Nineteen employees of Tokyo Metro Co are facing disciplinary action after they colluded to falsify mandatory alcohol tests.
NTV reported Monday that Tokyo Metro officials received an anonymous tip from an employee that nine deputy station masters had pressured junior employees to take the blood alcohol tests in their stead.
According to Tokyo Metro, the nine, whose duties were to monitor train drivers and conductors, said they were worried they would be fired for having alcohol in their system, NTV reported.
Tokyo Metro said the stand-ins took the tests between May 2013 and October this year.
The subway operator has submitted a formal apology to the transport ministry for the actions of its employees and assured that it would work to make sure such behavior would not go unnoticed again.
The 19 employees have received reprimands and demotions.
© Japan Today
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Afraid they would be fired if they got caught with alcohol in their system. Now that's stupid! What do they think would happen if hundreds were killed because of alcohol in their system?
They should have been fired. They were likely drinking AND lied about it. No need nor reason to keep them on.
Hahaha, isn't mendacity a job requirement there? After initial pro forma downtick for getting caught, it's all roses from here on out!
What kind of employees? White glove people pushers or drivers and conductors?
"falsification" : should be the word of the year.
19 falsified tests? 19? A microcosm example of the unique Japaese way.
That Guy
Slow your roll. It does not say they were drunk or drinking on the job. I bet is that they drank the night before, and why not?
This is just the just rewards of a zero-tolerance society. If you can't play fair with people, they won't play fair with you. Its counter-productive. And that applies to DUI as well. You can't drive in the morning. You never know when you are legal to drive again after drinking. Thus, if you want to go to your job in the morning, you pretty much have to give up alcohol. Its not going to happen. You just make criminals of good people, and so good people act like criminals.
A pertinent question rather than a blind assumption. Thumbs up!
Make them go to AA meetings and if this happens again terminate them. I've been clean and sober since 02. I bet those jobs have excellent benefits and pensions. If I make it back to Japan my focus will be the food, the women, the scenery and the shinkasen.
Any principled company would fire their bullying, lying arses, but look who owns Tokyo Metro: