A predictable 'funny' and useless answer to a serious question. Nice one.
I have recently stopped smoking after 2 decades and a casual / social / full-on smoker. I never planned to stop, and still won't admit to having quit - I've played that game before - friends' well-meaning congratulations just annoyed me, and there were enough other enabler-smokers around that my quitting lasted barely 6-month.
I've heard that there's a drug on the market that works really well, i wish I knew what it was called. The book by Allen Carr is also meant to be very good, if you reread it every few months.
A severe emotional shock is what did for me - my body kind of shut down for several days, I wasn't eating or drinking either, so the not smoking was easy. Being in an environment where nobody else smoked and it wasn't so easy to light up (ie not Japan) helped incredibly. That couple of weeks of unintended detox really helped.
I also threw away all ashtrays, threw away all cigarettes, emptied my bag of all lighters.
So far so good, and while I get the occasional pang (usually in a trigger situation where I would previously usually light up out of habit, like when I'm stressed, or when it's a beautiful evening and I'd love to chill out on the balcony) I usually fight it and it's gone within a few seconds.
I'll stress that I was not physically addicted, though, and had to really cut back on going out for a few months, until I felt strong enough to be in smokers' company...
The following, from a hypnotherapist, has helped too:
Close your eyes and think about a time when you really wanted to give up. When you were absolutely determined never to smoke again. Play the scene in your head as though it is happening now, and notice the details: what is around you, sounds, smells. Turn up the colours, volume, smells. Notice your feelings, your determination to stop and any other feelings, too. Turn up those feelings. Immerse yourself in the scene for a minute or two. Then, think of two more instances when you really wanted to stop and do the same thing. Try it, it helps a lot of people. If you don't like the smell of cigarettes you could try really focusing on that dislike. Really tune into it and allow it to bother you.
Getting lung cancer is a good incentive, I found. It stopped most of my uncles and aunts on my father's side from smoking... Of course, it also stopped them from breathing as well. (Sad PW).
If you feel the need to smoke, tell your self that you can easily wait another ten minutes, then ten more and so on. If you do smoke, then don't beat your self up over it, thinking that you have fallen off the wagon. The game just starts over with the next cigarette. Give yourself reward and praise when you manage to beat your old record of waiting. Don't use nicotine-patches or gum.
Maria, as an ex who gave up the drug 10 years ago after 25 years and several attempts (through the use of patches and gum), I salute your efforts.
But please realize that your body was most certainly addicted to nicotine, as much as you may wish to deny it. For many people the psychological addiction may be harder to break than the physical, but they go hand in hand. It's like saying an alcoholic is not physically addicted to booze.
Tried nicotine gum - No good.
Tried nicotine patches - did alright, but eventually fell off.
Tried nicotine blocker - champix - still no good.
Will power - Forget about it.
Carr's book, whether standard, comic version, or audio, changed my whole thinking about smoking, and even trigger situations don't really bother me anymore.
Exercise some will power and endure the feeling of not smoking for a few hours, then just extend it and refrain form lighting up, then it gets alot easier/better very quickly.
I smoked for 32 years. Then I got an e-cigarette. 4 days later, I smoked my last real cigarette. The e-cigarette replaced the nicotine and replicated the physical habit, while eliminating all the nasty chemicals the tobacco companies put in cigarettes.
There's no single method of quitting that will work for everyone. The e-cigarette worked for me, the patch might work for someone else, Chantix might help another person. Nothing will work unless the person has identified a reason to quit, one that he/she can commit to.
The thing that motivated me was cost. I know that sounds ridiculous to a non-smoker, being that there are several other reasons that are more important. You have to understand, smokers are aware of all those reasons. But the addiction and the habit are so insidious that one can blind oneself to those reasons. But you can't ignore cost. I hated paying $5 for a pack of smokes (and I know that's far less than in some other places). I finally had to do something about it.
I used the e-cigarette for about 5 months and finally quit using it right around the beginning of this year. I'm not susceptible to the "trigger events" Maria and swingaway mention, and it's very rare that I get pangs of wanting a cigarette. When I do, I've found that a sharp intake of breath through pursed lips and exhaling it like I would have with cigarette smoke will settle me right down. I don't know how I came up with that, but it works. I still can't believe I was able to quit and not backslide. While I don't want to evangelize about e-cigarettes, I do want people to know that they're worth trying.
I had to chuckle when I read Maria's post. My brother insists to this day that he's not addicted to nicotine. He smokes because he "likes to and wants to". No amount of pointing out that the REASON he "likes to" is because his body is dependant on the drug does any good. He will go to his grave insisting everytime he reaches for a cigarette, it is solely because of his decision to gain the enjoyment of inhaling smoke and then blowing it back out.
My mom, after checking into a hospital with an irregular heartbeat, was told she had to quit smoking or die. My dad (to his credit) stopped then and there - cold turkey - so she wouldn't have to deal with someone smoking around her. This is amazing to me because he was a two-pack-a-day smoker up until then. My mom continued smoking, though she hides it by only smoking when she's driving somewhere. She doesn't understand we can SMELL it on her clothes and in her car. She stared directly into my eyes and blatantly lied to me by saying I was mistaken and she doesn't smoke anymore. Whatever. When the addiction has gotten so bad that you're lying to your kids, it's not worth getting into an argument about.
Hah! Denial isn't just a river in Egypt?
Fair enough comments, folks. I would still disagree with you, though - if there was a physical addiction, that wasn't the problem! I was on 1mg / 3mg cigs for several years.
Lighting up because that's when I usually light up - that was the hard habit to break:
Smoke when I have a break - check; smoke when I get a phone call - check; smoke with a drink or 5 - check check check; smoke when doing a lot of paperwork, as a milestone / break ("I'll have a cig hen I've finished the next one") - check...
There were enough of these situations - especially the going out drinking, to keep me in American Spirits for years.
Breaking this routine for a month was what allowed me to quit.
But really, however you decide to quit, I hope it works for you!
Smoked upto 4 packs a day for 40 years then decided to quit, used champix to help and have been smoke free for 2 years, just make the decision and stick with it.
Have your government quadruple the tax on ciggies.
But that won't become reality, so better to just give up to give up smoking.
Face it, tobacco and nicotine have you firmly in their hold, you can't stop smoking any more than you can stop breathing, which you will, sooner than if you didn't smoke, but that's life, or should I say death.
No, but seriously, I know several people who quit using patches. I wish all smokers the best of luck in quitting this nasty habit. Take a week or two off from work if you have to, and just go cold turkey. It will be difficult, but you'll get through it.
The e-cigarette(the safe cig) did wonders, I can still enjoy a cig, but without the smoke and the smell. Ive been smoke free for two years....its a pity that nobody criticizes my eating habits...high taxes and constant moaning by the haters would make me start living the healthy way.....come'on people help me overcome my other filthy habits!
Have your government quadruple the tax on ciggies. But that won't become reality, so better to just give up to give up smoking.
In the UK the average price of a packet of ciggies is around the £7.50 mark... that's what, 900 yen?
Smokers are also banned from lighting up in all interior business and public places, on public transport... I work for the NHS and all members of staff who smoke have to do so off the premises... out of the gate, for example.
I've never smoked, but my father used to. What forced him to stop was seeing the walls of the living room take on a tan hue over time, really obvious when pictures are removed from walls. He stopped dead and used gum. That was in 1980... he hasn't smoked since.
Why quit? If it something you enjoy, then carry on. Takes a few years off your life maybe, but the last few years are anyway ususaly not fun filled halcyon days. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
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Don't start!
A predictable 'funny' and useless answer to a serious question. Nice one.
I have recently stopped smoking after 2 decades and a casual / social / full-on smoker. I never planned to stop, and still won't admit to having quit - I've played that game before - friends' well-meaning congratulations just annoyed me, and there were enough other enabler-smokers around that my quitting lasted barely 6-month.
I've heard that there's a drug on the market that works really well, i wish I knew what it was called. The book by Allen Carr is also meant to be very good, if you reread it every few months.
A severe emotional shock is what did for me - my body kind of shut down for several days, I wasn't eating or drinking either, so the not smoking was easy. Being in an environment where nobody else smoked and it wasn't so easy to light up (ie not Japan) helped incredibly. That couple of weeks of unintended detox really helped.
I also threw away all ashtrays, threw away all cigarettes, emptied my bag of all lighters.
So far so good, and while I get the occasional pang (usually in a trigger situation where I would previously usually light up out of habit, like when I'm stressed, or when it's a beautiful evening and I'd love to chill out on the balcony) I usually fight it and it's gone within a few seconds.
I'll stress that I was not physically addicted, though, and had to really cut back on going out for a few months, until I felt strong enough to be in smokers' company...
The following, from a hypnotherapist, has helped too:
Close your eyes and think about a time when you really wanted to give up. When you were absolutely determined never to smoke again. Play the scene in your head as though it is happening now, and notice the details: what is around you, sounds, smells. Turn up the colours, volume, smells. Notice your feelings, your determination to stop and any other feelings, too. Turn up those feelings. Immerse yourself in the scene for a minute or two. Then, think of two more instances when you really wanted to stop and do the same thing. Try it, it helps a lot of people. If you don't like the smell of cigarettes you could try really focusing on that dislike. Really tune into it and allow it to bother you.
Take a Shinkansen smoking car for three hours. That should cure you.
Getting lung cancer is a good incentive, I found. It stopped most of my uncles and aunts on my father's side from smoking... Of course, it also stopped them from breathing as well. (Sad PW).
One cigarette and 10 minutes at the time.
If you feel the need to smoke, tell your self that you can easily wait another ten minutes, then ten more and so on. If you do smoke, then don't beat your self up over it, thinking that you have fallen off the wagon. The game just starts over with the next cigarette. Give yourself reward and praise when you manage to beat your old record of waiting. Don't use nicotine-patches or gum.
Maria, as an ex who gave up the drug 10 years ago after 25 years and several attempts (through the use of patches and gum), I salute your efforts.
But please realize that your body was most certainly addicted to nicotine, as much as you may wish to deny it. For many people the psychological addiction may be harder to break than the physical, but they go hand in hand. It's like saying an alcoholic is not physically addicted to booze.
Allen Carr's book finally did it for me.
Tried nicotine gum - No good. Tried nicotine patches - did alright, but eventually fell off. Tried nicotine blocker - champix - still no good. Will power - Forget about it.
Carr's book, whether standard, comic version, or audio, changed my whole thinking about smoking, and even trigger situations don't really bother me anymore.
Exercise some will power and endure the feeling of not smoking for a few hours, then just extend it and refrain form lighting up, then it gets alot easier/better very quickly.
I smoked for 32 years. Then I got an e-cigarette. 4 days later, I smoked my last real cigarette. The e-cigarette replaced the nicotine and replicated the physical habit, while eliminating all the nasty chemicals the tobacco companies put in cigarettes.
There's no single method of quitting that will work for everyone. The e-cigarette worked for me, the patch might work for someone else, Chantix might help another person. Nothing will work unless the person has identified a reason to quit, one that he/she can commit to.
The thing that motivated me was cost. I know that sounds ridiculous to a non-smoker, being that there are several other reasons that are more important. You have to understand, smokers are aware of all those reasons. But the addiction and the habit are so insidious that one can blind oneself to those reasons. But you can't ignore cost. I hated paying $5 for a pack of smokes (and I know that's far less than in some other places). I finally had to do something about it.
I used the e-cigarette for about 5 months and finally quit using it right around the beginning of this year. I'm not susceptible to the "trigger events" Maria and swingaway mention, and it's very rare that I get pangs of wanting a cigarette. When I do, I've found that a sharp intake of breath through pursed lips and exhaling it like I would have with cigarette smoke will settle me right down. I don't know how I came up with that, but it works. I still can't believe I was able to quit and not backslide. While I don't want to evangelize about e-cigarettes, I do want people to know that they're worth trying.
I had to chuckle when I read Maria's post. My brother insists to this day that he's not addicted to nicotine. He smokes because he "likes to and wants to". No amount of pointing out that the REASON he "likes to" is because his body is dependant on the drug does any good. He will go to his grave insisting everytime he reaches for a cigarette, it is solely because of his decision to gain the enjoyment of inhaling smoke and then blowing it back out.
My mom, after checking into a hospital with an irregular heartbeat, was told she had to quit smoking or die. My dad (to his credit) stopped then and there - cold turkey - so she wouldn't have to deal with someone smoking around her. This is amazing to me because he was a two-pack-a-day smoker up until then. My mom continued smoking, though she hides it by only smoking when she's driving somewhere. She doesn't understand we can SMELL it on her clothes and in her car. She stared directly into my eyes and blatantly lied to me by saying I was mistaken and she doesn't smoke anymore. Whatever. When the addiction has gotten so bad that you're lying to your kids, it's not worth getting into an argument about.
I second that. The book worked for me as well. I understand the live seminars have a 90 percent success rate. No other way.
Hah! Denial isn't just a river in Egypt? Fair enough comments, folks. I would still disagree with you, though - if there was a physical addiction, that wasn't the problem! I was on 1mg / 3mg cigs for several years.
Lighting up because that's when I usually light up - that was the hard habit to break: Smoke when I have a break - check; smoke when I get a phone call - check; smoke with a drink or 5 - check check check; smoke when doing a lot of paperwork, as a milestone / break ("I'll have a cig hen I've finished the next one") - check...
There were enough of these situations - especially the going out drinking, to keep me in American Spirits for years. Breaking this routine for a month was what allowed me to quit.
But really, however you decide to quit, I hope it works for you!
@swingaway. Yep Allen Carr's book did it for me too. Been smoke free for a year, after smoking 20-30 a day for 14 years.
Smoked upto 4 packs a day for 40 years then decided to quit, used champix to help and have been smoke free for 2 years, just make the decision and stick with it.
Enjoy life.. I like a good cig every now and then.. If i die cause of it.. than so be it...
Detest it with every single fibre of your being. You're a sucker if you don't beat your addiction.
Cold Turkey!!
Have your government quadruple the tax on ciggies. But that won't become reality, so better to just give up to give up smoking. Face it, tobacco and nicotine have you firmly in their hold, you can't stop smoking any more than you can stop breathing, which you will, sooner than if you didn't smoke, but that's life, or should I say death.
No, but seriously, I know several people who quit using patches. I wish all smokers the best of luck in quitting this nasty habit. Take a week or two off from work if you have to, and just go cold turkey. It will be difficult, but you'll get through it.
The e-cigarette(the safe cig) did wonders, I can still enjoy a cig, but without the smoke and the smell. Ive been smoke free for two years....its a pity that nobody criticizes my eating habits...high taxes and constant moaning by the haters would make me start living the healthy way.....come'on people help me overcome my other filthy habits!
In the UK the average price of a packet of ciggies is around the £7.50 mark... that's what, 900 yen? Smokers are also banned from lighting up in all interior business and public places, on public transport... I work for the NHS and all members of staff who smoke have to do so off the premises... out of the gate, for example.
I've never smoked, but my father used to. What forced him to stop was seeing the walls of the living room take on a tan hue over time, really obvious when pictures are removed from walls. He stopped dead and used gum. That was in 1980... he hasn't smoked since.
Do not start. If you are addicted, go cold turkey and keep yourself busy with outdoor activities such as hiking, running, rock climbing and dancing.
Get an enlarged heart and have your surgeon tell you that you'll die if you don't quit — it worked for me!
Why quit? If it something you enjoy, then carry on. Takes a few years off your life maybe, but the last few years are anyway ususaly not fun filled halcyon days. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Ben Jack
Yes, especially when they are filled with cancer.
If you die from smoking, you will be in a bed, not only your feet.
Invent cancer free cigs. Maybe organic ones.
Try Tabex ,the European remedy. It costs 39US$ at www.tabex.by
How long does it take for the smell of smoke to come out of everything in your house? A: The smell never comes out no matter what you do.
Solution: Burn your house down and start your life all over.
Conclusion: Smoking destroys lives... and everything you own.
by reading stop smoking hypnosis london from http://www.cariwesby.com/stop-smoking-hypnotherapy-london.html
As long as Japanese goverment gets billions of cigarette tax money, they will quietly encourage people to smoke as much as they want.