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Why do you think some men grope women on trains? Why can't they control the urge?


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Like any other sex crime, the act is a symptom - the causes can be diverse. There is no one answer as to why they do it. Some have girlfriends, some don't. Some are old, some are young. Some are sociopathic in other ways, some are not. In general, there are a lot of men who will behave quite badly when they think they can get away with it. And that has always been true.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Education. Shyness. Sexual frustrations. Porn. Cowardice. Not living in the real world. – Uneducated, shy, sexual frustrated perverts

the inability to start a normal conversation with a woman and/or create “normal” / healthy relationships with women.

Also, very important : Generally speaking, Japanese women are very passive. Add that to a crowded train and these cowards know they will get away with it. One of the reasons why this is such a big problem in Japan.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

When I was living in Osaka, I used to go to a music rehearsal studio in Kyobashi. In the same building on a different floor there was a service, Densha de go go go (named after the train simulator) in which men paid to grope women on a fake train. As long as services like this exist, games, comics, and movies like this exist, the behaviour is justified. ‘Chikan ha akan’ does not prevent the behaviour, it’s a slogan that mocks it. Chikan exist because their behaviour is acceptable/excusable.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Because it's normalized in Japan through its entertainment and manga industry and a society which places women far beneath men. Now, another question is why it is far worse in countries like India which is a more conservative country?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Boys grow up in homes where the father is largely absent because of work. Socialization at school largely revolves around organized bullying. Kids are taught to fear failure and avoid risk-taking. Boys and men have easy access to porn, much of which is themed around frustrated, stunted men exhibiting predatory behavior toward women.

Japan doesn’t teach boys how to behave well around women, doesn’t teach them how to date (which is needed in a society that, until two generations ago, still relied heavily on arranged marriages), and immerses them in a sick fantasy world. The better question is how as many boys as do grow up well adjusted. Given the social conditions, it’s surprising there aren’t more aggressive perverts.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Weak men grope females to induce feelings of weakness and vulnerability in the victims.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

They do it because they are criminal pervert,their no legal justification for their actions

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Education. Shyness. Sexual frustrations. Porn. Cowardice. Not living in the real world. – Uneducated, shy, sexual frustrated perverts 

the inability to start a normal conversation with a woman and/or create “normal” / healthy relationships with women.

Also, very important : Generally speaking, Japanese women are very passive. Add that to a crowded train and these cowards know they will get away with it. One of the reasons why this is such a big problem in Japan.

Forgot to mention one of the dark sides of Japanese society – the sexualization of girls ( including children ) and women.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

It’s not about “controlling an urge”. What an odd way to see it.

Gropers go on TO grope and search for vulnerable targets. Saying they gave into an urge is in a way excusing their evil behavior.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Densha de go go go (named after the train simulator) in which men paid to grope women on a fake train. As long as services like this exist, games, comics, and movies like this exist, the behaviour is justified

Funny you mention that. I went by a place like that in a taxi with two American clients. All-American types. When I explained what the sign meant, they were jumping all over themselves wanting me to take them there. The only difference in perversion I see between Japan and other countries is that other countries make more effort to hide it.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Thepersoniamnow, my thoughts exactly, I have never had the urge to sexually assault anyone. This no "suppression" needed.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I second what mikeylikesit said, it's about their upbringing in my opinion. Japanese dudes are brought up in homes where father and other significant male figures are essentially absent or do nothing to shape their character. Even if there's school, they're just taught how to learn and not how to be decent people. Add to that the constant exposure to NSFW themes as a kid and the normalization of it, you'll get overgrown boys who are about as mature as a junior high student. Another good point I'd also reiterate is the lack of courage among these dudes. They're too afraid to fail, get rejected and ignored. It's a constant in life. When you cook, you always expect that you might get burned. If you get rejected, dust yourself off and get back after it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

No idea. The thought of groping women on trains never occurs to me.

Is this a cunning way to sniff out would-be gropers?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

As the word means, "urge" sometimes cannot be controlled by just one's mind. However, the number of people who cannot control their urge is not so large compared to the population. This is because most of them have a lesson which teaches what is right or wrong, and they are able to look themselves as objective as they can. This helps people stop their bad behavior. People around you watches much more than you expected. Unfortunately, just a fraction of people put their priority to what they want based on their primitive intuition, sacrificing what they learned from the lesson. Also such person do not consider how the other one feel, focusing only on his or her interest.

Recently, the number of people who teach what is right or wrong to children are disappearing since people are less and less having person to person communication, leaving a responsibility to teach the lesson only on parents.

We need a circumstance that everybody can be taught a lesson each other regardless of an age.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why can't they control the urge?

A lack or absence of empathy.

It can be nature or nurture, but the inability (or unwillingness) to incorporate the factor of a victim's potential suffering into the equations that govern self control cognition is at the core of the issue. This goes for any heinous crimes that harm other people.

It is high time that lessons in empathy, social skills, and critical thinking are introduced to the education system.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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