Japan Today
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'Short skirts cause sexual assaults,' according to Japanese school uniform poster

By Oona McGee, SoraNews24

If you’ve ever travelled on a Japanese train, chances are you’ve walked past or sat near a poster warning of the dangers of chikan, which literally translates to “pervert” or “molester”, and is commonly used to refer to groping, and the men who grope women on crowed trains.

As something that affects many schoolgirls in particular, a number of organisations have come out with goods to help female students in the fight against chikan, while police departments regularly use posters aimed at young women to encourage them to report assaults.

While anti-groping posters continue to be used at stations and on trains, one school recently came under fire for displaying a poster that warned about the dangers of short skirts rather than the dangers of groping.

The poster read: “The short skirt that you think is kawaii leads to sex crimes. And it’s not just you, but your friends and companions too.”

The controversial message was brought to the attention on the internet by a Twitter user who said her younger sister saw the poster up at school and sent her an image of it, saying “This is ridiculous”.

The original tweet has since been deleted by the uploader after it made headlines with major media outlets, but the image of the poster can still be seen online. Along with the words “Beware of chikan!” and an ugly brown handprint is the image of a schoolgirl’s skirt, with the hem falling above the knee.

People who saw the poster online were outraged at its message, which suggests that the length of a girl’s school uniform is to blame for groping incidents. The outcry against the statement, with people pointing out that the victim is not to blame for the action of gropers, quickly reached the company who created the poster, Kanko, which is one of Japan’s biggest manufacturers of school uniforms.

Designed to help prevent crime, the posters were put up at a number of schools, but after the recent uproar, the company decided to recall all the posters from schools on 15 January.

They also posted a lengthy apology on their website, saying: “We are aware that our security awareness poster has received a lot of criticism and complaints online. We deeply apologize to those who were made to feel uncomfortable by the poster. We are also sorry for the significant inconvenience and worry caused. Please allow us to tell you about the poster creation process and how we will prevent this from happening again.”

The company also posted a link to their apology on their social media channels. As the apology went on, though, it became apparent that the company wanted to make clear that the poster was created in conjunction with crime prevention activities conducted by police at schools back in 2012.

“The poster with the statement 'The short skirt that you think is kawaii leads to sex crimes' was created by our company in 2012. At that time, police were conducting seminars at junior and senior high schools, heightening awareness on the issue [of chikan] and providing students with self-defense tips and essential knowledge on how to protect themselves. As a company that’s deeply involved with junior and senior high school students, we were sympathetic to the issue and jointly conducted seminars and engaged in awareness programs. The poster was created as part of the awareness program and was put up at a number of schools.”

This section of the apology suggests that their message was in line with advice doled out by police to students at the time, which, if true, is a worrying state of affairs. However, cautioning women to take measures to protect themselves is different to blatantly blaming the length of their skirt for the crimes, and Kanko acknowledges this by saying: "As has been pointed out, the statement that 'The short skirt that you think is kawaii leads to sex crimes' suggests that the woman herself has done something wrong. We deeply apologize for the deep offence this statement caused. We will reexamine our processes to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”

Hopefully the controversy surrounding this poster will remind women that incidents of groping are not their fault, and encourage them to speak out and make reports to authorities.

Source: My Game News Flash

Read more stories from SoraNews24.

-- “Women who attract chikan, and women who don’t”: The illustrated guide that’s provoking debate

-- Anime-style art encourages young women to report Japanese train gropers in new posters

-- Aichi Police send unorthodox message to molesters via poster with homoerotic undertones

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nandakandamandaToday 03:53 pm JSTThe poster is warning about 'Chikan', gropers, molesters or touchers/feelers, not rapists.

What's the big difference? A groper is an uncouth 5th grade mentality kid who never grew up. A molester IS a rapist. It doesn't matter what other people are wearing. These types - incl. 'chikan' are just a bunch of juveniles who think they're being 'cute' and 'macho' - well, they ain't. They just haven't grown up!

Again, it doesn't matter what anyone wears - these jerks are JERKS and they will always be jerks, and there are women touchers/feelers and gropers as well. It doesn't matter what anyone is wearing.

The 'Chikan', gropers, molesters or touchers/feelers and rapists are ALL jerks because they're immature, uncouth and they love to see what they can get away with. It's all a matter of some peoples' sick attitudes - their minds are in the gutter. And we need to stop the victim blame game. It doesn't matter what someone is wearing, you're going to have cretins everywhere and that is what needs to be dealt with. Not by stupid dress codes or outer appearances, by cleaning up the immature bullying attitudes that are INSIDE some dirty minds. Nobody 'invites' rape and nobody asks to be groped or molested or sexually harassed. It's all a matter of some idiots with dirty minds doing stupid things because they think they're being 'cool'. Just look at Donny Douchebag Trump and the things he brags about to get the picture.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The poster is warning about 'Chikan', gropers, molesters or touchers/feelers, not rapists.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Burning BushJan. 20 07:55 am JSTThe girls shorten their skirts to attract attention.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

This claptrap chit chat is all a load of rubbish!

A pervert is going to assault who (s)he wants to because rape/assault is about achieving power and domination and fear over another person to feed a sick warped agenda in the sex offender.

It doesn't matter one iota what the child or victim wears - perverted lust is still a sick agenda.

It's been an observation of my life that many people who howl, wail and moan about what the kids and/or other sex wears often has his/her mind in the gutter deep down inside.  

This victim-blaming game has got to stop! A sex assaulter will rape another person because (s)he wants to instill fear in the targeted victim - no matter WHAT clothes the victim is wearing. Nobody 'invites' rape. Rapists are just sick, twisted, morbid, warped, disgusting, power mad and EVIL.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In my neighborhood I see many young boys of elementary school age and junior high wearing very short pants. Does anyone think that's an invitation? Do potential predators, or whoever, find that titillating? Would anyone blame a boy for wearing something such as tight or short pants if he experienced sexual assault or was approached by a predator? In my country of origin, not a small number of cases of rape has been reported in churches, committed by priests. I doubt anyone blamed the boy victims. I remember reading that this issue of victim blaming (she was wearing this or that and whatnot) has been debunked. People get raped and attacked usually not because of what they wear (or not).

2 ( +2 / -0 )

you can still buy manga depicting young girls being sexually exploited.

People pay money for that??

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And do, Neanderthal schools have to try to tell us that ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Do we lack common sense these days ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Lets rephrase this, would you like your Wife to walk down the street with her buttocks showing and potentially, the front being rather revealing as some do with their "gym" pants ? Who... are they showing off to ? And.. let's take this one step further, say she did that whilst taking your Kids down the street too... now how, would that reflect upon you, should your Work Colleagues see pictures of that situation ? I guess it depends upon the type of Work you do ? But, there's a Time and a Place for that ... and certainly not just down the street.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

By the same logic, Public swimming pools must be the most dangerous places on earth for Women & Girls, and perhaps they should either have their own Segregated areas or not even be allowed to go there for their own safety ?!

Come on ? Really ??

Something is messed up here, does Society really think this way in Japan nowadays ? Perhaps all the young Girls here need to go back to the Dark ages and start replacing their black shorts underwear with vicious chastity belts ? This society at times, really does seem messed up at times.

As for Women of non-School age... well. I certainly have seen some which would, fit the bill with regards to the poster - but seriously... Trash is Trash, even if it has two legs. And normal people generally avoid Trash... guess that says it all.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“Best solution against this is to teach daughters and women to be strong and stand up for themselves”

intersting. I would think the best solution is to teach sons and men to learn to keep their hands to themselves. But hey, what do I know?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I was in an Aeon shopping mall this weekend and there were some high school girls doing a cheerleading show on a stage in the mall.The first 2 rows were made up of older men with their video cameras leching .It was so obvious what they were doing,sickening but no one did anything.Its accepetd here,no matter the lenght of skirt

3 ( +3 / -0 )

'Short skirts cause sexual assaults,' according to Japanese school uniform poster

This notion puts the culpability on the person wearing the skirt, rather than on the perv

who can't keep his hands to himself...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

My Grandaughter,20,spent all of her school years in Kanagawa and always wore a school skirt that was well below the knees. She has told me that not once was she ever touched -----because of the long skirt?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Japanese word in the poster is yu-hatsu 誘発, Raw Beer, which has a range of meanings, e.g. trigger off, set off, encourage, prompt, induce, bring about, cause, etc.

Red rag to a bull, etc.?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Seems this SoraNews article has a misleading title; "causes" is not the same as "leads to".

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Saying that wearing a short skirt is inviting someone to touch them, is the same thing as a man wearing an expensive watch and saying he is inviting people to rob him.

The wrong act is totally the actions of the person doing it, and not the fault of the victim.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Wearing a short skirt should not be an invitation to perverts, but some men think it is. Be careful!"

This makes sense. It's good to teach awareness that not all adults are good people, and that your assumptions about your own actions are not always shared by others around you. But as others have pointed out wearing a long skirt is no insurance against sexual crimes.

Personal anecdote: as a college student in the U.S. I did notice I got catcalled only when I dressed up especially when I did my hair+makeup. However, the one time I was sexually assaulted, it was the middle of winter and I was wearing a big unisex coat to my knees and thick pants and all, face wrapped in a hat and scarf. I was heading home from work on a well-lit major street with passerby here and there. Go figure.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I don't see what is wrong with the poster. Ultimately, it is the victim that will suffer, so the girls should do what they can to protect themselves and not attract unwanted attention. No one is blaming the victim, just a warning.

Is telling someone not to flash their expensive watch and stacks of money in their pocket when walking through a really bad neighborhood sound like victim blaming? It's just being careful and not attracting unwanted attention from potential predators.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Well, if it's true, then might I suggest that schools change thier uniforms to something more appropriate. Blaming victims and yet doing nothing.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Best solution against this is to teach daughters and women to be strong and stand up for themselves. Perverts prey on weak people. If they have the confidence and courage to fight back that sends a stronger message than any poster.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If schools think that the wearing of skirts causes girls to be attacked by perverts, why don't they allow girls to wear trousers if they wish? Following the "logic" behind this poster would also lead to the schools being blamed for assaults on their pupils as it is the school rules that force girls to wear skirts in the first place.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The reason for sexual harassment is they let criminals free easily, and even if the girl will report, she will face troubles.

you should educate on how to report and it is ok to report anything and the girl's identity will be protected,

instead of just blaming girls for wearing short skirts..

3 ( +4 / -1 )

If i go into a poor neighbourhood or an area known for muggings, i will hide my gold chains and nice watch. I know that i should expect not to get mugged, and i am in no way excusing those who mug people...

Is it not possible to warn girls the same thing without being labeled a 'victim blamer'?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The primitive savage and dishonorable mentality that justifies touching a female - any female - in a sexual manner without permission needs to be beaten out of far too many around the world. These scum are a disgrace to our gender and have no honor or self-discipline. And they are filthy hypocrites. Every man has female relatives - mothers, sisters, and daughters. How do you justify in your crap-filled head that is is ok to molest someone else's daughter when you sure as hell wouldn't want someone to do the same to yours.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I've seen girls rolling up their skirts while asking a girl behind "Is my butt showing?"

@bullfighter - Well, don't leave us hanging, were their butts showing or not? lol

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The dress code at Japanese schools is for long skirts. When the girls leave the school grounds they roll them up.

Indeed. I live near a private middle and high school. I sometimes get caught up in the afternoon tidal flow to the nearest tram stop. I've seen girls rolling up their skirts while asking a girl behind "Is my butt showing?"

0 ( +2 / -2 )

So what does that poster suggest for any would be molester/rapist?

using the “ her skirt was too short and I could not resist “ excuse??:-/

1 ( +2 / -1 )

On another note, railway companies need to add more traincars so its less crowded and the gropers are more easily exposed, which could minimize them.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Free the skirts!"

Isn't that how it goes

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Same kind of logic as leaving your car unlocked encourages thieves.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Keep in mind, I'm talking about elementary age kids here. 

Some of the shortest skits I've seen in Japan were worn by elementary school age children. And some of their outfits were pretty racy.

And, as you pointed out, mothers are often okay with it. But I have to guess that the mothers are encouraging this kind of clothing as they are the ones buying the clothes.

This behavior is encouraged from a young age. Perhaps these posters should be placed at kindergartens where the mothers can see them?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Men see scantly clad women and get sexually aroused. Kind of obvious, I know.

My daughters are in a dance group and recently had a performance. A LOT of the girls were dressing way to sexual in my opinion. Talked about this with the J-wife and she didn't seem too bothered by it. Keep in mind, I'm talking about elementary age kids here.

This is why I'm teaching my girls to fight. I want them to be ready and able to defend themselves if someone decides to touch them.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

'Chikan' or any kind of assault is wrong. Having said that, I appreciate girls wearing short skirts.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Shirt skirts do not 'cause' sexual assaults. A culture of sexual deviates with an unhealthy sexual attraction to young girls causes it. Let's not forget it was only a few years ago that Japan made child porn illegal although, you can still buy manga depicting young girls being sexually exploited. It's quite typical to see the male dominated Japanese society blaming the girls instead of their mental illness of seeing children as sexual objects.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

First of all, Western people trying to call all Japanese as misogynists should to focus on that many Japanese also protested it

You are always calling Japanese as "hater", "racist", "misogynists" in places without Japanese, but no one will listen to the opinions of Japanese people. For you, we Japanese seems to have to be miserable robots with no emotions.

However, actually we also resist even such posters of small companies in local cities. That's because we are human beings with emotions, isn't it?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I think that if a HS girl want to shorten her skirt that is up to her, BUT, just because she's rolled it up making it shorter, that is not a green light for pervs to go and touch her. I suppose the poster is quite out dated, but since its been banded about on twitter etc, its been brought to the attention of a lot more people, so in that case its been good, the other thing is is it not time the Japanese government introduced something like a sex offenders register, so once a perp has been caught and prosecuted his or her name is on a government file that follows the perp around for the rest of there lives, Japan also needs to educate men that its NOT acceptable in the 21st century to grope, molest, indecently touch any one.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

anti-chikan badges can be seen here https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/03/25/national/anti-groping-badges-distributed-stations-tokyo-osaka/#.XEQqGy2B1lA

2 ( +2 / -0 )

there's an anti-chikan NPO in Osaka that made some interesting discoveries - when girls wear NO CHIKAN badges they were not groped, another is the type of girls who tend to get groped are not the sexy types or ones wearing sexy clothing but the demure shy looking ones.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

To begin with the legal system in Japan and also in the US, offer unreasonable and excessive protection to the female gender while permitting such "provocative" dressing habits.

Kazetsukai - this is quite disturbing. What exactly do you mean by "unreasonable and excessive protection" to females?

Should they have less protection?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Yeald not to temptation------------

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just like the peacock who uses its looks to attract potential genetic partners also attracts predators.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The dress code at Japanese schools is for long skirts. When the girls leave the school grounds they roll them up.

I still remember the girls in catholic schools rolling up

their skirts the minute they got out of school. That was back in the 50s and even to this day. Here in Hawaii the girls wear shorts so tight, you can real the label on their underwear.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Chip StarToday 06:46 am JST

Nothing like victim blaming.

Victim blaming has nothing to do with it, Its just plain common sense, why invite a pervert by putting the goodies on the show.

Burning BushToday 07:55 am JST

The girls shorten their skirts to attract attention.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

This is it

robotxpartyToday 01:37 pm JST

It's easy to throw out the term victim blaming whenever someone makes a comment as to why this/that. But there's are differences amongst certain situations.

As a school girl in Japan, do you have the right to take your skirt and roll it up so high that people walking down the street can see a hint of your butt, that people a few steps down from you on stairs/escalators can see your panties? Sure you can.

But when you decide to wear your skirt in that manner, and you know it's too short because you are constantly adjusting it when walking because you can feel the breeze on your rear end, and you are conscious of your butt hanging out in full view on the escalator - do you not have any responsibility in the situation of others noticing, looking?

Is it not the same as a female walking outside topless and then complaining the guys were looking?

Dress however you wish, but our actions have consequences. Doesn't mean you deserve them, but welcome to reality.

And here is another example of common sense

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

It's easy to throw out the term victim blaming whenever someone makes a comment as to why this/that. But there's are differences amongst certain situations.

As a school girl in Japan, do you have the right to take your skirt and roll it up so high that people walking down the street can see a hint of your butt, that people a few steps down from you on stairs/escalators can see your panties? Sure you can.

But when you decide to wear your skirt in that manner, and you know it's too short because you are constantly adjusting it when walking because you can feel the breeze on your rear end, and you are conscious of your butt hanging out in full view on the escalator - do you not have any responsibility in the situation of others noticing, looking?

Is it not the same as a female walking outside topless and then complaining the guys were looking?

Dress however you wish, but our actions have consequences. Doesn't mean you deserve them, but welcome to reality.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Some posters here are really pushing it with the "it's over-reacting". Even if a woman walks around in a bikini in fall (as one poster said), it is NOT an invitation to touch her or have sex with her.

In my opinion, de-sexualisation of pre-teens by the mass media and those "it's art!" manga authors would certainly help reduce gropers, but society as a whole needs to stand up. Victims need to be encouraged to speak up when it happens and bystanders need to actually help and not just gawk and watch. Without being confident in receiving help, victims are simply discouraged from reporting or even shouting to alert help when it happens.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Which ever way one may look at it, short dress may not necessarily be the cause of groping, it can attract offenders to grope, even though those who are addicted to the habit of groping may do regardless of the dress or skirt being short or long. But why wear a short skirt in public anyway? What for? If you dress with or without intention to seduce why troubled about being groped and why such section of society be dressing in that manner? We must show modest and not dress seductively as a safeguard against groping and also to help the weak not to. We must be each persons keeoer.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

All this talk about chikan. Have any of you dudes ever encountered a “chijo”? Or woman groper. I never had........ but I’m just sayin ‘ ........maybe they’re out there too.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I read the article.

And then read the comments.

There is one thing missing, in all of this.

School administrators mandate school uniforms for females that have skirts. Right?!

Forget who decides how short / long the skirts are and whether female students hike the skirts up or not.

Simple solution. Unisex dress codes. Slacks / pants for ALL students, as part of a uniform, if the school mandates a uniform!

By the way, everyone knows that, when it comes to AV kosplay, girls in school uniforms is right up there with CAs. nurses, OLs and private tutors!!

Just saying!!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Only now, people are willing to admit to that which can be "interpreted" as being "provocative".

To begin with the legal system in Japan and also in the US, offer unreasonable and excessive protection to the female gender while permitting such "provocative" dressing habits.

Laws often do not take into consideration that all humans are to begin with.., of the "animal" kingdom. We are all animals whether we may want to admit it or not.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Why does it ALWAYS have to be Japan to be the only country with common sense. I feel like all of us westerners are living in a bizzaro world where facts are ignored.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

It is the responsibility of a man not to commit a sexual assault, not the woman. A woman will be attractive to a man whether she is wearing nothing at all, or a burqa.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Women dress provocatively in order to attract the attention of men

Women dress provocatively in order to attract attention. From women as much as men.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Women dress provocatively in order to attract the attention of men. If there were no men in the work would women wear short skirts? You bet your bottom dollar they wouldn't! So, yeah as one other poster said, be careful what you wish for

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

The dress code at Japanese schools is for long skirts. When the girls leave the school grounds they roll them up.

Actually the dress code is for skirts to be at knee length, if that is a "long" skirt to you ok.

Long skirts USED to the the fashion with HS girls, and when I say long, I mean down to the ankle. Towards the end of the 80's into the 90's and after the length got shorter. Neither were according to "school" rules, the short one's or long one's.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Saiko, you’ve missed the point. Entirely.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I wonder how many women were consulted when making this poster.

The skirt in the poster is a couple of centimeters above the knee. Is that "short"? It's not particularly revealing.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@tmarie - - - Apparently you're not looking around at various train stations.... there are a lot of "posters" that basically are trying to prevent or discourage groping. Maybe that is why you received the thumbs down.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Immature MEN who are primal savages that refuse & can't be civilized among the rest of the mature kind hearted intelligent & strong gentlemen, IS the issue here. Not how a woman dresses.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I can only laugh that that the men here think I was referring to them rather than posters that hang in stations.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I don't know why they apologized. They are right.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

You guys can try baju kurung as school uniform

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I let my girls wear whatever they want, but I'm not waiting for all the chikan to disappear from Earth, before telling my girls to "be careful". Telling girls it's a beautiful world out there and all men are respectful is just as wrong.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So they don't do this in the west?

You mean the roughly half the planet that is encapsulated by the term ‘the west’? Yeah, it’s known to happen.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

So they don't do this in the west?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Where are all the posters telling gropers to keep their hands to themselves?

Right. That would surely end groping.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Where are all the posters telling gropers to keep their hands to themselves?

6 ( +11 / -5 )

More victim blaming. Sexual predators will attack anyone they believe is vulnerable, or if they think they can get away with it. Why do you think they often zero on the quiet girls, or the ones they believe are not attractive? Because no one will believe them. The only person to blame is the attacker.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

To be fair, they used the kanji "yuuhatsu" - 誘発 - which would better be translated as "lead to" or "attract" rather than "cause." That is, the onus is still on the perpetrator.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Actually, university students have told me the opposite is true. I have been told that girls roll up their skirts so that they won't be groped on the train. I thought that was back to front until they explained.

The chikan choose weak-looking targets, ones that will not fight back or protest. They go for the shy ones who will be too afraid to make a scene, the ones in longer skirts.

Appearance can be misleading.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

School girls shouldn't be blamed for wearing short skirts. I was not surprised that this poster received uproar.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

How about schools offer self-defense classes as part of the P.E. curriculum?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

How any female chooses to dress is never an invitation for inappropriate comments or contact.

That hardly matters if some men think it is. I think there is a difference between victim blaming and warning potential victims of possible dangers. The poster could probably have been worded better. Something along the lines of, "Wearing a short skirt should not be an invitation to perverts, but some men think it is. Be careful!"

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I still remember from years ago, one student who had rolled her skirt up so high that when she sat at her desk and leaned forward all you could see from the back was her peach-colored panties with white lace trim.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

when the girls leave their houses they roll them up

3 ( +5 / -2 )

They shouldn't be forced to wear revealing clothing, if that isn't something they enjoy. Dress codes which require short skirts without other, more modest options, shouldn't be allowed.

The dress code at Japanese schools is for long skirts. When the girls leave the school grounds they roll them up.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

How any female chooses to dress is never an invitation for inappropriate comments or contact.

They shouldn't be forced to wear revealing clothing, if that isn't something they enjoy. Dress codes which require short skirts without other, more modest options, shouldn't be allowed.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

You know.... I gotta think, for the real twisted types that might grope or molest, these short skirts must drive them crazy with desire. Hey, I'm a guy and I'd be 100% absolutely lying to you if I said I'm totally immune to looking a bit more at a girl with a short skirt versus a long one. I don't have a daughter but I would not want her parading around in a short skirt.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

A former female coworker of mine one commented to me that she thought the really, really, short skirts on HS girls looked "cute" and "kind of sexy". She had zero problem with her own daughter wearing her skirt that short and showing off whatever she had "on" (or not) underneath.


13 ( +14 / -1 )

I think there is a difference between saying that the way someone dresses attracts attention from chikan and blaming the actions of the chikan on the person who dresses inappropriately.

For instance, what real right does a women walking up the street wearing a bikini in the middle of fall have to complain about being catcalled at.?

Is she responsible for the molesting perverted thoughts and actions of the cat callers?


Should she possibly dress more appropriately for the weather and use common sense? Is it normal for someone to wear a bikini in fall outside in public?


Using a more personal example, I basically wear nothing but sweater and jeans all year round. 40 degree weather, I am wearing sweater and jeens. You never see me wear anything else. I am made fun of for this, accused of being drug dealer and gangster for the way I dress.

Why? Because the way I am dressed represents a social group (drug dealers gang members)

People equate people wearing sweaters in the boiling hot weather as someone who is up to no good. They wear baggie clothes to hide their criminal activity such as shoplifting etc.

Am I a shop lifter? Am I a drug dealer or criminal?

No. I simply dress this way because my body is different and I find 40 degrees not that hot. I am also sensitive about how skinny I am and don't want people to see my weight.

The point I am making here, is if I get complaints, pulled over by cops, ostricized by peers for the way I dress, in my mind two things arr going on

A) admittedly the way I dress is not normal

B) people are descriminating against me and accusing me of being someone I am not.

If I dress this way, am I the person they think I am? No

Does the way I dress a attract attention from racist discriminatory losers? Yes

Am I responsible for them bei g racist and discriminatory? No

In comparison, I think the way girls dress at times is the same as the above personal example.

They dress the way they do for reasons. Some girls like style or feel more comfortable dressing a certain way. Some girls are just promiscuous.

But should the way they dress be blamed for someones action? No

Is the way they dress acttracting unwanted attention? Yes

Should they possibly use some common sense and dress differently if they don't wish to receive this attention? Possibly, arguably no. Depends on their reason for dressing that way. As in my case where I react differently to temperature, I should not have to dress and feel cold and uncomfortable because people are mocking me. However, if you are walking up the street jiggling your boobs in a bikini in the middle of winter... Well.. I think we can all agree that's a bit different.

In conclusion,

Yes, it is true, short skirts attract the attention of perverts.

Yes it is true the bus is a known place for these perverts to gather.

Yes it is true girls in Japan like wearing them for style.

No, they are not to blame for the perversion of others.

No, advising women to dress differently when putting themselves in a situation in which they know they will be surrounded by perverts.. Is not suggesting that they are to blame. It is telling them to take precautions against these people, because these people are attracted to that sort of dress. It is the same thing as telling someone to make sure to bring protection to the bar, to carry a gun when in a bad neighborhood.

So.. I feel that people have really over reacted to this poster in other words.

-18 ( +10 / -28 )

A former female coworker of mine one commented to me that she thought the really, really, short skirts on HS girls looked "cute" and "kind of sexy". She had zero problem with her own daughter wearing her skirt that short and showing off whatever she had "on" (or not) underneath.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Nothing like victim blaming. What causes sexual assaults are weak, deprived individuals fed on a constant diet of hypersexualized, infantalized, objectified women.

29 ( +34 / -5 )

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