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What is one habit that your significant other does or has that you can't stand but put up with anyway?


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He leaves the lights on or the water faucet dripping. Forgets to close doors when the heat or AC is running. It's so wasteful and drives me nuts! Hopefully one of these days, he'll catch on and start being more responsible.

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One other major thing just came to my mind. My husband, constatly forgets things like keys, mobile or even his wallet! One time, he left his wallet at a grocery store counter where you bag things. By the time he realized it, the store was closed! It was a miracle that the next day someone actually had turned in his wallet with absolutely nothing missing. I told my husband, who by the way is Japanese, if you ever forget your wallet in the U.S. you might as well kiss it goodbye forever. You'd think he'd learn but he never does. Another time he discovered that he left his wallet at home only after being parked at a pay-parking place for quite some time. Of course he was helped out of the situation by a friend. Maybe if people would stop doing him favors, he'd catch on and learn.

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Snoring, but I guess we all do it. But sometimes, I really think that separate bedrooms would be more inducuve to a good night's sleep.

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He keeps complaining about a lot of things he doesn't like about me. But if I tell him what I dislike, he gets shirty. :(

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she complains period.

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she complains period.

Was goin to say its only the women complaining here, but seriously the habit my wife has is that she complains continously about everything.

Women are born moaners arn't they!!!!!!!!

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But I don't put up with it, I kick him.

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Was goin to say its only the women complaining here, but seriously the habit my wife has is that she complains continously about everything

hmm.. the habit my husband has is that he complains about such tiny things that I wouldn't even care about.. i called him girly for complaining so much about tiny things that are really nothing.. well, he really didn't like to be called girly and stopped complaining for awhile.. but didn't last too long.. he still complains.. but that's okay because I decided to think that I have one more child (a big child) when he complains ;)

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I don`t like her pyjamas.Saying "shoganai" over and over. ghrrr!

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But I don't put up with it, I kick him

Wow, a husband-beater among us. Wonder what authorities think about this kind of domestic violence.

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Complaining about inconsequential things.

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There's a whole ream of them, but I suppose what they have in common is that when I ask her to do XYZ 'properly' she says "Yes, yes..." but quickly falls back into the old irritating habit. Or perhaps what they have in common is a sense of not caring, ie lack of respect.

Some things that I do must annoy the hell out of her, though.

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saying "machigaeta" over and over again. If you say it, everything is supposedly ok..

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Saying "samoi,samoi,samoi,samoi..."

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Not putting his things away, just like a little kid. I have given up on telling him a long time ago and just do it.

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I can't stand it when my husband swears/complains to himself but we can still hear it. If you have a problem with something we did of isn't doing, why not confront us (me, my kids) directly? Muttering to yourself does not improve anything.

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The constant breathing ;)

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exportexpert amen, actually I thought I was the only one, but guess not heh

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Her habit of not apologizing. Why do I always have to be the first to apologize? But I do it anyway, because I want to be a "utsuwa no ohkii" person and to maintain our harmonious relationship. At least she doesn't complain.

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My wife thinks there is only one way to do things, and of course it is her way. Everything I do is the wrong way, and is complained about continuously.

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She gets angry and me when I have gas; as if I did something so horrible and non-human. She also complains non-stop when I leave empty beer cans around house.

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Every time we quarrel she cried and I feel like a bada** though she was the reason of the quarrel.Plus this habit of speaking Russian knowing that i don't understand anything.

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not bad** i meant bad guy :(

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she picks her nose but doesnt have a tissue handy to wipe it on. wonder where it ends up all the time???

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She doesn't iron my shirts correctly or clean the kitchen properly. As everybody knows, this is a women's job or duty.....like cooking or vacuuming the carpets etc. And as such they should learn to do them in the correct manner.

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you're joking, right????? i clean the room/kitchen, iron, cook, but if my husband kept complaining how i do it, i'd politely ask him to do it..

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The one really annoying habit is that she consistently makes more money than I do, sheesh the things we men put up with.

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I don't think that there is anything I can't stand but one thing that kind of annoys me is that he doesn't keep his stuff neat and he almost never throws things away. He probably used to think I complained too much about telling him to keep his stuff neat and to throw things out once in a while! Now, as Foxie said, I tend to just do it myself!

I think the reason why some guys think their wife nags too much is because the husbands don't listen when you ask them to do something the first time...

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i agree with Cleo,,the snoring can be fixed with a kick or push i hate though how he is MR TADASHI san,,,,,which means my opinions are not correct, his are oh and not wanting to be involved at youchien or shogakko events,,,coz it means he would have to like talk to the other papas ,,,and that is just not fun oh,,,and i wish he would kill a cockroach sometimes BUT his good points far outweigh his bad points he works, while i get to stay at home, buys me copious amounts of chocolate and clothes, allows me girly times with the friends plays with his kids when he is at home, no matter how tired he is is always trying to fix me (i have fibromyalgia and a twisted womb (for the ladies you know what i mean about, wanting to provide kids, and it not happening when you want it too,,,,) he is always searching out new docs, meds etc i love my man,,,he just needs to relax more

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Mrs Fishy

you're joking, right????? i clean the room/kitchen, iron, cook, but if my husband kept complaining how i do it, i'd politely ask him to do it..

Not jesting at all. After a hard day at the office, all men want a nice, properly cleaned house (one that's been properly cleaned too, not just a once over in 5 minutes with a feather duster) & a hot dinner to come home to. Oh yeah, don't forget the nicely pressed shirts as well.

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I think that "there's only one way to do things" is a japan special. I've heard it so many times :)

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That sounds like a very japanese attitude. My japanese wife also worked and I would never expect her to keep a spot-less house. Said that I was better at cleaning, ironing etc than her.

Met a few foreigners here that expected to have everything done for them, etc last I check those are all singles now.

Maybe because I am european and house-cleaning was a family-chore, heck recall a time I wanted a shirt ironed for a date and my mother told me to do it myself as she just got in from work. Took me some time to get it right.

Recall my military service where if your shirt, etc wasn't ironed, folded properly it was extra pushups, etc.

If it annoys you get down and dirty and help her.

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I just wished every man would go through military service. They surely come out with a lot of respect, aren't whining that much and can actually do things like Zenny said.

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the reason why some guys think their wife nags too much is because the husbands don't listen when you ask them to do something the first time...


This needs to be framed and hung on the wall.

all men want a nice, properly cleaned house

News for you, nothereillegal. That's what women want, too, after they've been working all day. I think you're just trying to push buttons, but in case you're even half-serious, others have already given you the answer - you want it clean, you clean it!

One habit my man has is using smelly mothballs - after all, we don't want the moths eating our clothes, do we? I hate wearing clothes that smell of mothballs. I've asked him not to put the stinky things in my half of the closet or in my drawers, but he 'forgets'. I asked him to use less stinky ones, but he claims they don't work as well.

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She talks to herself all the time and than complains that I don't listen to her, she feels cold in winter when it's just a bit chilly, she complains about me dirtying the kitchen when I do the cooking...well that's my EX-wife, actually!

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My boyfriend is American and he certainly has a different set of culture and manners from mine. Sometimes it's irritating, sometimes it's not funny to my ears/eyes. But, if I were to complain about all those, I guess I'll end up with no boyfriend...J women would snatch him up anytime. They are so good at pretending in front of men....of course until the men marry them. Then they'll complain like all the partners of all those Posters above....:)

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Making this honking, snorting noise to clear his sinuses every morning. I call it the Dawn Chorus.

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After a hard day at the office, all men want a nice, properly cleaned house

surprise surprise!! after a hard day at the office, all WOMEN want a nice properly cleaned house, too!!

after a long day at work, i clean the house, cook and do laundry.. i do my best, and if my husband complained i dont do it right, i wouldn have him do it (luckily, he doesn't complain about how i clean or cook!!)

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Bitching about my driving!

Cringe everytime we are in the car together.

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My wife used to smoke so that was definitely her number one annoying habit. Now it is constantly asking me if I did something (pay bills, chores, etc.) when she darn well knows I did.

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Another thing is my wife always leaves the shampoo bottle upside down even when it is full.

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J women would snatch him up anytime. They are so good at pretending in front of men....of course until the men marry them. Then they'll complain like all the partners of all those Posters above

I can't stand it when foreign women complain about Japanese women and generalize them. I've never heard Japanese women complain about western women like western women complain about Japanese women.

There are certain things I don't like about my wife (Japanese) but there isn't anything that I cannot stand. She doesn't cook very well but I cook for her. She is a wonderful mother and a wife/lover, and she is so much fun to be with. She lets me whine when I'm in a bad mood and she is a great listener.

If there is anything that I do not like, that would be the fact I look older than her even though I am younger than her!

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My hubby takes off his dirty socks and just leaves them lying around. Not big but very annoying. When I was at my in-laws recently, I noticed his mother did the exact same thing. Also, he opens new things even though there is already an open thing of it. Toothpaste, milk, nappy cream ... Drives me nuts. But small things compared to what is good about him.

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She posts about my bad habits to strangers on an internet forum - that really gets my goat.

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yokomoc - She posts about my bad habits to strangers on an internet forum

Wait until you divorce her and see how poop she lets fly with on Mixi. I had an order taken out on my ex to stop her BS and slander.

My main gripe with my GF would be her constant chatter and not really listening to anything I have to say. She is not Japanese, BTW.

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Unplugging everything in the house that is not in use: toasters, microwave, electric toothbrush, the list goes on. Negotiation may help so that the equipment is ready when the chef needs it!

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The mrs is great at turning lights on & leaving them on, opening windows & not closing them when she leaves & no one is home. She is great at dirtying LOTS of dishes(which I wash up) LOL but since she is a great cook I cant complain(or can I, am I LOL). We both do house work, tho gomi is left to me, but she does the cats litter boxes most of the time.

overall I got it pretty good but shes definitely got it better!!!!

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GW said " She is great at dirtying LOTS of dishes(which I wash up)"

I have EXACTLY the same problem with my significant other. I go to bed earlier than my SO, and Im bordering OCD clean (Not because I particularly like being clean, but just because I HATE cockroaches) and then I wake up in the morning and the fry pan has been used and filled with water (cockroach swimming pool shudder) and there about 5 dishes, a almost empty cafeaulait carton and crumbs on the carpet.

I feel like Im turning into my mother when I say " DONT PUT IT DOWN, PUT IT AWAY!"

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well I have to clean soon as otherwise the cats get into it long before any gokiburi dare show up(the cats will get those too LOL), so gotta get it all done before sacking out, speaking of which I have to fix din dins now & will likely be doing the DD's as the mrs is working late due in about 2300hrs! But hey a few brews to tide me over will I do this, cranking some tunes, 2cats & a dog all hanging out its all good!

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when talking about her past, leaves me hanging - for example, she'll tell me she spent two days in a hotel with some 19-year-old surfer in hawaii, but won't say what they were doing

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dolphingirl and Cleo

I think the reason why some guys think their wife nags too much is because the husbands don't listen when you ask them to do something the first time...

Wives aren't servants to their husbands, and neither are husbands servants to their wives.

If you feel that your husband has to do everything and anything you ask, and you nag him when he doesn't do it immediately, then the cause of the nagging isn't that he doesn't do it, but that you presume you have the right to order him around in the first place. If you have both agreed that he should be responsible of something and he doesn't do it, breaking his word, then you are justified in calling him on it.

That being said, it seems to me that these kinds of threads are extremely common. If I was a conspiracy nut, I'd think that the media were trying to get people to split or divorce by focusing on what people don't like about their significant other. Why not, instead, ask people what their partner does that makes them love them even more?

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When did 'ask someone to do something' become 'order him around'?

If you have both agreed that he should be responsible of something and he doesn't do it...

...then you ask him again because he said he would do it.

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When did 'ask someone to do something' become 'order him around'?

When you ask someone to do something, the person you ask isn't obligated to do it, and you must understand that. You must understand that he may say "no".

If, after "asking", you nag that person until he gives in, then that means that you do not actually believe that he has the right to say no. In which case, this is not a request, but an order.

So if you nag someone because he doesn't always do what you ask on the spot, then in fact you are ordering him around.

If you have both agreed that he should be responsible of something and he doesn't do it... ...then you ask him again because he said he would do it.

That's what I said. If he agreed to do something and he doesn't do it, then you are justified in calling him on it (ex: "Hey, remember you agreed to do X? I see it isn't done, when will you do it?").

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abcdeman I totally agree with you, about the western women, that is so irritating. My wife only has one habit that bugs me (but I put up with it),singing along to every stupid Black Eyed Peas song that comes on.

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There are certain things I don't like about my wife (Japanese) but there isn't anything that I cannot stand. She doesn't cook very well but I cook for her. She is a wonderful mother and a wife/lover, and she is so much fun to be with. She lets me whine when I'm in a bad mood and she is a great listener.

abcdemen, Jimny1216: I wasn't complaining. I was merely telling the truth. Good for you guys that your wives could pretend till very time. That's why J women are good. Everything they do look so real. Only another woman would know the truth...LOL

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Sorry, this is my post:

abcdemen, Jimny1216: I wasn't complaining. I was merely telling the truth. Good for you guys that your wives could pretend till this very moment. That's what J women are so good at. Everything they do look so real. Only another woman would know the truth...LOL

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Taking a shower and putting a towel on her head and then walking around the house naked "drip drying" as she goes. I love the flesh parade but the waterspots and my wet socks are annoying. Also saying samui, samui over and over again won't make the cold go away. I and everyone else around us knows it is cold.

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abcdemen, Jimny1216: I wasn't complaining. I was merely telling the truth. Good for you guys that your wives could pretend till very time. That's why J women are good. Everything they do look so real. Only another woman would know the truth...LOL

She's not pretending.. if she's been pretending the past 10 years of marriage (9 years since the first child was born, plus 4 years of dating before marriage), I'd be surprised. She's fun to be with and I enjoy her company. That's all that matters and doesn't matter what other women say (by the way, our mutual friends love her so much and she's constantly helping my friends who don't speak the language.. she goes out of her way to help out even when it is inconvenient for her.. and if you call it pretending, well, so be it.. I'm happy!!

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Ditto on constantly unplugging things, filling the sink full of dishes and then letting all the glasses float on top all night without soaking in the water instead, making way too much food every night, moving my stuff around, always saying "sukareta" all day, incessantly watching Japanese wretched TV, etc.

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She's not pretending.. if she's been pretending the past 10 years of marriage (9 years since the first child was born, plus 4 years of dating before marriage), I'd be surprised. She's fun to be with and I enjoy her company. That's all that matters and doesn't matter what other women say (by the way, our mutual friends love her so much and she's constantly helping my friends who don't speak the language.. she goes out of her way to help out even when it is inconvenient for her.. and if you call it pretending, well, so be it.. I'm happy!!

Well, good for you again! She'll pretend for the rest of her life with you. So no worries man! You'll be happy for the rest of your life! Let's just hope you don't run out of money of get thrown out of your job...:)

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Taking any situation life offers us and choking any possibility of joy out of it with constant whining, obsessive worrying and sheer rancid misery.

"Oh look! It's snowed! Quick, let's get our kid to the park!" "Ehhhhhhh? It's cold. It's too cold. Wet too. Windy too. Dangerous, janai?" "Oh, for f..."

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Having all the joie de vivre of a sodding dementor

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"she'll tell me she spent two days in a hotel with some 19-year-old surfer in hawaii, but won't say what they were doing"

They were hanging 10.

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Well, good for you again! She'll pretend for the rest of her life with you. So no worries man! You'll be happy for the rest of your life! Let's just hope you don't run out of money of get thrown out of your job...:)

sigh... not every Japanese women are like that (plus you do not know my wife personally and the only thing you know about her is that she is Japanese), just like there are many stero-type western women and many who are not so much like stero-type.

And guess what. She's very independent, works full time and makes as much money as I do. She has never even implied that she wanted to be financially supported. She actually supported ME for a little while while I was focusing on school.

Like I said before, it annoys me and I can't stand it when western women generalize all Japanese women and say bad things about them. I was telling my wife that I think American women are bitc@# (I'm not talking about you by the way) because of my experience with my American female coworkers, and my wife told me not to generalize. She said everyone is different and she knows lots of nice American women (I agreed and felt bad that I generalized all American women and spoke ill of them).

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Living in mortal dread of what other people might think, other than her husband, whose opinion she disregards out of hand and constantly.

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Lies on the sofa all day only stirring to eat or lick her own butt..

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Metamorphosising from a buxom quasi-nymphomaniac who laughed and made me laugh all the time into a lipless, apronned harpy.

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Good one Ivan !

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Mine had a few annoying habits(few got passed onto son but not for much longer).

Walks into a room and turns on the light, regardless. Walks out and light stays on.

Drink a pet-bottle till 10% than leave it till forever(when I cleaned them).

She never was good at cleaning but could cook well(when she wanted too). Most nights she came home tired from work and wanted to eat out though.

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Patrick - mine's got that one as well. She wants me to buy into her myth that not working for eight years, but staying at home to look after one well-behaved, healthy child - who is out at school from 7:30 am until 4 pm, by the way - is some form of Herculaean labour so exhausting that she's incapable of basic human interaction by the time I get home.

I could understand her being tired if the kid was on dialysis or severely disabled, or out smashing bus shelters up and in and out of court every week, but she's as good as gold and wants nothing more than playing with when she's finished her homework. But I'm expected to believe this not only requires superhuman effort, but also makes it a physical impossibility to go out and get a part-time job.

Yet when I point out that she might be able to redirect her efforts to more productive tasks than going over the entire carpet with a lint roller every day - and I'm not joking there, she does that - I'm the bleeding bad guy.

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Breathing :)

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How can doing absolutely nothing useful ever be such a tiring occupation?

I've noticed that when I have a full day of schedule, I am pleasantly tired, but when it is a boring day and not much to do, I feel tired in a negative day... Sometimes doing nothing can make people feel tired... Maybe she should do more so that at least she is pleasantly tired LOL

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fishy, yes, maybe that's true. I am never pleasantly tired, as any feeling of pleasure evaporates the second I have to interact with my wife at the end of a long day.

True.. when someone tells you how tired she is, it actually brings some really tiring atmosphere... usually better not to say tired unless you are REALLY tired or pleasantly tired (this, you can share stories and etc, so I don't see it in a negative way!)..

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I hate the word tsukareta. They are week people here in Japan. Plus, when you clean a stove or wall tile around it after frying something, you must use soap to break the grease, and not smudge it around with water. I hated having my socks rolled into a ball, as it ruins the outside one. I hated having initiate sex, and then having her to tell me to hurry up. I also hated coming home and finding every light left on, electric carpets on and air conditioners all running. I solved all these problems though. I got divorced. DONE You would have to hit me in the head with a 2 x 4 to get me married again.

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not working for eight years, but staying at home to look after one well-behaved, healthy child

Any person who believes that raising a child to be well-behaved and healthy is not a magnum opus needs a good sharp slap up the back of the head followed by a kick in the butt followed by being hung upside down by his ankles and shaken till his teeth rattle in his head.

Not working, indeed. humph

she might be able to redirect her efforts to more productive tasks than going over the entire carpet with a lint roller every day

Buy her a Roomba.

Rant over. Carry on.

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What also annoys me is the fact that my wife is always so tired she can't be bothered to play with me and our daughter when I get back from working all day, even if it's just a quick card game or snakes and ladders, but she's able to find sufficient second wind to sit up until one a.m. watching fat people eat noodles and shout.

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She forgets to buy beer.

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Now you are starting to set me off, Patrick. My wife never once played with either of our daughters and refused to pick them up or carry them. I once asked her about it and she told me in no uncertain terms that she had no intention of ever doing either. Supper for them she could manage. She went to bed every evening at 7 pm and left me to do everything. I was mother and father to them. Good experience for me, though I still wonder if they were able to know what a mother's love should really be?

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Patrick, put the breaks on mate. One post on a website shouldn't lead to divorce.

Go out, get a beer or three, and go back home.

Mate, if you do the big "D" in old Nippon, you stand the chance of never seeing your tykes again. Take a deep breath, get some beer, and get right mate. PLEASE, look at the future mate. Cheers.

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Ivan and Patrick and nandakandamanda: Sounds like you really need to get out of that marriage! I wish you all the best of luck in finding a good woman who will treat you and your kids right!

cleo is right about the difference between 'asking' and 'ordering' someone to do something. A marriage is a partnership in which both people should share responsibilities, chores, bread-winning and child-rearing. If one person is not doing his/her share, then I would say it is more than fair to ask that that person pull his/her weight.

My husband works more and earns more than me and so I do most of the housework and shopping; which is fine with me. However, I do expect him to pitch in and help with stuff too. Sometimes I feel that I have to initiate everything and if I didn't, some things would never get done. It would be nice if he put a little more effort into keeping our home nice and keeping our relationship fresh....

On a more positive note, he will cook for me on request, give me a massage whenever I ask, help me figure out computer things I can't do, says he loves me all the time, always says thank you when I do something for him, will cuddle with me in bed for a while even though he is going to stay up later, does goofy things to make me laugh, sends me cute emails to tell me he is coming home...ah, there are so many things that I love!

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Agree with dolphingirl it is the little touches that matter and those are very easily forgotten.

As for the bigger stuff, talk it out and find a compromise.

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snores and farts in bed.

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Having read all these seems the annoying habit Ivan and Patrick have is not getting divorced from their miserable wives.....

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Patrick Smash, if you hate your wife alot and want to divorce her, go ahead, from what I understand from what you have said, she would loathe to be left with the children so you don't have to worry about her willingly taking custody of the kids or perhaps I am wrong but its just something you can think about. Hope I helped in some way ^^.

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Divorce her, leave her custody and go free to do your own thing.

OTOH, if you love and value your kids think again and go a different route.

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Its sad to see that having kids seems to put many couples in bad situations, even though the mrs & I tried early on I think our still getting along pretty good has an awful lot to do with us not having kids.

So to those who wanna marry a japanese I wud suggest NOT to start a family if you do, will increase the chances of at least a longer happier marriage, I aint dead yet so have yet to see how the rest plays out.

PSmash be careful if you need to really consider the ole divorce because I wud bet the mrs may very likley cut you off from your kids just to spite you, hope you find a way thats good for all concerned!

Moderator: All readers back on topic please.

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Punching me in the face while high. Hate that. But meh - shouganai...

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I don't like that my wife will not tell her mother how she truly feels about her negative commentary on her life. It always puts my wife in a bad mood and nearly gives her anxiety attacks. It's not good and it's not healthy.

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haha. some of these are funny. >< some have serious problems.. DentShop.>.> srs. If my hubby punched me in the fayce i'd stab him with a kitchen knife. Luckily my husband and I don't have those troubles. I used to have a Mexican neighbor who chased her husband around the yard with a knife, however. That was a little freaky. Anyway.. that's what you get for living close to the border. hahahahaa.

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I have been married to a Ryukyuan girl for the past 46 years and I love the very ground this girl walks on and I would be stupid to find fault with a girl who is as perfect as she is. I find ALL Okinawans to be of the same mold.

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He keeps pestering me with gifts, praise, and adoration. How much can one girl take?

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Not being able to see the difference between "Just having a lazy day on Sunday" and "Being under house arrest".

When we have a day with no specific plan, she wants to sit indoors from morning till night in silence other than the screeching coming from the TV. I propose going out for a stroll and she looks at me like I've suggested a threesome.

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20 years into the marriage and she still sometimes insists on being that semi-nymphomaniac that I fell for all those years ago. Where are my vitamins when I need them?

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I try not to let anything that others do annoy me. I think that Ivan;s wife is just doing it deliberately. Play the same game she is playing. Let her know that these things do not annoy you and you have accepted it.See what happens next.

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@Patrick, she's just winding you up mate and believe me is fully cognizant of every step.

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I think Mrs TheMarion is a very lucky lady.

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My wife have a touch-and-go relationship. I touch her, she goes ... But yes, it's the constant gift giving and adoration that I find hard to put up with. The large wads of cash to freely spend, the hints that I enjoy myself at a snack and 'not worry about what time you're back'. Life is sometimes hard ...

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what annoys me the most is the inability to freely express the important things in her life such as

"Job interview? oh yes. I got the new job and a huge salary increase" or "Doctor? He said I wouldn't die. don't worry"

vs the wonderful ability to express the most inane things in her life i.e

"Another customer told me I look like Koyuki" or "That gaijin sent a photo of his rod to my friends phone while us gals were all out having dinner"

Oh well. Seeing as she looks like Koyuki, and always puts out, and gets everything else spot on, I cannot complain.

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it's the constant gift giving and adoration that I find hard to put up with.

I get gift constantly from my husband -- gift, which is.. a Nikuman from a nearby convenient store on his way back home... a can of Chuhai I like and etc, and I always appreciate and love those gifts :) Gift doesnt have to be an expensive jewely, bag and etc.

I agree with Cleo-- Mrs. TheMarion is lucky and Mr. TheMarion is a lucky man, too!!

I also agree with JKanda --- I think Patrick's wife is doing all those annoying things on purpose to annoy him.. and she's being successful at annoying him. So... Patrick should do the same to her .. see what her reaction would be !!

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Agree with Fishy.

In my home-culture it is common to give small & inexpensive little gifts as "Thank yous" or 'Thinking about you" often. No wonder 'Valentine Day" etc are not that big back home.

Not sure how to advise Patrick as there are little ones involved and they feel the friction between their parents.

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When my wife catches me making a simple midnite grilled cheese sandwich, boiling eggs, or eating canned spaghetti, ravioli, or peaches - she insists on turning it into a gourmet affair and boots me out of the kitchen - I think she actually WANTS me fat and chubby - even buys me new FAT pants and FAT shirts to accommodate my new physique. The worst is when she catches me dreaming about other women (bystanders in my dreams) and literally ejects me out of bed with her kungfu foot. Scary and Strange, ne? Including those eccentricities - I continue to worship the pedestal she walks on and the air she breathes.

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"I continue to worship the pedestal she walks on ..." tight circles? moonwalks? what kinda walks are we talking about here?

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Mrs Tamarama leaves used tissues all over the place, like some kind of breadcrumb trail, but with scrunched up, used tissues instead. Mr Tamarama don't think it's so hot.

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I can't stand it when has a conversation with the dog in baby-talk and then lets it lick her lips while she makes a kissing noise. It makes me jealous, and I can't stand the thought of getting second-hand dog-germs.

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...dropping sanitary towels/pads in the kitchen garbage when there is a waste basket in the restroom and one in the shower room and all garbage ends up in the one bag I take out once or twice a week...

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hurryharry,,,,poor you,any woman in her right mind would be embarassed to let husband and neighbourhood know when it is that time of the month I dont get the whole gomi box in each room of the house in Japan though, one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom should suffice, I feel weird when guests come over and look for the gomibagu in the living??? Comeon, Japanese houses are so smaaaaal , do you really need that many tiny boxes ! But yes, your wife should keep said item in the bathroom until rubbish day, and wrap it seperately in a coloured or paperbag,,,, i personally dislike the clutter of electronic gadgets etc, manga etc left around, so I put it away in the cupboard until the next Saturday,,,,because it is not my job to dust others 'hobby' articles,,,,

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@Ivancoughalot and Patrick Smash

Well funny stuff in this thread. Totally relate.

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I have been married to a Ryukyuan girl for the past 46 years and I love the very ground this girl walks on and I would be stupid to find fault with a girl who is as perfect as she is. I find ALL Okinawans to be of the same mold.

I think Mrs TheMarion is a very lucky lady.

Why? Marion is saying that his wife is no better than any other ryukuan persons and that he loves the ground that his wife walks on, which is the ground of ryukyu. He is in love with ryukyu. Mrs Marion should find someone who married her for herself, not where she came from..

(being sarcastic here)

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I don't know why women hate it when men leave the toilet seat up. If they think about it, it shows that he was considerate enough to let you know he pee'd in the toilet with the seat up. If he was to put it back down, you'd never know if he had it lifted in the first place. Lots of times when a man leaves the seat down and happens to get some pee on the seat after peeing, you cannot see the droplets because they are too small so there should always be doubt in the womans mind if the seat is down when they enter the bathroom. Next time you see the toilet seat up, it should ease your mind, so you won't have to clean the seat due to paranoia, not get you angry.

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"Metamorphosising from a buxom quasi-nymphomaniac who laughed and made me laugh all the time into a lipless, apronned harpy."

I'm living in this hell as well. It all started the second we had kids.

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spending me quid

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It all started the second we had kids.

Steve - bingo. Absolutely correct.

It seems as though there's an innate compulsion to dress in an ersatz approximation of what they think a mother should wear, then hang around in a coven of like-minded nitwits concocting reasons they have a hard life. Then as soon as hubby comes home from a day of labour (which, by the way, he automatically assumes to be his duty - to put bread on the table, also known elsewhere as being a responsible member of society), bam, both barrels.

If you get ignored, it's a good day. Other than that it's outright hostility.

And regardless of Cleo's little tant above, nobody's saying it's easy to be a mother. What we're saying is it would be nice were these mothers to understand who's on their side, and that working every hour God sends to give your family a nice life and yet spending every available moment with his family, trying to make memories worth having, is perhaps not really deserving of outright contempt.

Unlike being a joyless harridan.

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And now that you've got me started, I think what I find the most interesting is that my wife wouldn't be caught dead going anywhere dressed up and especially without make-up. Heading off to work, parties, school, weddings, funerals, nomikais, the park, even the supermarket but for some reason when she crawls into bed with me she sees the need to remove all make-up and put on granny's underwear as well as pajamas that must have been passed down a couple of generations. And her most recent demonstration of fore-play is a kick to the shins - mind you that is less than once a month. I'm reminded of an episode from 'Friends' when Chandler asks his boss "Does your wife work?" And his boys says "Work? Work? No! Well, unless you call turning into your mother 'work'!"

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And after a hard day's work at the genetics lab, mine forgot to buy beer again. Had to walk out in the bleedin' Osaka rain to get it at the combini. So much for thanking the bread winner - eh?

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My darling wife is perfect. At least someone thinks so.

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That he doesn't exist.

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my better half never does one thing, completed. Example, while making tea, she will wash up a cup, then do all the washing up (good!), go to put something into the gomi bag, decide it's full and take it out, while out check the mail box, and then finish making her cup of tea!

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mrskit...you have a point, but that is exactly why we have at least 4 waste baskets in a small apartment: Private sticky bodily-related stuff in the restroom and shower rooms and less embarrassing more-socially acceptable waste in the living room and kitchen bins...

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And another thing that my significant other does that I can't stand is refusing to sleep in the same bed. I've also heard from women who refuse to even wash their husband's clothes together with their's when doing laundry.

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women who refuse to even wash their husband's clothes together with their's when doing laundry.

You know that in Japan it used to be accepted as common sense and good manners that women's and children's clothes were not to be washed together with the lord and master's?


Moderator: All readers back on topic and please make sure your comments are in reply to the question asked.

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yourock,,,,i think you will find most women will do this, especially if they previously worked,,,it is called multitasking :D it annoys my husband too!

I just thought of something that annoys me more than the snoring,,,the leaving of shoes at the door (instead of putting away), and randomly abandoned clothes strewn throughout the house,,,,,is this a mans thing???

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Now if only I could understand the toilet seat up or down situation I would probably die a happy man. Oh the conflicts we must put up with.

In direct reply to the question asked, I hate it that although we have a reasonable amount of expendable income between us her favorite haunt is still the 100 yen shops were she discerningly still buys everything from pottery, to glassware, that clash with and fight for space with the rather priceless collection of same inherited from both our families.

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I just thought of something that annoys me more than the snoring,,,the leaving of shoes at the door (instead of putting away), and randomly abandoned clothes strewn throughout the house,,,,

Yes, yes, yes, YES!!

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i dont mind it when the toilet seat is up (and i am a woman). i dont know what the big deal is about the whole toilet seat thing is.. if it is up, then simply put it down.. doesnt take more than a second or two. no pronlem in my book!!

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Sometimes when she is in mood after i try and educate her on matters she says "Steve should be seen and not heard". Really gets on my nerves.

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My SO insists on doing everything for me~ sheesh! I'm not allowed to drive, cook, clean, shop... I suppose my life could be worse~

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