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2,000 Ukrainians, Russians and supporters in Tokyo protest against Russia invasion
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El Rata
Because protesting from the safety of far away country will make Putin change his mind.
Agree with what?
Unfortunately, people don't understand why this is happening in Ukrain. Read the history of Russia and Ukraine and the broken agreements by Ukrain. Also Mr Putin has explained why he has gone in there, if you can find any reports on main stream news etc. Ukraine always was a part of Russia.
It has been found according to the secretary General of the United Nations that the Ukraine never ratified it's borders since 1991. Sort of like Russia invading Russia.
These protests in Japan are meaningless because the Japanese Government has done the maximum they could do by implementing those economic sanctions ( although many people think it’s way too little and pointless ). They can’t and won’t do anything else because there isn’t much else to do except to send it’s own troops to help Ukraine! That isn’t doing to happen and thankfully so because many Japanese soldiers will die pointlessly! Even The US and UK the so called ally of Ukraine are staying out of it without engaging military! Make one think that maybe Ukraine should have been more friendly with Russia rather than the US because US never helps anyone without having an ulterior motive! Watch out Taiwan because when ( not if ) China attacks you’ll be on your own as The US, Japan and Australia won’t lift a finger to help you. Makes you wonder if it’s better to make an ally out of China and Russia rather than the US!
Would say holding a protest in front of the Russian Embassy would provide better optics and responses, but I have a sneaky feeling the Tokyo Police have already alerted would be organizers of their rights and freedoms as non-Japanese in terms of protesting.
The demonstration in Tokyo was only one of many held all over the world. No need to criticize an anti-war movement, what's wrong with peace? Many sat on the sidelines and criticized the anti-war movement when W invaded Iraq on the pretext of WMD. Sometimes this is the only recourse that ordinary citizens have. But never underestimate a people's movement, it has the power to change history.
My sympathies are with the Ukrainians living in Japan who are worried sick about their families back home. I have also seen quite a few Russians support their Ukrainian friends and openly oppose putin’s war.
Demonstrations like these will help embolden all those who oppose putin and hopefully topple him!
Read some Russian history while you are at it. It’s not pretty.
Or, better yet, put the stupid history books down, open your eyes and look at the atrocities Russia is committing in Ukraine RIGHT NOW.
Alan Harrison
I don't think deep down that Japan really cares about what is happening in Europe. Japan's agenda is to retrieve the Kurile Islands. Much as I deplore Russia's action, the Kurile islands are Russian and Japan should stop inflaming this situation by stop harping on about them.
Tony W.
As with Taiwan, the Basques in Catalonia in Spain, and others, if they want no longer to be part of a larger country, they should be allowed to do so and not be banned or bullied into not being independent. Who wants to be part of Russia, at least while Putin is in charge?
It’s a bit of a surprise that there are so many Ukrainians and Russians are living in Japan. I hope they all have proper documents.
And how would you know this? What is happening in Ukraine is going to have a major impact on the entire world including all of Asia. And Japan is a G7 member.
like the violent Maiden Square protesters and the neonazis (Azov, Right Sector and Svoboda) with the help of the army attacking Donbass killing 18000 civilians. Is this the people’s movement you are referring to?
What about Russia placing some missiles in Cuba, a la 1962?
I wasn't around then but "something," tells me the US didn't like it one bit.
Alan Harrison
It’s a bit of a surprise that there are so many Ukrainians and Russians are living in Japan. I hope they all have proper documents.
Why should'nt they have proper documents.
Japan does & should care about what is happening in Ukraine as it a very real model for what would happen in Taiwan if China were to invade. The one major difference is that the US has treaties with Taiwan and would be willing/able to defend them directly.
All other actions being seen now would play out pretty much the same in event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Let's start with one fact. Russia is bombing a nation that was at peace before the invasion. And now add another fact. Putin has lost credibility not only with the world but also with the Russian people.
If that is all you are worried about, maybe time to see a shrink!
Their demonstration in practical fact won’t change anything but morally and ethically is a great demonstration of humanity,democracy and want to show to the world their support for Ukraine.
I’m not Ukrainian but all my heart and support goes to them as well.
Putin’s brutality is bringing the world to the edge of a total war.
I was and it's not any comparison. Ukraine isn't even a NATO member and even if they were that doesn't automatically mean there will be missiles placed there targeting Russia.
Protesting will have no impact at all. Putin has moved on the Ukraine. It was never a cohesive country in its current form anyway. But it may be when this is all over. And Ukraine will be a lot smaller, Russia will be a little larger. But all will be much more culturally representative.
It’ll be a lot poorer, that is for sure.
ふらんしす きこ
korea loves russia so much believe me they will not sanction russia infact they are already preparing to export their chips to them, korean men loves russian girls. and ukraine girls, i don’t think u should be worried about the cleanliness of seoul, u must be more concern with the racism of the koreans to foreigners espcially to indians, souteastasians and african people.
Well done Japan. Stupid nijcuf Russian government.
Yes, the US also promised not to expand NATO one inch further East than Germany in 1990, however the US violated that promise 14 times since. The Ukraine was the "line in the sand" for Putin.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
That's true that in the past 25 years NATO has expanded 14 countries as a wall toward Russia.
Its no surprise at all that putin has gone bonkers and feels threatened.
Halted his pipeline and now pummeling him with sanctions.
Althoughgh the Russian and Ukrainian protest wont foreseeably make a difference , it is good to exercise .
Too scared to protest in front of the Russian embassy ?
NBC just reported that the Russians have killed a 6 year old boy in Kiev.
My own son is about that age. Putin is a monster and anyone defending him is now literally taking sides with a child killer. Its sick.
Bob Fosse
Some do. Read the very first sentence in the article under the headline.
Russia is there because they are led by a mentally incompetent maniac.
In case you didn’t know.
Those kind of instagram-style demonstrations are useless..
As if with that they were going to change the great determination of Russia..
Nice try..
The diplomats are impervious. Any with reservations have much more access to the world's media than their citizens denied it back home. Far better to protest is such a high profile spot than outside an embassy, especially on a weekend.
Putin should have stopped at declaring Donbas independent. Why would he try to overthrow a duly elected government of another country? He obviously doesn’t have majority support in Ukraine so he’s really not saving anybody.
I wasn't around then but "something," tells me the US didn't like it one bit.
and now Putin has all but assured that all NATO countries bordering Russia Ukraine will exponentially increase the number of missiles tanks aircraft in those countries. UK Germany France US have all pledged to send more weapons, its happening now
Actually, every little counts. People showing solidarity against an unjust regime's invasion will help give courage to others and show leaders of the world that something needs to be done. Little by little, Russia will become more an more isolated. Already, there are more and more Russians themselves who have joined the protests. I imagine that as more Russian soldiers are killed and defeated, more Russian families of these dead soldiers will heap the blame on Putin and join in the protests as well. The protests will grow and grow.
Another thing that these protests in other countries does is to raise awareness of the situation and history of war between these two former republics of the Soviet Union.
Every bit helps. Ultimately, Russia wants a redo on the end of the USSR. Ukraine can't negotiate peace because they have no control over the US, NATO or EU. This is about so many things more than the Eastern Russian speaking regions. If it was just that Russia would have rolled in and set a new border.
Hopefully there can be a diplomatic solution.
PS. Did you know there's a region of White Russian speakers in China that's just as big. Funny, don't see Putin making a stink about them being forced to adapt Chinese culture and language...
The Avenger
Someone so close to him, a true patriot of Russia should axe him. He thinks he's bigger than the world.
Ukraine has already given up its nuclear weapons and has singed several agreements/treaties with Putin. Still Putin annexed Crimea, supports/funds rebellions in two regions of Ukraine, and now directly invades the entire country.
The US did not/has not directly invaded Cuba, not at the time of the crises nor in the 60 years since then.
Cuba happened what 60 yrs ago, yes history & needs to be remembered/studied in proper context, but not really applicable right now and definitely not in comparison to Ukraine nor NATO.Christopher J. Thomas
I stand with Ukrainians anywhere, anytime. FREE AND SOVEREIGN!
The Ukrainian participants are geniune... part of the Ukraine population is genuinely anti-russian and supportive of the regime. As those for non-Ukrainian NPCs, all they do is show they uncritically swallow the media propaganda. How many of them could even find the Dombass on a map.
A new government that firmly rejects Nato encroachment and submission under the EU would do the trick.
He cant, as our idiot leaders push him into an ever closer alliance with China. This is so misguided, words fail me.
Absolutely the same. The Nato and EU encroachment would absolutely put Nato missiles into the Ukraine. Putin has been watching the lies and encroachment in Poland, the Baltics, and everywhere else on Russias borders, completey violating all promises made after Gorbachev dissolved the USSR.
Did you read the "Empire of Lies" speech? He clearly lays it out there.
And here you are making racist comments in childish English.
Ukraine has been a sovereign and independent since 1991. You have heard of the fall of the Soviet Union. It's part of history.
Russians protesting against Putin anywhere in the world are brave to do so, knowing Putin can send his agents outside Russian borders with poison to get them, or maybe get their families back in Russia.
Stand strong against Putin and all other tyrannical regimes, no I do NOT see Canada and New Zealand as tyrannical in any way.
Good on Japan if it has allowed this protest to take place. Many reasonable people around the world see what Putin is doing and want him, his oligarchs and other thugs made aware they are opposed to any more invasions and murders of innocent civilians.
The extreme right in the west and east seem to be glorying in Putin's carnage. They want a strong leader, a leader who is not afraid to set off another world war. But if Putin does, he along with billions of others will not be around to see how history records his deeds, if we're all turned to ash.
There was a news report or documentary years ago that said Putin was in East Germany as part of the KGB when the Berlin Wall came down and that he was afraid he was going to get killed there. They said he may be trying to rekindle the Soviet Union in his own image. He is over 70 years old now so this may be his last hurrah so to speak, but it could be he bit off more than he could chew. It is most likely he may win, but the longer this goes on, the worst it gets for Putin. The rule of thumb in this case is that he can win all the battles yet still lose the war. As for the protesters, every little bit counts no matter where they are protesting.
Just to clarify; Im not saying the US is, was, has ever been perfect. I am not naive nor an ideologue.
My point is simple: Comparing Cuba to NATO or the Ukraine is asinine.
NATO does not "expand" by invading or coercing other countries to join. It expands only when a country itself wants to join.
If Russia has a problem with NATO, all it has to do is conduct itself in a manner that would not cause these smaller nations to want to join NATO.
Let's not forget Belarus as an accomplice to these crimes against humanity. They will pay dearly for this.
I don't think deep down that you really deplore Russia's action as you seem to believe force is everything.
If and when Putin took complete control over Kiev, you would be saying Ukraine is not sovereign and all Russian.
Hito Bito
All across the internet, right now, particularly in the English usage Western-oriented media that allows comments, suddenly, there's a huge surge in brand new accounts posting, almost unamimously, either outright pro-Russian/Putin talking points or else outright denigration of Ukrainian sovereignty/The West.
This place, apparently, is no exception. Understand that you are being manipulated by new accounts with western-sounding names that want you to think that all this pro-Kremlin talk is coming from your own ranks and not from the agents of aggression.
The protests are good, wherever, whenever and however they occur. Russians who are joining in the demonstrations are especially welcome (given that to do so inside Russia is likely to end in violence and a stripping of their freedoms by the regime).
The worldwide outrage against Russian totalitarian aggression is real, and it's growing. Stay tuned, Vlad-lovers.
Yeah, but thats OK. The Javelin missiles turning Russian armor into smoldering piles of scrap metal seem to be doing the trick.
Are you volunteering?
Christopher J. Thomas
You have a President flacked up head to toe battling for Ukraine and the former President who put political difference's aside to do one thing with his brother in arms.
To keep alive the right to debate one another and elect politicians to run the country seen fit by its people.
This is a fight for Democracy and we can see living free is paid by the blood of those whose choose not to live under the boot.
Ukraine must not fall. No matter the cost.
It’s going to take a lot more than standing, you may have to pick up something and DO something about it.
You seem unaware of history. Did you forget or never know in the first place that the original Baker-Gorbache agreement very clearly said that Nato would NOT encroach into the previous Sovjet client states, leaving a a large buffer zone between Western Europe and Russia?
Nato, with the approval of subsequent US administrations since then kept violating that agreement, putting Nato installations into Poland, the Baltics etc. Obamas admin then went as far as expanding into the Ukraine. Putin repeatedly said that that is a red line. Which it is.
Did you read the "empire of lies" speech? Tell us where that is wrong.
That is correct. But Nato can decide who gets to join.
Putin asked in 2008 to join Nato, and was refused. Instead, Nato accepted invitations from all neighbouring countries to join, gradually eliminating the promised buffer zone and putting Nato troops nose-to-nose to Russia.
How do you call such a policy?
Not true. He was not refused.
“Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ And [Robertson] said: ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ And he said: ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.’”
Putin only wanted to join on his own terms, ie as top dog.
Note too that or countries 'don't matter'. there's clue as to why the former USSR countries would rather not get in bed with Putin.
No country is ever invited to join NATO, they apply to join.
A pretty sound one that kept a lunatic out of NATO.
Sven Asai
Nothing substantial or really changing will happen, because , however bad this is all now in detail, on the other hand an antipode is always and urgently needed. That was or could be a Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, Ghadafi, Khomeini, Assad, Kim, Xi or now Putin and so on, something like a single crazy person , a dictator or whatever any other axis of evil etc. If they really were all away or not anymore existing and finally a peace would be for only one second, immediately a new one would be created and given to the global public to punch on. Diverting from massive own errors is the necessary procedure for every conflict starter followed. That has currently just nothing to do with Putin or Ukraine, those are only replaceable variables at the chessboard. The next obvious ones on the horizon are China-Taiwan or the two Koreas, for example, and quite a list of other next conflict couple candidates.
"I was and it's not any comparison. Ukraine isn't even a NATO member and even if they were that doesn't automatically mean there will be missiles placed there targeting Russia."
With all due respect, I beg to differ.
1) Cuba was then as independent as Ukraine is now.
2) Cuba wasn't a Warsaw Pact Member, therefore the US contended the USSR had no "right" to do what it did; just reverse the names of the participant, forward it to 2022.
3) A "sovereign" decision taken by an "independent" Government didn't stop a foreign Government from raising a stink about it, ultimately threatening nuclear war if necessary.
4) What's the "guarantee" NATO missiles won't be installed following Ukraine's membership?
5) Putin is playing safe; "better safe than sorry", et al. Not my place to judge Russia's feelings on this.
6) To the claims "but Ukraine is independent", Cuba was independent too!
I am not usually fond of Russia's actions, but there you go.
Alan Harrison
And how would you know this? What is happening in Ukraine is going to have a major impact on the entire world including all of Asia. And Japan is a G7 member.
Read a headline in the Japan Times. Japan absent from SWIFT action.
Richard Gallagher
The invasion of the Ukraine, signals the obsolescence of NATO. It marks the end of US dominance and diminishment of the American Empire. The EU, Russia and China are the emergent dominant economic forces shunting aside the so-called indispensable nation.
The Ukraine is a US pawn, which will be sacrificed to a failed geopolitical stratagem. Which is the result of a historical and political process that began with Bush the elder and his New World Order - was continued by Clinton, as post-Soviet Russia was integrated into the neo-liberal economic order embraced by Clinton and those of his ilk. Putin being a creation of The West.
The foreign policy aka geopolitical so-called realpolitik enacted in the Ukraine by the likes of Victoria Nuland, HRC, Albright, various NGOs, Obama and Biden is the root cause of the current crisis. Which could have been avoided thru genuine diplomatic means.
Instead, the world teeters on the cusp of WW3 ans possible nuclear conflict.
All and any protests should be welcome.
Meaning Japan is sure not swift but doesn't mean it won't coordinate with others to suspend SWIFT.
Read other source too especially during this kind of emergency