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Why do famous men with power and influence (Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, for example) risk everything with their sexual behavior?


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Because they are pigs. Does it require greater analysis than that? Just today I read in a newspaper that DSK was referred to as "the beast" because of his sexual appetite (shudder).

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Sin of the flesh! In Chinese wisdom there are three things in life that men find it hard to avoid :nice wine, juicy meat, beautiful women.

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Blame it on the women who, because of their fame, pester and corner them into sin, otherwise some of them like Bill Clinton are well known staunch church regulars.

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South Park covered this topic on Season 14 Episode 1. "Rich, successful men suddenly want to have sex with many, many women, and the nation's top scientists are called in to put a stop to the epidemic." Turns out that men aren't just like that. It's a wizard alien casting a spell on them. So funny.

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All man in this universe are same, since the stone era until now king, priest, politician, common man all fall for women.

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Having power and influence makes people more likely to act like sociopaths. Such people tend to behave like patients who have damaged their brain's orbitofrontal lobes that seems to cause overly impulse and insensitive behavior. Thus the experience of power might be thought of as having someone open up your skull and take out that part of your brain critical to empathy and socially-appropriate behavior. Our social system determines our behavior in a big way and absolute power corrupts absolutely and leads people to behave differently and in this case badly. Power seems to lower inhibitions much the same way like alcohol therefore powerful people act daring and sometimes behave rather like gorillas. It's a physiological component that powerful people experience an adrenaline rush and probably happens at the subconscious level. Many of the internal regulators that hold a person back from bold or bad behavior diminishes or disappears and people feel powerful so they stop trying to control themselves and become more oblivious to what others think and more likely pursue the satisfaction of their own appetities, poorer judges of other people's reactions, more likely to hold stereotypes, overly optimistic and more likely to take risks. Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals, changes people and they react differently and is the ultimate aphrodisiac resulting in the consequences of lowered inhibitions. The symptoms of power can be ominous and become more cblivious to the perceptions of others and become dangerous to the point of isolation leading to seeing people merely as means to their own ends. Hence people in power act in more cavalier ways and really do believe that they're not going to get caught, and see themselves above the law.

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Being charged for an attempted rape is not similar with having an extramarital affair though. We should NOT confuse these two things. Extramarital affair is morally unjustified whereas attempted rape is a serious crime.

Btw, where is Berlusconi on the list? :-) Too much U.S.A. focused?

And yes, it is obvious that power and money equals lack of morality in most cases.

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Antonios M ; I agree far too US focused. A complaint i have made to JT many times. How about John Prescott, David Blunkett or the many French bigwigs?

Many competative people will live their whole lives putting their interests first and when they find fame they think they are above the nations laws and moral laws. Many get to the top through being ruthless and having a lack of compassion for others.

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Most women are looking for these days is a cash cow. It's nice to see that there are women out there who don't fit that mold. When a man meets a woman for the first time, the first thing most men notices is the size of her breasts and the shape of her ass, and her intelligence is a secondary matter. When a woman meets a man for the first time, the first thing she notices is the size of his wallet and the shape of his bank account.

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because when they get rich and/or powerful, men turn into a-holes.

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Henry Kissinger said it best: power is an aphrodisiac.

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All men are internally wired to want to have sex with many different women as often as possible. It's been that way forever. But most guys can control those urges and respect social norms, like fidelity in relationships.

Famous men have more opportunities to fool around than ordinary guys. I guess they think that their power and influence (and influential friends) can probably help them smooth over any problems.

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I dunno the answer. I have always had the philosophy that, one woman is enough trouble, so why would you need more trouble?

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When a man meets a woman for the first time, the first thing most men notices is the size of her breasts and the shape of her ass, and her intelligence is a secondary matter. When a woman meets a man for the first time, the first thing she notices is the size of his wallet and the shape of his bank account.

sfip330: LOL! I agreed with what men notice but not what the women notice..perhaps you are talking about J women?!

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seesaw2 at 08:11 AM JST - 20th May. LOL! I agreed with what men notice but not what the women notice..perhaps you are talking about J women?!

What I am pointing out is the fact that most women want College graduate men with potential for higher income. They want to find out what school you went or what profession you do. This is what I mean by size of the wallet. If the women is looking for a long term relationship, they are looking for stable men with good jobs with minimal bad habits.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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It's not the kill.

It's the thrill of the chase!

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Why do famous men with power and influence risk everything with their sexual behavior?

Not only famous men do this, it's a natural instinct men have and they do it because they are MEN

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My apologies. This is a repost cause I accidently hit the Submit button before the Preview.

Smartacus wrote: All men are internally wired to want to have sex with many different women as often as possible. It's been that way forever. But most guys can control those urges and respect social norms, like fidelity in relationships.

@smartacus. Oh I'm so gonna jump on you.....hahahaha. Don't think it's personal. So you think men are internally wired to want to have sex with as many different women as possible? Really? Well last time I opened myself up I didn't see any wires at all.

Am I pre-programmed. Jeez I wonder which OS version I got. You are wrong about men. I would say it's quite the opposite. I've noticed that women have a stronger desire of intimate encounters than men. Are they designed to do that innately? I would never say such a thing cause we are all different.

Sunjovi at 05:57 AM JST - 20th May All man in this universe are same, since the stone era until now king, priest, politician, common man all fall for women.

Here's another one. He decided to stereotype male aliens as well. WOW, so are saying E.T has a hard-on all the time? - OUCHHH!!!

I'm just teasing you guys a bit. What I find interesting is how you communicate your ideas. Okay so here's my take on it.

We cannot identify the victim or the predator. It is blurred. Maria is right to be upset with Arnold but there should be a law against a snake entering your home to do some dirt.

Once again, I'm not saying Arnold is right but Maria should extremely upset at the maid who got into the home and decided to jump on the bed while she was away. No doubt pretending / imagining she was Maria with Arnold. I feel for Maria cause it's hard to keep cockroaches out of the house.

Tiger, well, who knows. Only he can say what he was feeling. We all find a man's choice in women odd but the truth is women don't know what WE want even though they read magazines claiming to know what makes us TICK* (reference to a machine again).

Bill Clinton - Well, that's a case of the First Lady not being the First Lady to take care of the President. We male-machines look at some women and say...."I know she doesn't put out". A frigid woman would turn ANY man, RICH or POOR to the arms of another.

I would say, don't try to say that men are slaves to their testerone levels at all. We must see it as both parties being emotional immature in each case. It takes two to tango. In all of these cases, all parties involved are despicable. What I do see is women are eager to be the victim cause it helps them sleep at night.

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Well JT, the reason is that men have this thing called a "penis", and it has a mind all of it's own, and when it wants to do something, it takes control of a man, some men can't say "no" to it. Women know this and exploit it a lot of the time.

Women have similar things, that're called "shoes".

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Clearly a woman wrote the question. Because any man, despite what they say, would have done the exact same thing and have no reason to ask "why?"

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Sorry, was this only happening with rich, powerful men? heh...I think a better headline would be why the media focuses on this select group of men while ignoring everyone else.

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Well JT, the reason is that men have this thing called a "penis", and it has a mind all of it's own, and when it wants to do something, it takes control of a man, some men can't say "no" to it. Women know this and exploit it a lot of the time.

So long as we continue to display such primative thinking the domestic laws will reflect that. BTW, MrDog, what biology class did you take? The penis has no brain in it all. It is nothing more than a organ that when properly stimulated will produce muscular contractions that feel good to the male. It has no mind of it's own.

I'm asking you NOT to think of men as being such simple tools. The laws here in Japan are reflecting your simple way of thinking about the male gender.

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When a man is really horny, he will lose his state of mind, intelligence, and have a lapse of judgement. He will do things he normally wouldn't do !!!!!

And when he is transfixed on some heavenly body, he is doomed for all. And will made a fool in front of a large audience.

That is why we have religions and laws. So guys won't step out of their boundaries.

Hopefully reason will talk over the reptile brain.

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Wow. Did you take a "Take Everything Serious" pill today??

Men can be "such simple tools". Are you trying to tell me you've never been persuaded to do something with sex? Or had the urge to do something a bit stupid when you have an erection?

If you don't understand how sex hormones and sexual urges affect people, I'll throw your question back at you: What biology class did you take?

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This question presumes that men without power, like your average Joe, or average salaryman, does not risk everything with their sexual behavior. Which is of course false. All men and women who cheat are taking a risk, to some extent. And when a rich powerful man loses his government post, for example, how is this any bigger a loss than when your average salaryman loses his children, reputation, home, and a significant chunk of income in a divorce?

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Because sexual desire (in the case of The Governator, Tiger, and Willie) or the lust for power (DSK) trumps rationality. It's primal instinct, most men and women can control their impulses but clearly some can't.

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Well JT, the reason is that men have this thing called a "penis", and it has a mind all of it's own, and when it wants to do something, it takes control of a man, some men can't say "no" to it. Women know this and exploit it a lot of the time.

Women have similar things, that're called "shoes".

That was awesome. Pretty much sums the reality of everthing in a few sentences!!

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because when they get rich and/or powerful, men turn into a-holes.

Not quite right. They start out as a-holes, becoming rich and/or powerful strips them of the ability to hide it.

Only joking. Most men are pretty decent. So are most women. Some aren't, and when they're rich and famous - newsworthy - they make the news. 'Joe Bloggs down the road has another fancy woman', while it might be of intense interest to the long-suffering Mrs Bloggs, isn't national news.

The women who go with these rich and powerful men should realise that he isn't going to leave his trophy wife for you. And if he does, remember that if he can stab one woman in the back, he can stab another - you. Messing around with another woman's man is a fool's game, with no prizes except booby prizes.

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Because they can!

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Or had the urge to do something a bit stupid when you have an erection?


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netninja, you need to get off the net and get out into the real world for a while and you might remember your manhood. Men are victims of the hormones and testosterone flooding through their bodies. It is a genetic predisposition to mate mate mate! just as women have hormones and estrogen flooding their bodies pushing them to nest nest nest and go nuts nuts nuts. @stevepfc- because the article said "famous" people- as in WORLD famous. EVERYONE knows who Tiger, Bill and Arnie are.

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The reason women are attracted to men with money and power or fame is because of their genetic predisposition towards Alpha males. Hence the saying that women love jerks (a@@ho-es)

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What I am amazed about is that men, who are married/in relationship with beautiful, gorgeous, succesful, rich women, go and endanger this relationship by having sex with an average-looking nobody. Examples: Sandra Bullock's ex, Sweden's Princess Madeleine's ex-boyfriend, now Arnold.

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None of the guys mentioned risked everything. They did it because they could, and in the back of their minds, they accepted whatever consequences would happen (except that french dude in jail.).

Nothing spectacular about basic human instincts.

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testosterone is a damned powerful drug is why, some men can control what it does to us better than others simple as that. Men are hardwired & have to fight their whole lives what testosterone does to us!

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Ahhh MrDog. There's the spirit. Touche!! EnGarde! Defend Yourself!

Lets take your questions. I don't think we are genetically predisposed to anything. That idea could lead off to other ideas such homosexuality nad even racial profiling. To decide that anybody or anything is predisposed to a certain kind of behavior.

I wake up with an erection every morning. Does that mean I'm going to shag someone? No it does not. Men are not beasts. Spring nor the moon's gravity when it's full does not make us howl till we find gratification. I simply don't agree with you. We are civilized and logical. My only wish is that the law reflects that. We have enough prejudice in the world.

As for the "Did I take my "Take Everything Seriously Pill". No I didn't but I've got 3 empty cans of Red Bull in front of me so I'll take what you said into consideration. I might be a little amped here. Fair enough for you?

*Please remember these are friendly punches. If we were sitting at a table I'd be buying you a cold one while you get angry at me. (I hope not)

Moderator: Please be a little less vulgar.

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Because they are alpha-males. They are hunters. It should be no surprise.

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Remember my manhood.....why you make me smile. Is a man's manhood defined by his genitalia? A man loses his penis in an accident, is he no longer a man?

Well, since the male hormone testosterone is made in the testes, he would lose sexual drive.

Men are genetically predisposed to want to re-produce. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it untrue.

We are civilized and logical. My only wish is that the law reflects that. We have enough prejudice in the world.

Some of us are. What prejudice are you talking about? Men get horny and sometimes do stupid things. That's not prejudice, it's true.

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@netninja-Im not angry. As I said, you need to unplug. I never said "manhood" was synonymous with penis. You are projecting that. Manhood is honestly accepting our DNA and our place in the primal world. To try and pretend as though your hormones do not effect your life makes you come off as dishonest and a little overzealous as if you are overcompensating and trying to convince yourself more than us. We are victims of our biology and genes. Your goofball antics and lame jokes dont lend any credit to your position. That men want to impregnate every attractive woman they see is simply Biology. That they fight these urges and to what degree is all based on social doctrine dating back thousands of years.

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The media are less forgiving nowadays, so the risks are greater. Imagine what would have happened in JFK's time, considering what we now know about his sexual antics in and outside the White House. Reporters knew but just winked as if it was a normal thing for a virile man to be doing.

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It’s not that they are risking it all, it's the fact that it comes too easily for them when they are in their position. As an average man or women, we are living pretty average lives compared to these people. Once you start to break from the masses, you become more of an outcast to everyone else. People do realize the pretty or handsome ones out of the crowd and especially ones who take care of themselves. People do see the richer ones by the clothes they wear and how they present themselves. It’s very obvious to notice around a group of people because it stands out. These people are more attractive by and large because of their status.

Tiger Woods never had the fame he has now when he was growing up. He did get praised for his skills but he never had the prowess he does now. Woods was still very young when he went pro and he stuck to his morals and values for a very long time. Woods has traveled all over the world all year round and during the time he had his family, they weren't around him all that time. He may have been a good husband at first but there are people that may have influenced him to let loose a little and take chances. In his position, the urges are far more accessible to try and his morality can be chipped away a little at a time. But that little will be more by the end to where he can't control himself. I have seen this happen to many people that were very good people but it’s the temptations that always get them. Some people are more controlling than others but I believe that anyone that are in these people's situations, they won't always be true to themselves and will dabble or even indulge in temptation. That's the part of being human; you make mistakes but when you make a status that high in society, it's much harder to land back on your feet.

Just as an artist explains: "Bi*es ain't say st to me but now they won't leave me alone Used to walk the other way But now they all come to my home"

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Because they can.

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Cool question on JT and the comments are awesome. Last I checked every wealthy Japanese guy has a string of mistresses and whores and the wife looks the other way. It is usually about sexual gratification and money and they go hand in hand... for about 10,000 years now.

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I made an statement about a man's manhood that was omitted by the moderators. As you probably did not see the full post your response is most likely based on half of what I originally said.

I responded to your comment about manhood. netninja, you need to get off the net and get out into the real world for a while and you might remember your manhood

I'd like to rephrase it so not only you but the moderators can understand it.

Manhood, in my humble opinion, is much more than the physical identity of the male. I wanted to encourage you to see it as something much more. I also mentioned that Japan does not allow a foreigner to have his manhood, ie No Koseki.

Japanese men have a koseki. It is another very valuable thing that represents their manhood and his claim to his family line.

Isn't manhood something bigger than what you mentioned? Would you admit to the possibility of that? Not only his ability to produce offspring but his right to have them. His right to claim his name and have it officially recognized.

So when you said "remember your manhood". I just felt that we are not clear on the definition of that word. I tried to convey that in a comical manner as not to appear angry but still those who could bring their minds to see the post from an angle that was not in line with their own decided to alter the message leaving out elements that would have softened the tone of the message.

This very same behavior of taking things out of context is what we see in the courts here in Japan.

The point being, I would never promote the males species as being so primitive. You say we are out of control like dogs.

I thought alot about what you said and it reminded of one other person who thought as you do. Matrix 2 Merovingian.

Merovingian: Please, ma cherie. I have told you. We are all victims of causality. I drank too much wine, I must take a piss. Cause and effect.

Merovingian: And this is the nature of the universe. We struggle against it. We fight to deny it, but it is of course pretense. It is a lie. Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely... out of control.

I don't agree with Merovingian, nor do I agree with ideas that claim we are predisposed to a certain behavior based on our hormone make-up.

JT, please give the readers a chance to evaluate complete ideas. I made every effort to show that I'm not going at the person but instread reflected what he posted to perhaps point out some irony in it.

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Only a woman would find this a difficult question.

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And only a woman would be perplexed that the "other woman" isn't slimmer, more beautiful, more intelligent, charming, etc etc than the wife.

So, if you are married and you have a faithful husband, (whether rich or poor, famous or otherwise), make sure you let him know that you appreciate him.

And if you are with a rich and famous guy, be doubly thankful, because he has to work harder at being a good boy.

The real question is...why are so many women so judgemental of rich and famous men who play around, when for every one rich and famous man, there always seems to be 3,5, 13 or 600 women willing to sleep with him even though they know he is married..?

yeah, that's the real question.

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Women throw themselves at successful blokes, and don't care less whether or not they are married. Men like sex and women offer it when near powerful men. It it the way of things.

South Park had a cracking episode about this very topic a few months back.

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@netninja^ the duality of man is nothing new. Our social responsibility pulls us one way, our biology the opposite. ask any priest. I would like to believe we can rise above our most basic urges, but I love sex. I love women. I love the feelings evoked in a first encounter with a new girlfriend. I was in a sexless marriage for 5 years and after the divorce, I couldnt imagine going back to that dreary, dull existence. There are other things in life that bring joy, namely having children, raising them. But the desire, need for sex is in my very bones. no pun intended.

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But the desire, need for sex is in my very bones. no pun intended.

Kaptan, you are the MAN! Great posts throughout and a great unintended puN!

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because they are out of control.

To cheat is French. To get caught is American. Maybe DSK is part American.

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@combinibento- it feels nice to be applauded. It has never happened to me on here. You just made my night.

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@yaukuni- i would never EVER get married if I were to get so lucky!!!

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I've decided to become a famous man with power and influence to see if I'll risk everything with my sexual behavior. I'll be back later with the results.

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i think they know exactly what they're doing ... leave them alone and wish them a better happines.

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They are risk takers. Its the personality. Thats how they got to where they are in life. The sexual behavior goes hand in hand with their personality. Over-achievers.

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Let's first set aside those whose behavior is criminal. I don't know why they misbehave.

Regarding the other examples mentioned, the risks come primarily from infidelity. Without marriage, the behavior is simply dating, or, at worst, what some might consider bad - having a child out of wedlock.

So a better question might be "Why would men who were planning on being powerful and influential risk everything by getting married?"

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Because they think their power and prestige means that they won't get caught. It's ego and narcissism, plain and simple. (Double the narcissism in the case of the guys who sexually assault/harass, since they're risking way more than a marriage.)

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According a certain woman, she rather have her men pay for sex than have an affair. Men see sex as sex. Cheating seems to be acceptable all around that people don't see the sacredness of marriage. Marriage to most people is about money, power, and fame. Love has little to do with marriage.

Men who risk everything with their sexual behavior have no self-restraint. It's all about instant gratification and then worry about the consequences later.

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They are just looking to extend their power to every aspect of their lives...including their sex lives...I read somewhere than men who are promoted and starting to do well professionally are more likely to cheat on the spouses / partners, sleep around or engage in risky behaviors....ego trip plus affluence....bad combination....

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Men don't risk everything with their sexual behaviour. Men like to have sex, women like to have sex with successful men.

Wouldn't it be fair, in the interests of balance, to now ask why women go to bed with men when they know they are married? Two, after all, is the quorum for argentinian dance steps.

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Yasukuni---Tiger Woods had the slimmer, cuter, sexy, beautiful wife....!! He was looking for a FREAKER WOMAN!! ha ha ha!

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Tiger Woods is rich, and yet, he didn't escape with few consequences. Would you rather go to jail for a long time, or would you rather face a lifelong disrespect and hate from the media and from millions of every Americans? The hate and disrespect from millions of people is probably an even greater punishment than fines, legal battles, or prison sentences.

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Men like shagging. It's all we think about most of the day. Rich, famous men can shag anyone they want. Women like shagging rich men. It gets them money and attention. End of story. Or it could be Wizard aliens.

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Rich, famous men can shag anyone they want.

No they can't. They can only shag (what a horrible word) the money- and attention-seekers with little to no self-respect.

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There is a research that men become stupid in the presence of women.

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Women like to believe not all men are sex-obsessed. It's one of their many delusions

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There are far worse words than 'shag'. This thread has nothing to do with 'making love' and holding hands whilst prancing across daisy fields with your faithful partner who loves you for you rtuly are and would never dream of having an affair or looking at internet porn

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If it were not for predatory sex, the human race would have become extinct many thousands of years ago. Indeed the whole history of modern civilization appears to be one long struggle to curb such instinctive, libido-driven behavior.

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There are far worse words than 'shag'. This thread has nothing to do with 'making love' and holding hands

Exactly. It's a horrible word for a horrible, self-centred, narcissistic act on the part of both participants. Masturbation with a partner.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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Heck, every-time someone has a one-nighter, etc while in a relationship they are putting things on the line. Too many people let their small-brain to the thinking and that includes both sexes.

No wonder we have so many songs like Empty Rooms, Always, and tons more about relationships having gone wrong after a party strayed.

Got quiet a few friends that shrugged of a one-night-stand, etc because they think it won't get discovered by the missus, etc.

Agree the temptation is always there, had it during my marriage too of course. IMHO, the real men and women are the ones that don't stray but rather improve/change things on the home-front to make things better.

Just my view.

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Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it, right? Haha.

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This makes me want to avoid every man in the world if possible. As I become more and more aware of mens motives the more nauseous I get

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Men with power and influence are extremely attractive to some women, and such men sometimes find the temptation hard to resist. The fact that they don't see the damage it could do to their lives shows how much they believe in their own indestructability. By the way - associating Strauss Kahn with the other names in the list doesn't allow for the presumption of innocence. His apparent infidelity isn't proven.

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Don't give up there are some decent men out there. Like they say every pot has a matching lid.

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Bill Clinton? He did NOT have sex with that woman. Well, hmm, bonking, shagging, rolling in the hay, do it, love it, enjoy your lay, I mean, day. Most men wanna do it all the time, feels so good must be a crime, which it isn't it's nature.

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There is a difference between wanting to do it, looking for it at a bar and forcing someone to do it.

Most men/women can deal with the desires(ie control them), those that can't become adulterer, the rest are criminals(ie rapists).

Plain and simple.

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because they can?

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This makes me want to avoid every man in the world if possible. As I become more and more aware of mens motives the more nauseous I get

How do you feel about ALL the women that are obviously doing the SAME?

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Of the men mentioned only the lecherous old champagne socialist Strauss-Kahn had to resort to violence.

The other dudes' extramarital affairs were consensual.

There is a difference.

(And who wouldn't cheat on a harridan like Hillary Clinton...)

Why do they do it? Ask the women who come on to them. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

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I say good luck to them all! These men have that "X-Factor" that draws women to them like moths to a flame. If you have this skill - use it and enjoy it!

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Don't listen to Zenny11 - it's a trap, haha!

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@Zenny. Yes, plain and simple for us, but, for some people, not.

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Good man Zenny.

"This makes me want to avoid every man in the world if possible. "

Big mistake. Just find one who loves you and loves you so much that he is willing to be faithful to you. "forsaking all others, and being faithful to one woman" is the greatest act of love a man can do for a woman.

I know plenty of men who haven't cheated on their wives once. But it's been more difficult than their wives will ever know.

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Power and influence have nothing to do with that kind of behavior. Any man doing the same risks his whole life : family, friends, professional relation will abandon you the day after.

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You quoting the correct poster? Don't think so.

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Easy hint, I am a Man. :p

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Fully agreed on that.

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There is a research that men become stupid in the presence of women.

LoveUSA: I think it's a fact. Men believe in what women say or do especially when the women are pretty, gorgeous, sexy and know how to take care of their hearts...:)

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@Seesaw: That may happen to you, but not all of us of the male species, don't paint us all with that brush you have of yourself. Thank you.

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because they can !!!!

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@Zenny. Yeah, I know. I was saying good man because of your posts about controlling yourself.

Most women don't realize what an achievement it is.

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sexual mistake is the biggest that we can not control. We need to find the cause of it. divine principle.com explain the reasons of it. good to read and find it.

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sexual mistake is the biggest that we can not control. We need to find the cause of it. divine principle.com explain the reasons of it. good to read and find it.

just had a look at divineprinciple.com and it seems you are mistaken. it was just a load of religious codswallop. maybe you made a typo.

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They may be male, but without discipline I wouldn't call them men.

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As Cleo says not all women go after men with power and money, only the ones who don`t respect themselves enough.

This is a very interesting discussion for me as I have recently been on the receiving end of just such a man as these.

He was initially a very important friend to me but he (married, father, famous in his field) wanted to take things further and I refused. He tried many times and I dont think he could believe I was turning him down - this is someone who because of his position is used to getting anyone he wants because there ARE many who were willing to give it to him - just not me. The only reason I gave him so many chances was because the relationship was important to me until I finally asked myself why and couldnt come up with a good enough answer to keep enduring his crap.

Why do they do it? I think because they start to believe their own PR, think they are somehow "entitled", are biologically hardwired, who knows, who cares.

Why do the women let them? Simple - they are trying to boost their own sense of self-worth, albeit the wrong way.

In my case after being very upset for a while, I realised the difference between me and the others is that I have boundaries, respect myself, and don`t need his "seal of approval" to feel good. He has lost far more than me in this. I used to look up to and respect this person. Now I feel like my less-successful (money-wise at least) but faithful husband is more of a man than this person could ever be.

All animals have these basic urges (and yes, the women too) but what separates us from animals is our ability to control them.

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Men believe in what women say or do especially when the women are pretty, gorgeous, sexy and know how to take care of their hearts...:)

ok. I wonder if men are not ashamed to be perceived as stupid. Or do they like it and enjoy it? Or just do not care...

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I'm ashamed to say that they are some women in this world that go after this powerful men knowing they are married.

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Oh this is so simple, YES the women go after them and know down the track will turn their sorry asses in............Why? MONEY MONEY MONEY!!

In how many cases do the men turn themselves in.


Hahahahah Busted Bill

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I'm ashamed to say that they are some women in this world that go after this powerful men knowing they are married.

knowing they are stupid most probably

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What a stupid question. Should famous men be held above every other human being on the planet? They are humans, and humans, both men AND women, are far from perfect. People cheat (again, both men and women), and for a variety of reasons. The aforementioned men have proven they may be rich, famous, and powerful, but ultimately they're no different biologically from you and I.

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ok. I wonder if men are not ashamed to be perceived as stupid. Or do they like it and enjoy it? Or just do not care...

LoveUSA, I think the answer is the last bit..they just do not care!

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What I am pointing out is the fact that most women want College graduate men with potential for higher income. They want to find out what school you went or what profession you do. This is what I mean by size of the wallet. If the women is looking for a long term relationship, they are looking for stable men with good jobs with minimal bad habits.

sfip330: I think you are totally talking about J women. I would marry a man I like, attracted to and who makes me happy. If he's out of job, I'll be happy to be the breadwinner and vice versa. A relationship is a compromise.

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It is basically as Zenji correctly says, it is "because they can".

It becomes very easy to acquire all sorts of indulgent goodies at will as you become increasingly rich and powerful. As the "famous man" mounts the submitting woman he thinks to himself, "what new pleasure will I get from this immediate object of desire" while simultaneously an egotistical rush of God like personal smugness fills his brain at his latest success. Then gently he manouevers his physical positions and mind to maximize his own pleasure - the sole thing that matters to him. After the act, and maybe a short relaxed nap, he cannot get away quick enough even if it means chewing one arm off to free himself.

Then one day fame and fortune slips away like waste water down a plughole and so do the dames, the wonderment, the pleasure chases and the smugness and he becomes like us or ends it all.

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The only difference between famous and average men and women who cheat is the power and money. Thus, famous people who cheat should be treated like every one else. Frankly speaking, people who cheat, as long as they quickly come clean about it, should be treated with respect. Unfortunately, many people like Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger don't come clean for years and thus lose that respect and trust. You make a mistake; fine, but at least admit it and come clean once you do it.

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@miamum, that was great!

Best thing I've read on JT in years.

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Their sexuality is part of their macho character. A better question is why society admires these overtly masculine guys and then cries foul when it turns out they have a strong sexuality that can't necessarily be satisfied by one partner, to match. Study biology, people- we like these guys for the same reason the girls do- because they are full of life and life energy (libido)!

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When a man is really horny, he will lose his state of mind, intelligence, and have a lapse of judgement. He will do things he normally wouldn't do !!!!!

And when he is transfixed on some heavenly body, he is doomed for all. And will made a fool in front of a large audience.

That is why we have religions and laws. So guys won't step out of their boundaries.

Hopefully reason will talk over the reptile brain

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Got to disagree there, true men will still be able to control themselves(if not there is a box of tissue handy).

As for her looks, those are pics of her now. What did she look like 13yrs ago? Reports say she "borrowed" Maria Shivers dresses.

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well one thing they have in common.. all did the deeds in the US. Maybe the air there is contagious.

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@yasukuni - well, I aim to please (within my boundaries and with full self-respect, obviously!!!) ;)

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well one thing they have in common.. all did the deeds in the US. Maybe the air there is contagious.

The point being they got caught in the US. In Europe, it's not treated as such a big deal and if DSK got caught doing what he did in Europe, the consequences would probably not be as severe.

Look at Silvio Berlusconi... I wonder if he will finally go down for his (more outrageous) transgressions or he'll dodge that one as well.

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Suppose it is because they are men and think their position in life allows them to get away with it. The other men must look upon them with envy. Think it is due to testosterone poisoning, caused by elevated levels in their bodies.

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seesaw2 at 11:24 PM JST - 22nd May. I think you are totally talking about J women. I would marry a man I like, attracted to and who makes me happy. If he's out of job, I'll be happy to be the breadwinner and vice versa. A relationship is a compromise.

This is very true when you're young. Most people prefers this dreams of ideal mate. However people change and honeymoon is over very quickly and you suddenly have responsibility. When you get to middle ages, the economics will play major role having more options in life. If you are economically stable, you have freedom and choice and most people prefer this rather than sad and poor. Remember, half the marriage end up in divorce and money and kids plays the major role.

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"Lord of the flies"....read it. Or watch it if must.

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These are people of high ambition and drive - 'alphas' - they want it all.

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Simple answer?? Idiots! Not worth it! All of these guys did not really love their wives nor kids now they are up the creek with out a paddle, tisk, tisk, tisk!

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Maybe "everything" isn't all its cracked up to be.

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Don't women of power do the same thing?

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Many men risk everything, even if nothing for the same thing. Many women do the same thing. These is no difference. These just make it in the news...

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Power corrupts!

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I dunno. Maybe because they have extremely attractive women making advances to them, and, moral issues aside, they are hard wired by evolution to mate with attractive members of the opposite sex. I suspect most guys don't understand this predicament because, well, it doesn't happen to them.

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Power. Pure and simple. They see this as being in control, and able to do what they like with whom they like.

When the little head does the thinking for the big head, there will be problems.

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Lack of control, morals, respect where and when it counts. They don't realize they are risking the trust, respect of their spouses, thinking they can get away with philandering, conveniently forgetting their pledges to their partners. Maybe it's just DNA, or an upbringing which instilled the rules don't apply to them. They need to realize the damage cannot be undone.

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