A 15-year-old girl was hit and killed by a train in an apparent suicide in Fujimi, Saitama Prefecture, on Saturday. According to police, the incident occurred at around 10 a.m. between Tsuruse and Mizuhodai stations on the Tobu Tojo Line, Sankei Shimbun reported.
Police said the train driver told them he saw the girl walk onto the tracks and applied the emergency brake but couldn’t stop in time.
The girl was identified through personal belongings on her body, police said, adding that no suicide note was found.
Nobody on the train was injured, Tobu Railway said.
© Japan Today
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Ayanna Alexander
Truly sad! What would drive a 15 year old to commit suicide..
Michael Machida
Who can remember when they were 15 years old? I was playing in the trees like a monkey waiting for Christmas Day. What drives young people to do this? Has society changed much since I was a child?
More younger people are killing themselves these days, no doubt due to the internet and social media.
Nick Balzano
Lots of things. And some of them are not allowed to be talked about, because social decorum or agenda is more important than human life apparently. So some problems will never get solved.
I remember 15. I wasn't a child but I was extremely stressed and partly for being treated like a child. Everyone grows at different rates, and the difference between different teenagers is especially stark. But some teenagers are not tolerated by society for their growth in some areas, no matter how harmless to others.
Ken Wyatt
What a waste. Better look into why she might have done that. They probably won't though...
Because she probably didn't.
I know the feeling well. If anyone has not ever been in this situation, consider yourselves very, very lucky. People can be very heartless, selfish, self absorbed, self centered, petty, vindictive and cruel and gladly kick you when you are down.
Many of them never change throughout life either.
The Avenger
A large increase in teen suicides almost perfectly coincides with the rise of smart phones, social media, and 24-hour connectivity. Hmmmmm......what it could it possibly be?
My heart goes out to young people. This is probably the first time in history that it's good to be old.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Question the family friends school and check her social media. 15 is too young. Lost my best mate at the age. RIP, follow up story pls JT.
how sad
She Stoped her life but her family will be pass a painful period to next. When Human are falling to deep frustration and unable to decide on needful afterthat they take up wrong way due to their mental disorder. How can we relief from like this situation? Can we?
I'm very sad.
Nick Balzano
The loss of physical freedom which also coincides. About the only time I see young people outside is when going to and from school. And I live in the country. They are sheltered in the worst way. They are prisoners in their own homes and I don't think they even consciously realize it, but it just eats at them. They don't know any different to protest since their friends are the same.
For myself I was often gone from the house from noon to dark and no phone was going to reach me. From about 8 years old and through my teen years, I had real freedom in so many ways.
Poor girl. Poor parents. Sad story.
Count yourself one of the fortunate.
Michael Machida:
Could be a lot of things. We can only speculate. One possibility that always looms large in Japan is bullying at school.
Brian Wheway
I just hope the train co don't sent her parents the clean up bill and the bill for the combo to the train travellers, its adding insult to injury.
Terrible that this young lady chose to take her life. What pain she must have been feeling inside to be driven to this. I also feel for the train engineer -- this type of trauma will effect his life forever.
Apple won't unlock your Kids iPhone for you in order to investigate the cause.
Other 15 year old girls banded together in their exclusive group could be one.