Going knuckle deep into their noses on the train. Absolutely disgusting and infuriating. Some go as far as to examine the nugget they've excavated and others I've seen actually flick it away or pop it into their mouth. Plain out dirty.
Groups of teenagers hanging around the entrance to convenience stores, making it hard for anyone to get in or out.
People on a train who pretend not to see an elderly or infirmed person who needs a seat.
Mothers who let their young children act bratty or run amok and say nothing except "Dame," "yamenasai" or "abunai."
Snorting of their snot instead of using a tissue
Talking on their keitais on trains - or rining
Cutting in line
Staring at me because I'm not Japanese
Kids who are loud and annoying while parents do nothing to shut them up
Women who feel the need to scream and laughing so loudly that you can't hear the person sitting next to you
Dragging of shoes
Clipping on nails in staffrooms/offices
Old women who just "push in" or push you out of the way
Not holding doors open for those behind you
Pushing onto the train while I am trying to get off...
People who stop cold the second their feet are inside the train. Yeah, genius, there are people behind you. Same goes for people standing near the doors in a crowded train, and stand firm at the stop, so everyone has to worm their way around them to get out. I feel like body checking these people (gah.)
Halitosis. I get that everyone's hygiene varies, but when when I can tell what your breath smells like for a few seconds AFTER you walk past me in my seat, that's just plain absurd. Halitosis is the Japanese version of America's morbid obesity: how does anyone let themselves GO like that?
People that camp out in toilet stalls. Guys, you're supposed to go in, do your business, clean up, and get out. If that process takes more than a few minutes, go see a doctor. I was in Ueno station a while ago, and went into the men's restroom. There was a line waiting for the stalls. I waited, no lie, 20 minutes, and not one stall out of SIX freed up. I finally gave up, went inside the gates, used one of the restrooms in the station proper, then apologized to the guy at the ticket office and had him reset my Suica.
Bags poking in my ribs whilst on the train especially when the girls holding them refuse to use the overhead racks.
People leaning on me whilst on the train like I'm some kind of damn post.
People who fall asleep and tip a bit too much towards me whilst on the train.
People who don't have the good sense to move over whilst someone is trying to sit down.
People who play their Ipods so loud everyone has to listen to the crappy, tinny sound leaking out of them.
People who pack themselves up near the door then get all pissy when they have to move so the ones behind them can get out.
People who won't move their feet so you can spread yours out a bit to better balance yourself. They act like it's a challenge or something rather than you just trying not to fall.
People who put bags on seats and take up good sitting space or on the floor so they're in everyone's way instead of tucking them behind their legs.
sniffing is too cute a word. Id call it full on honking as people here (mostly men of course) refuse to use a tissue and make the most disgusting nasel noises. I work with one such moron who will do it all winter and spring.
People in a crowded elavator who have the irresistable urge to press the "Close" button despite the fact the doors will close automatically.
Sucking through teeth after eating, and walking around with a toothpick in the mouth.
People who comment that "You can use chopsticks well," but get really surely when I return the comment regarding either "Knives and Forks" or "Western Clothes."
Dog owners who don't clean up after their dog. Dog owners who don't discipline their dog.
People who pick their nose in public. Women who do their hair then use hairspray on the train. Kids who keep jumping up and down on the train seat and the parents say nothing to them until the little brat falls on their head, I always laugh out loud when that happens. High school kids who yell their conversations on train, hey morons you are only 6 inches apart, not miles apart. Oyaji in train stations who spit every 3 seconds. Anyone who spits in public. Old women with 20 shopping bags and take up 4 seats on the train with them. People who stop at the top or bottom of escalators, then get whiny and offended when the crowd pushes them aside, wooo wooo clue train coming. Step aside and look at the signs. People who belch or expel gas in public, especially in elevators.
I find people who have no self-awareness of the others around them to be the worst failing. This lack of self-awareness mainfests itself into many of the traits described above - behaving like one was in their bedroom by themselves. But of course everyone else around you in public is simply a no-account stranger, and the ultra-polite rules that dictate spot-on behavior with those with whom you have a relationship do not apply to these 'blobs'. The rude SOBs we encounter on public transport or on the street would most likely act quite differntly if there was some other connection between us. My upbringing, however, has been to treat everyone with equal dignity and respect, even if I may never see that person again, and I have the highest regard for those people who treat my likewise.
So many of the things listed are related to life in the city, and they bothered me as well, to the point of unhealthy anger.
Since I've moved back to the states and live in a rural setting, very little really gets under my skin, with the sole exception of the fact that where I live in the states, obese people use riding carts whenever and where ever they shop.
Having to detour around where I want to go at the supermarket because an obese person is blocking the entire aisle in their little shopping scooter really gets me.
But...other than that, rural life rocks. Even the occasional traffic jams don't even faze me because they are usually caused by the Amish and not rude drivers causing bottlenecks or ignoring traffic laws.
I'm glad this topic was posted. I don't know if I have done these things, but now I'm a little self aware. I see people pick their noses, it doesn't bother me, or dig the underwear out of their crack, it doesn't bother me. It makes me laugh. It makes me think "wow, there human just like me." But yeah, a little dicency never hurt anybody.
What really ticks me off is drivers who will see you coming, and pull out in front of you and slow down...W...T...F?!
People who walk in the middle of an isle really slow, or walk in front of you really slowly like there the only ones there.
Neighbors in apartments who play music really loudly. Ok, do you know we are only seperated by like a foot of wood? I'm planing on faking a murder in my apartment. Just by yelling at myself and throwing myself downstairs. Then I'll go outside and knock on their door butt naked asking them to be quite. That will shut them up.
Apparently able-bodied people sitting (often pretending to be asleep) in the priority seats of trains, while other, more deserving citizens stand nearby. When one sees such poverty of manners in one of the richest countries on this planet, it's difficult not to notice this.
And ... people walking in front of me without a word, when I am looking at something on a shelf in a store. When an aisle is narrow, I always manage to offer an "excuse me" when I need to pass in front of somebody.
Lack of consideration of others as fellow humans is quite prevalent in Japan. Basically, Japanese culture allows the citizens to completely ignore (and not give consideration to) people they have not been introduced to. See the change in behavior when people know (or have at least been introduced to) each other ... a different set of social rules kicks in.
Got to hate those people on trains - they work their way to the door as the train approaches the station so they can be off first. And if they aren't close to the door, they push their through. Then when the train stops and doors open, then walk off ever so slowly.
Oh, and yappy dogs stuck in apartments. Sorry, the airspace around that dog extends far beyond the walls...and into public space. This is the one that inspires me to thoughts of ... dogkabob.
Inconsidertae people who smoke then proceed to throw away their filthy cigrattes butts on the sidewalk and other public places - very irritating. There is a 'new invention' called an ashtray!! use them.
-People walking too slowly or stopping on/at the stop/at the bottom of stairs.
-People spitting in public.
-People listening to their music super loud - either on ipods or speakers on mobile phones, on public transport. I'm yet to see this in Japan! It's a constant in the UK.
-Anyone smoking near me, especially if I'm eating.
-Japanese girls shouting "mecha kawaii" at/about me, like I don't understand.
-Being stared at. And the last seat on the bus/train/monorail is always the one next to me - the gaijin.
However, I don't mind people reaching in front of me in supermarkets, or doing so myself. They're crowded. If you had to say something to everyone you encountered, it'd become pretty tedious and tiresome. I'm always listening to my music anyway.
using earphones with open design so everyone else in the compartment is forced to listen to their music
not letting people off the train before trying to get in
refusing to move luggage and bags from the seat next to them when there are people standing
People who are fit and healthy (usually salarymen) not giving their seats to pregnant women, the elderly, people on crutches or someone holding a baby. It takes all my self-restraint for me not to slap them. I've seen an old woman trying to give her seat to a heavily pregnant girl (who refused it) because no-one else would give her their seat.
Sarge: Do you realize that Natto is excellent for the arteries of your heart and eating natto will make sure you never get clots in your heart and lungs. It can add many years to your life.
However, what I detest is listening to some loudmouth who uses dirty words in his every uttterance.
Is using machines instead of people to answer telephones generally considered bad manners? I hate these recorded messages.
Generally, in this country, apart from what appears to a westerner to be a disregard of women, people are pretty well mannered. Flashers and "chicans" on trains fall into this category. It is companies and organisations that are rude incessantly shouting instructions and disturbing people with noise. JR and political organisations are the worst.
In fact, when I think about it, the rudest people in Japan must be politicians, especially when they amplify there intrusive rudeness. Interestingly, it seems that the further to the right they are, the ruder they are.
The rudest thing that ever happened to me in Japan was when someone asked me if I was an English teacher. That's borderline slander, I'd say.
I've experienced this a couple of times and it is boderline slander. I think the rude thing I witnessed(well in Japan) was well eating at an Indian restaurant and there were a bunch a English teachers complaining about how the only job a foreigner could get in Japan was English teaching. The restaurant was owned by an Indian Fellow and the entire staff was Indian(mostly his family) and the waiter heard everything...
The rudest thing that ever happened to me in Japan was when someone asked me if I was an English teacher.
When people ask me if I teach English and I say No, 9 times out of 10 they'll look at me pityingly and say, 'Oh what a waste'. As if working for myself and earning much more than an English teacher for much less work, is a waste.
Not to belittle English teachers - after all, I used to be one. Glad I'm not any more.
the only job a foreigner could get in Japan was English teaching
That is so not true! Though granted it's probably the easiest job to get.
Bad manners that annoy me -
People who have the apparent good manners to ask if I mind if they smoke, then get all huffy when I say Yes I do.
People who jump, gasp, scream kowai when I'm out walking the dog. People who stand in the middle of the pavement with their dog, so that we can't get past them without stepping into the traffic. People who come up and start fondling/manhandling the dog and/or encouraging their kids to do so, without so much as a by your leave. Doesn't happen so much with the Dobie as it used to with the Lab, but there are still some fools who think floppy ears means anyone can have a fondle.
Don't worry, she gets to run around free in the dog run! A dog allowed to run round free on the streets here would soon end up as roadkill.
That reminds me of another example of bad manners - people who bring toddlers into the dog run even though there's a great big sign saying 'No children allowed'. And then get huffy when it's pointed out to them, or when some big dog comes charging up and accidentally (or not) knocks the little darling over.
As for the fondling - strangers never came up and fondled my incredibly cute kids, why should I expect to have my dog fondled by strangers?
Then there are the fools (usually middle-aged to old men) who encourage the dog to jump up on them, apparently trying to prove that they're not scared of big dogs. After I've spent many patient months teaching the dog not to jump on people.
those who can't hold their licqueur and the consequences we all know about, although I witnessed two drunk old men giving their seats to other two older men on JR (maybe it was one good effect of alcohol?).
The smell of kimchee in the morning on the train and the smell of alcohol and other things at night. Maybe I should start wearing one of those ridiculous masks they put on when they have a cold. Yeah I know, it's hygienic, lol.
There are many more to complain about, but it's too easy.
in public transport, people who never give their seat or assist helping the old, the disabled, pregnant women, mothers with babies or young children. life is fast paced, but it doesn't mean we have to lose our humanity.
A nicely dressed salaryman performing a 10 minute nose cleaning session whilst riding the train without a care in the world of absolutely disgusting he is.
eating at an Indian restaurant and there were a bunch a English teachers complaining about how the only job a foreigner could get in Japan was English teaching.
Sounds typical - see that kind of behaviour here a lot on JT, i.e. equating "foreigner" with white, English speaker when those folks are a minority amongst foreigners in Japan.
smoking while walking/biking so that the cancer fog is spread to all those around you. Especially around train stations. And of course the same losers always throw the used cigs in the street. Try to go 10 meters in a Japan city without seeing a used ciggy on the ground.
dog owners who dont use a leash in public for their yappy muts and let them run all over the place including over small kids as I have seen many, many times.
And yes, the uncouth who pretend not to see mothers with young kids standing near the green seats. What is wrong with them?
all of these post are just right out funny. The thing that really erks me the most, are the people who apparently need to stop right in front of you while on a busy sidewalk and just stop, not looking at anything, just stop. People who walk slow, if you aren't high, crippled or crazy old, move out the way.
Mine would have to be the drivers here in Japan. I mean I am all about getting to my destination fast but 110km on a one way street is not cool. I have been walking with my son after day care and I almost got hit.
Also when the drunk Japanese person feels it's necessary to stumble into me and attempt to talk to me. Yeah you have the juice in you but you don't have to breathe on me so much. I don't need to smell everything you drank that night. When I try and get them off of me everyone looks at me like I am the bad person. I can care less. That is annoying.
Or people riding their bikes on the street. I just want to toss that bell into traffic that I have walk in because they feel it's their side walk to ride their bike on.
People that don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. Extremely gross!
agreed 100%. guess that's why they feel the need to wear those ridiculous face masks.
Kids who stop, point and shout, "Hey, Look!! Look everyone! A foreigner!"
who cares? i think they just ignorant - even the adults most of the time. just shout back "nihon-jin! nihon-jin!" - get's a laugh sometimes.
Watching someone finishing eating there meal in a eatery, then fire up a smoke while you try to enjoy your meal as they did smoke free.
yeah, this i found surprising when i arrived here. how can a country that is apparently so concerned with health as well as good manners not have some kind of smoking regulations for restaurants?
Standing still in the on the walking side of an escalator.
Double parking like a retard.
standing still at5 the top or bottom of an escaltor.
not saying thanks when I hold the door open for them.
When foreigners (gaijin) in bars bitch and complain (in English) about everything in Japan but if the same thing happens to them in their own country, it's OK. i.e. bad breath, drunk person, smokers, bad drivers, bad B.O. (as if these traits are unique only to Japanese society).
Yawning without covering one's mouth (I've never seen a Japanese cover their mouth); smoking in restaurants; being completely needlessly barged into and then receiving no apology.
Sarge: you think walking up an escalator is bad manners?!
Sneezers, snifflers, bargers, loud music players, starers, cyclists who ignore the law, smokers in eateries or the street; most of these have been named already here. The smell of ojisan in a packed train brings tears to my eyes, although it's not entirely their fault (although they could wash, themselves and their clothes, more often).
Once I almost was physically sick when an ojisan sitting opposite me on the train removed his shoes, then socks, and dug his toenail cheese out with his fingernails and after each toe, brought his fingers to his nose to relish the smell.
drunk salary men who try to talk to you with provocative, condescending English in a bar, on a train, or in the street. They are looking for a fight but if you beat the hell out of them, its you who goes down. Very very annoying.
People who stand in smack in front of the elevator doors, then act all surprised when it arrives and people actually want to get off. People who push the "close door" button on the elevator before they push the button for their floor.
Men who pee off of train platforms.
Women who play with their hair the whole time they're sitting next to you on the train, pulling out loose strands and dropping them on the floor.
I work in a public library so most of my list comes serving the public sector.
Smokers who seem to be unaware that those behind them may not appreciate their second-hand smoke. This action has spoiled many walks around the block for me.
2 Smokers who put their cigarettes out upon entering a building and bring a wave of smoke with them.
At times cell phone usage.
Coughing, sneezing and snot blowing without covering. (I like the idea of face masks.)
Booze breath and body odor.
Cultural complaints. I am from Appalachia USA and I have heard my share of complaints.
Sreaming mothers.
On the other hand out-of-control children.
Touchy feely and personal space invaders. You would be surpised with the number of people who feel that they must touch as public servant or get right in our faces to explain something.
My last comment was poorly written. A co-worker ask me something and I failed to proof read. By the way, my fellow co-workers and I enjoy Japan Today very much.
knews at 05:44 PM JST - 14th December : Those older guys (and some younger) who sit with their legs apart on the train making it difficult for others to fit next to them.
Yeah that really annoys me too! Most places I've travelled in the world, if there's even a sliver of seat space it'll be taken - even if one thigh is on the seat the other is on one's neighbour, yet here some guys here think its fine to spread out over two seats and display their crotch to the whole carriage. Not what I want to see on a a 30 minute subway ride!
people who don't wait for you to get off the train before they barge on. i was once about to get off a train as it pulled up to a station, only to have three people lined up in front of the doors, totally obstructing my way off the train. idiots. had to push my way through them in order to get off
People who hold their library cards in their mouths and then hand them to me to scan.
I sit at library reference desk and I really am annoyed with people who stand over me belch but passing gas is the worst because my face is about level with the region the gas is coming from.
While I agree with most of the posts here, the ol' 'stop starring at me b/c I'm a gaijin' doesn't phase me anymore. I'd probably stare at me too if I was Japanese and I even find myself looking longer than usual whenever I spot a fellow gaijin b/c there are practically no other gaijin where I live. We just stand out and that's a fact you have to get used to. People are just curious to see something they don't see every day. They don't even realize that they are starring and more to the point, that we are taking notice of the fact they are starring. I'm convinced that they think they are invisable for some reason.
However, like the other posts, I also feel like people have zero self-awareness of their surroundings and I wish people would learn to pick a side (sidewalk, street, escalator etc) and stay on it.
I would have to say my latest pet peeves are:
1) vomiting in public (carry a bag with you when you go to your bon-nen-kai or other nomi-kai)
2) talking loudly on the bus, train, resturant. Some people just have no idea how loud their voice is and that EVERYONE can here it.
3) mothers who don't fold up their baby stroller on the crowded bus/train (but even that I realize is "sho-ga-nai" but it still annoys me)
4) people who shut the sliding door when they know I am right behind them (e.g. at onsens). Or let the door shut at other places such as dept. stores, resturants etc.
With all this said, I still think Japan is pretty nice as far as standards of politeness and etiquette. Some other countries are much worse. But then again some countries may be much better....
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Cutting in line.
Going knuckle deep into their noses on the train. Absolutely disgusting and infuriating. Some go as far as to examine the nugget they've excavated and others I've seen actually flick it away or pop it into their mouth. Plain out dirty.
Knob ends who stares at me for being foreign.
sneezing without covering your nose is disgusting .at times at restaurants it happens.please learn some manners
scratching themselves
Smokers who smoke around non-smokers.
Spitting on the street.
Walking/running up and down the escalators. What are you going to save, 30 seconds? Hurry up and wait!
Snorting of their snot instead of using a tissue Spitting Talking on their keitais on trains - or rining Cutting in line Staring at me because I'm not Japanese Kids who are loud and annoying while parents do nothing to shut them up Women who feel the need to scream and laughing so loudly that you can't hear the person sitting next to you Dragging of shoes Clipping on nails in staffrooms/offices Old women who just "push in" or push you out of the way Not holding doors open for those behind you Pushing onto the train while I am trying to get off...
I could keep going...
People who stop cold the second their feet are inside the train. Yeah, genius, there are people behind you. Same goes for people standing near the doors in a crowded train, and stand firm at the stop, so everyone has to worm their way around them to get out. I feel like body checking these people (gah.)
Halitosis. I get that everyone's hygiene varies, but when when I can tell what your breath smells like for a few seconds AFTER you walk past me in my seat, that's just plain absurd. Halitosis is the Japanese version of America's morbid obesity: how does anyone let themselves GO like that?
People that camp out in toilet stalls. Guys, you're supposed to go in, do your business, clean up, and get out. If that process takes more than a few minutes, go see a doctor. I was in Ueno station a while ago, and went into the men's restroom. There was a line waiting for the stalls. I waited, no lie, 20 minutes, and not one stall out of SIX freed up. I finally gave up, went inside the gates, used one of the restrooms in the station proper, then apologized to the guy at the ticket office and had him reset my Suica.
Bags poking in my ribs whilst on the train especially when the girls holding them refuse to use the overhead racks.
People leaning on me whilst on the train like I'm some kind of damn post.
People who fall asleep and tip a bit too much towards me whilst on the train.
People who don't have the good sense to move over whilst someone is trying to sit down.
People who play their Ipods so loud everyone has to listen to the crappy, tinny sound leaking out of them.
People who pack themselves up near the door then get all pissy when they have to move so the ones behind them can get out.
People who won't move their feet so you can spread yours out a bit to better balance yourself. They act like it's a challenge or something rather than you just trying not to fall.
People who put bags on seats and take up good sitting space or on the floor so they're in everyone's way instead of tucking them behind their legs.
Getting on the train while people are still coming out. Of course, they can only try to get in when I'm coming out.
sniffing is too cute a word. Id call it full on honking as people here (mostly men of course) refuse to use a tissue and make the most disgusting nasel noises. I work with one such moron who will do it all winter and spring.
Talking/texting on the keitai while walking and being oblivious to your surroundings/not watching where the hell you're going.
Smokers who smoke in restaurants where I'd like to eat, and on the street in front of me.
Ehhh? Nante? Uso! Maji de?
Hai! Wakarimashita!
I am in 100% agreement with Sarge
Non-smokers who hassle me for smoking in a smoking area.
People in a crowded elavator who have the irresistable urge to press the "Close" button despite the fact the doors will close automatically.
Sucking through teeth after eating, and walking around with a toothpick in the mouth.
People who comment that "You can use chopsticks well," but get really surely when I return the comment regarding either "Knives and Forks" or "Western Clothes."
Dog owners who don't clean up after their dog. Dog owners who don't discipline their dog.
Smoking areas no need for them.
Train Stations, when people walk right into the path of oncoming commuters and stop. Move to the side for your conversations ya knuckleheads!
People who pick their nose in public. Women who do their hair then use hairspray on the train. Kids who keep jumping up and down on the train seat and the parents say nothing to them until the little brat falls on their head, I always laugh out loud when that happens. High school kids who yell their conversations on train, hey morons you are only 6 inches apart, not miles apart. Oyaji in train stations who spit every 3 seconds. Anyone who spits in public. Old women with 20 shopping bags and take up 4 seats on the train with them. People who stop at the top or bottom of escalators, then get whiny and offended when the crowd pushes them aside, wooo wooo clue train coming. Step aside and look at the signs. People who belch or expel gas in public, especially in elevators.
I HATE hearing those two lame-ass adjectives:kawaiiii and sugoi! Next Japanese person I hear say them gets a blindfold and a last cigarette!
while crying in front of camera/media, they do not carry/use handkerchief or facial tissue paper, looks so ugly !
I find people who have no self-awareness of the others around them to be the worst failing. This lack of self-awareness mainfests itself into many of the traits described above - behaving like one was in their bedroom by themselves. But of course everyone else around you in public is simply a no-account stranger, and the ultra-polite rules that dictate spot-on behavior with those with whom you have a relationship do not apply to these 'blobs'. The rude SOBs we encounter on public transport or on the street would most likely act quite differntly if there was some other connection between us. My upbringing, however, has been to treat everyone with equal dignity and respect, even if I may never see that person again, and I have the highest regard for those people who treat my likewise.
(It's "knob-ends," Alf!)
Farting on the crowded train and coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth.
So many of the things listed are related to life in the city, and they bothered me as well, to the point of unhealthy anger.
Since I've moved back to the states and live in a rural setting, very little really gets under my skin, with the sole exception of the fact that where I live in the states, obese people use riding carts whenever and where ever they shop.
Having to detour around where I want to go at the supermarket because an obese person is blocking the entire aisle in their little shopping scooter really gets me.
But...other than that, rural life rocks. Even the occasional traffic jams don't even faze me because they are usually caused by the Amish and not rude drivers causing bottlenecks or ignoring traffic laws.
I'm glad this topic was posted. I don't know if I have done these things, but now I'm a little self aware. I see people pick their noses, it doesn't bother me, or dig the underwear out of their crack, it doesn't bother me. It makes me laugh. It makes me think "wow, there human just like me." But yeah, a little dicency never hurt anybody.
What really ticks me off is drivers who will see you coming, and pull out in front of you and slow down...W...T...F?!
People who walk in the middle of an isle really slow, or walk in front of you really slowly like there the only ones there.
Neighbors in apartments who play music really loudly. Ok, do you know we are only seperated by like a foot of wood? I'm planing on faking a murder in my apartment. Just by yelling at myself and throwing myself downstairs. Then I'll go outside and knock on their door butt naked asking them to be quite. That will shut them up.
Apparently able-bodied people sitting (often pretending to be asleep) in the priority seats of trains, while other, more deserving citizens stand nearby. When one sees such poverty of manners in one of the richest countries on this planet, it's difficult not to notice this.
And ... people walking in front of me without a word, when I am looking at something on a shelf in a store. When an aisle is narrow, I always manage to offer an "excuse me" when I need to pass in front of somebody.
Lack of consideration of others as fellow humans is quite prevalent in Japan. Basically, Japanese culture allows the citizens to completely ignore (and not give consideration to) people they have not been introduced to. See the change in behavior when people know (or have at least been introduced to) each other ... a different set of social rules kicks in.
Patricia Yarrow
Already perfectly made-up young lasses applying mascara and eye liner in the train. Scary. Primp or pimp? Who knows?
Smokers smoking in non-smoking areas. Keep it to your designated shooting gallery areas. Oh, and quit, too and do the planet a big favor.
Otherwise, it seems everyone is doing their best although as humans, we aren't generally too considerate.
Got to hate those people on trains - they work their way to the door as the train approaches the station so they can be off first. And if they aren't close to the door, they push their through. Then when the train stops and doors open, then walk off ever so slowly.
Patricia Yarrow
Oh, and yappy dogs stuck in apartments. Sorry, the airspace around that dog extends far beyond the walls...and into public space. This is the one that inspires me to thoughts of ... dogkabob.
The one who focus more on bad manners than good.
i'm most annoyed by japanese people who shameless stare at:
foreigners inter-racial/inter-cultural couples bi-racial childrenthe ones who point and whisper are especially un-nerving.
Inconsidertae people who smoke then proceed to throw away their filthy cigrattes butts on the sidewalk and other public places - very irritating. There is a 'new invention' called an ashtray!! use them.
-People walking too slowly or stopping on/at the stop/at the bottom of stairs. -People spitting in public. -People listening to their music super loud - either on ipods or speakers on mobile phones, on public transport. I'm yet to see this in Japan! It's a constant in the UK. -Anyone smoking near me, especially if I'm eating. -Japanese girls shouting "mecha kawaii" at/about me, like I don't understand. -Being stared at. And the last seat on the bus/train/monorail is always the one next to me - the gaijin.
However, I don't mind people reaching in front of me in supermarkets, or doing so myself. They're crowded. If you had to say something to everyone you encountered, it'd become pretty tedious and tiresome. I'm always listening to my music anyway.
people starring at me for being a foreigner
Yawning with 180 degrees wide open mouth
People thinking because I'm foreign, I don't understand even the most basic Japanese thus trying to explain EVERYTHING to me
People who are surprised for my use of chopsticks, like for natto or my Japanese language level
The old men masticating in public is really disgusting. And now it's winter the girls playing with their muffs on the trains is annoying too.
not holding doors
having very loud phone conversations
using earphones with open design so everyone else in the compartment is forced to listen to their music
not letting people off the train before trying to get in
refusing to move luggage and bags from the seat next to them when there are people standing
People who are fit and healthy (usually salarymen) not giving their seats to pregnant women, the elderly, people on crutches or someone holding a baby. It takes all my self-restraint for me not to slap them. I've seen an old woman trying to give her seat to a heavily pregnant girl (who refused it) because no-one else would give her their seat.
i don't like 1.ijime.
bureaucracy Some universities don't allow female students with kid to apply for family-dorm. For example:waseda university. What a discrimination?Sarge
"People who are surprised for my use of chopsticks, like for natto..."
Oh, yeah, and foreigners who eat natto and like it ha ha ha just kidding somewhat!
In my homecountry, when some men pee on the streets (usually after getting drunk)
Sarge: Do you realize that Natto is excellent for the arteries of your heart and eating natto will make sure you never get clots in your heart and lungs. It can add many years to your life.
However, what I detest is listening to some loudmouth who uses dirty words in his every uttterance.
Is using machines instead of people to answer telephones generally considered bad manners? I hate these recorded messages.
Generally, in this country, apart from what appears to a westerner to be a disregard of women, people are pretty well mannered. Flashers and "chicans" on trains fall into this category. It is companies and organisations that are rude incessantly shouting instructions and disturbing people with noise. JR and political organisations are the worst.
In fact, when I think about it, the rudest people in Japan must be politicians, especially when they amplify there intrusive rudeness. Interestingly, it seems that the further to the right they are, the ruder they are.
Sorry, "their intrusive rudeness" not "there".
Foreigners who stare at me because I'm a foreigner.
The rudest thing that ever happened to me in Japan was when someone asked me if I was an English teacher. That's borderline slander, I'd say.
"The rudest thing that ever happened to me in Japan was when someone asked me if I was an English teacher. That's borderline slander, I'd say."
Foreigners who belittle English teachers.
I've experienced this a couple of times and it is boderline slander. I think the rude thing I witnessed(well in Japan) was well eating at an Indian restaurant and there were a bunch a English teachers complaining about how the only job a foreigner could get in Japan was English teaching. The restaurant was owned by an Indian Fellow and the entire staff was Indian(mostly his family) and the waiter heard everything...
lol When people ask me if I teach English and I say No, 9 times out of 10 they'll look at me pityingly and say, 'Oh what a waste'. As if working for myself and earning much more than an English teacher for much less work, is a waste.
Not to belittle English teachers - after all, I used to be one. Glad I'm not any more.
That is so not true! Though granted it's probably the easiest job to get.
Bad manners that annoy me -
People who have the apparent good manners to ask if I mind if they smoke, then get all huffy when I say Yes I do.
People who jump, gasp, scream kowai when I'm out walking the dog. People who stand in the middle of the pavement with their dog, so that we can't get past them without stepping into the traffic. People who come up and start fondling/manhandling the dog and/or encouraging their kids to do so, without so much as a by your leave. Doesn't happen so much with the Dobie as it used to with the Lab, but there are still some fools who think floppy ears means anyone can have a fondle.
Cleo - "People who jump, gasp, scream kowai when I'm out walking the dog"
Don't you think your dog would love to run around free, like Lassie?
If I saw a Doberman Pincher
Cleo - Sorry, hit the submit button too soon!
If I saw a Doberman Pincher coming at me, I'd be wary too ha ha ha!
"People who come up and start fondling/manhandling the dog"
You expect to show off your cute dogs with no consequences?!
Sarge -
Don't worry, she gets to run around free in the dog run! A dog allowed to run round free on the streets here would soon end up as roadkill.
That reminds me of another example of bad manners - people who bring toddlers into the dog run even though there's a great big sign saying 'No children allowed'. And then get huffy when it's pointed out to them, or when some big dog comes charging up and accidentally (or not) knocks the little darling over.
As for the fondling - strangers never came up and fondled my incredibly cute kids, why should I expect to have my dog fondled by strangers?
Then there are the fools (usually middle-aged to old men) who encourage the dog to jump up on them, apparently trying to prove that they're not scared of big dogs. After I've spent many patient months teaching the dog not to jump on people.
those who can't hold their licqueur and the consequences we all know about, although I witnessed two drunk old men giving their seats to other two older men on JR (maybe it was one good effect of alcohol?). The smell of kimchee in the morning on the train and the smell of alcohol and other things at night. Maybe I should start wearing one of those ridiculous masks they put on when they have a cold. Yeah I know, it's hygienic, lol. There are many more to complain about, but it's too easy.
Those older guys (and some younger) who sit with their legs apart on the train making it difficult for others to fit next to them.
in public transport, people who never give their seat or assist helping the old, the disabled, pregnant women, mothers with babies or young children. life is fast paced, but it doesn't mean we have to lose our humanity.
People that don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. Extremely gross!
Kids who stop, point and shout, "Hey, Look!! Look everyone! A foreigner!"
Men who go to toilet and don't wash their hands, after...
...when someone tells you to give a tea set to a girl on her birthday, wihtout informing you that could be considered a wedding proposal!
and, of course, kids who stop, point and shout, "Hey, Look! Look everyone! A fracking foreigner!"
A nicely dressed salaryman performing a 10 minute nose cleaning session whilst riding the train without a care in the world of absolutely disgusting he is.
Sounds typical - see that kind of behaviour here a lot on JT, i.e. equating "foreigner" with white, English speaker when those folks are a minority amongst foreigners in Japan.
Watching someone finishing eating there meal in a eatery, then fire up a smoke while you try to enjoy your meal as they did smoke free.
The deliberate and provocative staring at foreigners by Japanese is probably the most common rude thing I have observed in Japan.
smoking while walking/biking so that the cancer fog is spread to all those around you. Especially around train stations. And of course the same losers always throw the used cigs in the street. Try to go 10 meters in a Japan city without seeing a used ciggy on the ground.
dog owners who dont use a leash in public for their yappy muts and let them run all over the place including over small kids as I have seen many, many times.
And yes, the uncouth who pretend not to see mothers with young kids standing near the green seats. What is wrong with them?
Hmm adults/some teens pretending to sleep when there are pregnant or old folks in the train or bus who are in the need to sit.
all of these post are just right out funny. The thing that really erks me the most, are the people who apparently need to stop right in front of you while on a busy sidewalk and just stop, not looking at anything, just stop. People who walk slow, if you aren't high, crippled or crazy old, move out the way.
Mine would have to be the drivers here in Japan. I mean I am all about getting to my destination fast but 110km on a one way street is not cool. I have been walking with my son after day care and I almost got hit.
Also when the drunk Japanese person feels it's necessary to stumble into me and attempt to talk to me. Yeah you have the juice in you but you don't have to breathe on me so much. I don't need to smell everything you drank that night. When I try and get them off of me everyone looks at me like I am the bad person. I can care less. That is annoying.
Or people riding their bikes on the street. I just want to toss that bell into traffic that I have walk in because they feel it's their side walk to ride their bike on.
Other foreigners who can't keep their mouth shut on the subway.
agreed 100%. guess that's why they feel the need to wear those ridiculous face masks.
who cares? i think they just ignorant - even the adults most of the time. just shout back "nihon-jin! nihon-jin!" - get's a laugh sometimes.
yeah, this i found surprising when i arrived here. how can a country that is apparently so concerned with health as well as good manners not have some kind of smoking regulations for restaurants?
Standing still in the on the walking side of an escalator. Double parking like a retard. standing still at5 the top or bottom of an escaltor. not saying thanks when I hold the door open for them.
When foreigners (gaijin) in bars bitch and complain (in English) about everything in Japan but if the same thing happens to them in their own country, it's OK. i.e. bad breath, drunk person, smokers, bad drivers, bad B.O. (as if these traits are unique only to Japanese society).
Yawning without covering one's mouth (I've never seen a Japanese cover their mouth); smoking in restaurants; being completely needlessly barged into and then receiving no apology.
Sarge: you think walking up an escalator is bad manners?!
Sneezers, snifflers, bargers, loud music players, starers, cyclists who ignore the law, smokers in eateries or the street; most of these have been named already here. The smell of ojisan in a packed train brings tears to my eyes, although it's not entirely their fault (although they could wash, themselves and their clothes, more often). Once I almost was physically sick when an ojisan sitting opposite me on the train removed his shoes, then socks, and dug his toenail cheese out with his fingernails and after each toe, brought his fingers to his nose to relish the smell.
drunk salary men who try to talk to you with provocative, condescending English in a bar, on a train, or in the street. They are looking for a fight but if you beat the hell out of them, its you who goes down. Very very annoying.
People who stand in smack in front of the elevator doors, then act all surprised when it arrives and people actually want to get off. People who push the "close door" button on the elevator before they push the button for their floor.
Men who pee off of train platforms.
Women who play with their hair the whole time they're sitting next to you on the train, pulling out loose strands and dropping them on the floor.
I work in a public library so most of my list comes serving the public sector.
Smokers who seem to be unaware that those behind them may not appreciate their second-hand smoke. This action has spoiled many walks around the block for me. 2 Smokers who put their cigarettes out upon entering a building and bring a wave of smoke with them. At times cell phone usage. Coughing, sneezing and snot blowing without covering. (I like the idea of face masks.) Booze breath and body odor. Cultural complaints. I am from Appalachia USA and I have heard my share of complaints. Sreaming mothers. On the other hand out-of-control children. Touchy feely and personal space invaders. You would be surpised with the number of people who feel that they must touch as public servant or get right in our faces to explain something.OhioDonna
My last comment was poorly written. A co-worker ask me something and I failed to proof read. By the way, my fellow co-workers and I enjoy Japan Today very much.
Hey I often burp in a loud and exaggerated manner while walking down the street. Any problems with that?
Yeah that really annoys me too! Most places I've travelled in the world, if there's even a sliver of seat space it'll be taken - even if one thigh is on the seat the other is on one's neighbour, yet here some guys here think its fine to spread out over two seats and display their crotch to the whole carriage. Not what I want to see on a a 30 minute subway ride!
somebody smokes in front of my kid, because he's allergic!
people who don't wait for you to get off the train before they barge on. i was once about to get off a train as it pulled up to a station, only to have three people lined up in front of the doors, totally obstructing my way off the train. idiots. had to push my way through them in order to get off
People who hold their library cards in their mouths and then hand them to me to scan. I sit at library reference desk and I really am annoyed with people who stand over me belch but passing gas is the worst because my face is about level with the region the gas is coming from.
People who intentionally make themselves vomit on the tube or in the lunchroom after I pass gas.
While I agree with most of the posts here, the ol' 'stop starring at me b/c I'm a gaijin' doesn't phase me anymore. I'd probably stare at me too if I was Japanese and I even find myself looking longer than usual whenever I spot a fellow gaijin b/c there are practically no other gaijin where I live. We just stand out and that's a fact you have to get used to. People are just curious to see something they don't see every day. They don't even realize that they are starring and more to the point, that we are taking notice of the fact they are starring. I'm convinced that they think they are invisable for some reason.
However, like the other posts, I also feel like people have zero self-awareness of their surroundings and I wish people would learn to pick a side (sidewalk, street, escalator etc) and stay on it.
I would have to say my latest pet peeves are:
1) vomiting in public (carry a bag with you when you go to your bon-nen-kai or other nomi-kai)
2) talking loudly on the bus, train, resturant. Some people just have no idea how loud their voice is and that EVERYONE can here it.
3) mothers who don't fold up their baby stroller on the crowded bus/train (but even that I realize is "sho-ga-nai" but it still annoys me)
4) people who shut the sliding door when they know I am right behind them (e.g. at onsens). Or let the door shut at other places such as dept. stores, resturants etc.
With all this said, I still think Japan is pretty nice as far as standards of politeness and etiquette. Some other countries are much worse. But then again some countries may be much better....
How about the incredible amount of stealth farting that goes on on the subways. Don't these people have any shame?
oh come on, everyone commits stealth farting now and then. Japanese people don't have a monopoly on the silent but deadly type.
I beg to differ. I have never been barraged on subways in the US like in Japan.
-Smoking in public places and public places with non-smoking section
-Stinky Salary-men....drunk salary men....salary men period
-Women doing their makeup on the train, do that sh*t at home
-did I say stnky salary men
-people who stare at you on the train as if they are invisible and think you cannot see them staring
-couples who wave good bye instead of hugging/kissing each other when they part ways
-people who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze...
oh yeah, greasy salary men