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© 2015 AFP11 Chinese military aircraft fly near Japanese islands
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To all the naysayers out there saying "China won't do anything" think again.
Time to move the troops a little bit faster than 2019 I do believe.
Matt Hartwell
Would seem like an appropriate time for another batch of Japanese "naval exercises" around those islands, with an invitation out to Japans allies.
Yubaru, What are you implying? What Think Tank do you work for?
Contradictory information here. If the planes made flights close to neighboring islands they most certainly violated Japanese airspace and Japan has every right to defend and protect it's land and airspace.
Playing games like this is dangerous, around uninhabited islands it's one thing, but in areas with large a large population it's upping the stakes. Japan has missile batteries down there already. Next time they should use them.
The Chinese will attack when the time is right, make no mistake about that. Japan will get weaker as its population shrinks and ages.
Seirei Tobimatsu
Hoping cyber war can deactivate destructive weaponry
While the article is light on details, it is entirely possible that the Chinese planes flew near the islands and even between the main island of Okinawa and Miyakojima without violating Japan's territorial waters. Territorial waters are far different from Japan's EEZ or ADZ.
The below link includes a map that clearly shows each of these areas and shows the area between Miyakojima and the main island of Okinawa that is not part of Japan's territorial waters, which is limited to 22 km from land.
I like reading Chinese classics. Japan learned a lot from China in the past. Many Japanese read the Chinese classics as westerners read Greek and Roman classics. I am confused about the current behaviors of China and Chinese people which are far from civilization.
" Claimed by a Handful of other countries", which, apparently, are not worth the bother of typing their names into this story.
Gary Mccollom
China is just pissed that America ignored them insofar as their fake claim to the islands that China made.
Fascinating that China calls America's move as hostile and yet they think they can just make some islands in the open sea and claim all the area around them as their own.
In any event I am not overly concerned because the last thing China wants is war, with anybody connected to the west and China is not nearly as advanced as many believe, while they know a bit one can safely assume that most of it was stolen from other counties.
An example that proves this is China's first passenger jet, sure some of it is home made but most of the important stuff is from America.
China better be careful because a little birdy in my head says that if push comes to shove a country like Russia would side with the west.
In 1877 Mori Kenseki published Japanese map but Ayato Terashima pointed out that the map has a positioning error.
1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki.
1951 Treaty of San Francisco
All we need is loving-kindness not a land or the land.
And just last week another ship went by the islands. I've noticed there's been no talk of getting rid of US military since then. Go figure.
I do too. But all the pacifists would still argue those actions would be provocative towards Beijing. Look at how they criticize when US naval ships cruising by china's made made islands. Those ships aren't even violating chinese sovereignty, they're in international waters.
Yeah, and start forming and training a Japanese amphibious assault unit capable of reclaiming an island invaded by foreigners.
That is what the US Marines would do.
@smithinjapan: The sit-in at the gate at Camp Schwab to protest the relocation to Henoko has been going on for over 500 consecutive days. The sit-in at the tent near Henoko fishery harbor to protest the relocation to Henoko has continued for 4,232 consecutive days (11 years and 7 months). The people on Okinawa who are opposed to the relocation of MCAS Futenma to Henoko do not stop their opposition just because a Chinese ship or aircraft comes into the area. And your posts always make it seem like the people of Okinawa are trying to get rid of all of the U.S. Military from Okinawa and that is not true. There are plenty of U.S. Military Facilities and JSDF Facilities on Okinawa that can deal with Chinese Military action with or without MCAS Futenma.
China's military sails and flies provocatively close to other Asian countries. They declare they own the whole South China Sea and build artificial islands for military purposes. And yet Japan is "heightening" tensions for just maintaining the status quo for a few small islands?
The message China is sending is not one from a peace loving nation which wants stability in the region.
Looked like a test run to take over Okinawa and the US bases.
Imagine that scenario. I wonder how much the SDF could "hold them off" until the USAFJ actually assumes command.
japan4life: "There are plenty of U.S. Military Facilities and JSDF Facilities on Okinawa that can deal with Chinese Military action with or without MCAS Futenma."
Shame it's not moving then until it has the agreed upon place to move to then, right? Where's Onaga screaming and shouting that Okinawa needs to be freed from the US? Until then, they will stay where they are, protecting Okinawa as they have been for a long time, and as it is clear they are needed with China stepping up their military training and actions.
"And your posts always make it seem like the people of Okinawa are trying to get rid of all of the U.S. Military from Okinawa and that is not true."
Not true? You have posters and people besides saying they speak for all Okinawans, that they are the "voice of okinawa", and others who flat out say "Get out!" in regards to ALL US troops. They have said that no voices besides the ones wanting the bases out matter, and unintentionally also admitted that opposition to bases don't matter because Okinawans don't have a vote in national security. And now? Sorry, bud, but not a peep, because they are scared that their own words and actions might have the consequences that they've been calling for.
smithinjapan: So it is a completely unreasonable demand that the Okinawans are asking for 1 base the close without replacement, how many base do you actually need to have here. Is this just so you can have your beach resort towns and golf courses?
It's important now to stay resolve in our defensive matters. This was a "tweek" move by the PRC, and make no mistake, more is to follow!!! US-Japan... stand firm together!!
An airplane would not typically be in territorial waters. If you notice, my comment was about airspace, and it is very possible the Chinese entered Japanese airspace.
Where did you get the idea about territorial waters from my post?
Jorge Penha
And Okinawa still dont want the US air base ?
The new US Airbase will do nothing to defend Okinawa. It will have a life expediency of about 30 minutes once the missiles fly.
Then you should be fine sitting in gaikokuland.
Robert Chase
It is ironic that the Chines complain about Japanese occupation but still managed to kill ten times as many of their own people when Confucianism took over. It is alla sad mess the human race needs to get past.
On this you are wrong. Remember the outcry about the Osprey's being based at Futenma? Things got quiet and protests disappeared right after the Chinese started playing games around the Senkaku islands, haven't heard a thing since.
The Chinese themselves are responsible for helping to reduce the opposition to the presence of the US military in Okinawa.
Fair question and I should have explicitly walked through the connection between territorial waters and sovereign airspace.
Sovereign airspace is dictated by the land and territorial waters sitting below it. So, territorial (sovereign) waters would define territorial (sovereign) airspace.
Or, as per Wiki:
The actual Wiki link for this text is below:
The point being that beyond this area, the airspace is international airspace. Countries may declare air defence identification zones but these are unilateral and are not officially recognised or governed by international law. At least, not to my knowledge. Again, Wiki provides a great deal of info on this that is pretty accurate:
I have no doubt that the Chinese planes flew into Japan's ADIZ and did not notify or seek permission from Japan to do so. Just as the U.S. and Japanese governments do not recognise China's expanded ADIZ that covers the are around the disputed islands in the East China Sea.
However, flying into Japan's ADIZ and into Japan's sovereign airspace are two very different things. Not dissimilar to what Russian planes have done around the U.S. earlier this year.
@Yuri. Nice observation. The US proposed "new" US Airbase will do squat. It's up to (the) 11% (such a WEAK #) who are motivated to protect & "defend" both Okinawa and mainland.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for Abe. But if I could, I would- cause nobody out there (Japanese) seem to care.
Dont forget that well over 120 million other people did not vote for Abe, nor had the chance to either. He was elected to the Diet by a minuscule percentage of the entire country. It's the system here, and I think it helps to understand the politics and how things work here when people start making comments about it.
Let's not forget the sad, unconstitutional condition of the whole affair.
I am all for having the backbone to stand up against Chinese aggression, but let's get our house in order, too.
You guys are right. "Change" happens very-very slowly in Japan. My bad. No wonder why the opposition (political party or silent majority) is nearly silent. The LDP has been n' charge for long time.
the refugee
No. they don't. Some want the bases in other prefectures. Some don't care to defend the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands, and why not? They are stolen property.
And lets remember, the Chinese have been patrolling around the islands for a while now, but still many Okinawans don't want the bases and have not changed their mind.
Communism poison their mind. Other Chinese majority countries, Taiwan and Singapore got no problem with their neigbours. KMT, the one who fought Japanese in WW 2 can get along well with the Japanese after WW 2.
The one protesting are not all Uminchu in fact some are not even Japanese.
Basically mainland left wingers are protesting in Okinawa acting as if they are Uminchu. They don't have local voting rights either since they don't even have the decency to register as Okinawa residents. No one listens with attitude like this.
So the Chinese flew their planes in International Airspace. Do not see the problem as it is the response to the Americans flying their bombers over islands belonging to China. Not within 12 miles but directly over the islands and while there is argument if they are islands. Sending in your bombers to intimidate China is not going to work. Triring most residents of Okinawa are sick and tired of the Americans. I remember the last of the guns and bases and the story is told down the generations. Who is going to protect the Okinawa people from the Americans? Really am afraid of them when I encounter an armed MP off base. So in the end so what a few Chinese planes flew around the Pacific? They even had a command and control aircraft to avoid mistakes. My advice to the Americans and their turkey, stop pissing off China! How about talking to them!!!
Yeah, as a young Lance "Cooley" armed in Kanagawa, Tokyo and Saitama . . . . not once did we pose a threat to Japanese Nationals. Heck, they should pat USAFJ members on the back for the mere US presence.
@11% . . . who else can you pat on tha' back with some sort of dignity. Go figure-
You know what happened in 2013 Jan? don't you
**Locking on is equal to the act of hostility, and International Law would have allowed Yudachi to fire
Deflect, Obfusate, and incident with China or NK would get people focused on the outside and not the internal mess here, just like the Chinese do when things go south.
Abe's plan perhaps?
Still I am afraid of armed Americans. There is something about armed foreigners in the streets. I know they have zero respect for the people of Okinawa. As for the Chinese so what they are flying around in international airspace. Maybe they need some long range training. The oceans do not belong to the United States. The people of Okinawa do not want to be part of America's next war with China. Their bases on Okinawa make us a target and will be an excuse for a war. Again let the Chinese fly their planes, give the American and Japanese some air time and follow them. What I hate is the Americans dictating how the people of Okinawa should feel and how they should act and obey their betters the Americans.
Pray tell where do you see "armed Americans"? Oh right, walking down the streets in Okie. Plenty of people fear armed Americas, in America too!
It takes an act of God for us to go off base to incidents. When we do we are always accompanied by a Japanese speaker. Not sure what this has to do with the article or if its just an attempt at fear mongering.
The claims that the bases make Okinawa a target are baseless. When is the last time a country showed aggression towards Okinawa for hosting the bases? Even in the new magazine by ISIS or whatever they go by, they named Japan as a potential target not for hosting American military but for their own policies that have nothing to do with the bases. Go figure this made little coverage on the news, gotta keep the people up to date with the "kawaii" news.
Think the Chinese threat is overblown and is used to justify the American bases on Okinawa. There is a lot of open water between the Ryukyu Islands. The islands are so very small and the ocean so big. How do you expect the Chinese aircraft and ships to get in and out? Why are the Americans bolstering fear? The Philippines is wide open to invasion but not invaded, Japan has the third largest navy in the world.
As for Americans a women remembers getting thrown out of her house by weapon wielding Americans. Having their personal things thrown out as the house is bulldozed. Then these very same Americans claim that China who NEVER invaded Ryukyu is the threat. lngtimewndr I do not trust armed Americans and they should leave their weapons on base locked up unless permission is given to take them out.
I think we can agree tn disagree on this one. I still have no idea what you are talking about in regards to what the article states. How have the Americans bolstered fear? You make comments and cite stories with no supporting evidence. There was also no mention of an example of how Okinawa is a target.
Is the story you are referring to from WW2? If so, what does this have to do with anything? If not, do you have any evidence? You believe that law enforcement because they are Americans, should not be able to protect themselves even on base? I'm sorry, but I am more afraid of the keystones here than the occasional MP off base or on base.
YuriOtani: I don't blame you. I served in okinawa for 5 years, what i was impressed with was the Okinawans, what i was not impressed with is the marines they are very rude.
lngtimewndr for many Okinawa people the sight of armed American makes fear. After war and until reversion the Americans stole land from the point of a weapon. bulldozers and bayonets in the middle of the night to take what little the people of Okinawa had left. It they wanted a piece of land the Americans took it! If you were renting that piece of land, well total loss. You took what you could carry. So to many Okinawa people armed Americans are thief! Thus Okinawa people are more afraid of Americans unlike Chinese who have done none of the above.
Again so why should I be worried about a few Chinese planes. The SDF has interceptors on Okinawa. They can chase them around a bit for a training exercise fun for all. I would be happier if the Chinese air force would circle Guam instead. Their beef is with the Americans not the Ryukyu island peoples. Send some ships as well and do navigational exercises. International seas are so international. The Americans are pissing off the Chinese and it is not our war.
So because you had a few bad experiences with Marines one island, that means that all of them across the Corps are bad and should not be armed in the completion of their duties? I can't imagine that you were in the military at all and did not that the Marines are a rowdy bunch.
So now this is about Okinawans seeing armed MP's and not about the actual article of the Chinese flying closely to Japan and administered islands? Again, that has nothing to do with the current news article. The only time an American is off base armed is when they are responding to an accident or law enforcement incident. Please tell me how many times you have seen armed military members off base in the last five years. I don't believe "many" Okinawans believe everything you say, as posted above a lot of commenters here like to think they know how every one on this island thinks and that they are the voice of them.
Back to the actual topic though, the Chinese military probably circled those islands not in a show of force against America but probably against Japan. After all, it is Japan who took over those islands that has caused many encounters with the Air Force and Coast Guard the past few years. The JMSDF does the same thing in international waters near those disputed islands, what "war" are we in that is not yours?
I would think there would be an incident in the waters between China and Japan before China and the U.S.
YuriOtani: "Again so why should I be worried about a few Chinese planes."
You shouldn't be -- you're in the US. You might not want to speak on behalf of the people who would be affected if China attacked, though.
"Thus Okinawa people are more afraid of Americans unlike Chinese who have done none of the above."
BS. Again you pretend to speak for people who have no right to speak on behalf of, from the US. No one I know in Okinawa is afraid of the US, and most of them know that they depend on the US economically (even if only having them there gets money from the government) and definitely in terms of defense. China showing force would have Okinawans scurrying if the US were not there.
This is well over 40 years ago during the Ryukyu Administration in Okinawa. It is 2015 now, time to stop living in the past.
It can not be the "same" American's as those "American's are all past retirement age or further beyond, your suppositions and inferences about today are so totally wrong that it makes me wonder about your state of mind.
Smith, I will be living full time in Okinawa again with my American war damaged husband. Got hurt in just another American war and is treated as ah "waste product" by his own government.
Ah the Senkaku Islands which have been seized by the Tokyo government. They belong to the people of Okinawa not Japanese. So the Chinese want them as well and since Okinawa has lost them who cares? Just another ploy by the US government to start another war.
As for the planes again they were in INTERNATIONAL AIRSPACE and were not in Okinawa Airspace. The USA flew into Chinese Airspace by flying over those islands. Perhaps talking with them might yield some results? Not islands, well technology means changes and these changes make islands and Chinese airspace.
Again about invading Okinawa, why when China can invade so many countries but does not. More American scare tactics. Again and again China has never attacked Okinawa, now lets look at America and Japan. How many Ryukyu people have both of them killed, land stolen and occupation of Indigenous peoples? Now the thief's tell the victim's to be afraid of the non thieves.
Really? How many U.S. Marine airfields are in Okinawa? I count "1" (Futenma). Did I miss any?
No they were no seized by the Japanese government, they were purchased by the government from a private landowner. Your suppositions are that Okinawa is a foreign country and not a part of Japan are wrong.
They were, according to TV news reports in Japanese airspace, and it isn't semantics either. .
Interesting that you are married to a person who represents the very "evil" that you constantly harp on about. It must be very, very, difficult for you to wake up every morning and be reminded of that when you look at him.
I am sorry your husband got injured and it is no secret that the US government is not taking care of it's veterans as it should be, but he was doing his job and should be respected for his service to his country.
Yes, you missed Ie Island too.
Yubaru my trouble is with the government of the USA not Americans. It is the evil of the government that is getting worse every year, soon it will be an open air prison camp. Any phone call, any email, any message including this one is recorded.
The VA is bad, really bad and will receive better care in Okinawa by the local doctors. My husband is less respectful of the US Military than me.
As for the islands they might as well be seized as the land owners were not allowed to go there. Then they were offered a nothing payment for them. They are suppose to be part of Okinawa Prefecture but have been seized by the national government. All of the resources will be given to friends of Abe for nothing. So let the Chinese take them! Abe wants a war real bad!
Japanese airspace is with 12 miles of the islands not 200! More fear mongering from the allies of Abe and the US DOD in search of another war. A war thich will lay most of Okinawa to waste even if pika don is not used. One hundred thousand or more Okinawa people will die for the lust of war.
Japanese controlled airspace is much larger than you think.
Ha! Japan can not claim control of airspace above international waters! They can try for air traffic control purposes but the USA does not respect the airspace outside of China or Russia. The USA has been flying into the 12 miles national airspace of China. The Chinese stayed out of the 12 mile national airspace of Japan. Some hysterical newspaper ally of Abe is just beating the war drum. In that map of yours Japan is claiming a lot of the Pacific as Japanese territory, what nonsense! International law states that national airspace is only above the land and waters (12 miles from land) of the nation.
Yuri, forget it, you live in a bubble of ignorance and hate and deserve the pain you are feeling because it is self inflicted.
You know, it's your choice to feel the way you do, it's your choice to be upset and angry and ignorant, it's your choice, no one else's.
Dont blame others, you make the choice, "do or not do" from the great Jedi Master. It's no one else Yuri, it's you, do or not do, quit blaming others for your inability to jump into the 21st century. When you make the choice, we all will be waiting.