Japan Today

China complains to Japan after 2 activists land on disputed island


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Okay, here we go. We all have front row seats.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Very good to see Japanese landing on the isle. Let's wait for China's reaction.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

A landing on the island by pro-Beijing nationalists in August marked the start of a sudden worsening of relations between China and Japan

NO, IT DID NOT. Tokyo Gov. "marked the start" by announcing BACK IN APRIL that his administration would arrange for the purchase of the disputed territory.

21 ( +25 / -4 )

JeffLee: "NO, IT DID NOT. Tokyo Gov. "marked the start" by announcing BACK IN APRIL that his administration would arrange for the purchase of the disputed territory."

I mentioned this yesterday as well. The J-media is indeed doing a good job of spinning things and making it seem like China started all this when it was Tokyo.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

We need to urge everyone to put common sense before anything else.... national pride means nothing is there is no one left to feel the pride but ashes.... War is miserable, much more miserable than the decade of economic stagnation the Japanese economy has been experiencing. Lets not make a chagne for the worse.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So, the 2 Japanese activists landed and left suddenly.

Probably informed to get out quickly as 1,000 Chinese fishing boats were due to arrive.

And what good is landing on the island? These selfish acts prove nothing, only incitement.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Here we go, let the games begin...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Good point JeffLee, and in fact, I wouldn`t be surprised if the whole crisis was concocted at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, where Ishihara gave his speech back in April.

Timeline - In April, Tokyo`s conservative right-wing governor Ishihara visits Washington and has a meeting at the neo-con infested "think-tank" Heritage Foundation. He then gives a speech at the foundation saying he wants to "protect Japanese territory" by buying the disputed Sendaku Islands.

Predictably, all hell breaks loose and the Japanese people are treated to round-the-clock TV images of rioting Chinese burning up and breaking anything Japanese owned in the country. Fear/tension levels rise.

The Chinese reaction towards Japan, unsurprisingly, fans nationalist sentiment in Japan, leading likely to general elections early next year which could well see the LDP (and Ishihara`s son - how convenient) return to power, most likely in a coalition with the right wing Restoration Party lead by extreme nationalist Mr.Hashimoto.

FF to Sept 17 - Leon Panetta visits Japan and announces that "U.S. and Japanese officials have agreed to put a second missile defense system in Japan."

Caaa-ching! Mission accomplished.

The Heritage Foundation and neo-cons have a record of fanning flames in order create predictable outcomes that turn into money making/power grabbing opportunities. Remember this Bush era neo-con quote? "We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

11 ( +12 / -1 )

THIS GOES OUT TO EVERYONE, we need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best in this situation. Water, rice, and basic necessities need to be stored away in case of an emergency. IF this scales into war, we will be in trouble if we are not ready. At this point, it doesn't look good. The Chinese government is not doing its part to hold back and the Japanese government is not backing up either so war IS imminent.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

So what I dont understand is that if the islands are so well guarded by Japanese patrol boats, how on EARTH are the able to get ashore?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Anyone else sick of the propaganda on both sides? Turn on the news and all you see is the demos in China. No mention of Ishihara being the spark for all of this. Both sides playing victim. Sick of it all. Grow up and act like civilized nations and get your butts into a room and talk it out.

7 ( +9 / -3 )

For a nation that wants to be viewed as a piece loving county there are sure those people that love to do things that could lead to a war... So stupid and if it does lead to war surely no one will say, WE STARTED IT.... No no it will be, YOU STARTED IT!!

Fact is Japanese people cannot remember war so they do not know what to fear!!!! They are not taught history correctly so they have no fear of war!!! Fools!

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The first casualty of war is the truth and it is a very bad sign that the fibbing has already begun in earnest. .

7 ( +7 / -0 )

These two need to be arrested immediately for tresspassing. BTW, how did these guys get by those "1,000" Chinese fishing boats?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

There's been zero word of any arrest of these two, and I'm assuming they did not land with permission. Is everyone just free to go there now that they've been nationalized?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'd like to see a law on the books criminalising any deliberate attempt to endanger relations with another nation. Might give some of these knuckle-draggers pause for thought. If they think....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I'm going to go there and claim it gogogo's land ... see what the heck happens then :)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The Chinese government is not doing its part to hold back and the Japanese government is not backing up either so war IS imminent.

War is not imminent. People who believe ad state such things are just fear mongering and stirring a pot that no one wants to see happen. The world is not going to idly sit by and let Japan and China get into an armed conflict.

China is the "new" bully on the block, (Japan used to be one economically) and is pushing it's weight around.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The waters around the islands need to have anti-ship mines placed in them, and the beaches of the islands themselves should be filled with landmines.

That will keep the activists of both sides out, and when we place that warmonger there, keep Ishihara in!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Anyone want popcorn to watch this "Battle of the Rocks" show? I can deliver. Cooked fresh daily from Sakai and to your order. Enjoy the battle of the rocks!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

There's been zero word of any arrest of these two, and I'm assuming they did not land with permission. Is everyone just free to go there now that they've been nationalized?

ChoiLeeInJapan, sorry I mean smithinjapan, yep. The islands have been Japanese territory since 1895 therefore, errmm, that means that it is not illegal for Japanese people to set foot on Japanese territory. Hope that clears the confusion up for you.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

I mentioned this yesterday as well. The J-media is indeed doing a good job of spinning things and making it seem like China started all this when it was Tokyo.

Yeah, definitely all Tokyo's fault. The first invasion on the island by the Hong Kong activists, Tokyo's fault. The Japanese ambassadors car being attacked in China, Tokyo's fault. The Chinese president threatening Japan, Tokyo's fault. The sea incursions by the Chinese navy, Tokyo's fault. Activists trying to storm the Japanese consulate in Hong Kong, Tokyo's fault. The riots in China attacking the Japanese consulate, Tokyo's fault. The 1,000 Chinese boats heading towards the islands, Tokyo's fault. The withdrawal of Chinese sports teams from events that have nothing to do with the island dispute, Tokyo's fault.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Well Tigers, if you'd like to look at who squeezed a sore simple, that would go to Ishihara who is... Japanese.

There's been zero word of any arrest of these two, and I'm assuming they did not land with permission. Is everyone just free to go there now that they've been nationalized?

No kidding eh? Perhaps I should get a boat and put a Canadian flag on it and see what happens?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Does Japan have any bargaining chips NOW on the escalating confrontation with China? Warship or AKB48?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The islands have been Japanese territory since 1895 therefore, errmm, that means that it is not illegal for Japanese people to set foot on Japanese territory

Wrong! 100% Wrong!

While the islands are Japanese territory the national government has put the islands off limits for all Japanese people as well. Anyone wanting to visit the islands has to get special permission to do so. Even the government types that went there to check out the islands prior to the national government purchasing them were NOT given permission to land on them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

While the islands are Japanese territory the national government has put the islands off limits for all Japanese people as well. Anyone wanting to visit the islands has to get special permission to do so. Even the government types that went there to check out the islands prior to the national government purchasing them were NOT given permission to land on them.

What's all this 'wrong, 100% wrong'?? The islands are Japanese territory. The government directive was just that, purely a directive to defuse the situation. Legally you cannot charge anyone Japanese for walking on Japanese soil. All this anti-Japanese nonsense about arresting Japanese who land on the island. Before you say 'wrong, 100% wrong' make sure you get it right, 100% right.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

No kidding eh? Perhaps I should get a boat and put a Canadian flag on it and see what happens?

?? No logic to that at all. If you were Japanese and landed on Canadian soil without permission or a visa you would be arrested, just as you would being Canadian and landing on Japanese soil without permission. Your argument makes no sense.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I have a PR. If they aren't going to arrest the Japanese without a permit, why can't I go? I have a visa to be in Japan... if those islands are Japanese...

Sense of humour seems to be missing...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Legally you cannot charge anyone Japanese for walking on Japanese soil.

Want to bet? Try walking on a US Military installation, that's Japanese soil, try a JIETAI Base, an airport runway, a government office building that is off limits to the public. All of those are JAPANESE soil but by law are limited to who has entry.

The government leased the islands, and now OWNS them, they can and do tell anyone who can or can not go there, that is the governments prerogative.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I have a PR. If they aren't going to arrest the Japanese without a permit, why can't I go? I have a visa to be in Japan... if those islands are Japanese...

Sense of humour seems to be missing...

No not missing, I got it, but I do believe TTD is living in some other Japan that we don't know about,

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No not missing, I got it, but I do believe TTD is living in some other Japan that we don't know about,

It's personal opinion. Just like all the anti-Japanese/ pro-Chinese self opinion on here, I am entitled to my view.

The government leased the islands, and now OWNS them, they can and do tell anyone who can or can not go there, that is the governments prerogative.

They are not going to arrest their own countrymen, out of bounds region or not, for supporting Japan's territorial rights. That's common sense. Thos who expect the japanese government to arrest Japanese citizens, especially with all this Chinese antagonism going on, is totally out of touch with Japanese sentiment.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


We need to urge everyone to put common sense before anything else.

Who the hell is "we"? This whole act is being performed by governments and radicals. Unless you have some influence with these people, all "we" can do is sit back and watch the show.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

They are not going to arrest their own countrymen, out of bounds region or not, for supporting Japan's territorial rights. That's common sense. Thos who expect the japanese government to arrest Japanese citizens, especially with all this Chinese antagonism going on, is totally out of touch with Japanese sentiment.

It's called trespassing and they very well could and probably should as well. Japanese sentiment you say? The national government in effect did EVERYONE a favor by purchasing the islands instead of Ishihara-jiji. That would have been a disaster. National sentiment is for peace not antagonizing the situation.

Common sense says that the national government keep those islands off limits and prosecute anyone who fails to follow the law. Your brand of common sense seems to me to let anyone and their mother visit there and further inflame anti-Japanese sentiment in China.

Legally you cannot charge anyone Japanese for walking on Japanese soil. All this anti-Japanese nonsense about arresting Japanese who land on the island. Before you say 'wrong, 100% wrong' make sure you get it right, 100% right.

So you are 100% wrong right? Before you are "right" make sure you aren't wrong!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

National sentiment is for peace not antagonizing the situation.

Your argument is far too prejudiced. Whilst the Chinese are rioting and attacking consulates, sending their navy and 1,000 boats to the island, making direct threats at Japan, withdrawing from sporting events, you say that it is the Japanese who are antagonising?? A blinkered one-way argument.

Your brand of common sense seems to me to let anyone and their mother visit there and further inflame anti-Japanese sentiment in China.

Anyone and their mother? So far-fetched that it blows a hole in any argument that you try to justify.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The island issue has been smoldering ever since their economic, and probably strategic importance dawned on Beijing. Which side first escalated the animosity is open to debate. Now let Beijing stop their threats of sanctions and smoothly (!) take the case to the UN as they have hinted they'd do. This will settle the issue for good - I hope.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

People people, relax. While it true, Ishihara may have started this, Noda finished it. Whatever our thoughts on the situation however, let's be realistic. there is not going to be any all out conflict onthe high seas, it is just too expensive, and war is all about profit, not loss. may also add, that everyone living in Japan may have a front row seat to the forecoming, but I As I remember, an arms race and cold war, are no fun to watch. Peace.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So it is "excited dirty racist right wing fascist" Japanese against "clean nice polite always discrete and quiet" Chinese, uh? Something is wrong here.

The real face of China is showing!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They wanted to start an Okonomiyaki business for the fishermen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It seems like Japanese continue to provoke.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

200k from Taiwan 2000k from Tokyo, good luck

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

"A landing on the island by pro-Beijing nationalists"

these are the same people who burned commie flags outside the hotel where one of commies dignitaries was staying not too long ago, Nationalists maybe, but I won't characterize them as pro-Beijing

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow. 2 activists; that's some threat.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Two people on the islands. Gee, it must be a real threat to China. Wait until Japan build a military base on the islands and see what kind of knee-jerking reaction you get the PRC.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

history is so subjective that every country have their own perspectives on the world. the problem here with this whole island dispute is that it has a hidden agenda, which for me who have no idea of what is the real history of this disputed archipelago, the agenda is something more than nationalist sentiment. This is a battle on resources. Scary stuffs... now imagine if one day nations will have to fight each other for clean water... i hope my future children wouldnt have to experience this.. seriously, war only looked good in movies. world needs a better way of resource management and manage international conflict. call me paranoid, but flags and borders are scary shit..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Jefflee and smithatesjapan are both completely wrong. The Hong Kong actvists hae been doing this several times since 1996. Ishahara had nithing to do with the Senkakus back then.

"Founded in 1996, the Hong Kong-based Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyu Islands—which organized this week’s journey—has about 50 members, says member David Ko, who didn’t participate in this week’s trip but says he has previously joined four similar expeditions to the Senkaku, including one involving 20 boats and more than 50 people.That journey took place in 1996, he says, the same year that another excursion resulted in the death of one Hong Kong activist, David Chan, who jumped into the water after the boat was surrounded by Japanese ships and ultimately drowned."


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

At least with the government puchasing the land rights from the private owners, any negotiation on their future can be done purely at goverenment level and without and private individuals or other juristictions getting in the way. I see this as a sensible move to parcel all the loose issues up into one piece. As with the Laincourt Rocks the government should now say: right, let's go to the International Court, there aren't any private landholding issues getting in the way, let's just get this all settled properly.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Now Japanese politicians and peoples to realize about time to develop Nuclear weapon for to protect Japan from rouge countries like Communist China and North Kore. If you're in weak and then no one respect you. Japan needs strong military power for living in peace.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Any Japanese person can visit any part of their territory. Buzz off China!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Any Japanese person can visit any part of their territory."----------------

but any Japanese can not visit China's territory without a visa.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's high time to leave China for all Japanese businesses. Japan can stand the downfall because they are resilient people who have gone through many adversities to come out with human dignity, honor and civil discipline. Unlike Chinese Communists.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It's high time to leave China for all Japanese businesses. Japan can stand the downfall because they are resilient people who have gone through many adversities to come out with human dignity, honor and civil discipline. Unlike Chinese Communists.

Diaoyu belongs to China. Japanese own history professor documented it here: http://www.skycitygallery.com/japan/diaohist.html

It is Japan who wants to show its arrogant ww2 by invalidating its surrender treaties, and by Buying the islands.

Ishihara is actually good for China ;)

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

200k from Taiwan 2000k from Tokyo, good luck

150k from Yonaguni island. Okinawans don't need luck.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Your argument is far too prejudiced. Whilst the Chinese are rioting and attacking consulates, sending their navy and 1,000 boats to the island, making direct threats at Japan, withdrawing from sporting events, you say that it is the Japanese who are antagonising?? A blinkered one-way argument

.Time to read what I wrote, and kindly quit attempting to put words in my mouth. Thank you very much.

Oh and it would be helpful to understand that "anyone and their mother" is an idiom. I apologize if you didn't understand that, next time I will put in into "plain" English.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“The unlawful landing of the Japanese right-wingers on the Chinese territory of the Diaoyu islands was a gravely provocative action violating Chinese territorial sovereignty,”

What a laugh, the name of the islands is Senkaku Islands and they belong to Japan.

More PRC rubbish so now that we are the subject of illigal occupations, when is the PRC going to give the Tibetan people their freedom?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If the islands will be lost to China, Taiwan is indefensible at all levels. It will be annexed to the mainland in less than a day with no US warships or submarines as deterrent because the territorial waters will be owned by China. Taiwan know it thats why they are silent except for the pro China faction.

Its not really much about Japan. Its taking over Taiwan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Diaoyu belongs to China. Japanese own history professor documented it here: http://www.skycitygallery.com/japan/diaohist.html It is Japan who wants to show its arrogant ww2 by invalidating its surrender treaties, and by Buying the islands. Ishihara is actually good for China ;)

Providing a link to a rabid Chinese propaganda site does not make you correct, it just makes you a fanatic.

Chinese are so confused and really are just trying to vent their own self hate.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

bao.2yeSep. 19, 2012 - 01:34AM JST Any Japanese person can visit any part of their territory."---------------- but any Japanese can not visit China's territory without a visa.

Psssst, the Japaese do not need a visa to visit the Senkaku Islands they need permission from the government.

But if you're not a Japanese citizen or resident well then you need a Visa and special permission.

So next time you try and land on the Senkaku Islands you will be arrested and hauled off to jail.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If Japan doesnt get a grip on some of these nationalists going to the island their problems will continue to linger. Arrest them. Just because they are Japanese doesnt mean they are above the law. Just wait, eventually some Chinese will land there and then the crap will hit the fan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's personal opinion. Just like all the anti-Japanese/ pro-Chinese self opinion on here, I am entitled to my view.

I have seen ZERO anti-Japanese comments on here. I've seen people write common sense that isn't pro-Japan nor pro-China. There is a huge difference. Shame so many people don't seem to get that.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I have seen ZERO anti-Japanese comments on here

I've seen nothing but negative comments from you regarding Japan and how horrible you think the Japanese and Japan are on numerous articles.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

tmarieSep. 18, 2012 - 07:07PM JST I have a PR. If they aren't going to arrest the Japanese without a permit, why can't I go? I have a visa to be in Japan... if those islands are Japanese... Sense of humour seems to be missing...

In all seriousness, please do go. Less talk and more action is what we need. I'll even pay your travel expenses to get their and back (that is if there is a back). Just need to know the when and where to send the money. Maybe we can take up a collection for you on JT.

When you get there, you will finally have the perfect forum to let the rest of the world know about your plight here in Japan. Now that would make some good TV and would definitely be well worth any money it costs me. If you really do go then I'll also donate the equivalent of your travel expenses to a charity of your choosing. Deal?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I've seen nothing but negative comments from you regarding Japan and how horrible you think the Japanese and Japan are on numerous articles.

Truth hurts, eh?

Aisai, all up for the travel expenses and donations. Deal.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Back on topic please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Give me 1 country which is consistent in its behavior in both the media and the people. I can guarantee that even if you did give me one people in that country would say otherwise.

I won't deny that Japan has its own problems however in the case of Japan protecting its territory from China and the attack on japanese and japanese businesses in China. I will defend Japan and condemn China.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

KariHaruka, violence is always wrong, but it is the Japanese politician stirred up the crisis first.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

We're not discussing other countries. We're discussing China and Japan. And indeed, no media is perfect, no country is perfect so why call someone anti-Japanese and anti-Japan for stating that there are things that need to be improved upon? Me calling Japan out on its behaviour doesn't mean I hate Japan. If we were discussing my country, I'd be saying the exact same thing. And I have when country has been mentioned on here doing horrific things.

And there is the issue isn't it. Protecting "it's" territory. I will condemn China for their behaviour but I'm also condemning Japan for its as well. Both sides are being like children and stating that doesn't make me anti-japan or pro-China which is pretty much what you've suggested. I am disgusted by their behaviour - and disgusted by the media here in making it seem like yet again, China is evil and Japan is perfect.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Ishihara would of played a hand in this. But I believe the violence in China was brewing for quite some time.

I'd rather both nations got on because it could do wonders. But its a shame they can't put past differences aside. Back where I'm from in Finland we and the Swedish have put past history behind us and the Nordic countries live in tight unity. Only place in the world where I think this actually happens..

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

tmarie and you don't think for second that the Chinese media aren't biased in the slightest? That they aren't helping to stir the trouble even further with Japan?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Kari, where have I suggested for a second the Chinese media isn't biased??? Where have I stated they aren't stirring up trouble????? I would never say such stupid things. Read what is written, not what you wish was written.

You're all over the place with this and now grasping at straws because you realise your comments to me about being anti-Japanese/japan were well over the top. Apologize and move on.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Readers, please keep the discussion civil.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


As I noted in this forum, many people, I presume most are Japanese, actually didn't know well the history and the war crime committed by Japanese army. That is the obstacle for developing good relationship with Chinese people.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

tmarie why should I even bother to make a fully thought out counter argument when all you would do is dismiss it straight away as a nationalist opinion and one where I think Japan is all perfect? My bizarre line of thinking? When you yourself can't see that a lot of your views are anti Japan.

Anyways @efisher. True that many Japanse don't know fully about Japan's war crimes from the past. However I know a lot of Japanese people from the current generation that do know these facts, however its not something that they should feel guilty over. China should learn to not hold onto the past and instead learn forgiveness instead of resentment.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Kari, isn't that what you've done to me? YOU called me anti-Japan and anti-Japanese. You've jumped to more conclusions than I thought possible. You're the one that is making an issue out of things that a) haven't been said and b) not even been mentioned.

Do you understand that criticizing Japan's reactions to all of this and their behaviour to this doesn't make some anti-Japanese/Japanese nor make them pro-Chinese? Do you understand that people can be critical of governments and public reaction without hating them at the same time? From what you've written and accused me of, it seems you don't.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

KariHaruka, there is worry among Chinese that Japanese right-wing would gain increasing support if the young generation don't know the history. I myself saw a lot of Japanese movie or TV, when it came to WWII, Japanese just played the role of victim and never condemned their elder generation for waging the war. Most Chinese are willing to forgive but there will be no real reconciliation if Japan denies its wrongdoings and accuses China as the aggressor.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You can be critical of governments and the public reactions to events. However to ones viewpoint on your posts which seems to condemn the Japaneses response and behavior which while wrong is small compared to China's could make one believe that you hold resentment to the country. I believe the Japanese government have held back rather well despite the events that have occurred in China with the attacks on Japanese citizens and businesses. While the publics reaction has been rather tame with a few people rightfully holding small demonstrations regarding our rightful ownership of the Senkaku Islands.

But this is my end to the argument because I think the one thing we could both agree on is that our views will not agree with one another therefore this could go on for a long time.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Need to add so that nobody accuses me of saying one thing and then another. I believe the events if what you said is true about the Chinese school are wrong. However the small demonstration's elsewhere aren't.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


I am not disagreeing that certain Chinese are behaving badly. What I'm disagreeing with is the "we're so much better and more mature and civilized than the Chinese" that many on this thread are giving off as well as the Japanese media. You seem to have an issue with that for some reason. Why I have no idea more so when you aren't even Japanese.

You also haven't support your comments about me thinking the Chinese media isn't biased and that certain individuals aren't stirring up trouble. You've made a lot of assumptions, throw in a lot of accusations.. that you can't support. Calling someone anti-Japanese and anti-Japan on the comments I've made and the stance I have on this just makes you look foolish. Problems can't be solved if people leap to conclusions and make statements like you've made. And this is exactly why Japan and China have these issues. All sorts of assumptions and accusations being thrown and no one is discussing the real issues. I, and others, have been rather good in explaining things to you and others yet you still don't seem to get that no one is anti-Japan or anti-Japanese for not being Japan's cheerleaders in all of this. Blindly supporting a country in their politics because you like the place or are from there is a very silly way to conduct things and assess a country. You can love a country, live in it, be married to a local and still disagree with things and how they are done. It doesn't make you anti-anything. It is the blind support that is dangerous and causing all these issues. Shame you can't seem to understand that.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

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