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4 facilities give reproductive assistance to LGTB couples: survey


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They shouldn't be entitled to any assistance, the best way to raise a child is to have both the mother and father in their developing years.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

They shouldn't be entitled to any assistance, the best way to raise a child is to have both the mother and father in their developing years.

All couples trying for a child should be entitled to assistance if it's not biologically possible. If there isn't a surrogate/donor etc.

the best way to raise a child is to have both the mother and father in their developing years.

The best way is to have loving parents, regardless of gender or orientation.

Hatred is not something one is born with, it is learnt. Less likely to take hate on board if one is surrounded by love.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Andrew Crisp - They shouldn't be entitled to any assistance, the best way to raise a child is to have both the mother and father in their developing years.

Bwahahahaha! What a completely idiotic statement! What about the thousands of kids who are cut off from their fathers in a divorce? Is that different? It's the same thing! The best parent is both parents, regardless of gender or sexuality!

2 ( +11 / -9 )

All that matters is that a child has a parent or parents that love them and care for them.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

@Andrew Crisp

....the best way to raise a child is to have both the mother and father in their developing years.

Agreed. Well said.

While children not raised in this ideal situation should be given the same govt support as those who are, the Japanese government ought to emphasize that is the preferred situation for children.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The provided assisted reproductive treatment for lesbian and transgender couples only? Why not for gay couples! That's just discrimination!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

In Japan, at least one in 11 people identify as LGBT, according to a survey conducted last year by major advertising agency Dentsu Inc. 

This cannot possibly be true. This would make Japan far and away the most LGBTQ nation on the planet.

It does not serve the interests of the LGBTQ community well for media to constantly quote DENTSU's dubios survey result.

The public may sense dishonesty and which might result in less sympathy to thier cause.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


All that matters is that a child has a parent or parents that love them and care for them.

I mostly agree with this. I would rather a child be raised by loving LGBTQ parents than unloving or dysfunctional straight parents, for as Luddite touched on, love is the kid's foremost need.

Nevertheless, there are good, better and best scenarios. A loving single parent is wonderful. But having both loving natural parents is better.

Loving natural parents, biologically male and female, offering children role models and strengths of both sexes should be the gold standard preferred option for child raising. The Japanese government ought to emphasize this, while at the same time supporting all families regardless of their makeup.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

This cannot possibly be true

You do have a habit of dismissing any data or evidence which doesn’t fit your worldview with claims of political, ideological bias etc. I imagine this to be very effective for yourself but not very persuasive to more open minds.

What do you imagine Dentsu is up to here?

5 ( +6 / -1 )


So, do you believe that Japan is far and away the most LGBTQ nation on the planet?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I always wonder why adoption isn’t pushed harder as the first choice. Plenty of kids out there who need loving homes, and let’s face it: your DNA isn’t special or important.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So, do you believe that Japan is far and away the most LGBTQ nation on the planet?

Where are you getting your data on the percentages of LGBTQ people in different countries around the world to make that statement? I imagine you’ll gravitate towards those which show lower numbers.

Do you have data which refutes the Dentsu poll?

I’m open-minded I’m this topic. I’m not bringing baggage to play up or, as I imagine in your case, play down the numbers. I don’t care if it’s 1 or 11.

Do you think Dentsu are in the same camp as those scientists you dismiss as politically or ideologically motivated?

I do get the feeling you aren’t approaching this with an open mind.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Umm, congrats?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The Japanese government ought to emphasize this

I’d most like for the government to stay out of all people’s reproductive activities, and let things be what they may. If people want to pay money to do stuff with their bodies I don’t think anyone’s taxes need to go towards that.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So, do you believe that Japan is far and away the most LGBTQ nation on the planet?

For what it's worth, I think it's plausible, esp 'Q'. Imo a substantial number of J havent come to terms with their sexuality and do 'question' it (asexual, gay/lesb/bi curious etc). Plenty of agender/genderfluid ppl I would say.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


Where are you getting your data on the percentages of LGBTQ people in different countries around the world to make that statement?

The many studies of western nations that I have seen generally estimate around 2-5%.

United States 4.5%


Australia 3.4%


Liberal societies like the US and OZ at less than 5% and conservative, repressed Japan at 9%? I don't think so.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@Concerned citizen

Did you choose the polls with the lower numbers? I just did a quick Google and saw one poll that concluded the LGBT population of the UK is 10%. Overall, I’d say the UK is more liberal on this issue than the US. I’m not sure if the data is true but I’m open-minded on it.

Oh, you don’t have data to refute Dentsu’s claim. I get the feeling you just don’t like it.

I’ll try again.

So, what do you think Dentsu is up to here?

Are they in the same camp as the scientists you dismiss as politically or ideologically biased?

5 ( +6 / -1 )


I just did a quick Google and saw one poll that concluded the LGBT population of the UK is 10%.

Got a link?

It's an outlier, or their definition of LGBTQ is very broad ie including anyone who's ever had a LGB sexual experimentation as a teen etc. Definitely not 10% of British living as LGBTQ. No way.

The preponderance of surveys in the Western World show 2-5%

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


Here is LGBTQ demographic info re several advanced nations. Most reporting 1-5%.

DENTSU's is included. It's definition of LGBTQ must be very broad. I cannot believe that Japan wins the 2 mile LGBTQ race by a mile.


Honest statistics would foster trust and fair discussion.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

There is no way that 1 in 11 are some variation of homosexual, bisexual, or sexuality/sex perplexed. If you believe in the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest this would be virtually impossible.

If you look beyond the advocacy groups that benefit from exaggerating their social and political influence based purely on numbers, three percent homosexual is the most commonly found number. The sexually perplexed is a different matter as has been found in the West. Troubled children have been socially incentivized to claim the transgender label to gain attention and the social benefits that victimhood status provides. This is an inflated number not based on actual examination by a medical professional.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

There is no way that 1 in 11 are some variation of homosexual, bisexual, or sexuality/sex perplexed. If you believe in the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest this would be virtually impossible.

Actually I do understand both the theory of evolution and what "survival of the fittest" means, and do not believe that this is in any way inconsistent with having LBGT up to 10% (if indeed it is that high). In my experience people who throw in arguments about evolution when discussing alternative sexuality do not really understand the theory very well.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

This cannot possibly be true. This would make Japan far and away the most LGBTQ nation on the planet.

I would expect Japan to be roughly the same level of LBGTQ as the rest of the world. And countries with the highest percentage of openly gay/bi are probably closer to the truth, given that many countries are openly hostile.

What does surprise me slightly is that such a high percentage of people in Japan would be open about having such feelings. However, a number of surveys seem to be quite broad in what they include within the definition.

Anyway, here is a survey in Europe - over 14% of the under 30s now fit into the LBGT category.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

There is no way that 1 in 11 are some variation of homosexual, bisexual, or sexuality/sex perplexed. If you believe in the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest this would be virtually impossible.

Really? Please explain. You said that as if your conclusion is self evident based on a belief in the theory of evolution, but it's not, so you'll have to connect the dots for those of us that aren't seeing them as clearly as you.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In Japan, at least one in 11 people identify as LGBT, according to a survey conducted last year by major advertising agency Dentsu Inc.

Meaning that there are at least 10,000,000 LGBT in Japan, divided equally among the 47 prefectures, (I know it's not, but for discussions sake) that is a HUGE block of voters that COULD easily get changes to the laws made in their own prefectures, paving the way for the national government to recognize gay marriage at the least!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Ah_so: Actually I do understand both the theory of evolution and what "survival of the fittest" means.

I would recommend Wikipedia.

@Strangerland: Really? Please explain. You said that as if your conclusion is self evident based on a belief in the theory of evolution, but it's not, so you'll have to connect the dots for those of us that aren't seeing them as clearly as you.

Really! Ever hear of Charles Darwin? How does homosexuality and the concept of transgender sexuality ensure the survival of the species? How does it ensure natural selection? It doesn’t. The theory of evolution and natural selection is not possible without reproduction. Facilities that promote reproduction for those of alternative sexualities require unnatural selection. It’s possible but not compliant with Darwinian science. I believe in the hard sciences over social sciences that can be - and often are - manipulated for political purposes.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Really! Ever hear of Charles Darwin? How does homosexuality and the concept of transgender sexuality ensure the survival of the species?

What? You don't seem to understand the theory of evolution. There are all sorts of traits, and some win out. That doesn't mean new traits are not introduced, nor that there are traits that exist that don't contribute to the survival of the species.

You are claiming that the theory of evolution removes the possibility that 11% of the population being not 100% heterosexual would be impossible due to natural selection. The lack of non-heterosexuality ensuring survival does not remove the possibility of it existing at the rates it does. Or if it does, you certainly have not shown how. Instead you tried to ask a bunch of questions. Your lack of ability to actually map the parts of the theory of evolution that would remove the possibility that 11% of the population could have same-sex interests to varying degrees, and instead pose a bunch of questions, is telling.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

How does homosexuality and the concept of transgender sexuality ensure the survival of the species?

@Wolfpack The simple answer is balance. There are lots of things helping to prevent us from breeding ourselves toward over-population which can lead to mass death in various ways. Most people's ideas of sexuality only offer a brake on over-breeding through ideas of conformity and suppression of sexuality, but those are not quite enough, nor are they a naturally occurring product. Homosexual activity, even among people who are generally homosexual, offers a natural brake to over-breeding as do lots of other naturally occurring sexual desires that don't result in procreation.

As for the percentage of LGBTQ in the world, its hard to say really. But if you simply think that humans are actually natural pan-sexuals who are being forcefully squeezed into a heterosexual mold (among other things against their nature), it might make more sense. While most people will conform, others are not going to, or will conform "wrong" in about a hundred different ways. And due to suppression there will be deep self-denial that one has conformed wrong....which gives you people who do not believe they are gay, lesbian, bi or whatever deep within themselves even though they have strong desires in that direction....unrequited desires that mess them up pretty badly. But they won't be identifying as LGBTQ on any survey. And neither will those who know what they are but feel the need to hide it from an intolerant society.

We are never going to sort any of this out until we have a far more tolerant society. No problem is going to actually get fixed. And that ladies and gentlemen is why I despise the intolerant. They are evil creating evil and pain, and most of them probably don't even realize it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


In Japan, at least one in 11 people identify as LGBT, according to a survey conducted last year by major advertising agency Dentsu Inc.

Meaning that there are at least 10,000,000 LGBT in Japan, divided equally among the 47 prefectures, (I know it's not, but for discussions sake) that is a HUGE block of voters that COULD easily get changes to the laws made in their own prefectures, paving the way for the national government to recognize gay marriage at the least!

Further proof that these figures are wildly inflated. If 10 million Japanese were truly LGBTQ then we'd see huge pressure on the govt to legalize gay marriage via massive demonstrations, voting pressure and more.

I believe either DENTSU's definition of identifying as LGBTQ was extremely broad or their survey methodology allowed overly representative responses by the LGBTQ community.

Sincere and open discussion on this topic must start from honest statistics and understanding of their situation.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If 10 million Japanese were truly LGBTQ then we'd see huge pressure on the govt to legalize gay marriage via massive demonstrations, voting pressure and more.

It took a lot of time just for Pride Parades to form in other countries. Its just not a simple thing. There is no foundation for such mass gatherings here with so many so deep in the closet.

Further, even married heteros hardly protest for their own mainstream practices. Laws against oral sex might not be enforced, but they are still there and they used to be enforced. Never heard of a mass demonstration for promotion of such a basic and common practice ever. You cannot expect people to just get on the street declaring their sexual kicks. They have their reputations to think of.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Sincere and open discussion on this topic must start from honest statistics and understanding of their situation.

I agree! Yet remember this is Japan, where everyone on TV can be "gay" or LGBT but just dont anyone in the family proclaim it!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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