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What are the three scariest movies you have ever seen?


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Jaws, Psycho and Halloween.

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Mama, Blair Witch Project and The Shining (original)

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The Silence of the Lambs, Halloween and the Blair Witch Project.

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The Hitcher (1986) with Rutger Hauer.

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Dragon Ball Evolution...couldnt even finish that movie...

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As a teenager - The Exorcist and as an adult Paranormal activity

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Will only mention one. Aliens

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Psycho, the Ring(original Japanese version), the Shining (here's Johnny!).

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Haha one of the old werewolf movies scared the crap out of me as a little kid!! My old man said if you ate peanuts(which I hated at the time) the werewolf would leave me be, so there I was watching, captivated, & trying to force feed myself some peanuts & my old man always saying I don't think I have eaten enough, gave me nightmares!!!

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Number one is Don't Look Now with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie. The ending of that really disturbed my sleep for a few nights afterwards. Number two is Poltergeist. It lost the power to scare me about the time I turned 16, but when I was 14 it did a number on me. Number three? Any one of those TV movies from the 1980s about nuclear war. I watched all of them and they all gave me nightmares with various images stuck in my mind. Right now I'm especially thinking of the NEST team arguing over closed circuit TV feed as they panic over not being able to disarm a nuclear bomb in the 1983 movie Special Bulletin. Just when you think there's going to be a happy ending the experts are flummoxed and BOOM goes Charleston, SC. Then the part where the injured on-the-scene reporter two miles away frets about radiation sickness, her news job totally forgotten in the horror of the moment.

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Alien. Ring. They drink the blood of Dracula

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As a small child.... The Devil Doll.. I did not see it again until it was on Mystery Science Theater then I had to laugh at myself.

Now at 50 I get good scare from time to time...like in "Mama" or "The Conjuring"...Dead Silence was another.

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Trilogy of Terror, part 3, "Amelia" (1975)

Gargoyles (1972)

Alien (1979)

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Matango - Day of the Triffids - John Carpenter's "The Thing"

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I've never been scared by a normal monster or slasher film. Artsy ones like Blair Witch confused me - not scary at all. For me something with a twist or two:

Sixth Sense 28 Days Later The Ring

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Not really sure anymore, I don't even know how to define "scary" in a movie (Is it based on jump scares? Because you can have jump scares in any movie, etc.).

Are they defined by movies that leave you feeling creeped out for days afterward? Because that would make the movie more creepy and not necessarily scary.

Anyway, I liked The Shining, The Orphanage, Dead Silence

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As a kid,

Five Million Years to Earth/ Quatermass and the Pit

Legend of Hell House

Today, I still get freaked out by those twins in The Shinning

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Me too, the Twins on "The Shining " always freak me out as much as it did when i was a kid.

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Count Yorga, Vampire, released about 1971, & couldn't sleep without light on for 2 years

Aliens - starts with the cat at the start, and you think 'Aliens already'?! There! then nothing but building tension till the knock from in the formalin case followed by the line, 'Burke, ... love at first sight!!'

Halloween years ago (1979 or so wasn't it?)

Geez, some of the people in those movies are old now!

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Exorcist, Alien and the original SAW (Scary in a twisted way)

SEVEN with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman was great. Not VISUALLY scary but the movie really gets under your skin.

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Anything from "Dr Who": daleks, cybermen, sea-devils...

"Jagged Edge". Horrible tension.

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Mermaid in a Manhole

Hostel Trilogy

The Fly

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Number 1 The Chaneling (1980) Best atmospheric haunted house film. Number 2 For jump shock ; An american werewolf in London(1981) ...those dream sequences. Number 3 for gross out and jumps; The Evi lDead (1981) ...

Films that have disturbed me by sheer brilliance, Dead of Night (1945) Night of the Demon (1957) both excellent for chills and atmosphere.

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Two Girls One Cup. Utterly terrifying.

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Any movie with Hanoi Jane Fonda, horror beyond belief.

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Carrie, Scanners and Salem's Lot scared me as a kid. Sissy Spacek standing on the stage in that blood-drenched dress with those mad eyes....

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Can't think of three but Clive Barkers Hellraiser is certainly up there.

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The Exorcist. Great movie but I always have to get my courage up before watching this classic.

The scariest book I've ever read would be "The Demonologist" by Ed and Lorraine Warren. A collection of true stories about encounters between ordinary people and demonic entities which have never walked the earth in human form. Too bad this book was never made into a movie, but I'm hopeful it will someday.

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1) The Shining 2) Seven 3) Twin Peaks, Fire Walk With Me...creepy, weird and scary as only David Lynch can be.

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Tough one. I don't know the name, but there was a really freaky Japanese vampire movie in the 80s I saw that freaked me out. Beyond that, The Ring (both versions have their pluses), Ju-On (again, both versions), Scanners (original) was pretty freaky, Video Drome (now more interesting than freaky, but freaky when I saw it), The Hitcher, Cujo, the one with the trucker that won't leave the guy alone in a case of severe road rage (I think...), Exorcist, and a few others.

There are a lot of movies that 'haunt' me that aren't necessarily scary, too, they just have content that is so horrifying you can't let it go; usually apocalypse/post-apocalypse movies, where all morals and society have gone down the toilet.

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Suspiria (Italian movie) gave me many nights of nightmares as a child. Exorcist was scary too.

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6th Sense gave me the creeps. The Shining did too. Lex the Impaler was terrifying in its own way.

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Ju-on, The Reef, and Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity

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Alien scared the crap out of me as a kid. Aliens was also epic, Exorcist is another one to watch by yourself late at night

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Poltergeist - too many scenes in that gave me nightmares.

The Grudge (Japanese version) - that bit where she's coming down the stairs on all fours just creeps me out O.o

Cliffhanger - I have terrible vertigo and some of the scenes in there really do have me covering my eyes.

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I'm going to step outside the box and list my fave frightening TV show episodes

The Night Stalker - They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be

Space 1999 - Dragon's Domain

Star Trek - The Doomsday Machine

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Supersize me, Jesus Camp and The Exorcist... Those movies still gave me chills even after watching them so many times.

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"Precious", "Supersize me" and "Poltergeist". I saw the last one as a kid.

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@smithinjapan .... The trucker road rage one, surely that's Steven Spielberg's 'Duel' . Like Jaws, with a truck (I guess Jaws came after, so Jaws is like Duel, with a shark ).

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The Thing The Exorcist and there was this tv movie with Karen Black and a little tribal doll that came to life...I think it was called "Trilogy of Terror" or something like that. Used to scare the mess outta me.

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As a kid I couldn't sleep for 3 days after American Werewolf in London.

Maybe Freddy Kruger.

And then I was at home in Itabashi one night in 2005, in the futon watching TV, when this strange movie came on. It had a weird vibe and then all hell broke loose - it was Juon. Freakiest, creep show ever.

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Alien ( Here kitty kitty kitty. Here Jonesy. )

Aliens ( Hicks - we are LEAVING! )

Ring -when Sadako crawls out of the TV set into the livingroom - dayuuuuuuuuuum!

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1) The Shining; 2) The Excorcist; 3) Silence of the Lambs

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No one will probably agree with me but when this first came out it gave me nightmares!! "Jeepers Creepers" - the first one

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Classics: The Exorcist, directors cut. JAWS. The Shining.

Recently: Insidious. The Conjuring. Ring (Original).

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Black Christmas. Funny Games. It Follows.

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It's the classic chillers I find the most alarming and disturbing recently, The Wicker Man (1973), Village of the Damned (1960), The Others (1972).

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Woman in black got to me

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3) Alien. Gave me nightmares for six straight months, was a further four years before I could watch it again. 2) The Descent. Claustrophobic horror so scary I couldn't finish it. 1) Event Horizon. So horrifying I wish I never finished it. Still occasionally gives me nightmares 13 years on. I will never watch it again no matter how much you pay me.

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ju-on, still gives me the nightmares just thinking about it. the ring and exorcist.

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Salem's Lot, Halloween, Phantasm....Special mention to Kondo and his Angry Inch So there!

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