and actually invented the term "conspiracy theorist" to discredit those who linked them to it speaks volumes.
The CIA are bad bad people. They have done horrible things, in the U.S. and around the world.
RFK Jr. knows exactly who killed his uncle....
You got it backward, buddy. The thoughtful ones, like me, are the ones who tend to reject CTs.
Bad Haircut
Lots of CTs are indeed garbage, but the truly thoughtful ones will consider the evidence for and against before making up their minds.
Bad Haircut Today 11:07 am JST
Are you saying that there is a better way to approach conspiracy theories than simply ignoring them and labeling anyone who would entertain them negatively? I am speechless. Who would have thought…
Peter Neil
But he did not.
Every doctor in the trauma room said the neck and head wounds were from the front. Seven doctors who said they were silenced. Seven.
Sven Asai
That's even before I was born. I don't meddle too much in history a former generation is responsible for. They have to hurry up and clarify or develop a reliable standpoint on this topic while they still can.
Ask the Dulles and Cabell brothers. Thses four knew more about the spookery of the 50s and 60s than anyone else.
Yes and Dulles was very active in post war Japan to shut down Japanese citizens opposition to continued presence of US bases and funding of LDP.
That is also considered a conspiracy theory by many. :-)
I understand the term was first used in the 19th century, but it came into popular usage following the Warren Commission report.
@Peter Neil
So what? They weren’t experts in ballistics, autopsies, etc.
The two panels – Ramsay Clark Panel and the Rockefeller Commission - included such experts and after careful study they determined Kennedy was hit only by two shots fired from behind.
Bad Haircut
Do you really want to open that can of worms?
A recent screening of comments from the doctors attending at the hospital where Kennedy was brought show all the doctors in agreement that at least one shot came from the front. They said that they had been told to keep quiet about it.
True? Maybe. False? Maybe. Interesting? Yes.
Just watching a new TV series about that day 60 years ago.
No clue, but the important thing about JFK was his magnificent tax cutting policies.
As he said, it is a paradoxical truth that the best way to boost tax revenues in the long term, is to cut tax rates now.
Adam Smith had noted this centuries earlier, but JFK was notable as a politician who recognized this at a time when top rates of income tax were at a truly ridiculous level of close to 100%.
Peter Neil
Next? Yeah, right.
Your guy Oswald hit Connally with his only shot, which was the second shot fired. It went through his back and wrist and lodged in his thigh.
Connally said the magic bullet theory was nonsense. How can a bullet turn 90 degrees and back 90 degrees again in the space of three feet? He heard the first shot and turned, and was was not hit with the magic first bullet. He was hit 2 seconds later with the 2nd shot.
First shot went through the windshield and hit Kennedy in the throat. The windshield was replaced that afternoon and that was verified by multiple Secret Service Agents.
There are conspiracies. The term conspiracy theory was coined to use people with little depth of thought to cast doubt.
Iran-Contra, CIA and British involvement in installing the Shah of Iran, Tuskegee Syphilis experiment, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra and many others were conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.
A conspiracy on that grand scale would only succeed if a very small number such as 4-5 persons were involved and afterward 1 of them killed all the others quickly.
I don't see any damage to the windshield in the pictures at the link below. I do see evidence that Kennedy's head moved forward initially when hit with a bullet. The subsequent backwards movement is explained in the link. (It involves some complicated maths and science which may be evidence of a hoax for some.)
NCIS Reruns
Well let me say this: The assassination researchers have had 60 years to come up with an alternative explanation to Oswald, and they haven't even come close. Which tells me it's not going to happen, ever. Anyway I'm glad he found a way out of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Those were truly scary times.
Peter Neil
That’s OK. Oswald was going explain why he said he was just a patsy.
Oh, wait, that’s right. He was killed two days later.
Elvis is here
"I'm a pasty."
Not much more needs to be said.
@Peter Neil
The governor of Texas is now a physics and ballistics expert? Um, OK. The "nonsense" is that he and the conspiracy folks assumed the rear seats were in alignment with each other. They were not. They were staggered. So yeah, the bullet didn't have to do any mid-air maneuvering to hit both locations. Duh! Garrison went to court with an elaborate theory based on a fatally flawed premise, and it was embarrassing. Didn't stop the conspiracy folks, though. Facts never do.
Watched the first episode of the new TV series JFK: One Day in America (2023). It was good. Two other episodes.