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Why do you think so many Japanese people (and foreigners, too) continue to go out and about in Japan's major cities despite the surge in coronavirus cases?


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Why? *Indecisive, Inconsistent, Delusional and Hypocritical so-called “Leaders”**.*

3 ( +9 / -6 )

There are those that need to go and there are those that don’t. For those that don’t need to, it’s mostly because they are tired of mixed messages and complete inaction by the authorities. Why should they suffer the prolonged inconvenience just to keep the illusion that the Olympics is going to be a good thing?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I cannot speak for other so I wll just speak for myself.

I go to work because I need to make a living. I go shopping because we need to eat to stay alive. I go to the wine shop as the Pandemic has somehow increased my desire for a glass of wine in the evening. I go for bike rides or long walks to try to stay healthy and due to the fact that it is good for my physical and mental well being.

When out I take all necessary and reasonable precautions and avoid crowds.

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Probably because they have a brain and are capable of thinking for themselves, rather than being railroaded by the political and media scaremongering, and can see that, statistically, the probability of them becoming seriously ill is minuscule.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Bill AdamsToday  08:19 am JST

Probably because they have a brain and are capable of thinking for themselves, rather than being railroaded by the political and media scaremongering, and can see that, statistically, the probability of them becoming seriously ill is minuscule.

That’s right. More and more people, even in compliant Japan, are waking up to the fact that they’re being manipulated into fearing life itself, and are getting tired of it. I’m sitting here in the cool but glorious sunshine at a cafe in Osaka and it’s full of people, with more waiting to get in. Out on the patio some are masked some not, but clearly aren’t afraid enough of the corona boogeyman to stay cowering at home like they’re “supposed” to.

When politicians and bureaucrats stop going out at night while telling the rest of us to stay home, I might take them seriously. But not a moment before.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

When politicians and bureaucrats stop going out at night while telling the rest of us to stay home, I might take them seriously. But not a moment before.

And that is the problem, people that think politicians and bureaucrats are the example they have to follow and that whatever they do triumphs what the actual experts recommend based on huge mountains of evidence.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

People are getting used to, or taking far less seriously warnings made by the government and mainstream media. It's like a "crying wolf" phenomenon. Earlier the government and media frightened the public with a (groundless or exaggerated) doomsday scenario of 420,000 deaths though such has since never happened. Yet similar attempts of fearful drive have continued to be employed with some desperate, sensational statements "We're now on the verge of collapse!" "critical moment.!!" People no longer buy it, and the effect is getting diminished over time.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

When politicians and bureaucrats stop going out at night while telling the rest of us to stay home, I might take them seriously. But not a moment before.

A bit of a childish way to look at it. Serious adults shouldn’t look at politicians and bureaucrats as role models. It’s of course valid to highlight their hypocrisy, particularly if they are partying at the tax-payers’ expense.

Anyway, are more and more people ‘waking up’? I dunno. I know you’d say that as it suits your narrative.

There could be other reasons. Don’t people go out more in the improving weather? I know I do.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Because lockdowns are ineffective long-term. Eventually, people have to go to work, go shopping, and do all the other necessary functions of daily life.

The government can try to instill fear in people, but people grow numb to the fear assault. When the number dead in Japan in the past year is on par with a bad flu season, healthy people aren’t forever going to live their lives holed up like cockroaches.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Well, you usually only live once, and now you have a significant statistical shorter life expectancy and less quality in life because of the corona viruses, and can choose to go out sometimes the short rest of the time that’s left for you or you also can only die without having gone out. I think, everyone has to balance this out for his or her personal optimum.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Cause there's no one way to it.

If the lock down is to stringent the business suffer and you'll get deaths due to social issues.

But if you do nothing then there's no sense of fear which causes complacency and end up with high infections and people doing stupid stuff like hosting large events without precautions.

The government is putting part of the risk management to oneself which seems to be reasonable in managing the sentiments but not great in controlling infections.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Because lockdowns are ineffective long-term

There was no lockdown.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

A number of experts have also been caught doing the complete opposite of what they were, as experts, recommending to everyone else.

Anyway, I'm sure many of those who are going out and about are those who are intelligent and educated enough to figure out that the overall response has been widely exaggerated and that the overall survival rate is around 99.6% (higher for the young and healthy).

One thing that does worry however is that one day, we might get a much deadlier pandemic and the warnings from the authorities will be ignored with people thinking "that's what you said last time..."

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Because lockdowns are ineffective long-term. Eventually, people have to go to work, go shopping, and do all the other necessary functions of daily life.

Lockdowns would still be effective, what you mention is not being a sustainable solution. since they require support and other supplementary measures. Of course, the main objective (to interrupt a trend of increasing of the spreading) is still achieved, at least preventing health systems to become insufficient.

The government can try to instill fear in people, but people grow numb to the fear assault. When the number dead in Japan in the past year is on par with a bad flu season, healthy people aren’t forever going to live their lives holed up like cockroaches.

Fear has never been the purpose but social responsibility, rational people that have consideration are still doing their best to avoid spreading the disease and fortunately are majority. No need to live holed up, just refrain from risky activities.

The problems are two, people that can only think on the immediate rewards and can't refrain from anything, spoiling the efforts of everybody else on one side, and a contradictory government that reward the self-centered people with discounts for traveling and crowding stores while not giving enough support to those that actually do what the government ask them.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Because lockdowns are ineffective long-term. Eventually, people have to go to work, go shopping, and do all the other necessary functions of daily life.

Untrue. Melbourne had a lockdown and restrictions on movement with exceptions for food shopping, medical needs and the services that support living for over 90 days and the end result was no more covid in Melbourne. I would call that extremely effective. Those needing financial support got it, nobody went hungry and the sky did not fall down.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

For myself,

A there was no lockdown similar to other countries.

B there is no work from home set at my company, due to ? I suspect bad network and hanko culture.

C the Japanese...and I can only assume,as I'm not a mind reader, there has been mixed messages supplied by the media and government.

Suga has had his vacation and is free to travel, reported on nhk that he has secured extra doses from Pfizer in a telephone call!! Could have called from Japan?

He got his vacation and no one else is asking where's mine?

So if you are a Japanese citizen I'd be interested to know what you think.

Anyway that's why I'm out and about 5 days a week. No choice

6 ( +6 / -0 )

virusrexToday  09:09 am JST

When politicians and bureaucrats stop going out at night while telling the rest of us to stay home, I might take them seriously. But not a moment before.

And that is the problem, people that think politicians and bureaucrats are the example they have to follow and that whatever they do triumphs what the actual experts recommend based on huge mountains of evidence.

It's not a matter of their being examples of what to follow. It's that they're directly contradicting what they tell the rest of us to do, indicating that they know the instructions are BS. If they thought they were really in danger, they'd follow their own directions.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Jimizo Today  11:58 am JST

Anyway, are more and more people ‘waking up’? I dunno. I know you’d say that as it suits your narrative. 

There could be other reasons. Don’t people go out more in the improving weather? I know I do.

You could say that, I guess. But you could also argue that if people really thought the pandemic was as scary as the government and especially the infantile media make out, they'd be staying home regardless of how beautiful the weather is.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

That’s right. More and more people, even in compliant Japan, are waking up to the fact that they’re being manipulated into fearing life itself, and are getting tired of it. I’m sitting here in the cool but glorious sunshine at a cafe in Osaka and it’s full of people, with more waiting to get in. Out on the patio some are masked some not, but clearly aren’t afraid enough of the corona boogeyman to stay cowering at home like they’re “supposed” to.

When politicians and bureaucrats stop going out at night while telling the rest of us to stay home, I might take them seriously. But not a moment before.

You are so right, in Fukuoka it’s pretty much the same thing, people are just not tripping over this virus, some wear masks, some don’t, it’s just cool and casual and people are not freaking out and going nuts like in the west, now that doesn’t mean people are not that aware of some of the potential dangers, they just won’t allow the virus to rule their lives. I know I won’t.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

It's not a matter of their being examples of what to follow. It's that they're directly contradicting what they tell the rest of us to do, indicating that they know the instructions are BS

That is completely false, on what supposed information they would know the opposite of what the whole scientific community do? It is simply not believable that some people have access to supposedly secret information on such quantity and quality that could contradict the accumulated scientific knowledge of the world, specially when they are not even scientist themselves. The usual explanation, that some people think they are above the human race and act irresponsibly (something that involve politicians and bureaucrats so often) is simply much more likely to be true, and anybody thinking for a second would understand that. Others would go and see people famous for acting irresponsible as role models of what is what they are supposed to do.

On one side you have the experts and scientists warnings, on the other dubious people defending baseless conspiracies with false survival rates asking for you to trust them so they can do what they like, the choice should be obvious.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

And don’t forget @Virusrex 7:43pm. We don’t have to worry, because ‘vaccines for everyone’ we arranged by Mr Suga with the Americans this week. They are coming, starting in September 2021.

The Government has always encouraged ‘travel to stimulate the economy’ with ‘GoToTravel and GoToEat so why should people think they need to stop these behaviors? Also, Japanese people can’t stop, and they can’t alter their perennial cycle of ‘traditions’. The government has created so many Holidays and encouraged ‘quality time off from work’ to spend with the family in Japan. There’s about 10 - 15 holidays between Now and New Year’s Holiday. What would you have everyone do? “Stay Home”?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

virusrexToday  07:43 pm JST

It's not a matter of their being examples of what to follow. It's that they're directly contradicting what they tell the rest of us to do, indicating that they know the instructions are BS

That is completely false, on what supposed information they would know the opposite of what the whole scientific community do? It is simply not believable that some people have access to supposedly secret information on such quantity and quality that could contradict the accumulated scientific knowledge of the world, specially when they are not even scientist themselves. The usual explanation, that some people think they are above the human race and act irresponsibly (something that involve politicians and bureaucrats so often) is simply much more likely to be true, and anybody thinking for a second would understand that. Others would go and see people famous for acting irresponsible as role models of what is what they are supposed to do.

On one side you have the experts and scientists warnings, on the other dubious people defending baseless conspiracies with false survival rates asking for you to trust them so they can do what they like, the choice should be obvious.

You're aware that there are literally thousands of scientists and medical professionals who are qualified to understand the risks of this virus and the pros and cons of lockdowns etc who disagree with your view of "the science," right? They've put their names to charters and have published papers and videos putting their careers on the line, against smear campaigns, to contravene the narrative fed through the media and government spokespeople.

The politicians and bureaucrats I point out are people too, and are as susceptible to this virus as everyone else in their respective demographics - which for most of them, is not very much at all. They know it, and they're increasingly aware that we know it too regardless of what the pharma mouthpieces and media panic-merchants say. Your running interference for them is futile, so it's not worth doing it any longer.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

You're aware that there are literally thousands of scientists and medical professionals who are qualified to understand the risks of this virus and the pros and cons of lockdowns etc who disagree with your view of "the science," right?

Disagreeing is meaningless without data to sustain their opinion, this was repeatedly proved with failed stunts like the "Great Barrington Declaration" supposedly supported by many scientist but without any data to support their conclusions, having huge conflicts of interest discovered, many scientists saying they were mislead into signing and finally their most important conclusion being demonstrated as mistaken. Science is not a democracy where decisions are made by votes of supposed experts but by data.

How about some references to prove they are actually onto something? I mean, there will always be people that are willing to sacrifice their previous reputations by publishing studies full of mistakes and of impossibly low quality for profit like Ioannidis did, but there will always be further articles, with less mistakes, better methodologies and well defended conclusions to disprove them, that is the reason why no scientific or medical well recognized professional association defend the conspiracy theories that you like.

Yes politicians are people, and they do make mistakes of judgement, actually many are famous precisely for that, whatever they believe is not important in order to understand if a disease is or not dangerous, precisely because they can be wrong. To actually know what is true you need validated scientific data and if you don't want to put the effort to analyze it yourself you have to rely in the official opinion of professional organizations that do that for you.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Because the vaccine hasn’t been rolled out here in Japan, which is why the number of infections continues to increase.

So why are the numbers increasing in Tokyo? I don't know a single person that had the shot and I know and deal with a lot of people. Not buying it.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Information Regarding COVID-19

Announcement from Fukuoka City (April 12, 2021)

I already know this why wouldn't I, and your point?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Because the number of Covid19 cases per head of population is so low.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Because people no longer believe that this is the bubonic plague.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Partly because of the weakness of the government's ability to enforce stay-at-home instructions, partly because prominent figures in politics ignore the requests they make of others.

Some here have said that people shouldn't look to politicians as role models. But the fact is that, in times of crisis, such as a pandemic, people look to their leaders for reassurance and instruction. This is why, in the US, those who followed Trump ignored the threat of the virus, and those who followed rational politicians didn't.

When someone in power tells the public to do something, then themselves is caught not doing it, people lose faith in leadership, and lose faith in the instructions given. In a situation like the one we are in now, this can have fatal consequences. Japanese leadership has been shameful in this regard.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Please stay safe.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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