The one that got me the most was the Tarantino film From Dusk Till Dawn which flips film genre in an instant halfway through the film. I didn't see that coming at all.
Fight Club really got me… Sixth Sense though… a friend told me he had just seen it and that I should see it because there’s a huge plot twist. Maybe it was just that he mentioned the words “plot twist” that made me think it… but I guessed from the trailer it was Haley Joel Osment could “see” Bruce Willis. Was a letdown for me in the end.
Start from the old days: Psycho is number one all-time. Not your typical plot twist nowadays but in 1960, you could not have guessed you'd see mom's skeleton in that chair or Norman wearing that wig and acting like mom. That was a heart stopper. The Wicker Man was a good 70s movie. Angel Heart was good in the 80s. Sixth Sense, The Usual Suspects and Se7en are good ones from the 90s. Nowadays, the plot only sickens, not thickens.
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Aly Rustom
Sleepaway camp
Remember having a day off from school and seeing a matinee of the "Matrix".
Information online was scarcer in those days and from the trailers thought it was about super-powered goths? Vampires?
It was a cyberpunk revelation.
Mr Kipling
The Wizard of Oz wasn't a real wizard.
"Not sure how to say this, but, Luke, I'm your dad."
The one that got me the most was the Tarantino film From Dusk Till Dawn which flips film genre in an instant halfway through the film. I didn't see that coming at all.
The Original Wing
Fight Club
Sixth sense and Fight Club.
The Usual Suspects
Nice one. That brought back memories.
The Sting was excellent.
6th Sense really made me go, "Ohhhhh..." near the end when I saw it. Nowadays, it seems so obvious but at the time, "Ohhhh......"
Terminator 4. He was a robot the whole time! (Spoilers)
Haaa Nemui
Fight Club really got me… Sixth Sense though… a friend told me he had just seen it and that I should see it because there’s a huge plot twist. Maybe it was just that he mentioned the words “plot twist” that made me think it… but I guessed from the trailer it was Haley Joel Osment could “see” Bruce Willis. Was a letdown for me in the end.
Haaa Nemui
The Mist (2007)
Kind Hearts and Coronets... 1949
There is a wonderful twist....
Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.
Also Memento.
Hide and Seek and Orphan really took me by surprise. Did not see the endings coming.
The Crying Game.
The Sixth Sense.
Start from the old days: Psycho is number one all-time. Not your typical plot twist nowadays but in 1960, you could not have guessed you'd see mom's skeleton in that chair or Norman wearing that wig and acting like mom. That was a heart stopper. The Wicker Man was a good 70s movie. Angel Heart was good in the 80s. Sixth Sense, The Usual Suspects and Se7en are good ones from the 90s. Nowadays, the plot only sickens, not thickens.
Gene Hennigh
Eat Drink Man Woman. When the old chef announces he's marrying the younger woman and not her mother. Terrific.
Japanese movie "The Most Beautiful Night in the World" and "A Fish Story"
A few good men
Maybe not the best in cinema history, but 1991 was a good year for movies with great plot twists.
Dead Again
What's the plot twist in A Few Good Men?
Finkle is Einhorn
Einhorn is Finkle