Japan Today

Asian tourist hubs ready for Chinese influx

By Sara HUSSEIN and Tomohiro OSAKI

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So much is inaccurate in this article that it should be rewritten

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

For example?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

"Chinese tourists are our main customers, so the more the merrier."

-12 ( +3 / -15 )


”Thailand, which is also not imposing new rules, is hoping for around five million Chinese tourists this year, less than half the number who came in 2019.”

This is incorrect.

All tourists need to be doubly vaccinated or have a negative PCR test.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

I hope they have learned better manners this time around.

18 ( +28 / -10 )

He is hoping for a "full house again... because Chinese tourists come in large groups".

Ugh. They're ill-mannered pests. People will never learn, the short term financial hit is all that really matters.

8 ( +19 / -11 )

Now - with Covid exploding in China - is not the time to be welcoming Chinese tourists. Doing so will overwhelm Japan's healthcare system.

Sadly some people think only of money and themselves.

16 ( +23 / -7 )

Ugh. They're ill-mannered pests. People will never learn, the short term financial hit is all that really matters.

Well. It is true that some of these Chinese tourists (usually the older ones) do not have good manners or maybe do not under japanese etiquette.

I was told I should not be eating while walking in the street in Japan. While I was there, I saw many Japanese eatting in the street.

I saw drunk salayman yelling in the train station. One guy even collapsed and lying flat on the floor.

Someone made a good comment online. It is too long to be reposted here. Below is the link.


Are all Western tourists in Japan well behaved?

-17 ( +7 / -24 )

China wants to infect the rest of the world with their new, more virulent strains. If they drag other nations down to their level, it's a big win in their eyes. There should be a ban on all travel from China.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Ugh. They're ill-mannered pests. People will never learn, the short term financial hit is all that really matters.


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you are from UK/Australia/US. Are there no ill-mannered tourists from these places? Moreover, the quiet and polite Chinese tourists don't get noticed. But believe me they exist. We have to stop labeling all people from one country based on only the worst cases.

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

“I hope they have learned better manners this time around.”

LOL! Not that n a billion years. The Chinese threw away all of their manners during its tragic Cultural Revolution, and that’s why most of them behave like hayseeds.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Japan depends on consumption of Chinese tourists or import from China, on the other hand, increase military budget on the excuse of neighbouring countries including China as threat.

It looks like very strange.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Think (and this is a generalised comment) in China you have to be assertive, in Japan subservient. So there might be a problem with understanding on both ends of this candle. But if you want tourists to visit from other culture expect hiccups. Cash over rides all these small problems.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

This article is about a week or so early! The Lunar New Year is January 22nd this year, and if China has no restrictions on travel, without or without the country, we can expect an explosion of COVID cases there and abroad.

I think that Japan should make it mandatory for all travelers, not just from China, but all foreign travelers to carry health insurance that includes covid coverage when entering the country. Other countries have made it mandatory and Japan should too!

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Maybe China is waging a biological warfare against the rest of the world just as they did at the time of the Wuhan outbreak. Their weapon of choice is not ballistic missiles but millions of Covid-infected Chinese tourists.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Money talks baby! So Covid walks!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Welcome Chinese people!!..

Welcome China!!..

China and Japan brotherhood won't be destroyed for the envy and geopolitic whines of decadent west.

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Fighto!: "Now - with Covid exploding in China - is not the time to be welcoming Chinese tourists. Doing so will overwhelm Japan's healthcare system."

Love it! Coming off a major holiday in Japan where people took little to no precautions and the infections are skyrocketing, and you look at the Chinese. You know what it is when you treat and persecute people because they are different (but acting or behaving the same in this case), right?

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

The wealthy Chinese with lots of $$$$$ to travel and $tay in expensive hotels do not behave well. The poor Chinese who do not travel bevcause they do not have the money to travel are the well behaved ones which Japan will not see this year.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

CrickyToday  09:22 am JST

Think (and this is a generalised comment) in China you have to be assertive, in Japan subservient.

You are obviously confusing "Polite" and "Well Mannered" with Subservient".

Chinese tourists groups are widely known throughout all tourist spots both Asia and Europe as being ill mannered and loud.

"Although destination countries welcome the money spent by Chinese travelers, locals often can’t stand the chaos and hassle some Chinese tourists bring to their countries. They consider them to be loud, rude, pushy, and all over the place. "


8 ( +13 / -5 )

In 2020 China did nothing to keep their tourists from spreading Covid all over the world. Here we are 3 years later and they are doing it again. This time even the WHO is pointing out that China isn't being upfront with their data.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

"Japan depends on consumption of Chinese tourists . . . "

Depends on are rather strong words, aren't they? IMO, it looks more like a question of adapting and doing without. For example, look at Russia. It looks as though it has a really big head on its shoulders because it's been awash in petrodollars. Now that they have gotten rich and fat, so to speak, Russia has a very high sense of pride and arrogance in itself which has not been seen before. True, before it had military swagger, but not economic swagger like it does now. China is very much the same way, however, these two countries have not given up on their old authoritarian (communist?) ways. Thus, the world has to take a stand when it comes to human rights and respecting the sovereignty of neighboring countries, and that is the keystone to healthy international relations, not: How much money am I going to make or lose in 2023 because of Chinese tourists?

Making a quick buck is all secondary in the grand scheme of things. If China and Russia take on more of a role as partners in a peaceful and healthy global economy, then that's fine. However, when you act and behave like a bully and expect everybody around you to jump because they threaten to use force against you is unacceptable, and no country should be enthusiastic about doing business with such dictatorships.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

You are obviously confusing "Polite" and "Well Mannered" with Subservient". I think “polite”, “ well mannered” are just as usual a euphemism for timid or subservient. As I said generalisation. Although have to say seen Japanese people completely loose it at the check out. Or on the street . So generalisation. Like people saying Chinese people are rude, load and pushy. It’s a generalisation. Racism can be both ways generally.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

In fact, Thailand has now imposed proof of a mandatory vaccine and a negative PCR test will not suffice.

Even the non infected are being discriminated against now.

It is obvious that a large number of Chinese tourists will be infected on arrival thus spreading their new variants to other countries-the merry go round has started up again…

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

In fact, Thailand has now imposed proof of a mandatory vaccine and a negative PCR test will not suffice.

Even the non infected are being discriminated against now.

Really now, everyone has to follow the same rules, and it is not discrimination, as there is no outward way of identifying who is infected or not!

Give it a break!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I say Let'em loose.

They can't do any more damage than the natives.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I'm not looking forward to the return of large hordes of ill mannered Chinese tourists..

0 ( +6 / -6 )

When I lived in Hong Kong, the locals used to complain about the Mainland tourists all the time even though many got rich out of them. We expats found it funny as it was a common stereotype from Westerners that Hong locals were also ill mannered and rude - a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. To the Chinese we were just Gweilo! Culture is a funny thing isn’t it?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

There were plenty of North China Mandarin speakers in Hokkaido on our recent trip. It's possible they are residents but I suspect some have already been able to flee the uncertain conditions of the Mainland either flying out directly or through another country or territory.

They are certainly spending money so that helps the local economy.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

When I lived in Kobe for many years there were always Chinese tourists who even come in on ships. Never found them a problem. Mostly for shopping.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

I just got back from China a few days ago. Not vaccinated so I had a pre-flight PCR test. And QR code. Entering Osaka airport involved lots of walking and constant orders to show my QR code, which was on paper. No one asked for my vaccine certification or my ¥8000 PCR test. Just, QR, QR… At the final stage, as a PResident I had my own single lane customs immigration line for myself. There was 400+Chinese tourists lined up in the other lanes. No social distancing. My only problem was they wouldn’t accept my paper QR code. I had to fill in the usual entry form. Why is the QR digital form so important?

I had to wait around the airport for about an hour. Some Chinese I recognized from my flight finally emerged. For me, fill in the paper form and two minutes, for them one hour!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )


> Really now, everyone has to follow the same rules, and it is not discrimination, as there is no outward way of identifying who is infected or not!

Do you see the problem with that point?

Forcing people to vaccinate in order to enter another country?

Plenty of people show negative on the PCR test (as I have done many times) and do not contract Covid.

Why are people being forced to vaccinate (multiple times) without the results of said vaccinations being efficacious?

However, many vaccinated people also contract Covid and are now being allowed to travel without anyone being none the wiser.

Therein lies the problem and that problem is a rise in cases

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

If China simply educated their people about respecting other cultures, they would be more welcomed around the world. Japan's government should work with China on some kind of educational outreach program. I get the impression that those in Japan's travel industry hate dealing with Chinese tourists.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Thailand, which is also not imposing new rules, is hoping for around five million Chinese tourists this year, less than half the number who came in 2019.

Tourism accounted for nearly 20 percent of Thailand's national income before the pandemic, with China its largest source of foreign tourists.

"This is an opportunity to restore our economic situation and recover from losses we suffered for nearly three years," Thai Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul Anutin said Thursday.

Good on Thailand. I have personally never been that interested in travelling there; was always more fascinated by Japan and South Korea growing up. But nowadays Bangkok looks like a genuinely fun place where tourists can feel free to visit and have a good time regardless of where they were born or their nationality. That's how it should be - and with the country actually able to move on from all the public health ideological dogma, I think it demonstrates a better mentality going into 2023. A good thing for the Thai people and I will keep an open mind about visiting.

Japan on the other hand has become an utter circus and an embarrassment. I am a visa holder and thus a resident - but if that were not the case, I would be less interested in travelling to Japan right now. Travelling out of Japan and then back in is an utter nightmare. For example, between the US immigration, PCR clinic, Japan's Quarantine officers, Japan's immigration/customs, and the airline companies, I will have now shown or sent my passport to like over ten people - its also time consuming to deal with all of these online quarantine check systems purely for the sake of confirming that I am a nice and obedient, Covid compliant traveler. Not very safe information security wise, either. This information doesn't need to be nor should it be entered into countless databases across the internet. Also, imagine wanting to travel to a country where you will automatically be viewed and treated as a liability because Japan views itself as more "enlightened and safety-conscious" on the public health spectrum. It has turned into a full blown religion here. Props to the rebellious youths in places like Shibuya, Roppongi, and Namba who no longer/never cared - but unfortunately due to Japan's hierarchy worship, that is not the norm.

It's lame. Japan is starting to embody it's stereotype as a society of old people who care more about the principle of following rules and norms, than seeking the truth as to whether said rules and norms are actually effective at addressing problems.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Spot on wolfshine - comparing Covid obsession to a cult is apt. It’s almost become a case of oneupmanship - who can show the most submissive and deferential behaviour is somehow the superior citizen. Omicron variants from Mainland China are already here. All the checks and absurdities at the airport make no difference. Plastic dividers and shields make no difference, neither do paper masks. I’m triple vaxxed. So what. I can still spread it just as easily as someone who isn’t. Everything needs to dropped now. Medical experts should never be allowed to run a country.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

The respite was nice while it lasted.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@Wolfshine & @Stephen both get it.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

CrickyToday  11:39 am JST

You are obviously confusing "Polite" and "Well Mannered" with Subservient". I think “polite”, “ well mannered” are just as usual a euphemism for timid or subservient.

You should try looking up the definitions of those terms to see that they are not synonyms by any stretch of the imagination.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I'm not looking forward to the return of large hordes of ill mannered Chinese tourists..

This I agree with ill mannered tourists are a royal pain!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Forcing people to vaccinate in order to enter another country?

Where have you been for the past 3 years or so? This is a common practice now, and still in effect for countless numbers of countries as a condition of entry.

The way you write sounds like you just woke up yesterday!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Here in Japan we simply love Chinese tourists and we love our close neighbour, China.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Sadly some people think only of money and themselves.

Sadly most of the World has no livelihood without money.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

YubaruToday  03:54 pm JST

Forcing people to vaccinate in order to enter another country?

Only about half the countries in the world have mandated vaccines for entry.

I have never had to show proof of vaccination to all of the countries I have traveled to since Covid came on the scene and I never will…

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I am looking forward to the Chinese tourists coming so that they can dilute the number of Covid infected Japanese on the trains.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The move, announced in late December, sparked a frenzy of trip planning, with searches spiking for Macau, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and South Korea.

Bring it on!

wolfshineJan. 8  02:03 pm JST

Good on Thailand. I have personally never been that interested in travelling there; 

Thailand has so much more than Japan in many categories.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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