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What do you think about those people who are holding parties to celebrate the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher?


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Tasteless, Distasteful, Tactless or other wise Insensitive.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

They have no honor.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.

-Margaret Thatcher

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Sick and disgusting.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Well Justified.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

Serrano - They have no honor.

I suspect Serano that you are a post Thatcher baby by a good margin and do not understand the havoc the woman rained on Britain. For many her death is like celebrating the death of an evil dictator who brought much grief to their country. Millions suffered under Thatcher and many communities were shattered by her ideoligy. I lived through those years and know of what I speak. I can't see where "honour" comes into it.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

Annoying and disrespectful.

From what I saw on the news, a lot of them weren't even born when she was in power.

They're just looking for an excuse to act like an ass.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Easy to criticize when her policies didn't affect you and you weren't witness to their effects. Her government was responsible for some policies which worsened countless people's lives. She doesn't care if people dance in the streets now, why should you?

5 ( +16 / -11 )

It evidences a complete and utter lack of character.

I had a same reaction to those celebrating Reagan's demise - and this from someone who was never a political supporter of either.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Shameful. One must be careful what one wishes upon someone else !

1 ( +7 / -6 )

totally support those partying......

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

I heard a comedian the other month say that after her death Mrs Thatcher's grave would become the country's most popular dance floor. I couldn't agree more.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

From what I've seen it was mostly students and yobs too young to have been around under her government. Any excuse to get hammered and have a riot basically.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

When powerful public figures, whose policies and decisions have ruined lives and left a trail of death and destruction in their wake, finally strut their earthly stage no more, it has always been the custom of their victims, their families and sympathizers to demonstrate publicly their opprobrium. We all remember the dancing in the streets and jubilation of some Americans on hearing of the execution/murder of OBL in front of his family and the disposal of his body as planned in "Operation Neptune's Spear". I personally regret that Mrs Thatcher died so soon. I had always wished on her a much longer life. At least now the overburdened UK taxpayers will be spared any further expense once they have settled the bill for the ostentatious public funeral. Those British celebrating the" demise of the "Iron Lady" in the spirit of "Guy Fawkes Day" may seem rude and unmannerly, but there is often an element of fun and tongue-in-cheek "hamming it up" during such public remonstrances, all of which is no doubt unintelligible to foreigners trained and conditioned to show deference before the mighty of their land. I understand that, breaking with British tradition, her corpse will not be consigned to a car park , but I like many of my fellow countrymen will impiously murmur in their hearts the imprecation: Mrs Thatcher RIP (Rust in Peace).

3 ( +8 / -5 )

I do find it disturbing myself. When Saddam Hussein was eliminated I didn't go out and start partying. Same with OBL etc. I was also disturbed by those that did. Thatcher wasn't anywhere like those two men. She died like another human being who in spite of the dislike still was voted into her position.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I remember my mum and dad going out to the pub to celebrate ( very rare for my mum ) when she was booted out of office. However, celebrating her death pulls people down to the moral level of Thatcherism. They should be ashamed of themselves.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I think to rejoice her death is lowering yourself to the same depth that she operated at during her leadership. I didn't feel happy, I didn't feel sad, and I didn't feel relieved. I felt good when she left Downing Street and after that she was just an old woman, and one that was decaying in later years, and not too unlike my own mother. Nothing to rejoice, nothing to party about.

Here is a good piece that I think is very well thought out and very well written by Russell Brand.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The real question is ... should all those politicians and public figures really be praising a very nasty, mean, cruel and divisive leader that NEEDLESSLY ruined the lives of millions ... YES MILLIONS?

What we should be doing is holding meetings and discussions as to how we stop people like Thatcher, Bush, Howard, Hussein, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, Pol Pot etc getting into power in the first place or how to get rid of them if there are in power.

Another leader who forced her country into a false war that cost the lives of 1000's and was essentially only actioned to get her self re-elected. For the younger generation who did not live through the Thatcher years, let me tell you, they really were full of CRUEL and NEEDLESS suffering.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I personally find it distasteful to deny her victims that right. People removed from the situation may also be uninformed about the terrible damage she did to so many communities and the dangerous assumption that such actions are 'necessary for the greater good'. For some she may well be a hero, to others a villain. No-one can deny the suffering she caused to so many, even if they try to justify it in the name of ideology, or political expedience. Many parts of the UK still haven't recovered from the damage, which as I understand it is unique in modern history. They aren't celebrating her death as such, so much as the fact that she is gone, which brings them a sense of release.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Someone once said that funerals are not for the dead, they are for the living. Likewise this partying does nothing to offend Margaret Thatcher, and a lot to hurt her surviving family. Honestly it is in the worst possible taste and injures only the innocent. Margaret Thatcher is dead, and beyond caring, so spare a thought for her suriving relatives.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@Frungy; Her daughter lost her job for calling black people golliwogs and her son has been involved in shady arms deals and hiring mercenaries for a coup in Africa. They are nasty people and deserve no thought or respect from anyone.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Didnt particularly like the woman, and did live through the damage that she caused. But I cannot justify dancing on anyones grave. A sense of relief, release, yes. But jubilation and partying in the streets? I am ashamed to be British when I see behaviour like that.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

@Chibachick, you should not be ashamed, you like i come from Britain but that means nothing, we are ourselves and our community wherever that may be. We should not be ashamed or pleased with what others born in our country do, it means nothing, collective responsibility is what idiots want to think about. Nobody is dancing on her grave she is noy underground yet and what people fail to see is this is not only an attack on Thatcher but on the present Tory government which seems intent on destroying more communities. It does not mean anyone has to agree with rioters or those celebrating just understanding why they are doing it and would they do that if they lead content lives now.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Her death certainly doesn't warrant celebration, though the death of some of her policies would be more than welcome. I think Morrissey got it just about right:


2 ( +4 / -2 )

@Frungy; Her daughter lost her job for calling black people golliwogs and her son has been involved in shady arms deals and hiring mercenaries for a coup in Africa.

Not only her children, the Baroness did the same and went away with it. Herself said horrors of another century about non-white on a regular basis and she has done the shady arms deals all over her years in office. My post will surely disappear soon for stating facts. I don't think she deserves the praise from leaders, media and the public funerals.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Her daughter

BTW, will Obama and Mrs go to the funerals ? So the Carol will greet them with her legendary elegance ?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Disgusting, low level, pathetic, socialistic scum. Putting it mildly.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )


The difference is, we have compassion, which is the quality we accuse the Tory's most of not having. Let's retain the moral highground and not sink, eh?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Ding Dong!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

What is funny is this, in the mass media Thatcher was portrayed as a model and a champion of freedom and now we see some people are celebrating her passing away, while when Chavez passed way, though he was portrayed as a dictator and a tyrant in the same media, was mourned all over the world.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


I suspect Serano that you are a post Thatcher baby by a good margin and do not understand the havoc the woman rained on Britain. For many her death is like celebrating the death of an evil dictator who brought much grief to their country. Millions suffered under Thatcher and many communities were shattered by her ideoligy. I lived through those years and know of what I speak. I can't see where "honour" comes into it.

Well I have a sneaky suspicion that a lot of those 'disgusted' by people not crying at the news of Thatcher's death aren't even from Britain. Most probably people who think Brits talk like the royal family or even Thatcher herself. I even remember there were some Americans celebrating when Reagan died.

One thing I will thank her for. Supplying so many ideas for Spitting Image.

Some quotes from Ken Loach:

Mass Unemployment, factory closures, communities destroyed. This is her legacy. She was a fighter and her enemy was the British working class.

Remember she called Mandela a terrorist and took tea with the torturer and murderer Pinochet.

Her victories were aided by the politically corrupt leaders of the Labour Party and of many Trades Unions. It is because of policies begun by her that we are in this mess today.

Let's privatise her funeral. Put it out to competitive tender and accept the cheapest bid. It's what she would have wanted.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

It speaks volumes that people are celebrating her passing.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@Zichi The reaction of the Tory Party to Hillsborough was a perfect example of the Thatcherite narrative. Drunken working class louts ( no doubt similar to those 'hooligans' ) from a northern city populated by socialists, layabouts and scroungers. She gleefully jumped on the bandwagon of foul lies, 'articulated' by the amoral Murdoch and his filthy Thatcherite paper, to demonize those she despised. The hatred was reciprocated with interest, and many wonder why we aren't all bowing our heads in respect of a 'political giant'.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


If you really expected that Labour would change Tory policies than you do not understand how it has worked sinc the death of John Smith. The two parties are almost the same, their aims are to stay in power and they are in league with corporations, media and bankers to do that. Since Blair Labour has had a worse record for destroying the life of the poor and low earners. Their policies were carrying on from the Conservatives before them, they do not care about people, just themselves, staying in power and becoming richer after their political career ends.

There is no democracy in Britain, you have two bad choices which will not change the way the system is working, both ways make rich richer and the poor poorer.

It is easier to get drunk and complain for them, many of whom are poorly educated and just want a piss up but it is not excusable for educated people to think about why so many feel this way and wish to behave like this. That is also lazy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@Davestrousers Strange logic. Nobody is saying Thatcherite policies were unpopular with everyone. They were extremely popular with those who benefitted and reviled by those who were destroyed. Blair's strategy was to woo the middle class by shedding the socialism associated with the Labour Party and not deviating too far from free market policies - hence 'New Labour'. The true tragedy is that the areas destroyed under Thatcher were not given anywhere near enough focus as Blair knew he could count on those seats anyway - Labour was their only, and as it turned out, generally misguided hope. Thatcher said her greatest achievement was Tony Blair, and for the poor it was horribly true. I didn't pay too much attention to the new 7 classes of British society, but the division between rich and poor is clearly reaching immoral proportions with more and more children living below the poverty line. That is the appalling legacy of Thatcherism, and it is to the shame of the Labour administrations that this wasn't reversed.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

As this thread clearly illustrates Thatcher was indeed truly hated by many, I am no Brit but remember growing up & reading & seeing some of the stuff going on, so no one shoukld be surprised she was/is hated by many, pretty simple really

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Typical liberal rhetoric, had Thatcher not been in power or taken the h.m to steer the UK out of its financial ruinion, you would have probably had a socialist Stalinist society evolved. But, hey...people nowadays want FREE stuff or think that government is there to help take care of you from cradle to grave!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )


Typically you go on about "Liberals" something i mentioned earlier that we are seeing from Americans here. The idea that Labour are the natural enemy makes you spout the same kind of stuff as ever. Maggie was loved by the US right and was pals with Ronnie so many Americans loved her without realising why people in Britain were against her. It is much easier being a parrot than a thinker.

This type of left vs right does nothing. Thatcher, Blair, Bush, Clinton, Obama, the list goes on, none of them care about the people. Possibly a socialist society would be better for Britain than what life is like there now. I don't know, i am not one of these who goes on about left or right rubbish, i know they are all in it for themselves and Maggie knew better than anyone at the time how to divide the people. Divided people is what the leaders want, the do not want us united so they can retain their control and slavery of the average person.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The outcome of the Liverpool FC Hillsborough disaster ruling speaks much about just how Britain is different from other societies, especially in regard to personal responsibility.

Why do these matches in Britain need armies of police, on horseback and in riot gear, in the first place? Ever been to a Japanese baseball game, an American basketball game, Canadian hockey game? Nary a cop in site. Small crews of (bored) private security guards, perhaps.

Well, the simple answer in Britain's case, is the...um...the dangerous and violent behavior of the fans/supporters. Sorry about that, but that's the root cause of the problem, really. Of course, someone ELSE is responsible, right? They always are.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

@JeffLee Read wipeout's and zichi's posts. The ignorance of your post is jaw-dropping.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Thatcher: "... people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations."

That be true.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Typically you go on about "Liberals" something i mentioned earlier that we are seeing from Americans here. The idea that Labour are the natural enemy makes you spout the same kind of stuff as ever.

Because its true, just like in the states, the unions are the worst thing in a free democractic, capitalist society. They used to stand for the working man in the day, but now, they are blood sucking mafia hacks!

Maggie was loved by the US right and was pals with Ronnie so many Americans loved her without realising why people in Britain were against her. It is much easier being a parrot than a thinker.

So where is your evidence that she and the others were against the working class people? I think the people complaining about her are definitely the parrots.

This type of left vs right does nothing. Thatcher, Blair, Bush, Clinton, Obama, the list goes on, none of them care about the people. Possibly a socialist society would be better for Britain than what life is like there now. I don't know, i am not one of these who goes on about left or right rubbish, i know they are all in it for themselves and Maggie knew better than anyone at the time how to divide the people. Divided people is what the leaders want, the do not want us united so they can retain their control and slavery of the average person.

So you think Socialism is better than what you have now in the UK? So tell me, which country has a peaceful fair society that lives under the umbrella of socialism? You think the Castro brothers, Chavez, the Chinese leaders, Kim Jong Un, Putin they are not in it for themselves?


If an argument was made in that sentence, it was lost in a fog of illiteracy.

Usually when people say that, it means that they are incapable of making a rational argument, that is true illiteracy.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Apparently the truth hurts.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@Bass4funk, again you go bashing Liberals not realising what you are talking about. American politics is very dumbed down and this nonsense about socialism is a red herring fed to you by people like Sean Hannity, it seems you swallow without question. That is the problem, you have an agenda, you have views told to you by the tv and the media you choose to believe, Compared to America Britain is a socialist nation, have you checked the facts about the NHS,welfare and education, i guess not. Socialism is just a word like capatilism. It can be used to promote and agenda that is for it or against. Is is that simple, it is dumbed down just like your reply to my post. If you think that DPRK and Russia are socialist i think you need to do some fact checking.

The thing is i am neither liberal or anything else, i want fairness, equality and a decent wage for hardworking people. These 3 things were eroded for many by Thatcher and this continued with the policies of Blair. The mafia types are the leaders, whether from the right or left, that is why i can see almost all those who hold power are corrupt pieces of crap, in fact they are like gangsters and thieves.

Try to remove your pre conceived ideas and see what is really going on to understand why some hate Thatcher and also to see reality clearer.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Thatcher was also close mates with Jimmy Saville as was Blair, spending many Xmas dinners together, all quiet about that now innit. All the real stuff is hidden, some will come out in time.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think Jimmy Savile is a bit low. I doubt Thatcher knew about his disgusting private life. What interests me more is Pinochet. Her fierce denunciations of communists, trade unionists and other riffraff is celebrated, but her friendship with a murderous right-wing dictator seems to have been forgotten. Many Chileans are celebrating along with Brits and remembering Britain's and America's roles in installing this vicious specimen and allowing, even praising, his appalling rule. Skip the champagne and get yourself a nice bottle of Chilean red if you want to celebrate.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Like it or not, The Economist turns out pro-Thatcher in their obit. It's a good read.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

I am not in favor of celebrating the death of anyone.

I believe that good will ultimately triumph over evil, and pray daily with thanksgiving whenever Justice is done.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Sadly the way you think is one of the reasons we are in this mess. Come on pray, god and evil, these are things for darker times which sadly we are going back to. People do good or bad things, they have the choice but in some these choices cannot be made rationally. In my opinion Mrs Thatcher was a sociopath, these people with high intelligence can get far in the modern world of business and politics, the system is designed for them to succeed, and succeed Thatcher did as did her vile son Blair.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


again you go bashing Liberals not realising what you are talking about.

No, quite the contrary, I do. I don't bash liberals because they are liberals, I bash the looney insane radical ones because they think of themselves as the best thing to fix American problems on EVERY level as this President is doing and what is he doing so far. Diddley squat!

American politics is very dumbed down and this nonsense about socialism is a red herring fed to you by people like Sean Hannity,

So Sean Hannity is the only one that understands what Socialism in its truest form is? Don't hate the messenger, hate the message. Funny, I don't hear you complaining about the 98% dominated liberal media that expects the rest of the US to tow the line, which is what they are ultimately trying to do, bring a slanted one ideological liberal viewpoint. As a former NBC employee, I know for a fact this to be the case.

it seems you swallow without question.

At NBC, I had to. Dissent was not something that was looked on favorably.

That is the problem, you have an agenda,

I have NO agenda, but I refuse to drink the liberal Kool aid that everyone seems to be gulping down these days. Tired of liberal bullies, sorry.

you have views told to you by the tv and the media you choose to believe,

As do you. You have a certain prismatic viewpoint.

Compared to America Britain is a socialist nation, have you checked the facts about the NHS,welfare and education, i guess not.

I did and that is something personally, I am NOT onboard with and I don't want my country to get anywhere near that, but that is just my opinion.

Socialism is just a word like capatilism. It can be used to promote and agenda that is for it or against. Is is that simple, it is dumbed down just like your reply to my post. If you think that DPRK and Russia are socialist i think you need to do some fact checking.

Ok, they are Communist nations, sorry, my bad.

The thing is i am neither liberal or anything else, i want fairness, equality and a decent wage for hardworking people.

Then we are in agreement, but living in a society that doesn't promote growth and doesn't create jobs in the private sector to give people more jobs and for them to buy good, pay taxes, thereby generating revenue.

These 3 things were eroded for many by Thatcher and this continued with the policies of Blair. The mafia types are the leaders, whether from the right or left, that is why i can see almost all those who hold power are corrupt pieces of crap, in fact they are like gangsters and thieves.

In other words, you are trying to convey to me that, it is the governments role to cloth you and to feed you and to protect and provide for you, paid for by the tax payers.

Try to remove your pre conceived ideas and see what is really going on to understand why some hate Thatcher and also to see reality clearer.

I do and I already laid out the key points.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )


Uh huh.

Liberal as you tried to use it is meaningless in the British political context, because we had a Liberal (and now Liberal Democrat) party. They currently form part of the ruling coalition with the Conservatives. People to the left of liberals would be called left wing or socialist.

Well, it is socialism. The left want more taxes. So when is enough, enough? "The top 1% of income earners in the UK pay 28% of the total income tax take. As they earn 13% of all the income, that means they pay twice as big a share of the tax as their share of the income."

It's always been that way. So your label is completely misapplied.

Actually not. You think, the government has the right to take peoples hard earned money, even if they pay their fair share, if the government could make the 1% give 90% of their income, that would be ok with you?

It just makes you look as if you haven't bothered to find out anything about British politics at all

I grew up half of my life in Europe, I know how British politics work and I worked for one year as an apprentice at ITN, sister station to NBC, so don't go there, and please don't think Americans can't comment or make analytical judgements about British politics as if they are so complicated that only British people could understand it, when Brits comment on US politics ALL THE TIME!

which is fine, but it won't give you a fighting chance in a discussion involving British politics...

Well, yes, it actually does.

"Socialist Stalinist" is completely incomprehensible, just something you seem to have made up on the spot.

A leopard is a leopard, can't change its spots.

Even if people did know what you think you mean, it's a bit far fetched to say that Thatcher offered the only alternative to such a society.

Well, that is your opinion, I disagree.

Certainly none of the other politicians of the day (Callaghan, Foot, Kinnock, Healey, Benn for example, let alone the people who broke away from Labour, like Roy Jenkins, Shirley Williams and David Owen) identified with Stalin.

That doesn't mean they don't embrace socialism, look at our current occupant in the WH, his policies are a clear reflection of that.

Like it or not, if the political labels you open and closed your sentence with were invalid (which they were), and the words in between are marked chiefly by faulty grammar and spelling, it's not possible to know what you were trying to say, and that is an illiterate argument.

So now you want to take cheap personal shots, because you don't approve of me stating my personal opinion and point of view? That last comment was stupid, personal and completely irrelevant to the argument. I could say the same to you, but why should I? I'm not about to stoop that low. As typical liberal ranting goes, if they are not happy with the facts, then it is time to personally attack someone. That kind of an argument is something that expect far-left loons to do.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Readers, please stop bickering and stay on topic.

Come on pray, god and evil, these are things for darker times which sadly we are going back to.

Well, it could be that darker times come because we've gotten away from those things.

In my opinion Mrs Thatcher was a sociopath

That may well be so, but that doesn't mean people have to go into Munchkin-mode singing "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead." Can demonizing Thatcher increase one's stature?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Whether people liked her or hated her, she was a one of a kind woman and IMO opinion a strong leader. Some will disagree and that's ok, every one has a right to their opinion and Thatcher was a patriot, loved her country and was concerned about her countrymen. She was a polarizing figure no doubt, but that doesn't give people the right to demonize and slander the woman in such a brutal and disrespectful manner in death. Tact and decorum have for some reason abandoned our societies. A real shame.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Such persons are losers who can't make it on their own. So, they're willing to trade freedom for state handouts.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

@ zichi:

You've missed the point; she didn't want the expense. In other words, she's not a hypocrite, which characterization is the point of your post and it's quite patently wrong, because it's specious logic.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

All readers back on topic please. From here on, posts that do not refer to the parties celebrating her death will be removed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I must admit that while I did rather have a soft spot for Thatcher, she is dead now, and I doubt she cares what people think about her. Lets not forget that, to have held power so long, there were many people supporting her too.

What I DO feel strongly about is the impact this must be having on her surviving family.

Lets not forget she was not JUST a politician - she was also a mother, wife, friend. She was a human being, as well as a politician. For the reason alone that she has children and grandchildren and friends surviving her, I think these kinds of celebrations are very tasteless.

While of course those people who really opposed her are entitled to their opinions, (especially with regard to it being a state funded funeral) to voice them in such a public, vulgar way as a party and that awful "witch is dead" song shows tremendous disrespect for those people surviving her. I wonder how people would feel if that was their mother, or grandmother being talked about in such a way?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I dunno...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The reaction of the Tory Party to Hillsborough was a perfect example of the Thatcherite narrative. Drunken working class louts ( no doubt similar to those 'hooligans' ) from a northern city populated by socialists, layabouts and scroungers.

Drunken working class louts, supporting Liverpool FC, crushing innocent people to death...

I find it rather distasteful to write this, but I always notice how the Hillsborough disaster completely wiped the 1985 Heysel Stadium disaster from the memory of the British people. For those who do not remember, thugs who supported Liverpool charged Juventus fans, causing a stampede, a collapsed wall and 39 deaths, all played out on live TV. A few years later was the awful Hillsborough disaster occurred, which again involved Liverpool.

At the start, it played to the Heysel narrative i.e. Liverpool fans were the bad guys, but this turned out not to be the case. However, it has some how turned into Margaret Thatcher's personal fault, and Heysel had been forgotten (has anyone under 35 heard of it?). No one in Britain ever gives a minute's silence for the dead Juventus fans.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Ah_so - hmmm, barely on topic, and likely to get deleted, but to respond to your point about it being forgotten, you are very wrong. Regular supporters were appalled by events, and still are. The world has moved on, crowd control got a bit better, and the culture of violence at games also diminished.

You are either not British, or worse, from the South of England!

Liverpool Forgetting Heysel http://www.liverpoolfc.com/history/heysel

Example of UK Tabloid Forgetting Heysel http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/heysel-football-stadium-anniversary-of-disaster-852138

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Despicable worms .... I'd like to say more but I'm frankly so shocked by the lack of class these people are showing that I can't think of anything to say that might explain how lowly I think of them.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

contemptible, and sadly predictable. This is what happens when people let Politics become thier religion

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is all about domestic politics. Thatcher was much disliked by many. If we did not live through her days in power as a UK citizen, who are we to judge?

Folks on the outside looking-in may wonder about the propriety or etiquette or the lack of those things that may be involved and even may feel confident to think that it would never happen in their own country.

But the UK experience when Thatcher and her party took power shouldn't be looked upon as merely an ascendance of the private sector and divestment of government run and ruined industries wracked by trades unions who lost sight of the nation's public interest. It wasn't just about evangelists of private capital versus luddite trades unions.

At the time watching what was happening in the UK was like watching what happens in a dysfunctional family. There was sure to be trouble and sure to be gains and losses in what was pretty much a zero sum economics game in that time.

The questions that may have been asked but not really answered is whether the pain that was inflicted upon large swathes of the country's population (some say necessarily) actually was a foregone conclusion from the outset (others say it was too extreme and serving of only a political agenda and not an economic benefit).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

having a public funeral for a woman who wanted to privatize everything.. I can see why some people would be angry

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's distasteful, just like the decision to make a big public thing out of not inviting the Argentine president to the funeral is distasteful. Altogether not surprising given the kind of controversy she courted during her tenure.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's inappropriate. The appropriate time to celebrate was when she was dumped as PM by members of her own cabinet. Having said that, it's also inappropriate to bestow upon her a ceremonial funeral that, save for a couple of details, is the same as a state funeral.

It is inappropriate for Thatcher, a peacetime politician, to receive a funeral that is basically the same as that of the Queen Mother, Princess Diana, and in the future, the Queen herself. No matter how much some people loved her, we should not be blurring the line between the monarchy and politics. And now, even Buckingham Palace has expressed concern at the arrangements.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If you have nothing to celebrate, of course, you mock greatness. Requiescat in pace, my dear "Iron Lady" Sir Winston would have been equally proud of you.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No matter how much some people loved her, we should not be blurring the line between the monarchy and politics.

But Britain did for Churchill.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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