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© 2012 AFP2,500 march in gay pride parade in Tokyo
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Why should they have rights based on their sexual habits?
Huh. I was told by a couple of Japanese people that there aren't any homosexuals in Japan.
sensei, your question should be:
Why should they (or anyone) suffer discrimination based on sexuality (not habits)?
And you are completely gullible for believing it.
What rights are they being denied?
It's good that gay people have come out of the closet and ask for equal rights.
And now that they have, would they please shut up and get over themselves because I'm really tired of hearing about them.
A Canadian gay rights activist was recently beaten to death...just for being gay. You want us to shut up about that, too?
I think you'll find, when you start looking around, that we are each a member of one minority or another...including you.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Zip-a-dee-do-dah! I do believe all but the L of LGBT are represented on J-TV variety shows. And it's not hard to recognize those so inclined just about anywhere. Like with religion, everyone has the right to their opinion, but not to force it upon others, neither for nor against. Enjoy your life peacefully.
Christopher Blackwell
Gay people can be anything any other group of people are. I have met some that were interesting people that I have enjoyed and others that I might not want to be near, but that was based on personality not their sexual preference. Human sexuality is a lot more complex than most of us want to consider.There are few absolute anyting but instead we may be at various points on the scale of possiblities
What interests me is how many people that are so interested in what other do in bed. That rarely ever interested me, I was only interested in my own sex life. Even that looks funny to me as all sex really is when you are no longer playing the game. What anyone does in private is really not anyones business unless they are doing it on the table in front of you in McDonalds. One of the missing eliments in porn is the humor of the things humans do just to get laid. We are funnier than any other animal how we approach getting laid.
As for teenagers and twenty somethings, they all seem to think that they invented sex. [Grin] Gross them out and let them know that parents and grand parents still do it.[Horrors]
Keep increasing visibility, LGBT citizens of Japan! It is difficult to be openly gay when there's employment discrimination amongst other animosities. My hats are off to you for attending the pride celebration!!!
Franchesca Miyara Yang
They are still human beings regardless of their sexual preferences. It doesn't affect me at all.
That said, They have my full support! :-)
Clement Gervaise
Japanese is a country of great discrimination directed to many individuals, not only LGBT. However LGBT have often low profile, hide themselves, which may not help for the general population to understand their case. My message to them : be pride and show your best side ! Get your co-nationals to know more about you and get out of stereotypes we see on TV..
Why do gays have to wear open shirts and skimmy clothes... Lets have a straight day parade and dress up in long pants and turtles necks...hehehe
Compared with that of New York or London, Japan’s awareness of sexual minorities is quite low
Isn't there a number of guys dressing in women's clothes "entertaining" viewers on digital TV there in Japan? Can't think of any those types of people appearing on network TV here in the States.
Sorry, but I deeply disapprove of this sort of event. Sex is inherently private, and any move to make it public is deeply inappropriate. I don't like the discrimination that LGBT people face, but I dislike the pressure placed on LGBT individuals to participate in these events even more. In Japan sex, public displays of affection, and that sort of thing are counter-cultural, and this attempt to import wholesale a Western sexual event into Japan is culturally insensitive and does more harm than good.
@ukguyjp I think your facts are incomplete. The gay activist was killed while trying to breakup a fight, with one participant being a psychiatric patient who was off his meds. I don't think the guy knew who he was beating to death and supporters of the gay activists have actually shown sympathy towards the man hoping he gets the psychiatric help he deserves.
I don't have a problem with the LGBT community. I used to work for one and have a few LGBT friends. They can be whoever / whatever they want to be. Equality is a good thing! What I have a problem with is the way SOME of them go about it. I don't know any heterosexuals that go around parading their sexuality. I'm not sure parading in the streets wearing what some might consider fetishist clothing is the best way to go about promoting your movement to the general public either. Sometimes attracting attention the wrong way is what generates hate in the first place. Something you Pride paraders might want to think about.
Fair enough. There does seem to be a bit f doubt surrounding this particular case. Mind you, I think it's clear that this remains a problem in many cultures, right?
No, because any murder is important and people should know about it.
Your point being?
You're assuming I'm not gay. It does not matter. I'm just tired of the constant publicity. Do heterosexuals feel the need to have parades and festivals every year? Oops, forgot about those fertility festivals, but they've been around a lot longer and exist for different reasons. Some of those obaasans might enjoy copping a feel of those big wooden dicks though.
@Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Well said!
@ukguyjp No doubt. People will always find "reasons" to discriminate against other people.
I think your heart is in the right place but it annoys me when any minority expect special attention and try to do things that the majority would not.
Case in point - I've seen more than one gay/lesbian in a work situation actively and persistently chase around the staff and even after the other staff's boy/girlfriends, spouses and children. It is not acceptable behaviour by anybody to show unwanted attentions to others who have a) made it clear that their affection is not returned and b) pursue a relationship with somebody who is underage or married/engaged/steady people.
Let there be true equality. There's plenty of bars/websites etc where you can score. Don't bother others.
I don't get it.
Heterosexuals don't have events shouting about their sexuality.
I have nothing against any sexual preference, but we don't need it pushed down our throats all the time (bad analogy).
@ zichi - don't we all have those rights already? What "rights" do they want? The "right" not to be made fun of cause they like wearing dresses and kissing guys?
@ stonecoldsoba - are you saying that sexuality-based "discrimination" is wrong. What if somebody's sexuality involved bizarre or criminal acts? Where should the line be drawn? And if it's just their "sexuality" and not what they do behind closed doors, why is it such an issue? Why aren't there hetero pride parades?
I have no problem with gay people of any gender until they start wearing it as a badge and demand to be treated differently because of it.
They want to earn respect by dressing and behaving like freaks? Paragons of logic... not.
they guy in the red and black stripe shirt in the background of the photo looks extremely un happy that he is apart of the parade. Maybe a friend dragged him along, no pun intend ;)
It's nice to see the alternate side of japan though. I feel as though the gay community in japan are a little more suppressed than in other areas of the world.
Marriage I would assume.
Thomas Anderson
I wonder if Ishihara would oppose this!
sensei258 - there is a world of difference between the sex lives of consenting adults and 'criminal acts'. Nobody is claiming the right to abuse children.
Wow! I can’t believe the amount of intolerant comments I’m reading here. The LGBT community are not looking for special rights, but rather rights hetero couples have that are being denied to them : marriage, inheritance rights and the ability to make medical decisions for an incapacitated partner, to mention a few. We see heterosexual behavior everyday walking down the street or in the media. We’ve become so accustomed to it that we don’t even notice it. If the LGBT community want to have their 1 day out of the year, then I don’t think it should be too much of a hardship for the hetero community so long as they keep it G-rated.
Thomas Anderson
Please stop with this nonsense, straights have "heterosexual parades" Every. Single. Day. Of. Their. Lives. In public, on the TV, in movies, music, everywhere you go, it's "heterosexual pride" all over the place. So why don't we ever stop hearing about "heterosexual pride"? Why do we constantly hear about how a man loves a woman and vice versa? Why do I always see straight couples holding hands and kissing in public? I don't want heterosexuality shoved down my throat!!
"Gay pride" is mostly about increasing visibility, anyway.
What exactly is your standard of bizarre? At any rate, I'm pretty sure hetero couples partake in "bizarre" sexual behavior. As for criminal acts, that is what the criminal code is for.
All the things you name can be arraged with contracts by a trip to a lawyer. Anything else in your list?
Why is the term coming out of the closet used?
WilliB Last I checked, gay marriage was illegal in Japan, so you must have access to a very good lawyer. My other 2 points stem from the first. Having a lawyer draw up a contract, does not necessarily make it a legal act.
The more pertinent question is why journos and media types in Japan need to once again resort to gairaigo when the topic is taboo or unseemly.
Thomas Anderson
I don't know, I don't exactly agree with it, but I'd think that the point is increasing awareness and visibility of homosexuality.
Japan has enough of its own bigotry without monotheist bullying. One of the main obstacles to equal rights for LGBT in the US is Christianity. The last thing Japan needs is a bible which advocates the execution of homosexuals.
As a lesbian, I can indeed say that homophobia exists in Japan. It just is a little different from homophobia in the West, because it generally lacks a religious element (and religion is generally the leading tool of bigotry in the West). At best, I've had Japanese people tell me that there are no gay people in Japan... imagine their shock when I introduced my Japanese girlfriend, haha. Anyway, Japan has a long way to go, but it's awesome to see the parade was a success. I wish I could've attended, but I had to work. Here's hoping Japan will enter an era of tolerance and respect for all people!
I'd say those 2 in the photo, along with tanoshingo probably set the Japanese gay rights cause back 10 years.
LGBT s are do not know how to use correctly their Sex Organs and its rights, I have seen some men who go to Thailand to remove penis. because they do not know the rights of penis. I guess some Organization come forward and teach how to use correctly the sex organs and their values.
Wow, I'm surprised at all the hatred in here.
Jonathan Prin
I have a problem: I love lesbians and no one wants to help me! I assume I will need to demonstrate to get my sexual rights...
Jonathan Prin
Fortunately, this was what I was thinking young. I was able to find my natural lover among the few billions of my human opposite. As a matter of fact, I especially realized that to have children, it was the best way. Natural and reasonable instinct? Lol.Long life to private sex.
What are weddings ?
After they move to your country, maybe. But if these people live in Japan, that's not the case. They can't get married which means they can't get any equivalent financial arrangement, the equivalent reduced taxes. They will pay much more for inheritance, the surviving partner will not get the spouse pension, a visa necessary to allow both to be resident in the same country, etc. They don't ask a card to pay stuff cheaper than you everywhere, they ask to get the same things as everybody.
I don't get why that makes you happy. If you were gay, you'd be unhappy because of it ? I understand they are proud of of no longer being ashamed of who they are (as they were in the past due to the social mindset), of not lying about their life, of not pretending to be hetero to avoid discrimination and abuse, of facing the bullies and of asking changes of the laws that disfavor them due to their difference.
The Munya Times
I have no interest in other people sexual orientation and sexual life, either homo or hetero, please don't give it to me, don't bring it to the streets in parades. Otherwise, I don't mind other people being homosexual. Although, I personally cannot perceive or understand how someone could be attracted by the same sex, I have no difficulties accepting this phenomenon.
Yet, I have objection of them making their sexual orientation a social event or a movement by referring to human or sexual rights. Especially when they sexual orientation is obviously opposite.
I had many homosexual colleagues and friends, they were good people and they were righteously proud of their human, artistic, and scientific achievements but not of their sexual orientation. Cause they had sense.
Upon this, what can be the next? Lesbians can make parades, heteros will make too, and then the sado-mazo and eventually anybody the horror movie lovers, the milk drinkers, the alcoholics, the smokers, whoever. itás not about sexual rights it is a bout a lets make it big theory. Yes???!!!!!!
Those guys in the picture are excessively repulsive and stomach stirringly disgusting, but not because they are homosexuals, because they are posing and behaving the way they do, disgustingly. Sexual orientation is not a mark of a human, and in no way refers to human values. Those guys are terribly disgusting but because of what they are, and because of what they do and the way they are posing and they clothing.
Even if they were heteros I would say the same about them.
We are in accord.
@Patrick Smash I don't have a problem with the pride bit. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of, and seen in that light, I well understand it. It's a preference as far as I'm concerned and I respect anybody's rights to their preferences as long as they do not infringe on others.
Maybe I am being a stick in the mud. Being gay is hardly anything new and to be sure played a part in Japan's history, as well as other countries. But I do have to say that I would view you as no different as anybody else. If you kept on about it, I'd eventually get tired of hearing about it. And anybody, gay or not who comes onto me, if already told politely that I'm not interested, will be told to go away.
That said, have a good life.
Well at least gays, lesbians, trans-genders, new-halfs or whatever are less xenophobic to gaijin :)
Thomas Anderson
@The Munya Times
The BDSM community already does parades sometimes. Horror movie lovers are discriminated against? That's new. You're comparing LGBT to alcoholics and smokers, your bogus argument ends right there.
Then don't look at them? I'm sorry that the entire world doesn't revolve around what you find pleasing and displeasing and rearrange itself according to your own needs. I'm sure somebody in this world will think that you're pretty damn disgusting, too, but I'm sure that they're sane and sensible enough to keep their thoughts to themselves.
Jessica Marie Sato
I was being facetious. Surprised I need to point that out.
The Munya Times
@Thomas Anderson
To look at them and look for them are two different things. I never look for them but I look at them as anything else that is brought to me either online in the news or in the street and in general. I am against everything that is tasteless and wrong. And I am against any bad, disgusting or tasteless thing regardless what it is, either commercial, entertainment's performance, design, street parade or whatever.
Do I have to go out and parade for readers or street walkers rights to to be spared from news or public events that has a bad effect on me, or are you suggesting me not to read news just because homosexuals are in the mood to parade? Well, I might be disgusting, but I never expose myself that way and go out the street to parade. Once someone hits the public, net, media, street events whatever , they gonna take the critics. I never criticize anybody walking in the street until they expose themselves to the public and parade.
Well, are they really discriminated? There are millions of them, they get many supports from artists, millionaires, politicians, they are well organized and many of their organizations are powerful and their cohesion is based upon their sexual orientation, their homosexuality, (that is unusual in a way) they gained influence in many fields of life, business, politics, they have no reason to complain, pretend the discriminated, oppressed martyr . They are not that minority as they state.
Yet, if they want to fight for even more rights, they could do it with more taste and more civilized. Right???
One more time, I have no problem with people being homosexuals, but I have a lot with the way they give air to it. They could do it with manners if they wanted. And obviously I don't want to see either heteros, BDSM, lesbians, or anybody else parading in the streets and showing off things of what should be a private matter such an unpleasant way. It is not against homosexuals.
And is this a way to fight discrimination? This is parading, attention seeking and tasteless whoever does it out of whatever motives, as I expressed it clearly in my post.
Thomas Anderson
@The Munya Times
So what, are you also against Samba Carnivals? Are you against lingerie fashion shows? Look, you are entitled to your opinion, your have yours and I have mine. But I don't tell people to stop doing something just because I find it aesthetically displeasing. If they're not hurting anyone then I see no problem with it.
Wow! I am shocked at the number of poster who just don't get it at all.; all these comments like--You don't see heterosexuals parading the streets and flaunting their sexuality!!-- Gay Pride parade is not about SEX people, it is about AWARENESS and EQUAL RIGHTS for a minority group. Imagine if YOU were in a minority group and YOU were shamed into pretending to be something that you were not. Imagine if YOU were treated as a second class citizen and discriminated against. Imagine if YOU couldn't get married or see your partner in the hospital. Imagine if YOU couldn't even talk openly at work about your social life for fear of losing your job. Wouldn't YOU want to parade the streets once a year and try to protest against such discrimination and unfair treatment?!!
Oooooh! Looks like thsoe lads are having a gay old time. This photo is a bit silly the majority of gay people do not dress and act like these fellows.
Wow, the ignorance is shocking on this thread.
What rights are they being denied? How about the right to marry? How about the right to be able to have their partner covered by insurance and health care? How about the right to be open and honest about their sexuality and their relationship status? How about the right to feel safe and secure when people know their sexual orientation? How about the right to expression how they feel about those they love and not worried about being beaten up or mocked?
Isn't there a number of guys dressing in women's clothes "entertaining" viewers on digital TV there in Japan? Can't think of any those types of people appearing on network TV here in the States.
Yes, for the public to mock and make fun of. Which is why many homosexuals in this country hate people like Tanashingo and characters like Hard Gay. They are used for entertainment purposes. Please, many cross dressers aren't gay, they're straight.
There are plenty of gay entertainers in the west. Thing is, they don't have to dress up and play "gay" to get the job - just look at the way gaijin are portrayed in the media here if you have a hard time understanding things.
I find it sad that gays "need" a parade. They should be allowed to live as everyone else. We're all humans after all. And before anyone starts in on the "natural" crap, there are many, many cases of gay animals in the wild - and even some in zoos though those poor penguins were split up. Even gay animals get discriminated against.
If people want to pursue alternative sexuality, good for them. If people want to dance around the streets in their underwear, good for them. Don't see the connection between the two though.
I shall explain. If two men walked down the street holding hands, etc, basically carry on the same as any hetero couple, they will be stared at. If their coworkers got wind of it, they would be treated differently, perhaps even ostracized, perhaps even fired. They would lose friends. Thus, gays have hidden their sexual orientation away, and can not openly date their lovers as we heteros do. And they are sick of hiding. So now they do exactly the reverse. Now, they throw it hard in our faces with naked male butts in chaps. After that treatment, seeing two men holding hands walking down the street is no longer a shock.
Truly, certain heteros have brought this display down on all of us. I don't like it any more than I would like any other overt sexual display on mainstreet. I mean, I personally don't mind, but considering the sensibilites of others, it is tasteless. But I do understand why they do it. I just hope that one day they will be able to be as open as us heteros so that this sort of parade can end.
I wish there was no need for "gay pride". I'm not "proud" of my sexual orientation and it is a shame that others have to take "pride" to fight to be treated "normally".
Exactly. The heterosexual media love to focus on photos like the guys here because they get a laugh out of it. The majority at a pride parade are not dressed up like this, just like the majority of straight women are not dressed like hookers or men like pimps. Some do, but don't make assumptions that all LGBT look the same. You don't do it for straights, so don't do it for gays.
Heterosexuals "shove their lifestyles" down gay throats every single day. Kissing in public, holding hands, getting married, getting couples discounts, "flaunting" their sexual activities on tv. Disgusting!
Doesn't that sound ridiculous? It is. So stop saying these things about LGBT because we are all humans just trying to have an equal life. Why do straights get so bent out of shape over another person's desire to be with the person they are attracted to?
Why do straights get so bent out of shape over another person's desire to be with the person they are attracted to?
Would be nicer if you put a quantifier in there - why do SOME straights.... Personally, blame their parents and environment for raising them to be intolerant. Pity them more than anything.
Nudgenudge, I understand your explanation. As a foreigner I wish I coukd walk through the streets of my town without stares and whispers. I'll dye my hair pink and wear a bikini to the supermarket tomorrow. That'll do it.
Don't worry fellow foreigners, I'm doing it for all of you. Even the 90% of you who don't want to paint yourselves with glitter and dance semi naked through Kamakura. The brave minority will repair our tarnished image for all of us!
Those guys look gay indeed!
Live and let live...
tmarie - the LGBT community may be denied those rights (which I obviously think they should have too), but I don't see them doing anything to promote awareness about this stuff. All I can see is a few guys dancing around in ridiculous clothes. Maybe if they actually approached the parade or whatever they want to call it with a bit more purpose, people would be more positive in accepting their message. Dancing around like morons does nothing to promote these liberties they're being denied.
Christopher Blackwell
Strange I find nothing unusual about young men who like to show off their bodies. The actual period of time that most men's bodies are worth looking it is very sort. Look around an you will see that most men by their mid twenties are going to seed As far as men showing off their sexuality and pushing it, I certainly see plenty of that in the alleged straight community and quite often inappropriately in demeanor and in talk.
Tuntematon Sotilas
@PatrickSmash Exactly. Spot on. I will say that this type of clothing on men does promote stereotypes, but it is more sensational for the papers this way.
Allison Honig
Love is love no matter the person you find it in. If they want to parade, why not? It doesn't bother me! We need more people being open about their sexuality, it paves a path for the rest of us.
But its only necessary to hide it if you are gay. And if you are hiding things like that, people suspect. Gay people cannot win like that when heteros are so open.
Yep. And those children who saw will grow up to feel its okay for them to be them and have a real shot at being open minded adults. Or what, you think their eyes are gonna bleed?
There is no good reason at all to object to other people's sexual acts which you consider 'bizarre'. Why should any sexual act (which does not materially affect anyone else) be criminal? That is discrimination.
Very simple: consent. Anything without consent is unacceptable. As alluded to above, collateral damage is also unacceptable.
It's not just sexuality. The issue is discrimination in other aspects of life, such as employment, because of sexuality.
Haven't you seen any carnival parades involving celebration of hetero sexuality? ( intentionally written as two words).
No; they demand not to be treated differently because of it.
Okay, the thing is? You don't see it, because you're not looking for it. There are tons of gay rights groups in Japan. There were a ton of activist efforts at this parade. But you only focus on the half naked dancing gay boys... which, by the way, is a TINY MINORITY of the people who come to these parades. Of course, it doesn't help that Japan Today chooses to post such "shocking" pictures - between the trans woman in the photo of the day, and their photo here that supposedly represents the parade... which it doesn't, it's like, photos like these are posted just to try to get a rise out of people. Anyway, you're sorely mistaken if you think the gay parade was just a bunch of twinks in their underwear (not even, again, a tiny percent). Besides, even if they are, who cares? They're having fun. It's possibly the one time for many of these people that they can strut down the street and celebrate their own diversity, and if they want to dress wild, who cares?
But don't claim that this photo represents the modern gay rights movement. It doesn't.
What do you mean by "bad effect"? Are you suggesting that being gay is somehow "worse" than being straight?
10,000 yen says you don't know any such country.
Man, you don't know what you're talking about. Homosexuality has nothing to do with men parading in their underwear in the street. I'll bet, though, that you don't mind it when women are wearing only short shorts and tank tops, do you? It's so cute how you're acting like science and sociology/psychological studies have anything to do with the nonsense you are spouting.
More stupidity. Humans and other animals don't have sex only to procreate, they have sex because it's enjoyable. Gay sex, both man/man and woman/woman is also enjoyable, and we have witness it in literally hundreds of animals (both animals that are evidently gay and uninterested in the opposite gender, and animals that are evidently bisexual are don't mind getting it on with either gender). So obviously, it's not unnatural. Your whole argument is bogus - we evolved to enjoy sex, and there's nothing wrong with that. Especially when estimates say that 10% of the population is gay or bisexual.
The Munya Times
lucabrasiMay. 01, 2012 - 11:38AM JST
Depends on for whom. If it is an inherent sexual orientation from early childhood , which comes deeply from inside and sincerely, it possibly is good and acceptable for that man. But not necessary for the other man who he picks, wants to love and wants to get for himself, especially if the other is straight. Some homosexuals (also lesbians)accept it and tries to be happy with it till the end of their lives, some asks a question, "why is this happening to me, is anything wrong, is there any other way, am I really?
When I was young in the high-school we had many homosexual fellows. We were very good friends and I and the others being hetero caused no problem. We had parties, there were lots of sexy girls we had great times and are homosexual friends came with their boyfriends.
One of our friends was hetero guy but very clumsy with girls, I believe he was a virgin, and was roped in and influenced out of schools and our parties by an elderly homosexual. He was 16 or 17, he became homosexual but not really, just did it, as he was influenced. A year later he was a broken man, dropped out the school, was totally disoriented, confused and was keeping asking himself the above question and never found the answer. I am sure if he met that homosexual, a priest, a few years later, after some lovely nights with lovely girls, he could have been able to see things clearer and make up his mind what he wants and what not, what he is and what not, and could have found the answer to his question in a natural way. His life was eventually ruined.
Stupid story, because you are equating sexual orientation with this man's problems. People don't "become homosexual" if they are straight, any leading psychology organization has science and studies to back up the fact that orientation isn't something that can suddenly be changed. It's possible that your friend was bisexual or simply straight but situationally interested in this other man. His issues had NOTHING to do with his sexual orientation.
Why don't you tell us all the stories about LGBT people who pretend they are straight, become depressed, and when they try to be true to themselves they are bullied or held in contempt by the people they trusted, etc.? That's a more common story. That's almost every LGBT person's story, in fact. Indeed, it's my story, too. by your logic, maybe heterosexuality is a terrible thing?
The Munya Times
Yes, I do. I wrote it many times, that's what my point is all about, let's not move around in circles.
Just because something happens spontaneously in great numbers it does mean it is natural and even if it is natural, we know it too well that natural doesn't guarantee that it is safe or good. Herbs are natural too, but they might even kill. Again, depends and for whom.
Lilac And Lavender
Some of the things people have written here make me cry. Most people seem to miss the point of what pride is all about. It is about being able to parade because we can, because we can be who we are without fear of arrest, attack or ridicule. We can love someone without being locked up, we aren't hurting anyone , we did not choose who or why we love who we do. Please allow us to be happy and live our lives amongst everyone else without our love being a taboo.
I can't believe the logic of some of these posts. Do you really believe that most homosexuals can happily go through life keeping their sexuality secret? Can a gay or lesbian casually show up to a staff barbecue in Japan with his or her partner? The point of marches like this is to draw attention to the fact that it isn't acceptable.
Thomas Anderson
@The Munya Times
Ohhhh, so you're the moral police... even though nobody is actually hurt by these parades... So what's your point, again? You don't like what you see? Then don't look at them...
You ignored my other post, so I'll ask again: Are you also against Samba Carnivals?
Why don't you just say that "I'm against homosexuality because I am prejudiced against homosexuality for some reason or another"? It still doesn't mean that you're not wrong, though.
Anyway, this "natural" argument is already bogus. I'm pretty sure that your hands and feet were not created for driving, but you drive, anyway. Humans were not made for sitting, so why do you sit on a chair? It's unnatural, unhealthy, even.
Elbuda Mexicano
I want a see a 100% pure hot sexy lesbians only parade and not just in Shibuya, but right there in the middle of the Yamanote train, man I would even pay an extra 100 yen to ride the train!
The Munya Times
"AliasisMay. 01, 2012 - 12:42PM JST
But I wrote
and as a consequence he got confused and messed up his life.
I have mixed feelings on the whole topic. There's one thing that is clear as day for me though since I personally am suffering from the same problem.
A human being no matter what sex they are should have the right to choose who they want as their lifelong partner and these choices should not be denied as they are human rights.
Japan's government has denied my right to choose. I can only imagine those people who are deeply in love with each other how much they are suffering and the friction they receive from J'Gov't.
I draw the line at preferential treatment for jobs and promotions. I've also worked in an environment where upper management were mostly gay and they recognize their own and promoted them over heterosexuals.
I have no problem with gays, and I agree they deserve the same rights as everyone else. However, I personally do not like them on parade in public wearing 'Blue Oyster Bar' clothes and acting in a way that makes me feel very uneasy..
Daddy, why are those men dressed and acting like that? Says my 8 year old daughter... Difficult question to answer.
Elbuda Mexicano
I actually have to admit, I could care less about gays making out at a Mc Donald's but sorry guys, gays, etc..PLEASE do not stare at my banana in the ONSEN!! or my ass or where ever gays like to check out other dudes, most people go to ONSENS to RELAX, take one's mind off of things, a bit difficult when the guy next to you in the sauna keeps getting closer and closer and forcing one to use them little hand towels to cover the banana, this is no joke, if gays want to pick up on other gays, I think there is a time and a place for all of that time and place is NOT at the local ONSEN nor local SENTO, I guess if gay dudes are that horny all they have to do is walk around Shinjuku 2 chome??
tmarie - the LGBT community may be denied those rights (which I obviously think they should have too), but I don't see them doing anything to promote awareness about this stuff. All I can see is a few guys dancing around in ridiculous clothes. Maybe if they actually approached the parade or whatever they want to call it with a bit more purpose, people would be more positive in accepting their message. Dancing around like morons does nothing to promote these liberties they're being denied.
Is that a joke? There are plenty of support groups and people advocating out there - that don't dress up and get in your face. What you're seeing is what the media is portraying as "those damn gays and their parades and go go boys". That certainly isn't fair to the LGBT community. Again, the media uses such "shocking" pictures for entertainment or to scare people.
I agree that these people aren't helping themselves with the costumes and the like. I think it is sad that many buy into the stereotype but at the same time, "we" dress up for Halloween as well so all in good fun, no?
The Munya Times
B/. I see that beyond searching for equal or specific rights many homosexuals starts expressing false values such as arguing and trying to prove that homosexuality, is natural, normal, and as good as hetero etc.
No, basically and generally it is not. They want us to accept their being homosexuals we want the to accept that it is only good for them and let the others out of this thing. They need to learn to live a happy life accepting the fact we heteros and they are not the same, they are different and homosexuality can only be tolerated and accepted, but not welcomed the same way as the hetero.
Exactly as the article puts it.
Yes it is diversity, and such as it can only be accepted, tolerated but not welcomed, popularized by parades or taken as normal, natural, or good. Hetero is the way of life, the maintenance of species, girls are for men and men are for girls, and no one should be feel embarrassed, discriminative or called prejudiced against homosexuality for thinking and seeing life in a proper way.
The Munya Times
I didn't intend to make the firs section of my post bold, something went wrong here with the characters or decoding, I will fix it sorry.
Thomas Anderson
Yet you have no problem staring at lesbians... lol irony.
Thomas Anderson
@The Munya Times
The problem here is that you seem to be mistaken that you are the single moral authority on deciding what is or what is not supposedly "proper" in life, without backing them up with any solid arguments that others can agree with.
Again and again you bring bogus the "natural" argument, and again and again it is shot down easily. Using a computer is far from "natural", so do you suppose that we turn into the Amish, or perhaps go back to living in the woods and become hunters and gatherers instead? Why not? That's basically what you're advocating here, by claiming that we should live as "naturally" as possible.
Lilac And Lavender
So i am unnatural, why are some so wicked to people like myself. I don't judge anyone, hurt or be bad to them.
How can people in this day and age still think in ways that belong in the dark ages. Perhaps they would prefer to go back to the days of gay bashing and when two men in love was illegal. Gay pride is a symbol of freedom of expression that was hard fought, many of us live d a lie, many were beaten even killed many were locked up. These parades don't try to change sexuality, that is impossible , you are what you are, live and let live.
Tell me if you can,what makes a man a man?
Vera Newman
I find people whose first reaction to someone's self expression to be fear or anger depressing. There is more to learn in life than what we are familiar with. By all means don't like it if you don't like it, but people who are not hurting you have the right to be, it's crudely restrictive to simply proclaim they should 'go away' or 'not exist' because of your subjective inconvenience. Raunchy Heterosexual behaviour is rampant and highly effective at selling things and is embraced or ignored seemlessly by those who are drawn to it or seek to avoid it. You might try and see that when gay people celebrate with their bodies, in public, it is a demonstration of bravery since they will spend their lives with their bodies as bulls-eyes until the people who feel discomfort over what they see at pride understand that it doesn't have anything to do with them and that they don't have the right to control other people.
The Munya Times
No it is so simple to answer.
Tell her, I mean to young children:
They are the men who want lovely little children like you to live without a mother. A mother who kisses you goodnight, who heals you when you are hurt, who gave you life; cause only women can give life and birth and women are life, without a mother who will cry together with you when you are sad and will love you forever even when you hurt her, with a beautiful love that only women can give. They can have no children, men cannot give birth and life yet they don't like and avoid women. They came to parade to make little children like you believe that it is right, and to garner attention and gain sympathy.
Tell her; "What do you think?" If your child answers, you won the game forever.
But when they are over the age of around 12 and start becoming a man or a woman they will not ask any questions and you will have to freeze and discover a sensitive moment of their lives , grab it and don't let it slip out of your hand or allow others to grab it, and take your chance and tell them why people are homosexuals or lesbians, explain the cause and the way in and out.
Lilac And Lavender
the munya Times, why such a homophobic post, religous views or you do not understand nature?
Yes homosexuality is right, it is natural. We don't look or ask for anyones sympathy especially yours. Pride is to celebrate that we no longer have to hide what we are, from family and society. We no longer fear beatings and oppression by those we wrongly think we live an unnnatural life. Get over yourself dear and educate yourself on things.
The Munya Times
Lilac And LavenderMay. 02, 2012 - 01:34PM JST
Homosexualty is not only about you but about the environment where we all live together, the society, about other people, about children who can be influenced by your road and right seeking and parades, and as @tokyokawasaki wrote who are asking question and in general, about all those people who might be effected in a way or other.
Certainly, I don't only mean homosexuality but all other human activities or public display of any contents that can have any, good or bad, effect on other people.
As of nature and all your other points, I think I gave the answer in many of previous posts, if you should be interested in that, (possibly not :-D ) please read them.
Lilac And Lavender
The Munya Times; If someone is affected by people parading legally then they need to seek some professional help.
If parents cannot explain that love can also between two people of the same sex then they aint too hot on the old parenting skills.
If it is within the law and the behaviouir is by any sexuality is upsetting you and you feel affecting your kiddies then may i suggest you join us in the 21st century where bigottry and homophobia are old hat.
Maybe you could live in Iran, the women are covered up and homosexuality is punished by death.
Discrimination is Discrimination is Discrimination.
That is the essence of the whole discussion. It has veered far off from gay parades and become a moral (i'm not going to devalue the word debate with what surprisingly many people wrote here)
Q) does the treatment of those who are Homosexual fit under the definition of discrimination?
A) Yes, look at almost any well respected international organization or acknowledged socially open country and then apply the treatment of homosexuals to that definition. (we each have our own independent definitions, so for general purpose we should use widely recognized definitions) and then go from there. Yes, the treatment of those who are homosexual in Japan (and most, if not all countries) fits under that definition. (you want specifics, ask a lawyer, it's not worth my time trying to explain that you can see with your eyes if you open them(under the assumption of normal eyesight capabilities))
Now, is it okay for a community to be shut away from the main, unable to acknowledge themselves and be put into disadvantageous positions? ask the Japanese Americans interned during WWII, ask any group of slaves(throughout the world) ask Women in general (their lot has improved, still long way to go even in most open societies, but not too long ago Women in general were heavily discriminated against). Ask Muslims in parts of the world subject to discrimination. Ask Christians in parts of the world subject to discrimination, ask those who survived the Ghettos and Holocaust, ask those who survived any cultural conquest (the americas are one example, why do the americas speak Spanish/English/Portuguese, ask the native tribes (how few remain, and how many of them are shadows of what they used to be in cultural and sociological terms) how it feels to be discriminated against).
Ask the Americans why their fore-bearers left Europe, ask the Japanese under American occupation, ask the Chinese under Japanese occupation, The list will go on forever as every group and one time of another has been the victim of discrimination, that is one very important reason why nations have armies, and I am sure just about every person will agree that an army is something that is widely viewed as essential for a countries' survival and well-being.
So, I propose for the education of humanity, instead of getting into nitty gritty details about every little thing in specific (else nothing is ever advanced), lets just agree that discrimination in any manner shape or form is unacceptable and move from there.
If they want to be gay, fine. They still have the same rights as everybody else. But stop trying to shove this stuff down my kids throats with parades, appearing on TV, media.
The Munya Times
Spot on like many other posters. But why just kids???? Don't we adults deserve the same respect from the gay community to leave us alone?????
There is no moderator ever born who would be capable of keeping discussion on JT on-topic. This thread is not about if it is good or natural or acceptable to be homosexual, it is about whether it is good and acceptable that gays going out ostentatiously parading in public by showing off their homosexuality,. And now, the homosexual posters or those who claim they are homosexual, are coming and exploring this thread to tell us that homosexuality is good, natural etc. disregarding the fact that ,I and many other posters clearly expressed we don't care, we don't wanna hear. Not just the street, they use all public opportunities to propagate themselves. They are getting dominant and too loud and became an embarrassment.
Who cares about your sexual life? Keep for for yourself.
Gay parade is a public nuisance, tasteless, embarrassing and unpleasant, yet goes on under police protection in all countries and in Japan too, for gay societies became strong and dominant enough to get the approval of the law enforcement. It is not about gay rights anymore, that should be fought for in the legislation, this is about dominance. and they try to make us feel shame if we tare say we don't like it. They are growing agressive.
As I said in the high school we had many gay fellows in the class in the our company, one of my best friend was a gay, he was a charming guy, I had my girlfriend he had his boyfriend no problem. But they were different, they were normal people like others, didn't want to force their private matters, sexual orientation, sexual life down our throats. We liked them, we accepted them but since they are parading and propagating themselves and their unhealthy and queer drive so shamelessly and disregarding I had enough of these people, I won't accept any gay in my companionship any more and will do my best to awake others about what a disagreeable thing is going on here.
yay! go sexy japan~__<
Everyone knows gay people exist. There is no real point to it other than trying to get people to think being LGBT is not any different from being Heterosexual. But of course it is different and will always be considered to be so. Should their be parades for bisexuals so they can increase their visibility too?
If people what to share their sex lives with their friends and family, then that's their business. But please spare the public from having to endure such displays of people's private sexual choices.
Cary Layton
I don't care what kind of a parade it is. If they throw out candy, I'm there!
I saw this parade and it was very lively and festive, a refreshing change, and the cops in charge of the whole thing looked quite non-plussed. Also, some of my best friends here are non-J gay and lesbians and they are a heck of a lot nicer than your average gaijin pirate one must so often endure here.
I have gay colleagues and friends and we get along just fine. I don't need to know every detail of their sex lives and we can carry on socially without talking incessantly about the promotion of sexual awareness and politicising every detail of the news, etc. Lately I find the majority of those trying to "cram it down your throat" on internet forums and the like are actually heterosexuals with "straight guilt" trying to act a bit holier-than-thou by their self-proclaimed acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle.
How nice of you to drop into this conversation about tolerance by singling out a group/practice not relevant to the topic to declare your intolerance for.
The problem here is that I'm entitled to not like either of these things and that dislike would not necessarily make me a bigot, just a prude perhaps. However, if I say I don't care to watch the Pride Parade, that automatically makes me a bigot. I don't approve of messy public displays of affection between straight folk in public, but if I were to state that I feel the same way about a same-sex couple engaging in the same behavior, automatically I'd be branded as intolerant.
This in itself becomes a problem where it's no longer about equal treatment if anything less than positive reception of all things homosexual is criticized as prejudice.
The Munya Times
WolfpackMay. 04, 2012 - 08:13AM JST
It is worse. They are not parading for gay rights, they already have everything, they propagate homosexuality itself and it is power demonstration.
They also try to prove to themselves that they are healthy and normal people and refer to nature and to the world of animals where homosexuality often occurs. But in the world of animals homosexuality is extremely rare and most of the homosexual and lesbian behavior, mostly occurs among the socializing species like dogs, dolphins etc, is simply the display of dominance and not real homosexuality. Similarly in our human world gays started using their homosexuality for displaying and gaining dominance.
Since human history started power and interest groups and organizations use different tools and theories to gain power, influence, and control. Religion, philosophy, theories etc. see the Freemasons, the religious sects, scientist church etc. etc. All of them use different tools.
This newcomer interest and power group basic fundamental and moral and intellectual foundational base and cohesive force is homosexuality.
The homosexual groups are becoming stronger and more influential in politics and business. I know countries where whole party members are all homosexual, they run on elections. They don't call them homosexual party openly in public, though.
This is a game for power and control. Many of their followers and members are not homosexual, they only join for their career and like homosexuals back in the history enjoyed men secretly, now these so called career homosexuals steal time and opportunity to enjoy women in secret. Meanwhile many of the poor, unfortunate, aggressive, arrogant, zealous, brainwashed real homosexuals in the rapidly growing gay society are simply used by the big boys in the game.
2012 and some are still dissing people's sexual preferences... Reboot, reboot!!
The Munya Times
You do not need my reply, you are not talking to me in your post, you are fuming and soliloquizing, you are asking questions from me and answer your own questions immediately. :-DD
Readers, please do not bicker.
Delfino Castro Monroy
To many Okama people. Same as other countries.
Munya, you have a point, but you make way too much of it. You turn it into a global conspiracy. Its not. The list of oppressed groups who rose to power and prominence is as long as my arm. Its because they are forced to create a culture of survival and caution which gives them better understanding of their place in the world and how to use it. If gays come to have more presence than others in politics as they have had in the arts and literature, well you can just thank all those people who oppressed gays for centuries.
And for all the protestations of this being the 21st century, people have not changed. There are groups being oppressed right now that will walk the same path in the future. Its just that people don't see their actions as oppression, just as those who oppressed gays in the past thought they were doing justice.
The Munya Times
valued_customerMay. 05, 2012 - 09:46AM JST
You have also made a very important point, and although I don't agree with every point of your post, I value it.
Also, as I wrote in my previous posts I specifically don't mind gays fighting for their rights but not by parading down the streets the way they do and being dressed like that . It rather divides the straights and I think is not a good way. They should fight for what they want by generally focusing on human rights as, equal treatment, minority problems etc. instead of highlighting homosexuality and parading with . As I wrote in my previous post it is not about sexuality it is about human rights and rights of minorities . So in most cases you have repeated what I said.
First the above issue should be solved in general and only the after then the question of homosexuality to be inserted into its place in this issue and the solution should be should be mutually beneficial for both parties. Many of them gays' acts and behavior that they display under police protection during the parade would be penalized by the law enforcement as public nuisance if they did it individually in public places.
Children are not wards of the state-parents can teach their children bungy jumping is good or bad, it is the family choice. Your viewpoint is discrimintive to the family.
Mad money
I remember researchers "discovering" the gay gene a while back. Now whether you can pass gay is another story
The Munya Times
@zichiMay. 05, 2012 - 11:55AM JST
Securely staying on topic and and focusing on gay parades what the article is about, by replying to your post and politely thanking the obviously good solution you are offering to me and possibly to all other posters who expressed disapproval in this thread about gays parading in the street it all I can say, that as you can find the news on the net by searching for violence against gay parades, it is undeniable that gay parades caused social disturbances, clashes and widespread disapproval in many countries and even despite of law enforcement's effective and professional work achievements - as you have mentioned in your post - gay parades resulted in bad violence.
Certainly homosexual minorities' fight for their rights to have the world and their own societies accept their diversity as Sayaka Kato, a spokeswoman for the organization mentioned in the article they should display their high valuation and carefully consideration toward the given countries, as well as, their own societies moral, religious, cultural and family values and pay higher respect to the will of the majority.
Every time clashes or even disapprovals occur they should ask themselves the question whether it is worth, or is this the proper way to gain integration or gay parades would just unnecessary create more serious social disturbances?
I agree with Munya and many other posters that the Pride Parade is inappropriate and that sexuality, whether straight, homosexual, bisexual, etc. should be kept a private matter. At the same time, I agree with zichi that violence and intolerance definitely isn't the answer. I also agree with kanoe81 about over-sensitivities and bigot (homophobe) labelling. And I totally disagree with just about all the 'rational' of Thomas Anderson, who's 'arguments' embody everything I find obnoxious and irritating about THOSE particular kinds of LGBTs in demonstrations like the Pride Parade. Somebody please draw up a scorecard! I think I'll sit this one out and watch from here on...
The Munya Times
A little and kind help for you to clarify an important point in our posts, if you accept it . The sentence in question that you mentioned in your post of zichiMay. 05, 2012 - 08:23PM JST such as
Please kindly note, In my post the whole sentence was written as following:
In that sentence of mine and the - as you have mentioned in your post - refers to the the law enforcement's effective and professional work achievement what you have, yes, did mention in your post of zichiMay. 05, 2012 - 11:55AM JST when you wrote
Therefor I quoted you to confirm that the police works well to avoid people being killed. I certainly realize that you were considering the size of the crowd at the Luminaire in Kobe City and not the nature of that gathering, but although the gay parade brings only a few thousand gay activists, the crowd of bystanders can be big in size and as the nature of the demonstration is different, certainly police presence and professional work required to prevent accident or violence. I just draw a comparison and I am sorry if it sounded like you have worried about violence at the gay parade. You did not. I certainly didn't intend to put words in your mouth.
Thanks for mentioning this so I could clarify my point.
The Munya Times
Yes and I posted many interesting links about bad violence at gay parades that could have been and should have been avoided. Sad thing in a way as I myself disapprove all kind of violence.
My message was removed as off-topic together wit at least two of your messages and probably together with this present message of mine unless you quick enough to read it.
Try your internet search engine, type "gay parade attack" will give you hundreds of clashes violence. They carry very important information that underlines my worries about the gay parades.
The Munya Times
Your question escaped me. Blaming? Well, I don't know, not indeed but, huh how could I? Well, things don't always fit in and well, I think they were not victimized for being gays but for what they did or they way the behaved or expressed themselves, I don't wanna bring my judgement on them specifically as not only gays are subject to possible violence but self-esteem or not, human dignity or not, pride or not, in some cases it is better to change course and retreat if it could prevent them being victimized.
Wow, so many comments on this topic.
Being proud of what you "are" is destructive and meaningless. The feeling of pride is appropriately reserved for the noble deeds of your family members. What is important is to not-be-ashamed of being gay; however, I can see that a parade cannot be called "Not Ashamed to be Gay Parade".
Gay 'pride' is being promoted by Obama and Hillary Clinton U.S. Embassies on global level. Countries which do not approve of gay marriage, etc, can be deprived of U.S. Aid as a result. I read that the UK is using similar tactic. My research shows that this is tied more to global socialism, eventually a global tax, more than 'human rights.' As usually, these 'movements' are motivated by politics, money and power. Don't be deceived. Google 'Hillary Clinton lgbt us embassy.' It's a sort of global occupy movement. Often, the gay parades are followed by social unrest and violence (see Ukraine and Pakistan). Countries in Africa are being pressured on this issue, even in the midst of millions of people dying from HIV/AIDS and so many children orphaned as a result. Politics, money, and power. These global socialists slander the TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already), but the Freedom movement is growing. People of the world are standing up and fighting the corrupt propagandists who've taken over the media, academia, and global governments because we see the money being funneled right back into their corrupt bureaucracies. Also, these demonstrations have a counter-productive result; often, because the community is horrified at the prospect that they could have men in thong underwear, high heals, and risqué outfits parading in their streets like in the U.S. and Western Europe, this emboldens the true extremists and subsequently, then are able to be lifted into power.