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What are your favorite movies that deal with the destruction of the world?


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Planet of the Apes 2? "My God! It's a city of APES!"

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Independence Day was good, but I liked it better the first time, when they called it Henry V.

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Of the old movies, I liked "Crack in the World" and "When Worlds Collide." The more recent ones like "2012," "The Day After Tomorrow," "The Core," "Deep Impact," etc, have fantastic special effects, no doubt about it, but the characters and story take second place.

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A.J.: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?

Andropov: No, I never saw Star Wars.

Hee hee!

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Resident Evil, Degeneration

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Terminator 3:

Terminator: Katherine Brewster? Have you sustained injury?

Kathy Brewster: Drop dead, you a$$hole!

Terminator: I am unable to comply.

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Metropolis Twelve Monkeys Night of the Comet Brazil

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Day of the Dead (either one, both have their charms)

Mad Max/The Road Warrior--nothing left to do but tool about at top speed

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Doctor Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

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There are some fantastic Showa Japanese movies in this genre: Battle in Outer Space - Uuchu Daisenso from 1959; The Last War - from 1961; Gorath - Yosei Gorasu from 1962; Atragon - Kaiteigunkan from 1963; Tidal Wave - aka The Submersion of Japan from 1973; The Prophecies of Nostradamus - from 1974; Blood Type Blue - from 1978; Only a few kaiju films are truly apocalyptic, but I must include: Dogora - Uuchu Daikaiju Dogora from 1964; The Space Amoeba - aka Yog, Monster from Space from 1970; and last but not least! Godzilla vs the Smog Monster - Gojira tai Hedorah from 1971 - "Save the Earth!"

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I enjoyed Everywhere But Japan Sinks (Nihon Igai Zenbu Chinbotsu). It dragged a bit towards the end but the high parody concept was great.

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pokemon 2000

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Don't watch movies anymore. Reality has surpassed movies....

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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

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Does 28 Days Later count? It's not technically about the destruction of the world

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Battlefield Earth:

Zete: Does all of Earth look like this?

Terl: I'm afraid so, sir.

Zete: Pathetic. All the green and blue sky. They told me this planet was ugly, but this has got to be one of the uglist crap-holes in the entire universe.

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Just watched the remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" on HBO last night.

I enjoyed it. (And no "Klatuu barada nickto.")

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Just watched 2012 and it stinks ..I liked "On the beach" the 1959 one not the brain damaged 2000 one and Deep Impact ..

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"the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still"

That sucked compared to the original.

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Just watched 2012 .. it's really does stink .. I do like "On the Beach.1959" "Fail-Safe" and Deep Impact

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I'm glad someone mentioned On the Beach. Fail-Safe was great too.

TDTESS did not suck, by any measurement. The new angle was very interesting and refreshing.

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Forgot one "when Worlds Collide" ..Don't know if fail-safe counts as only 2 cities are nuked .. did enjoy Colossus: The Forbin Project but again don't think it counts as well..

If you include TV films you should watch "Threads" or "When the wind blows"

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planet of the apes

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Seriously, no one picked "The Road Warrior"?

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Lord of The Rings

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Mad Max/The Road Warrior--nothing left to do but tool about at top speed

Seriously, no one picked "The Road Warrior"?

Sure they did. And let's amend that to "Dawn of the Dead," both versions, although Day also has its inappropriate 80s-synth music charm as well.

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Just watched the remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still" on HBO last night.

I enjoyed it. (And no "Klatuu barada nickto.")

It was actually in there, but I only realized when I heard some faint mumbling and could the "klatuu barata nikto" in the katakana subs

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Best end of the world movie was doomsday, came out here in japan couple months ago.

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There are some occidental movies worthy of mentioning; not necessarily about the destruction of the planet, but certainly the end of mankind: Day of the Triffids - 1962. The Andromeda Strain - 1971. Kronos - 1957. Star Trek 4, The Voyage Home - 1986. The Last Man on Earth - 1964. Rise of the Silver Surfer - 2007. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea - 1961. The Stand - 1994. The War Game - 1965. Moonraker - 1979.

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea - 1961

I remember thoroughly enjoying that movie at a matinee when it first came out. (Kronos scared the heck out of me as a young fellow.)

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It's got to be "A Boy and His Dog" written by Harlan Ellison and brought to the screen by LQ Jones. Featuring a pre-Miama Vice Don Johnson.

Don't forget Planet of the Apes either. But not as good.

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"Beneath the planet of the apes" where the world actually gets destroyed in the end. Its the second installment of the original movies series. I am not fan of the mediocre Tim Burton remake of the original one.

"Kairo" (Pulse) by japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa also has a kind of end of the world feeling to it. Great horror movie.

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Quite frankly I have liked them all over time. And thanks to whoever mentioned the Planet of the Apes - I had thoroughly forgotten that that was one of the basic premises behind that.

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Mars attacks!

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it's hard to pick between

T2, Hellboy-The Golden Army and The Matrix (1999)

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Farenheit 9/11 !!!!11

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Men in Black

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Hollywood movies!!

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Does anyone remember 'Quintet' (sp?) with Newman, back in the 70s or early 80's. Had to do with a global ice age.

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