Groping is essentially a fetish, like any other. I think it is more prevalent in Japan because the trains are so crowded. If they were not, then the gropers would not be able to get away with it.
As for the psychological reasons, my guess is that when a person is unable to find a healthy means of fulfilling his or her sexual needs, they turn to fetishes, porn, hookers, etc. And unfortunately, in Japan, I would say that the past two generations have seen a growing inability in many men to interact with women. In other words, they don't know what to do to have a healthy relationship, much less a sexual one.
No! Japanese guys know they are ugly and unappealing compared to j- gals, there is no balance...., so they have an inferiority complex, they think all women are out of their league/reach. Some become desperate and play touchy feely in the train.
because the japanese women have been so severely repressed and placed beneath men for centuries that they dont say no or cry for help. and becuse this soceity does not involve a 2 parent system in the raising of its children so its moral compass is broken.
What do you expect in a country where child porn is legal and hentai manga is so popular? Let's also not forget the 1,000 year old sexist mindset of Japanese culture. Women are tools to abuse, hence groping is cool and a way of gaining some self-gratification in an otherwise pointless excistance.
psychological reasons:
1.Standing next to a beautiful woman you`ll never get to know will engage your brain into using that chance as the best opportunity,"to feel her".
2.Because a J lady is too shy to stir a scene,will automatically encourage "to be a groper",to go head.
3.The "groper" is psycologically prepared that her victim will "feel good" and let go.
4.One succesful "grope" prepares the "groper" for another victim psycologically.
5.The best of all, for the "groper" is that, the eyewitnesses will not raise an arlam and should the alarm arise the victim will not co-operate and should a case arise, lack of EVIDENCE will set the offender FREE!
Some people don't seem to be aware of how crowded trains here get. Last year I had the rare occasion to get on a jam-packed car on the Oedo Line about 11 p.m. on a Friday night, between Roppongi and Shinjuku. Through no effort on my part, I could feel the contours of the buttocks of the young lady squeezed up against me. She in turn must have known I could, and could feel certain contours on my body in turn (strictly flaccid, I assure you). For some people apparently find such crowding to be an opportunity for promoting skinship with fellow commuters. After all, they're only human.
I think a certain amount of contact is inevitable (unless they take the women's only car) and tolerated to some extent. The truly malicious gropers who pinch, paw and squeeze spoil the fun for the rest of us.
It's a combination of several factors: (1) the notion of a woman's inferiority is deeply ingrained in Japanese history and is reflected in several of it's current laws; (2) the objectification of women as sex objects is rampant and widely accepted - just look at any given advertisement in the very trains the groping occurs, schoolgirl anime characters with large breasts painted on pachinko parlour windows which my 7 year old daughter sees as we walk past, that a large percentage of girls have worked as hostesses where, miraculously, despite the job requiring good looks and skin-showing clothing the girls are brainwashed into thinking this makes them 'refined', etc. etc.; (3) that many men are sexually frustrated because their wives (unlike their western counterparts) do not see a healthy sex life as being required to maintain a good marriage and thus do not make frequent visits to lingerie stores as they get into their 30's and 40's (like their western counterparts do); (4) Japanese women are not raised to be assertive (nor is that quality valued here in general) and thus rarely fight back or call out when they are groped; thus, men get away with it; (5) there are so many nice butts that are so nicely presented by the women on the trains; and (6) a high percentage of the single men here are pathetically lacking in social skills and just can't get laid.
this may come as a shock, but a young girls flesh feels pretty good to most men, despite what you may have heard in church.
It happens in trains, I suspect, because one could start out "accidently" and see if you get any response. Every time I suppose each encounter gets longer and longer.
combinibento: I think you hit all the main points.
If I were to sum it up, I would have to say it's the result of sexually repressed society. In a 29-country study on sexual satisfaction, Japan came in last. It's no wonder that men are copping a feel to ease their tension and women are often not stopping them. If people were more open about their sexuality, confident about it and actually having sex, the number of groping cases would dramatically decrease.
I'm beginning to think that sex, and people having better relationships with the opposite sex, is the answer to a lot of Japan's problems...
Making love is an art. It could be that the Jmen must learn that art. I feel that the men here (not all men though) just get instant gratification and think that that is how one gets satisfied. Could be another reason that they are tired of sex, because it does not give them the satisfcation they are yearning for. They are using technology to derive that pleasure; and getting nowhere with it. Visual gratification is what is passed on from other generation. That may drive them to touch and feel and they lose control of their senses (noticed the wierd expression on the faces when they grope). Maybe, they must learn kamasutra seriously.
because many women, not all but many, won't shout out when they've been groped. though honestly, people who say they should don't really understand how humiliating it is to admit you're being sexually harassed in a crammed train full of strangers. seriously, get groped yourself before blaming Japanese women for not defending themselves. that, and you don't want to blame the wrong guy either. worst case scenario is getting a completely innocent man lose everything and jailed. happens everyday and no woman with conscience wants that to happen. A lot of times you're not sure whether that breast or butt-graze was an accident. professional gropers are damn sneaky.
because the groper's wives and gf won't sleep with them and they're too busy with work to release themselves.
they view women as sexual objects.
they think women like being groped.
they think women with short skirts and tight shirts deserve it for the way they're dressed (similar to 3)
they have psychological, social and mental issues.
all of the above.
I think that it's mostly because of the opportunity arising so easily in those rush-hour trains. They're a total nightmare, and all those hot, sweaty bodies all pressed against each other is surely going to cause arousal in some of them. No question. But some can't control their urges and can't resist the temptation and so they squeeze, or pinch, or generally do an obvious feel-up. I surely can't blame them for being tempted, or for being sexually aroused by being pressed against a hot, sweaty female (along with several grotty salarymen,) and some people are just too impulsive to resist that temptation. Those people are total losers, and most of them will feel guilt about their surreptitious feel-ups, which in turn will make them uncomfortable getting into a real relationship with a girl. So they take advantage of the next opportunity and the circle goes on.
Of course that doesn't apply to all of them. Some people are perverts, we all know that, and race has no bearing. But the crowded trains here are a wonderful playground for men who really are pervs, as they can feel-up lots of women and maybe choose one to follow. Hoping that they'll get a chance to drag the poor woman down a dark alley or something. Scary.
The wording of the question is highly irresponsible. Whoever wrote it and approved it should reflect on what it means to have journalistic integrity.
That said, I cannot say whether or not its truly more prevalent per capita than any place else. But some reasons why it happens is because Japan has one of the most crowded train systems in the world if not the premier packed train system. Another reason why it happens is because some men can't get any quality time with females any other way, and that is for a whole hot bunch of reasons. One is because the men here are not educated about dealing appropriately with females, or so it seems to me. Hardly any male has an impeccible education to be sure, but what Japanese males get is the pits, or so my eyes and ears tell me.
Another reason is because you cannot really eliminate such behaviors; often you just push it around. In Japan's case it looks like a lot of men's darker desires got pushed to groping. It could be worse. It could be a lot worse. Looking at the silver lining, there are not many safer societies, and having groping being such a hot topic over more brutal crimes is actually something of a good sign.
It could something exciting in the salaryman's otherwise extremely boring life. The fact that there is little done to punish or deter offenders makes it more part of the culture.
Men like sexual activity which includes touching womens bodies.
Many Japanese men don't get enough sex, whether single or married.
Trains in parts of Japan are ludicrously overcrowded to the point that bodies are in contact with other bodies for extended periods of time.
Japanese women have traditionally kept silent when groped.
That's the simple answer. I am sure some people will want to rave on about sociology and men's desire to dominate women etc etc. But you name the culture. All throughout history there has been prostitution, polygamy, rape in war and peace etc etc. Men crave sex, and if they don't control themselves with religion or societal rules, they will take it when they can.
Women don't like to hear that, but it's just true. (Yeah, I know your husband is different and doesn't think about sex at all except when he is feeling romantic when you are around. He might say that to you but if he talked with a guy the truth would come out).
For the record, groping on trains is pathetic and inexcusable, I think women should stand up for themselves and not take it, and those who do it need to be punished.
Just saying that it's not so weird that it happens given my four points.
Japanese are sex crazed people (men and women alike). look at all the host & hostess bars, soaplands love hotel, hentai, porno. its like a national past time, all part and parcel of the Japanese culture. Family bathing together, mix sex communal baths are normal to the Japanese. During the heydays, companies would organise sex tours as incentive for their employees. Sex is a national obsession and its got nothing to do with love; They grope the girls not because they want to have a relationship but don't know how to relate to the ladies. They do it to simply satisfy their sexual desires. (i know it sounds primitive but that's all to it) During world war 2, rape was rampant and condoned. The military even have a program and system in place to ensure that soldiers are not sexually deprived. believe "comfort woman" rings a bell.. The groping will continue... the society regards this behaviour a menace rather than a serious criminal offence.
The wording is way above the dribbling spittle that spews from many native English speakers I meet here and abroad. Why do men grope? Basically your asking the wrong guy, I personally have never desired to grope! Not even the most appealing. Hazard a guess perfectly fits in my case.
I have many Japanese acquaintances, most of whom are men. Some have miserable emotional lives. Of them, if they were gropers, I would conclude it could very possibly be their only interaction with females thus their peak of existence as a male biologically. Problem with that thought though is I am not comfortable with male female relationships being dedicated to the sole purpose of reproduction.
Perhaps women should become much more active and become more of a leader in the initiation of relationships. Daisy mae baked a pie, grabbed a guy and the rest is history?
Men crave sex, and if they don't control themselves with religion or societal rules, they will take it when they can. Women don't like to hear that, but it's just true.
That's an interesting point. May as well ask "why is violent rape so prevalent in Western societies?" Personally as a women, I find Japan to be a remarkably safe society. Sure I've experienced my share of gropers, flashers, and sexual harassers, but I don't live in fear of being violently raped and/or murdered, the way that so many other women in the world do.
And I can't believe some of you women out there are against gettin laid ..that's really messed up sorry.
If men were to get that from you women, this issue wouldn't even be a problem.
We need the love too you know
It's way better than watching wonder the birth rate has gone down the tubes in this part of the world...SO sad whatever happened to humanity here?
hazard a guess??? ahahahahahahahaha
psychological reasons? hazard a guess? ahaha ok. because they love it up 'em. Think Freud or someone hazarded a similar guess so I'm safe
To the Question Asker: Look at your audience. There are a lot of stuipd gaijin that read these articles and comment on them - that's obvious by the answers here, and of course the comments posted. So, don't expect to get much of an answer.
My Opinion:
Some men/women feel, known, they can get away with it.
Men/Females may feel embarrassed if they complain or for causing a scene, so they do not complain - which leads into the first part.
Possible Solution:
People need to feel that it is OK to cause a scene and complain loudly.
Those who complain should feel they can do so without backlash.
Those caught need to be punished accordingly and swiftly.
Groping would be just as prevalent in other countries if the risk of getting caught was as low as it apparently is in Japan. Perpetrators get encouraged by the silence of their victims - relying on their embarrassment over the situation to keep them quiet.
As a foreigner, I simply don't understand the reluctance of Japanese women to make a scene when they are groped. Yes, it's embarrassing to be the victim of one of these perverts, but keeping silent is NOT going to make him go away and will probably encourage him to be more aggressive. Grab the offending hand! Let out a yell! Draw attention to the perpetrator! Even in a sardine-packed train those immediately around the perpetrator will get a good look at him. Raise the risk of capture/identification and the incidents will go down.
Women need to learn to defend themselves in this particular scenario. If these men had girlfriends or wives this wouldn't be a problem so much, logically speaking. Groping is just wrong period!
I think men in Japan grope to transfer their feelings of impotence, helplessness and inadequacy. They are psychologically abused (or so they feel) at work, belittled and in general, castrated by the office culture and social hierarchies at the workplace and at home. Because they feel they are powerless losers, they transfer their frustration by abusing someone weaker that is not likely to defend themselves. Similar principles apply for child abusers, wife beaters and abusers of the elderly and infirm. The looks and dress of the victim are irrelevant, because the feeling of empowerment is all the same regardless of the victim's appearance because: they dehumanize the victim in their mind in order to treat them as a sexual object; it is arguable that uniforms are manipulated as sex fetiches by Japanese Media; and, it's not the looks of the victim but the immediate availability provided by the environment of a packed train.
Gropers are frustrated people, and not necessarily in a sexual way; but because sex abuse is specially shameful and hurtful to the anonymous victim, groping is their weapon of choice. Other people choose box cutters, kitchen knives or scissors to chop off chunks of hair from the heads of others - the common denominator is the same: depersonalization, frustration, repression and feelings of inadequacy.
Groping is wrong and should be treated as what it is: a crime. Gropers may need help, but that does not excuse their behavior, their malice and their cruelty.
It's in the Japanese culture. The men (and to a lesser extent some women) grope because of communicative problems, misperceptions, as well as the simplicity and ease that come along with groping with little to no repercussions save one is caught red-handed (no pun-intended hehe) in the act, and Japanese trains and other crowded metropolis centers such as busy malls, schools et cetera provide a fetishistic breeding ground for such behavior and is only further compounded with the large amount of population (especially in cities in Japan) in such relatively small areas.
Quite evidently, it's a very common problem in Japan that men and women are facing sexual desire dilemmas and aren't getting enough of what they should be receiving and outputting in the bedroom. Although, even if all of the needs didn't fall short and all were met, I believe the problem would persist for the following explanation:
Japan's society is also partly to blame for this as well, if sex weren't still such a hush-hush secret and weren't openly expressed, advocated and explored, than I truly believe that there would be much less of this sort of inappropriate behavior where these swimmers should be much more wary of the water.
And that's exactly what it boils down to, perfect opportunity, motive of societal lack of stimulating and erotic sex, seasoned fetishists and adept gropers, ample amount of young and pretty, doughy-skinned Japanese girls in their sweet school uniforms dressed not so much like adolescents but more akin to that of young adults that have "not so innocent", implied, and written all over them; and another large contributing factor and problem in the issue, they don't seem to mind about being enticing at such a young age in their attractive school uniforms, and I believe most of them enjoy the attention.
A feeling of power and taking something that they shouldn't? A desire to cause harm to the victim? There are probably as many reasons as there are perps. Oh well, enough pop psychology.
Reason 1: People are taught not to make a commotion; this is taken to the extremes.
Reason 2: People helping with the situation are possibly committing a worse crime. I've seen it over and over; do not get involved in something that is not your business. So much for good Samaritans.
Reason 3: Those train riding work-a-holics do not take enough time to get along with their wives or other human beings. They need to get out more and learn how to act.
@1970sweet "..I believe most of them enjoy the attention". "Attractive school uniforms" "Sweet school uniforms".
High school girls do not get a choice of what they are told to wear.It is not only high school girls that get groped. You seem like a nice guy!
Is there an increase in the reporting of these problems? Psychological reasons? Enough for a book probably. I reckon putting posters up in their home and work train stations with their photos,age and name would be a good start to stopping this. I am sure many women fear getting on trains.
Is Japan the only non Muslim country in the world that has separate carriages for men and women?
These gropers cannot get caught.
unprofessional groper- sometimes he is lucky
novice groper- when he feels lonely or jollies time
professional superstar groper- scouts locations, rides the train for hours waiting to get his jollies. He probably gropes 15 ladies young and old everyday.
These men lack social skill, they read porno on the train cars, read telephone book size comicbooks with naked big breasted girls, and they see porno advertisements on the trains. They see a woman they will never get, so fantasy takes over, they think the woman likes it because the woman doesn't say one word. These are the same women that never sit next to a foreigner or looks weird at a foreigner. Plus the culture is (f ed up)fudged up, people can't ask a girl out on a date because it is weird. Japanese men can't ask a japanese lady on a train out on a date.
Talking to a stranger is weird in japan.
That is why gropers are united in celebration, and will continue to grope at will. Because for them this is the best way to fulfill their sexual deprivation.
It's going to vary on the individual, my best hazarded guess, control issues. That would be a base of problems that can manifest. The rest of the reasons/issues will vary.
Well I guess it is difficult in the US to do as men go even to the toilet by car.
Should the US use crowded trains like Japan, you'd have the same ratio of groping as Japan.
Being a foreigner I feel ashamed sometimes by this comparissions.
The train is one of the few places that many men come into close contact with females and are not afraid to be near them. Most male university students are afraid to sit next to a girl in class. I know this sounds strange to foreigners, but perhaps it says something about the Japanese male.
Allowing schoolgirls to wear trousers would reduce schoolgirl molestation, but that might be considered too radical a change by the schools.
Hazard a guess as to why... ummm, they're horny men in a cramped space with cute women? Even if they are getting it at home or elsewhere, there would be an urge for some (including me). I'm a man, I have a lot of testosterone in me, I exercise regularly and enjoy my lady regularly.
Doesn't mean I don't feel attracted to other women, doesn't mean I do not look at other women. It's like being in a shop that says "Please look, but do not touch." Even if the merchandise is literally 6 inches away from you and you may not get caught. So men just eventually reach out there and give it a touch. Each have their own motives, some abuse it, some may only do it once or twice, some not at all. I'm a not at all, but it's just a natural human instinct.
There is no good answer to it, because it will always happen. I'm a firm believer in society policing itself, not using cameras and other means of invasion. The police have attempted to raise public awareness, which is very good. Hopefully some ladies won't be afraid of grabbing the hand of their assailant, raising it up and saying "hentai!" upon which other women may then beat the assailant with their purses, buwahaha! I know... most are way too timid... poor girls.
Im not falling for the "gropers grope for a feeling of power thing". Maybe a misdirected expression of hidden desire though perhaps I'm wrong. Are that many people being groped to feature it weekly on Japan Today??
I find the suggestion that men just can't resist the urge to be quite ridiculous, and kind of insulting to people's intelligence. "I couldn't resist the urge" is a cop-out excuse that they know they'll get away with as the cops and gropees are so lenient on them.
BTW, I'd say Azrael's given the best explanation thus far - transferance of feelings of inadequacy. I'd also link this in with the survey showing 25% of Japanese men in their 30s have never had sex. Both this and the groping suggest a sexual/social immaturity at best, a kind of retardation at worst.
Many men in Japan are raised to feel they are masters of the universe and women exist to please them. Porn and quasi-porn are easily accessible and soaplands and such are everywhere. Their image of women becomes very low. Being coddled by their mommies for their whole lives doesn't help much either.
But then men who want to find a woman for their very own discover that women in general are actual people with their own desires. Worse, these women won't treat them as the masters of the universe they think they are. This breeds disdain. And so you get the more violent behaviors, like sexual assault or simply fantasizing about monsters raping women to death. Groping is easy, it victimizes someone who probably will not fight back and gives the man the charge he needs and makes a woman feel small at the same time.
That's one explanation.
In many cultures men are raised with that same thinking, but often they are presented with some strong feminine role that gives them some kind of respect toward women. Nothing against moms in Japan, but they don't tend to be the hard-working types, they don't make sure their sons learn how to treat a woman well or how to take care of himself. Men need strong female role models to show them that women are worth something, and I think that is severely lacking in Japan.
Unfortunately these types have been fed the stereotypes by watching lots of JAV. So believing that touching any woman constitutes a violation they see groping as the easiest way to satisfy their urges.
I can offer this, though I wouldn't say it applies in all cases. There is a psychological phenomena/disorder/event called frotteurism whereby one expereinces sexual gratification(to varying extents)by rubbing up against others. For more info pleae Google frotteurism
It is "prevalent" due to the few gropers who wear a suit but don't go to work. Instead they spend their mornings going up and down the train lines, targeting young girls who look too timid to protest.
The clinical term is FROTTAGE. You "bump" into people in crowded areas like buses, theaters etc. It creates sexual arousal & clinically it is viewed as a pre-cursor to rape. Therefore the Chikan films are rape films. I am more interested in finding literature on how the films got started because they are a means of legitimizing rape. I was introduced to the clinical work by working with juvenile sexual offenders at The Pines of Tucson in Tucson, Az. & later at Charter East Valley Hospital in Chandler, Az. As I understand it there was an Adult comic book in Japan called Rapeman. It was banned in the U.S. The premise was that the rapist gained the respect of his victim and she falls in love with the rapist. There is also a clinical term for the victim identifying and sympathising with her captor/rapist. Think Patty Hearst & the Symbionese Liberation Army. By the way this somewhat cultural. "Oriental" women tend to be presented as sexually passive in these films and the men tend to use electronic vibrators etc. to get the "girls" to orgasm. Only after they have orgasmed does the next level of penetration occur. Showing the "girl" her "cum" seems to be the justification of the rape action. I made you cum now you make me cum.
Combined with surveys from major cities around the world, where most people, anywhere between mid 50 percentile to the mid 80th percentile people seem to everywhere dislike cities. Though surveys differ essentially the reasons for disliking cities are: lack of safety, lack of privacy, pollution, dangerous roads, and crime. They would move if they could afford to, but don't because, and this is mostly the reason they stay, they need their job and there are no jobs elsewhere.
Which begs the question... as the robot revolution continues to unfold and AI promises to accelerate that in the coming decades, to where as some speculate, by 2050 over half and as many as 3 in 4 people on the planet simply will be replaced by robots. Assuming the working class revolution is successful and they're not exterminated as surplus humans and survive, they can, and likely will, leave cities since there won't be work to employ them, and perhaps work will appear outside of cities, and certainly as people leave them.
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Because they are sexually repressed, sad people?
I don't think it's that prevalent, just that there's sooo damn many people on trains that the bad apples get their opportunity.
If people weren't shoved in like cattle I bet you'd see less of men acting like animals.
Groping is essentially a fetish, like any other. I think it is more prevalent in Japan because the trains are so crowded. If they were not, then the gropers would not be able to get away with it.
As for the psychological reasons, my guess is that when a person is unable to find a healthy means of fulfilling his or her sexual needs, they turn to fetishes, porn, hookers, etc. And unfortunately, in Japan, I would say that the past two generations have seen a growing inability in many men to interact with women. In other words, they don't know what to do to have a healthy relationship, much less a sexual one.
Because they can get away with it. Girls should learn how to throw a quick jab or a swift knee.
Because the education of Men is behind the rest of the world.
Plus studies show that most people if they can get away with a crime, will commit it.
No! Japanese guys know they are ugly and unappealing compared to j- gals, there is no balance...., so they have an inferiority complex, they think all women are out of their league/reach. Some become desperate and play touchy feely in the train.
because the japanese women have been so severely repressed and placed beneath men for centuries that they dont say no or cry for help. and becuse this soceity does not involve a 2 parent system in the raising of its children so its moral compass is broken.
Because they can.
and they like it.
Because at home those men sleep in separate beds with their wives.
What do you expect in a country where child porn is legal and hentai manga is so popular? Let's also not forget the 1,000 year old sexist mindset of Japanese culture. Women are tools to abuse, hence groping is cool and a way of gaining some self-gratification in an otherwise pointless excistance.
psychological reasons: 1.Standing next to a beautiful woman you`ll never get to know will engage your brain into using that chance as the best opportunity,"to feel her". 2.Because a J lady is too shy to stir a scene,will automatically encourage "to be a groper",to go head. 3.The "groper" is psycologically prepared that her victim will "feel good" and let go. 4.One succesful "grope" prepares the "groper" for another victim psycologically. 5.The best of all, for the "groper" is that, the eyewitnesses will not raise an arlam and should the alarm arise the victim will not co-operate and should a case arise, lack of EVIDENCE will set the offender FREE!
Is groping really tha prevalent?
Why do some men rape women? Groping is a sexual assault.
Some people don't seem to be aware of how crowded trains here get. Last year I had the rare occasion to get on a jam-packed car on the Oedo Line about 11 p.m. on a Friday night, between Roppongi and Shinjuku. Through no effort on my part, I could feel the contours of the buttocks of the young lady squeezed up against me. She in turn must have known I could, and could feel certain contours on my body in turn (strictly flaccid, I assure you). For some people apparently find such crowding to be an opportunity for promoting skinship with fellow commuters. After all, they're only human.
I think a certain amount of contact is inevitable (unless they take the women's only car) and tolerated to some extent. The truly malicious gropers who pinch, paw and squeeze spoil the fun for the rest of us.
It's a combination of several factors: (1) the notion of a woman's inferiority is deeply ingrained in Japanese history and is reflected in several of it's current laws; (2) the objectification of women as sex objects is rampant and widely accepted - just look at any given advertisement in the very trains the groping occurs, schoolgirl anime characters with large breasts painted on pachinko parlour windows which my 7 year old daughter sees as we walk past, that a large percentage of girls have worked as hostesses where, miraculously, despite the job requiring good looks and skin-showing clothing the girls are brainwashed into thinking this makes them 'refined', etc. etc.; (3) that many men are sexually frustrated because their wives (unlike their western counterparts) do not see a healthy sex life as being required to maintain a good marriage and thus do not make frequent visits to lingerie stores as they get into their 30's and 40's (like their western counterparts do); (4) Japanese women are not raised to be assertive (nor is that quality valued here in general) and thus rarely fight back or call out when they are groped; thus, men get away with it; (5) there are so many nice butts that are so nicely presented by the women on the trains; and (6) a high percentage of the single men here are pathetically lacking in social skills and just can't get laid.
This is a no-brainer: Becuase the j-chicks are too damn hot.
Maybe because guys like going up girls skirts.
New markting campaign: "Help reduce groping, visit the lingerie store."
this may come as a shock, but a young girls flesh feels pretty good to most men, despite what you may have heard in church.
It happens in trains, I suspect, because one could start out "accidently" and see if you get any response. Every time I suppose each encounter gets longer and longer.
Because train rides are boring and the devil finds work for idle hands.
It's an old Saitama courting ritual.
I feel this is the closest so far. The social skills problem. Western people have the magical ability to actually talk to other human beings.
Because no woman has slapped him yet or twisted his balls !! Maybe this is truly what J-men want...young or old ???
This is perhaps the most scientific, well-considered, and professional question ever posed in the history of foreigners in Japan.
Moderator: Please try answering it.
combinibento: I think you hit all the main points.
If I were to sum it up, I would have to say it's the result of sexually repressed society. In a 29-country study on sexual satisfaction, Japan came in last. It's no wonder that men are copping a feel to ease their tension and women are often not stopping them. If people were more open about their sexuality, confident about it and actually having sex, the number of groping cases would dramatically decrease.
I'm beginning to think that sex, and people having better relationships with the opposite sex, is the answer to a lot of Japan's problems...
Probably a gaijin hunter having a last fish before going home. Must say, this kind of thing has happened to me a few times too.
On another occasion, quite a while ago but still vivid, I've sat in front of a lass and seen her deliberately open her legs.
There's a lot of sex going on in this country I think.
Because the girls are so kawaii, that's why!
Making love is an art. It could be that the Jmen must learn that art. I feel that the men here (not all men though) just get instant gratification and think that that is how one gets satisfied. Could be another reason that they are tired of sex, because it does not give them the satisfcation they are yearning for. They are using technology to derive that pleasure; and getting nowhere with it. Visual gratification is what is passed on from other generation. That may drive them to touch and feel and they lose control of their senses (noticed the wierd expression on the faces when they grope). Maybe, they must learn kamasutra seriously.
I think that it's mostly because of the opportunity arising so easily in those rush-hour trains. They're a total nightmare, and all those hot, sweaty bodies all pressed against each other is surely going to cause arousal in some of them. No question. But some can't control their urges and can't resist the temptation and so they squeeze, or pinch, or generally do an obvious feel-up. I surely can't blame them for being tempted, or for being sexually aroused by being pressed against a hot, sweaty female (along with several grotty salarymen,) and some people are just too impulsive to resist that temptation. Those people are total losers, and most of them will feel guilt about their surreptitious feel-ups, which in turn will make them uncomfortable getting into a real relationship with a girl. So they take advantage of the next opportunity and the circle goes on.
Of course that doesn't apply to all of them. Some people are perverts, we all know that, and race has no bearing. But the crowded trains here are a wonderful playground for men who really are pervs, as they can feel-up lots of women and maybe choose one to follow. Hoping that they'll get a chance to drag the poor woman down a dark alley or something. Scary.
The wording of the question is highly irresponsible. Whoever wrote it and approved it should reflect on what it means to have journalistic integrity.
That said, I cannot say whether or not its truly more prevalent per capita than any place else. But some reasons why it happens is because Japan has one of the most crowded train systems in the world if not the premier packed train system. Another reason why it happens is because some men can't get any quality time with females any other way, and that is for a whole hot bunch of reasons. One is because the men here are not educated about dealing appropriately with females, or so it seems to me. Hardly any male has an impeccible education to be sure, but what Japanese males get is the pits, or so my eyes and ears tell me.
Another reason is because you cannot really eliminate such behaviors; often you just push it around. In Japan's case it looks like a lot of men's darker desires got pushed to groping. It could be worse. It could be a lot worse. Looking at the silver lining, there are not many safer societies, and having groping being such a hot topic over more brutal crimes is actually something of a good sign.
It could something exciting in the salaryman's otherwise extremely boring life. The fact that there is little done to punish or deter offenders makes it more part of the culture.
Because "we Japanese" don't complain. Therefore (like everything else) the problem never gets fixed.
That's the simple answer. I am sure some people will want to rave on about sociology and men's desire to dominate women etc etc. But you name the culture. All throughout history there has been prostitution, polygamy, rape in war and peace etc etc. Men crave sex, and if they don't control themselves with religion or societal rules, they will take it when they can. Women don't like to hear that, but it's just true. (Yeah, I know your husband is different and doesn't think about sex at all except when he is feeling romantic when you are around. He might say that to you but if he talked with a guy the truth would come out).
For the record, groping on trains is pathetic and inexcusable, I think women should stand up for themselves and not take it, and those who do it need to be punished. Just saying that it's not so weird that it happens given my four points.
Cause its a handy place to grope....Oh, sorry, well, they did ask
Some men (and women for that matter) are constantly in groping mode. In the office everyone else avoids them. In the train, however, hehehe....
Japanese are sex crazed people (men and women alike). look at all the host & hostess bars, soaplands love hotel, hentai, porno. its like a national past time, all part and parcel of the Japanese culture. Family bathing together, mix sex communal baths are normal to the Japanese. During the heydays, companies would organise sex tours as incentive for their employees. Sex is a national obsession and its got nothing to do with love; They grope the girls not because they want to have a relationship but don't know how to relate to the ladies. They do it to simply satisfy their sexual desires. (i know it sounds primitive but that's all to it) During world war 2, rape was rampant and condoned. The military even have a program and system in place to ensure that soldiers are not sexually deprived. believe "comfort woman" rings a bell.. The groping will continue... the society regards this behaviour a menace rather than a serious criminal offence.
The wording is way above the dribbling spittle that spews from many native English speakers I meet here and abroad. Why do men grope? Basically your asking the wrong guy, I personally have never desired to grope! Not even the most appealing. Hazard a guess perfectly fits in my case.
I have many Japanese acquaintances, most of whom are men. Some have miserable emotional lives. Of them, if they were gropers, I would conclude it could very possibly be their only interaction with females thus their peak of existence as a male biologically. Problem with that thought though is I am not comfortable with male female relationships being dedicated to the sole purpose of reproduction.
Perhaps women should become much more active and become more of a leader in the initiation of relationships. Daisy mae baked a pie, grabbed a guy and the rest is history?
That's an interesting point. May as well ask "why is violent rape so prevalent in Western societies?" Personally as a women, I find Japan to be a remarkably safe society. Sure I've experienced my share of gropers, flashers, and sexual harassers, but I don't live in fear of being violently raped and/or murdered, the way that so many other women in the world do.
They haven't gotten laid that's why duh!
My point is if those guys wives, or girlfriends just gave them the love, sex, pleasure,and emotional support they wouldn't be doing this stuff.
And getting laid really is important period.
Men need to control themselves and keep that in the bedroom, love hotel, and such. The men are not getting the love from all you women out there sad.
And I can't believe some of you women out there are against gettin laid ..that's really messed up sorry. If men were to get that from you women, this issue wouldn't even be a problem. We need the love too you know It's way better than watching wonder the birth rate has gone down the tubes in this part of the world...SO sad whatever happened to humanity here?
hazard a guess??? ahahahahahahahaha psychological reasons? hazard a guess? ahaha ok. because they love it up 'em. Think Freud or someone hazarded a similar guess so I'm safe
To the Question Asker: Look at your audience. There are a lot of stuipd gaijin that read these articles and comment on them - that's obvious by the answers here, and of course the comments posted. So, don't expect to get much of an answer.
My Opinion:
Some men/women feel, known, they can get away with it. Men/Females may feel embarrassed if they complain or for causing a scene, so they do not complain - which leads into the first part.Possible Solution:
People need to feel that it is OK to cause a scene and complain loudly. Those who complain should feel they can do so without backlash. Those caught need to be punished accordingly and swiftly.Fadamor
Groping would be just as prevalent in other countries if the risk of getting caught was as low as it apparently is in Japan. Perpetrators get encouraged by the silence of their victims - relying on their embarrassment over the situation to keep them quiet.
As a foreigner, I simply don't understand the reluctance of Japanese women to make a scene when they are groped. Yes, it's embarrassing to be the victim of one of these perverts, but keeping silent is NOT going to make him go away and will probably encourage him to be more aggressive. Grab the offending hand! Let out a yell! Draw attention to the perpetrator! Even in a sardine-packed train those immediately around the perpetrator will get a good look at him. Raise the risk of capture/identification and the incidents will go down.
Women need to learn to defend themselves in this particular scenario. If these men had girlfriends or wives this wouldn't be a problem so much, logically speaking. Groping is just wrong period!
I think men in Japan grope to transfer their feelings of impotence, helplessness and inadequacy. They are psychologically abused (or so they feel) at work, belittled and in general, castrated by the office culture and social hierarchies at the workplace and at home. Because they feel they are powerless losers, they transfer their frustration by abusing someone weaker that is not likely to defend themselves. Similar principles apply for child abusers, wife beaters and abusers of the elderly and infirm. The looks and dress of the victim are irrelevant, because the feeling of empowerment is all the same regardless of the victim's appearance because: they dehumanize the victim in their mind in order to treat them as a sexual object; it is arguable that uniforms are manipulated as sex fetiches by Japanese Media; and, it's not the looks of the victim but the immediate availability provided by the environment of a packed train.
Gropers are frustrated people, and not necessarily in a sexual way; but because sex abuse is specially shameful and hurtful to the anonymous victim, groping is their weapon of choice. Other people choose box cutters, kitchen knives or scissors to chop off chunks of hair from the heads of others - the common denominator is the same: depersonalization, frustration, repression and feelings of inadequacy.
Groping is wrong and should be treated as what it is: a crime. Gropers may need help, but that does not excuse their behavior, their malice and their cruelty.
I agree with chiisaishima.
It's in the Japanese culture. The men (and to a lesser extent some women) grope because of communicative problems, misperceptions, as well as the simplicity and ease that come along with groping with little to no repercussions save one is caught red-handed (no pun-intended hehe) in the act, and Japanese trains and other crowded metropolis centers such as busy malls, schools et cetera provide a fetishistic breeding ground for such behavior and is only further compounded with the large amount of population (especially in cities in Japan) in such relatively small areas.
Quite evidently, it's a very common problem in Japan that men and women are facing sexual desire dilemmas and aren't getting enough of what they should be receiving and outputting in the bedroom. Although, even if all of the needs didn't fall short and all were met, I believe the problem would persist for the following explanation:
Japan's society is also partly to blame for this as well, if sex weren't still such a hush-hush secret and weren't openly expressed, advocated and explored, than I truly believe that there would be much less of this sort of inappropriate behavior where these swimmers should be much more wary of the water.
And that's exactly what it boils down to, perfect opportunity, motive of societal lack of stimulating and erotic sex, seasoned fetishists and adept gropers, ample amount of young and pretty, doughy-skinned Japanese girls in their sweet school uniforms dressed not so much like adolescents but more akin to that of young adults that have "not so innocent", implied, and written all over them; and another large contributing factor and problem in the issue, they don't seem to mind about being enticing at such a young age in their attractive school uniforms, and I believe most of them enjoy the attention.
A feeling of power and taking something that they shouldn't? A desire to cause harm to the victim? There are probably as many reasons as there are perps. Oh well, enough pop psychology.
Because there a LOT of trains and a LOT of people use them.
Reason 1: People are taught not to make a commotion; this is taken to the extremes.
Reason 2: People helping with the situation are possibly committing a worse crime. I've seen it over and over; do not get involved in something that is not your business. So much for good Samaritans.
Reason 3: Those train riding work-a-holics do not take enough time to get along with their wives or other human beings. They need to get out more and learn how to act.
@1970sweet "..I believe most of them enjoy the attention". "Attractive school uniforms" "Sweet school uniforms".
High school girls do not get a choice of what they are told to wear.It is not only high school girls that get groped. You seem like a nice guy!
Is there an increase in the reporting of these problems? Psychological reasons? Enough for a book probably. I reckon putting posters up in their home and work train stations with their photos,age and name would be a good start to stopping this. I am sure many women fear getting on trains. Is Japan the only non Muslim country in the world that has separate carriages for men and women?
These gropers cannot get caught. unprofessional groper- sometimes he is lucky novice groper- when he feels lonely or jollies time professional superstar groper- scouts locations, rides the train for hours waiting to get his jollies. He probably gropes 15 ladies young and old everyday.
These men lack social skill, they read porno on the train cars, read telephone book size comicbooks with naked big breasted girls, and they see porno advertisements on the trains. They see a woman they will never get, so fantasy takes over, they think the woman likes it because the woman doesn't say one word. These are the same women that never sit next to a foreigner or looks weird at a foreigner. Plus the culture is (f ed up)fudged up, people can't ask a girl out on a date because it is weird. Japanese men can't ask a japanese lady on a train out on a date. Talking to a stranger is weird in japan.
That is why gropers are united in celebration, and will continue to grope at will. Because for them this is the best way to fulfill their sexual deprivation.
His brain is squirmin' like a toad...
Because the police won't stop them. Although recently they've been trying.
It's going to vary on the individual, my best hazarded guess, control issues. That would be a base of problems that can manifest. The rest of the reasons/issues will vary.
Only old ladies on busses
Well I guess it is difficult in the US to do as men go even to the toilet by car. Should the US use crowded trains like Japan, you'd have the same ratio of groping as Japan. Being a foreigner I feel ashamed sometimes by this comparissions.
The train is one of the few places that many men come into close contact with females and are not afraid to be near them. Most male university students are afraid to sit next to a girl in class. I know this sounds strange to foreigners, but perhaps it says something about the Japanese male.
Allowing schoolgirls to wear trousers would reduce schoolgirl molestation, but that might be considered too radical a change by the schools.
Hazard a guess as to why... ummm, they're horny men in a cramped space with cute women? Even if they are getting it at home or elsewhere, there would be an urge for some (including me). I'm a man, I have a lot of testosterone in me, I exercise regularly and enjoy my lady regularly.
Doesn't mean I don't feel attracted to other women, doesn't mean I do not look at other women. It's like being in a shop that says "Please look, but do not touch." Even if the merchandise is literally 6 inches away from you and you may not get caught. So men just eventually reach out there and give it a touch. Each have their own motives, some abuse it, some may only do it once or twice, some not at all. I'm a not at all, but it's just a natural human instinct.
There is no good answer to it, because it will always happen. I'm a firm believer in society policing itself, not using cameras and other means of invasion. The police have attempted to raise public awareness, which is very good. Hopefully some ladies won't be afraid of grabbing the hand of their assailant, raising it up and saying "hentai!" upon which other women may then beat the assailant with their purses, buwahaha! I know... most are way too timid... poor girls.
wow, i hope i never see anyone grope someone, its kinda sad tho
Im not falling for the "gropers grope for a feeling of power thing". Maybe a misdirected expression of hidden desire though perhaps I'm wrong. Are that many people being groped to feature it weekly on Japan Today??
...because there are loads of attractive and naive girls and many more men without a clue as to how to interact with them properly.
I find the suggestion that men just can't resist the urge to be quite ridiculous, and kind of insulting to people's intelligence. "I couldn't resist the urge" is a cop-out excuse that they know they'll get away with as the cops and gropees are so lenient on them.
BTW, I'd say Azrael's given the best explanation thus far - transferance of feelings of inadequacy. I'd also link this in with the survey showing 25% of Japanese men in their 30s have never had sex. Both this and the groping suggest a sexual/social immaturity at best, a kind of retardation at worst.
Many men in Japan are raised to feel they are masters of the universe and women exist to please them. Porn and quasi-porn are easily accessible and soaplands and such are everywhere. Their image of women becomes very low. Being coddled by their mommies for their whole lives doesn't help much either.
But then men who want to find a woman for their very own discover that women in general are actual people with their own desires. Worse, these women won't treat them as the masters of the universe they think they are. This breeds disdain. And so you get the more violent behaviors, like sexual assault or simply fantasizing about monsters raping women to death. Groping is easy, it victimizes someone who probably will not fight back and gives the man the charge he needs and makes a woman feel small at the same time.
That's one explanation.
In many cultures men are raised with that same thinking, but often they are presented with some strong feminine role that gives them some kind of respect toward women. Nothing against moms in Japan, but they don't tend to be the hard-working types, they don't make sure their sons learn how to treat a woman well or how to take care of himself. Men need strong female role models to show them that women are worth something, and I think that is severely lacking in Japan.
Unfortunately these types have been fed the stereotypes by watching lots of JAV. So believing that touching any woman constitutes a violation they see groping as the easiest way to satisfy their urges.
I can offer this, though I wouldn't say it applies in all cases. There is a psychological phenomena/disorder/event called frotteurism whereby one expereinces sexual gratification(to varying extents)by rubbing up against others. For more info pleae Google frotteurism
Imho: if women would start to “answer”, men would stop groping. Japanese men are very weak as soon as they get “real reply” back
It is "prevalent" due to the few gropers who wear a suit but don't go to work. Instead they spend their mornings going up and down the train lines, targeting young girls who look too timid to protest.
The clinical term is FROTTAGE. You "bump" into people in crowded areas like buses, theaters etc. It creates sexual arousal & clinically it is viewed as a pre-cursor to rape. Therefore the Chikan films are rape films. I am more interested in finding literature on how the films got started because they are a means of legitimizing rape. I was introduced to the clinical work by working with juvenile sexual offenders at The Pines of Tucson in Tucson, Az. & later at Charter East Valley Hospital in Chandler, Az. As I understand it there was an Adult comic book in Japan called Rapeman. It was banned in the U.S. The premise was that the rapist gained the respect of his victim and she falls in love with the rapist. There is also a clinical term for the victim identifying and sympathising with her captor/rapist. Think Patty Hearst & the Symbionese Liberation Army. By the way this somewhat cultural. "Oriental" women tend to be presented as sexually passive in these films and the men tend to use electronic vibrators etc. to get the "girls" to orgasm. Only after they have orgasmed does the next level of penetration occur. Showing the "girl" her "cum" seems to be the justification of the rape action. I made you cum now you make me cum.
And there you have it.
Combined with surveys from major cities around the world, where most people, anywhere between mid 50 percentile to the mid 80th percentile people seem to everywhere dislike cities. Though surveys differ essentially the reasons for disliking cities are: lack of safety, lack of privacy, pollution, dangerous roads, and crime. They would move if they could afford to, but don't because, and this is mostly the reason they stay, they need their job and there are no jobs elsewhere.
Which begs the question... as the robot revolution continues to unfold and AI promises to accelerate that in the coming decades, to where as some speculate, by 2050 over half and as many as 3 in 4 people on the planet simply will be replaced by robots. Assuming the working class revolution is successful and they're not exterminated as surplus humans and survive, they can, and likely will, leave cities since there won't be work to employ them, and perhaps work will appear outside of cities, and certainly as people leave them.