I think he should organize a new fighting sport, called "Drunken Rampages", that can be broadcast in the 1:30-2:00 a.m. time slot on Tokyo's Channel 12.
Asa's future is clear: He will go on to claim 33 titles, retire as the Undisputed Greatest of All Time and then live a life of luxury and do what he wants. His detractors will continue their moaning and negativity in obscurity.
He'll probably be the next Stable Master of some Sumo Beya...and life goes on..:)
No he won't. To acquire a "toshiyorikabu" Asashoryu must first obtain Japanese nationality, and that is unlikely as he is said to have presidential aspirations in Mongolia. If he even becomes president of Mongolia, I wonder which country he'll invade. And apologise afterwards, saying he did it because he was drunk.
The path for retired foreign yokozuna seems to be a stint in K-1 or Pride or some other MMA think where he gets plunked within 3 seconds of the opening bell. Still, he's the best to happen to sumo since, like, ever, so the sumo officials should set aside their biases and embrace this behemoth of a personality.
Unfortunate to see someone to be blessed with his ability and not be able to take on the responsibilities of that power. I love the bad boy yokozuna image. But there s always a line that one must not cross. And I think he crossed the line this time. He needs to learn from his fellow mongolian Hakuho... Go Hakuho!!
As big of a fan as I am, I don't think Asa has much left in the tank. I say he sweeps 2010 and retires from sumo. Eventually Hakuho will eclipse him though, the man is a freak!
JSA earnt huge deal of publicity thanks to Asashyoryu's adventure with tabloids spreading more rumors JSA is having really fine chance to attract more various audience.
Drunken ranpage? In Japan?! Oh my!! The locals never get involved in this sort of stuff. This Asashoryu fellow's simply out of control.
(Anyone know what it was the other fellow did to provoke Asa into clocking him upside the head in the first place?)
He is one of the best things to happen to sumo in, as one poster put it, EVER. In any other world, this would likely blow over, but for him, I think it's going to be some rough going for a while.
Maybe he can pull a Noripi and enroll in some college somewhere under the obvious pretense of being interested in "social work?"
Still, it won't diminish his clearly demonstrated ability to consistently kick a$$ in the sumo ring, and they can't take that away from him, no matter how much they try.
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I think he should organize a new fighting sport, called "Drunken Rampages", that can be broadcast in the 1:30-2:00 a.m. time slot on Tokyo's Channel 12.
The legal system should be given the opportunity to do its business, and the JSA should react to THAT. Allegations are allegations.
Assuming (many factual cases) that bad behavior is an integral and inseparable part of Sumo, his future is as bright as that of Sumo itself.
Asa's future is clear: He will go on to claim 33 titles, retire as the Undisputed Greatest of All Time and then live a life of luxury and do what he wants. His detractors will continue their moaning and negativity in obscurity.
he'll be known as an excellent wrestler who was not a real yokozuna.
He'll probably be the next Stable Master of some Sumo Beya...and life goes on..:)
Concur with cracaphat. They've started already.
Nothing will happen. Just like all the other times.
No he won't. To acquire a "toshiyorikabu" Asashoryu must first obtain Japanese nationality, and that is unlikely as he is said to have presidential aspirations in Mongolia. If he even becomes president of Mongolia, I wonder which country he'll invade. And apologise afterwards, saying he did it because he was drunk.
Sumo is getting a good deal of publicity thanks to him. So go figure...
He is the most fun to watch of all the wrestlers, which the JSA understands, so he'll continue for as long as he wants.
The path for retired foreign yokozuna seems to be a stint in K-1 or Pride or some other MMA think where he gets plunked within 3 seconds of the opening bell. Still, he's the best to happen to sumo since, like, ever, so the sumo officials should set aside their biases and embrace this behemoth of a personality.
Unfortunate to see someone to be blessed with his ability and not be able to take on the responsibilities of that power. I love the bad boy yokozuna image. But there s always a line that one must not cross. And I think he crossed the line this time. He needs to learn from his fellow mongolian Hakuho... Go Hakuho!!
Have him talk to an Australian Rugby League player to discuss his future. They are experts at this kind of behaviour.
Asa should go into something entertainment related. He doesn't seem suited to doing anything related to the sumo kyokai after his retirement.
stable master and head of the sumo association, obviously
well who better to understand this kind of behaviour than the japanese ? they do this on a daily basis
As big of a fan as I am, I don't think Asa has much left in the tank. I say he sweeps 2010 and retires from sumo. Eventually Hakuho will eclipse him though, the man is a freak!
it is most likely that he will still be fat
Asashoryu has no sportsmanship, it is sad that he is yokozuna.
In the future, Kotooshu will replace him as yokozuna.
JSA earnt huge deal of publicity thanks to Asashyoryu's adventure with tabloids spreading more rumors JSA is having really fine chance to attract more various audience.
Drunken ranpage? In Japan?! Oh my!! The locals never get involved in this sort of stuff. This Asashoryu fellow's simply out of control.
(Anyone know what it was the other fellow did to provoke Asa into clocking him upside the head in the first place?)
He is one of the best things to happen to sumo in, as one poster put it, EVER. In any other world, this would likely blow over, but for him, I think it's going to be some rough going for a while.
Maybe he can pull a Noripi and enroll in some college somewhere under the obvious pretense of being interested in "social work?"
Still, it won't diminish his clearly demonstrated ability to consistently kick a$$ in the sumo ring, and they can't take that away from him, no matter how much they try.