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© 2023 AFPAnti-trans hostility rises in Japan
By Tomohiro Osaki TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2023 AFP
Mr Kipling
Good to see women are now fighting for rights for real women.
There are less than 10,000 transexuals in Japan out of a population of 127 million. The transexual laws make it very difficult to change. Hate is stirred up by social network rumors and gossip.
10,000 people who have declared themselves tramsexual,I would hazard a guess the number is FAR higher.
But yes,I agree with Mr.Kipling.
Mr Kipling
No, hate (well anger is a better description) is stirred by people trying to tell the rest of us that a man can become a woman by the simple act of "identification".
Randy Johnson
The hate and violence that I see are quite often a person of the lgbtq group verbally harrassing, taunting, using incredibly horrible language, being derogatory, berating, spitting physically assaulting, punching, kicking, slapping beating, and shooting non-lgbtq people.
That is the hatred and violence that I often see.
This is not a one-way street as some in the censorship business would wish you to believe.
Mr Kipling didn't mention numbers.
Not from the articles I have read.
I think the transexual law makes it very difficult for people to change.
Japan’s Abusive Transgender Legal Recognition Process
I don't like the disinformation campaign going on making it seem like trans people are somewhat more likely to attack women, but I also don't like how the trans and gay community is being grouped together, both here and in the west. Gay people don't bother anyone and has as little to do with trans people as straight people has to do with trans people, but for some reason they are always grouped together making people less likely to support the right of gay people. The big difference being that Gay people don't bother anyone, while I can understand women not wanting to share a bathroom or other female only spaces with someone that is not biologically a female. Only real solution is a third bathroom category.
Mr Kipling
To be a legal transexual in Japan requires more than "a simple act of identification". Try reading the law.
Randy Johnson
Here we go with the intentionally misleading term, disinformation.
One can very simply go on youtube and type in key words such as trans attacks... and you wil get a clip ftom a news source or blog or vlog or youtuber or any source.
This is nothing new except to those who intentionally ignore what they see.
Mr Kipling
Transgender Life
compiled by a member of Stonewall Japan.
Requirements under the current system include a diagnosis of gender identity disorder, or GID. This diagnosis is no longer recognized internationally, having been removed from the World Health Organization's and U.S.'s manuals that classify illnesses. The most severe requirement of a legal transition in Japan, following a diagnosis of GID, is medical sterilization.
There are also complex rules that might make transition impossible. For example, people undergoing medical transition in Japan must be over 20 years old, unmarried and not have children under 20 years of age.
@wallace. Don't nitpick. Those who are 'officially' registered and those who identify as such is not the same thing.
Of course there were fewer problems when the only trans who dared enter women's bathrooms were those who could credibly pass as women (ie. the person in the photo)
The problem is that once you enshrine these things into law, you can't limit them only to those who can pass as women. Any man claiming to be a women will have the right to enter women's spaces.
The article is about what is happening here in Japan and not elsewhere.
The new halfs and Mr Ladies that appear and work on the nightly news and current affairs get treated pretty well it seems.
In here are several people absolutely beside themselves that they could definitely be fooled by a transman and sometimes fooled by a transwoman if they receive puberty blockers early enough:
I am not nitpicking because there are laws about who can be a transexual and what is required. Try reading the links I have posted.
The concept of transgender originates from edo period in Japan.
You haven't posted anything?
Yeah totally impossible to find any hetero attacks on youtube. This is the problem with people with little brain capacity, they see one or two videos in their bubble of right wingers and tell themselves it's happening all the time. I promise you that you can find 10k non trans attack videos for every trans attack video.
I want to repost this GQ article, please read from June 2020.
Why trans rights is the most explosive issue in politics
Social media is winding us all up like clocks.
If a trans female was to use the toilet cubicle next to me, how the heck would I know
Why would I care or want to find out.
The questions arise in female only changing areas in Onsen Hot Spring Spa, where there is etiquette to ensure therapeutic relaxation so women and girls can enjoy the facilities.
If a person not fully transitioned, still with the male genitals that nature provided at birth sharing the same women only spaces, this would cause anxiety, embarrassment, may I suggest discomfort, putting it mildly.
There are mixed-gender Onsen etc throughout Japan.
I like many women are shy and want our own spaces/changing facilities.
The Japanese laws and requirements on transitioning are only half the story. If a foreigner shows up at Narita airport with a penis and a passport declaring they are a woman, can Japanese authorities deny them access to women's bathrooms in public buildings since they haven't complied with domestic requirements for transitioning? Probably not. It's an unresolved issue.
That noise you can hear is The Sound of Freedom.
Ok but what about actual non sexual violence?
And my favorite to punch "TERF"
And this has been a them of Trans women (men to women) for sometime now.
Not trans men (women to men) .
One notices when anti trans groups of men have conferences or rallies the trans community is very quiet and stays at a distance.
But when women actual women get together to discuss the situation, the Trans community of mostly trans women (biological men) show up and are very physical and violent.
Why? The difference?
My opinion because they are actually men and we have all been told about how men are violent.
People are confused. More confusing times are coming.
The sound of freedom, for whom?
That so called freedom has far greater human political costs consequences, at the expense of who decides the definition in law and yes science to/of the female of the species.
Self identification, or biological sex.
Sam Watters
When I was three years old and wanted to have chocolate cake and soda for breakfast and my parents objected, I accused them of “hating”me. Unfortunately so many “activists” associated with the trans movement have around the same reasoning ability as I did when I was three. Every time they don’t get their way about anything, they cry “racist,” “bigot,” “hate” or “phobic.” Whatever….You cannot become a women by simply identifying as one any more than one can change their race or age by wishing to be something they are not. Men do not menstruate, men do not give birth to babies and no amount of foot-stomping will change that. Should a person who was born a man be allowed to live as a woman? To the point that it does not infringe on the rights of others, namely women, yes. But women have a right to enter a restroom or locker room, etc. and do their business without a biological male present. The number of assaults on women in these places by men dressed as women is increasing. This fact cannot be intelligently denied but is often emotionally protested. Please note that I directed my ire at“activists.” I believe the vast majority of transgender people simply wish to live their lives as the gender they choose but also realize that others also have rights. “Yuko” is one example. Yuko is a biological man who lives as a woman and is accepted in our circle for the person and friend Yuko is. Yuko never uses the men’s restroom as Yuko does not feel comfortable undressing in the presence of men but Yuko does not use the women’s restroom, either, as Yuko understands that other women are not comfortable with a biological male in this particular place. I believe the majority of trans people are like Yuko; they just want to live their lives but also have a healthy respect for the rights of others. Perhaps certain “activists” and potential sexual predators should take note.
The female members of the LGB alliance have been physically assaulted on multiple occasions by transgender women (biological men).
The most recent was pride parade in London.
Bob Fosse
It’s good that men who previously gave them zero thought are now suddenly interested in women’s rights.
But not so good that their motivation for this is a right wing knee jerk reaction at the expense of someone else’s rights.
Equal right, human rights.
You know, this whole of question of Transgender rights, the lists of pronoun identification feels, or dare I suggest creates a new level of fear and loathing, aversion, antagonism.
The contempt is barely contained or concealed.
Bob Fosse
Many of the same people riled up by trans using public restrooms were also offended back when women were given separate train cars in the morning.
Since the passage of the LGBT law and the recent Supreme Court ruling, biological women are subjected to “painful and even frightening” experience and are “deeply hurt” when self-proclaimed women with a penis come into women’s restrooms.
The article is Japan-based. There have no sexual drag shows in front of children.
My niece in university took a well known book/story and changed the characters to different gender pronouns using the popular "they them" for 2 of the characters.
Results were no one recognized the story and no one actually understood because at one point no one was sure how was doing what because " they" and "them" was also used as the proper use for a group of people.
Even her "gender studies" professor couldn't make heads or tails suggesting using their names and no Pronouns,
Smart as a wipe professor a second version no Pronouns which was tedious as you had to read something like this:
John and Jane go shopping, John and Jane decided to turn go to the mall l, John and Jane parked the car near the entrance, John and Jane went and then John and Jane decided to go to different store and then John and Jane would meet up for lunch.
This is the future folks of writing and reading.
Sam Watters
Total nonsense.
Sam Watters
Also, it’s not necessarily the men who are riled up. It’s the women who are getting riled. The men are just protecting the women against certain men who want to impose their will on women in the name of inclusion.
I never said they did. I said they recognise same-sex marriages of third country nationals.
Bob Fosse
“How far will it go?”
Remember that people said the same thing when women could vote or black people could ride the same bus as whites.
In most likelihood you are not the oppressed person in this situation.
If you can’t support trans I recommend you choose indifference rather than getting angry about it. That would be better for all involved.
Do you know the reason why so many women hate using the same toilet as men?
Well simply put we pee standing and we'll toilet seat up and splatter.
So unisex toilets would mean no more urinals because I don't see women, little girls teen age girls being Ok with guys standing around with their penis out peeing.
So all stalls, longer lines, more water use, (yes urinals use far less water/ energy).
The losers in all of this will be the women the biological women.
There is a myriad of problems in Japan yet outlets like AFP are pushing the discriminatory trans-gender theme to the max
For the vast majority of Japanese the issues of job security, education reform, corruption in government, healthcare, lack of adequate housing etc etc.
I think this whole issue of which bathrooms to use should've never been addressed. It's caused such a division.
They should've just kept as it's always been: physically male men use the Mens room / physically female women used the Womens room.
You know the scary bit, Minori Tokieda is pretty, cute, not a bricklayer with lipstick.
This whole subject matter has been politically leveraged to create a means to divide communities and fan the flames of belligerence
Peter Neil
I’m a man. I support the right and the fight of women to be free from the anxiety and stress of biologically men in women’s toilets and onsen.
If a trans man can stand to pee, then fine. Go to the men’s room.
But it’s mostly males with a skirt and penis who are inflicting themselves on women, invading women’s bathrooms.
It’s just a fad anyway. Fads come and go.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
This "less than" argument can be interpreted to mean said transsexuals should understand the majority should not be forced to change their ways or endanger themselves to accomodate their itty-bitty minority group, and if they are forced to do so by some gaiatsu or some judges drunk on the latest Western fad the resentment might make it even worse for them than if they accept they can't use the female toilet.
HRW will NOT hold itself responsible for the side effects or unintended consequences of mollycoddling this little minority ... I won't call them sick, but they are enough on the edge to be wierd. Human rights groups have their place, but they are often comprised of idiots who don't want to understand there are such things as tradeoffs. They imagine a world where defendants can have every right in the sky without the police losing any effectiveness. They imagine all these trans-sexuals being allowed to go to whichever side they please, again without consequences. The rest of the world, especially the government, is more realistic.
Which unfortunately the transgender population is few enough to make it hard to justify except in very large places.
I understand that the mixed public baths should be illegal.
Is that what you mean?
There shouldn't be places you're not allowed to go because of your gender (biological or not).
Why is it widely accepted?
What is the true meaning of women's empowerment, if political society fails to define what a woman is?
It's called common sense!
We know for a fact that sexual offenders use tricks deception to get their victims.
I don't believe real transgenders are going to sexually assault or harass women, but by making it as simple as "I declare I am a woman" and calling gender fluid meaning they can change that anytime they want is going to give a lot of these sexual offenders a whole new pool of victims and simplify their life to commit their crimes.
Anyone thinking that these kind of people will not use this situation to their advantage is living in a dream world.
sexual offenders will use whatever they can and by making it easier for them to have access to victims is exactly what allowing anyone who declares themselves a woman at any time they feel like it free access to victims.
aren’t most exactly this?