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What are your views on the furor over magazines publishing topless pics of Prince William’s wife Catherine? For example, how much right to privacy do celebs have? And did you search for the pics onlin
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If she doesn't want her t*ts splashed across the media, she shouldn't sunbathe topless.
She's a princess now, and should act like one.
Next time look for peep holes or giant gaps in the fences. Silly couple.
And of course I looked for her pictures. I was not concerned about the topless part, but the views of her legs and cute oshiri ...well yummy.
I have more furor (bored disgust) about Will, Harry, Charles, Elizabeth, etc... mugs and tasteless bling bling lives splashing continuously the media. At least, this time, the Richess Kate was not parading in an outfit worth 3 to 10 months of the average UK worker's wages. So that's the less scandalous photos ever. (I'll stand corrected if you tell me she had a diamond incrusted bikini bottom) They are totally nobody. In 2012, the actual queen of the UK is David Cameron, and only him and his ministers are newsworthy. It's totally ridiculous that the pin up appears 1000 times more than Cameron in the news.
She is not a celeb. Paparazzi taking pictures of private moments from 100's of metres away is despicable. People who get some stupid thrill from looking at someone's breasts just because they are famous are pathetic (you can see all the tits you like online showed by people who want them to be seen).
Why going topless in the privacy of her own holiday place is seen as licence for these photos to be published I don't understancd. Should she also shower fully clothed just in case someone sneaks a picture?
And act like a princess? Historically royalty were absolute pigs. it is only our modern day morality and demands for perfection in royals that is new.
You watch if all this doesn't end in tears (a la Diana).
@Cos... Cameron and his bunch of chinless wonders are not newsworthy... unless they say something stupid.
Anyway, these photos were taken from a long distance away... you can tell that fairly easily. Point is, when you're a Royal... put them away, love. (They're not even that impressive, lol )
I don't care about the British Royal family at all, but on Italian news they talk about this stuff a lot...It's so annoying.
They're just a couple of tits for crying out loud. Security issues aside, and there's been little talk of them from the Royal Family, I really don't see why the Royal Family care so much. If they treated it with the contempt and disdain it deserved, and didn't make such a big fuss about it and sue the media, there wouldn't be such a demand in the first place. A lot of it's down their own inflated sense of self-importance. If they weren't so precious the paparazzi wouldn't be so interested and the problem would solve itself.
It's all just a storm in a B-cup.
I said before, I really think the paparazzi should leave them alone, however, if they just started going about naked all the time it wouldn't be news anymore. And if we all did, we wouldn't care anymore either. However,
and SimonB above make the best comments here.
I think the storm was about them not being in the B-cup.
Cos has it - the real scandal is not Waity Katey taking her top off, it's the whole bunch of them living it high off the state and throwing money around like it was water when the rest of the country has a hosepipe ban.
No, no, no!
The princess was not naked!
Heaven forbid!
She was wearing a beautiful new suit of clothes!
Yes she is.
João Pedro Mateus
It is a woman, with breasts. All have, some are big, other are small. Why would anyone sane care about a random woman's breasts?